
(The TQCC of Physics-Uspekhi is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Functional networks of the brain: from connectivity restoration to dynamic integration47
Bound states in the continuum in photonic structures40
Anomalous Josephson effect32
High-temperature superconductivity in hydrides29
Objectives of the Millimetron Space Observatory science program and technical capabilities of its realization28
Giant dipole resonance of atomic nuclei. Prediction, discovery, and research26
Microflares and nanoflares in the solar corona24
In search of lost time: attosecond physics, petahertz optoelectronics, and quantum speed limit23
State control in superconducting quantum processors23
Broadband integrated optical modulators: achievements and prospects21
Constraints on models of the origin of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos21
Maximum entropy production principle: history and current status21
Large quantum networks20
Topological superconductivity and Majorana states in low-dimensional systems20
Undulator and free-electron laser radiation with field harmonics and off-axis effects taken into account analytically19
Photothermal and optoacoustic spectroscopy: state of the art and prospects19
Security of the decoy state method for quantum key distribution19
Formation and properties of metallic atomic chains and wires19
State of the art in dissociative electron attachment spectroscopy and its prospects18
Gas-dynamic sources of cluster ions for basic and applied research18
Laser solitons: topological and quantum phenomena18
Theory of optically detected spin noise in nanosystems18
Gurevich–Pitaevskii problem and its development17
Frequency-modulated ultra-low-frequency waves in near-Earth space16
Resonant scattering of electromagnetic waves by small metal particles: a new insight into the old problem16
Outer scale of turbulence and its influence on fluctuations of optical waves16
Pedagogical introduction to the Sachdev–Ye–Kitaev model and two-dimensional dilaton gravity15
Unipolar pulse of an electromagnetic field with uniform motion of a charge in a vacuum15
Attosecond electromagnetic pulses: generation, measurement, and application. Attosecond metrology and spectroscopy14
Nonequilibrium phase transformations in alloys under severe plastic deformation14
Nuclear photonics: results and prospects14
Baroclinic instability in geophysical fluid dynamics13
Wave packet in the phase problem in optics and ptychography13
Collective states of excitons in semiconductors13
Gas envelopes of exoplanets — hot Jupiters12
Control of the emission of elementary quantum systems using metamaterials and nanometaparticles12
Neutrino masses and interactions and neutrino experiments in the laboratory12
Modeling of transient luminous events in Earth’s middle atmosphere with apokamp discharge12
Methods of quantum logic in ion frequency standards, quantum computers, and modern spectroscopy12
Planckian relaxation delusion in metals12
Soft X-ray spectrometers based on aperiodic reflection gratings and their application12
Superconducting spintronics: state of the art and prospects12
Does the embedded atom model have predictive power?11
X-ray and gamma-ray emission from solar flares11
Rogue waves in the sea: observations, physics, and mathematics11
Migration processes in the Solar System and their role in the evolution of the Earth and planets10
Modern physical methods and technologies in agriculture10
Wigner’s friend paradox: does objective reality not exist?10
Francisites as new geometrically frustrated quasi-two-dimensional magnets10
Nanocrystal formation in homogeneous and heterogeneous amorphous phases10
Localized excitons and trions in semiconductor nanosystems10
Electrohydrodynamic emitters of ion beams9
Relativistic runaway electron avalanche9
Heat and mass transfer at condensate–vapor interfaces9
Search for light dark matter in the NA64 experiment8
Plasma phase transition8
Laboratory modeling of jets from young stars using plasma focus facilities8
Measurements of the magnetic properties of conduction electrons8
Phase singularities and optical vortices in photonics8
Investigation of atomically thin films: state of the art8
General relativity effects in precision spin experimental tests of fundamental symmetries8
Wavelets for the space-time structure analysis of physical fields8
Straintronics of 2D inorganic materials for electronic and optical applications8
Metalenses for subwavelength imaging8
Uncertainty relation for modulated broadband laser pulses8
Neutron scattering in studies of Fe-based functional alloys (Fe–Ga, Fe–Al)8
Spin-polaron concept in the theory of normal and superconducting states of cuprates7
Search for weakly interacting massive dark matter particles: state of the art and prospects7
Protective coatings with nanoscale multilayer architecture: current state and main trends7
Extraction of quantum randomness7
NICA Booster: a new-generation superconducting synchrotron7
Radioisotope research and development at the Linear Accelerator of the Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS6
Super-factory of bottomed hadrons Belle II6
Proton charge radius6
Experiments at the Super Charm-Tau factory6
Gerstner waves and their generalizations in hydrodynamics and geophysics6
Universal structural properties of three-dimensional and two-dimensional melts6
Optical nanoresonators6
Pseudogap problem in high-temperature superconductors6
QEXAFS method implementation using adaptive X-ray optical elements6
Why does statistical mechanics ‘work’ in condensed matter?6
Towards molecular laser separation of uranium isotopes6
Three-dimensional fluorescence nanoscopy of single quantum emitters based on the optics of spiral light beams5
Neutrino oscillations: status and prospects for the determination of neutrino mass ordering and the leptonic <i>CP</i>-violation phase5
Theoretical and computational approaches to predicting the viscosity of liquids5
Approaches to determining curvature of wafers by their topography5
Microscopic approach to the description of spin torques in two-dimensional Rashba ferromagnets and antiferromagnets5
Photon correlations and features of nonclassical optical fields in a squeezed vacuum state5
Modern view of the solar wind from micro to macro scales5
Andrei Sakharov’s research work and modern physics5
On the question of measurement in quantum mechanics5
Nikolai Gennadievich Basov (an insight into the life story of an outstanding physicist)5
Spectroscopy of small gas components of a nonequilibrium low-temperature plasma5
Novel magnetic stoichiometric superconductor compound EuRbFe<sub>4</sub>As<sub>4</sub>5
50 years Institute for Nuclear Research: exploring the high-energy universe5
Ultraperipheral nuclear interactions4
Scattering theory of strongly refracting microwaves in turbulent inhomogeneous plasma. Applications of the theory to the description of fluctuation reflectometry in thermonuclear fusion devices4
Quantum entanglement, teleportation, and randomness: Nobel Prize in Physics 20224
Electromagnetic levitation method as a containerless experimental technique4
Supercritical fluid of metal vapor plasmas, rare gases, and excitons4
Multiparton distribution functions in quantum chromodynamics4
Finite value of the bare charge and the relation of the fine structure constant ratio for physical and bare charges to zero-point oscillations of the electromagnetic field in a vacuum4
Limits of Eliashberg theory and bounds for superconducting transition temperature4
Superconducting quantum fluctuations in one dimension4
Optical phonons with a negative oscillator strength4
N G Basov's role in the development of excimer lasers: a half-century history from the launch of the first Xe<sub>2</sub> laser at the Lebedev Physical Institute to modern laser systems4
N G Basov's legacy: from the first masers to optical frequency standards4
Collective contributions to self-diffusion in liquids4
Discovery of the relativistic Schrödinger equation4
What led to retraction of the article on room-temperature superconductivity in the journal <i>Nature</i>: a series of oversights or falsification?3
Research in plasma physics and particle acceleration using the PEARL petawatt laser3
Tilted fiber Bragg gratings and their sensing applications3
Dynamics and radiation of charged particles in ultra-intense laser fields3
Subject of study—the aging brain3
Explosive emission processes in thermonuclear facilities with magnetic plasma confinement and in linear electron—positron colliders3
Light diffraction in a plane-parallel layered structure with the parameters of a Pendry lens3
Magnetorotational instability in Keplerian disks: a nonlocal approach3
The SMEFT formalism: the basis for finding deviations from the Standard Model3
Networks of spike oscillators and their application for creating autonomous intelligent devices3
Post-compression of a second harmonic pulse: a way to increase the peak power and temporal contrast of ultrahigh-power laser pulses3
Oscillating modes of concentration convection3
Particle acceleration in space: a universal mechanism?3
Nonlinear dynamics and machine learning of recurrent spiking neural networks3
A novel view of the nature of formation of metallic glasses, their structural relaxation, and crystallization3
Spectroscopy of electron–phonon interaction of superconducting point contacts: experimental aspects3
Compressible vortex structures and their role in the onset of hydrodynamic turbulence3