Plasma Physics Reports

(The TQCC of Plasma Physics Reports is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Time-of-Flight Atomic Analyzer with 2D Electrostatic Focusing47
Uniform Action of Plasma of a Nanosecond Pulsed High-Voltage Discharge on the Surface of a Flat Anode40
Differential Expansion of the Elastic Collision Integral of Electrons with Neutral Particles23
Dust Ionization and Dust Acoustic Waves in the DC Low-Pressure Gas Discharge under Microgravity Conditions18
Numerical Simulation of the Interaction of High-Velocity Plasma Jets Injected in the Earth’s Ionosphere16
Formation of Starting Plasma Flow in an Open Trap Using Arc Plasma Gun15
Electric Field on the Surface of a Metal Electrode Covered by a Dielectric Film in Plasma14
Structure of Neutron Emission Pulses in Plasma Focus Chambers with Deuterium–Tritium Filling13
Transport of a Low-Energy Ion Beam with Ballistic Focusing13
Radiative Surface Waves in Layered Plasma–Dielectric Structures and Prospects of Their Application in Plasma Microwave Electronics11
Decrease of Grounding Resistance Resulting from the Development of Plasma Channels Along the Ground Surface10
Suppression of Heavy Ion Generation in a Vacuum Diode with a Passive Anode9
Generalization of Modified SXB Method for Hydrogen to the Case of Isotope Mixture9
On Stationary Flow of Dense Plasma under Localized Energy Deposition9
Operation of Plasma Focus Chamber as a Part of a Subkilojoule Pulsed Neutron Generator8
On the Issue of Large-Scale Helical Perturbations of Plasma Filament Caused by Small-Scale Instability8
Control of the Process of Plasma Cleaning of Input Mirrors of Optical Diagnostics of ITER in Glow Discharge Controlled by Direct and Mid-Frequency Pulsed Direct Current8
Plasma Distribution in a Column of a Low-Pressure Microwave Discharge Sustained by a Standing Surface Wave8
On the Possibility of Anomalous Scattering of an Extraordinary Microwave by Oscillations of an Intermediate Frequency Range Localized in the Edge Transport Barrier of a Fusion Installation8
Investigation of the Plasma Current Sheath Dynamics in the Run Down Phase of the Hemispherical Plasma Focus Devices Using Two-Dimensional Time Dependent Modeling8
Parameters of a Longitudinal DC Discharge in a Supersonic Air Flow7
Simulations of TRT Vacuum Vessel Effect on the Magnetic Diagnostics System Sensor Signals7
System of Electron Cyclotron Heating at the TRT Tokamak7
Re-Breakdown Process at Longitudinal–Transverse Discharge in a Supersonic Airflow7
Dependence of Soft X-Ray Yield on Plasma Focus Parameters and Its Kinetic and Magnetic Pressures7
Divertor Thomson Scattering on Globus-M27
Interaction of Inward and Outward Cylindrical and Spherical Solitary Rings in Quantum Electron Ion Dust Plasmas7
Methods of Laser Shadow Photography with Recording by Streak Camera to Study Plasma Dynamics in the Diode of a Relativistic Electron Beam Generator7
Spectral Recognition Based on LGBM in an Ethylene Discharge Plasma under Different Gas Pressures7
Boundary Problem for Plane Nonlinear Solitary Waves in Plasma in the Hall Magnetohydrodynamics Approximation7
Investigation of Gas-Droplet Flow in Presence of Electrical Discharge6
Gyrokinetic Calculations of Heat Fluxes in the T-10 Tokamak Ohmic Discharge6
Plasma Production on Current-Carrying Electrodes of the Angara-5-1 Facility6
On the Characteristics of Electron Diffusion and Drift in Inert Gases6
Data Acquisition System for Obtaining Optical and X-Ray Spectra and Images of Radiation Generated in Optical Breakdown Plasma Channels in Bessel Beams6
Selection of Dust Particles in Radio Frequency Inductive Discharge6
The Spectrometric Monitor of the TRT-Tokamak Total Neutron Yield6
Atomic Oxygen Generation by Longitudinal–Transverse Discharge6
Effect of Movable Anode on Plasma Parameters in Multi-Dipole Discharge6
Probe Device for Comprehensive Study of Plasma Interaction with Divertor for TRT Tokamak6
Turbulent Relaxation and Anomalous Plasma Transport6
On the Issue of Effect of Magnetic Field on Characteristics of Dust Structures in Glow Discharge5
Decay of Electron-Beam-Generated Argon Plasma upon Outflow into Unexcited Gas5
Increase in Power of Radiation and Specific Concentration of Energy of Plasma of the High-Current Z-Pinches due to Compression of the Cascade Wire Arrays Interacting via Magnetic Field5
Effect of Multi-Frequency Excitation on Dust Particle Charging in Weakly Collisional Radio-Frequency Capacitive Discharge5
An Increase in Plasma Energy Lifetime in the Profiled-Pulse Regime in the L-2M Stellarator5
Dependence of Sputtering Coefficient on Energy and Incidence Angle of Bombarding Particles. Energy Spectrum and Average Energy of Sputtered Particles by the Example of a Tungsten Target5
Dependence on Laser Pulse Duration of the Maximum Energy of Protons Accelerated by Intense “Slow Light”5
Manifestations of Anomalous Dissipation in Dusty Plasma Systems5
Multigroup Model for Treatment of Fast Electrons in Weakly Ionized Cold Plasma5
On Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamics of an Electron Beam in a Plasma Microwave Amplifier5
Resonance Interaction of High-Power Laser Radiation with Plasma in a Strong Magnetic Field (a Review)5
MHD Simulations of Turbulent Development of the Z-pinch Sausage Instability5
Scenario of the Plasma Current Ramp up in the TRT Tokamak5
On the Possibility of Excitation of Drift Instability in the Regions of Lunar Magnetic Anomalies5
Investigation of Kinetics of Fast Electrons and Parameters of Negative-Glow Plasma in a Low-Pressure Glow Discharge in Helium5
Comparison of Energy Transport in Plasma with ECR Heating on the L-2M Stellarator and T-10 Tokamak5
Calculating Electron Swarm Parameters in Neon in Strong Electric Fields5
Spontaneous and Induced Transient Processes in Plasma of the L-2M Stellarator in High-Power ECR Heating Regime5
Fast Beam Driven Neutron Yield in Thermonuclear Neutron Source Plasmas4
Measurement of the Plasma Density of the Current Sheet by the Broadening of the Spectral Lines of Atomic Helium He I 447.1 and 492.2 nm with Forbidden Components4
Powerful Source of Soft X-Ray Radiation Based on Z-Pinch of Nested Arrays for Experiments in High-Energy Density Physics4
Analytical Theory of Reflection of Hydrogen Isotopes of Thermonuclear Energies from Construction Materials4
Wave Processes in Plasma Astrophysics4
The Possibility of Tritium Self-Sufficiency in a Fusion Reactor4
On the Role of Magnetic Fields in the Plasma of Dusty Lunar Exosphere4
Method to Improve Initial Azimutal Uniformity of a Current Shell in Devices with a Plasma Focus4
Determination of Plasma Flow Velocity with Time Resolution Based on the Doppler Effect4
Digital Model of a Grazing-Incidence X-Ray Spectrograph and Techniques for Spectrum Reconstruction in the Range 2–40 nm4
Study of the Effect of the Anode on EEDF and the Spatial Profile of the Electron Density in a Discharge with a Hollow Cathode in Helium4
Numerical Study of Structural Parameters of Dust Particle Chains of Different Lengths4
Tokamak with Reactor Technologies (TRT): Preliminary Analysis of Nuclear Energy Release in Toroidal Field Coils4
Nonlinear Evolution of the Tearing Instability in a Thin Current Sheet4
Large-Scale Hydrodynamic Flows in Media with Variable Thermodynamic Characteristics4
The Length of Critical Streamers4
Collisionless Particle Dynamics in Diamagnetic Trap4
Recording of Superenergetic Electrons and Ions in the High-Current Pulsed Relativistic Electron Beam Generator4
Gas Heating under Conditions of Pulsating Transverse–Longitudinal Discharge in Subsonic and Supersonic Airflows3
Development of the Diagnostic System “Active Spectroscopy” (CXRS) for the TRT Facility3
Dusty Plasma under Conditions of Glow Discharge in Magnetic Field of up to 2.5 T3
Dynamics of the Expansion of Artificial Plasma Formations in Earth’s Ionosphere3
Planar Magnetron Sputtering System with Electron Injection and Reflecting Electrode3
X-Ray Filter with Variable Transmission for Experiments on the Action of a Multi-Terawatt Pulse of Soft X-Ray Radiation on Targets3
Nonlinear Susceptibility of Magnetoactive Plasma Describing Parametric Excitation of Two Longitudinal Oscillations During Ordinary Wave Decay3
Doppler Spectroscopy Measurements of Neutral Hydrogen–Deuterium Beam3
Plasma Stability in a Tokamak with Reactor Technologies Taking into Account the Pressure Pedestal3
Nonlinear Propagation of Electrostatic Waves in Alkali–Fullerene Plasmas3
Detecting the Fine Structure of Ionization Waves of Positive Streamers3
Narrow-Band Generation of Plasma Relativistic Microwave Generator3
Plasma-Facing Components of the TRT Tokamak3
Dynamics of Discharge Development in a Homogeneous DC Field Initiated by a Plasma Filament Created by a Femtosecond Laser Pulse3
Simulation of Low-Pressure Inductively Coupled Plasma with Displacement Potential and Gas Flow3
Study of the Mechanism of Filamentation of Nanosecond Surface Barrier Discharge. Part 1. Local Field Approximation3
Electrostatic Charging of Crater’s Surface over Sunlit Moon3
Acceleration of Electrons in a Combined Magnetic Trap in the Synchronous Mode3
Reversed Currents in Current Sheets and Braking of Plasma Flows3
Dust Acoustic Solitons in Saturn’s Dust-Filled Magnetosphere3
Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of Plasma Torch Used for Waste Treatment3
Electric Field in a Positive Streamer in Long Air Gaps3
Requirements for the Measurements of Plasma Characteristics at the Tokamak with Reactor Technologies (TRT)3
Self-interacting Stationary Formations in Plasmas under Externally Controlled Fields3
A Discussion on Electrostatics within Permanently Shadowed Craters on Moon3
Advantages of Cold Atmospheric Plasma Jet Generated by Positive Pulse Voltage in Anti-Cancer Therapy3
On the Discrete Spectrum of HF Fields in VASIMR Plasma3
Interaction of Relativistic Electrons with Packets of the Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves of Finite Length and Low Amplitude3
Advanced Quasistatic Approximation3
Investigation of Plasma Flow Velocity in the Helical Magnetic Open Trap SMOLA3
On Scaling of DD Fusion Power in a Nanosecond Vacuum Discharge3
Effect of Energy Anisotropy on Ordinary Mode in Relativistic Regime3
Multichannel Nature of Synthesis of Carbon Nanostructures in Low-Temperature Plasma3
Features of Radial Distributions of Poloidal Magnetic Field in Axial Jet Ejection in a Plasma Focus3
Distinctive Features of the Structure of Current Sheets Formed in Plasma in Three-Dimensional Magnetic Configurations with an X line (a Review)3
Distributions of Polydisperse Dust Grains in Noble Gas Mixtures3
Combined Thomson Scattering and Laser-Induced Fluorescence for Studying Divertor and X-point Plasmas in Tokamak with Reactor Technologies3
Study in the Extreme UV Range of the Spectral Transmission of Nickel Plasma Created under the Effect of an X-Ray Pulse of the Z-Pinch3
Prospects for the Use of Neutral Particle Diagnostics in the Tokamak with Reactor Technologies3
Study of Distribution of the Electric Field in a Plasma Chamber with Slot Input of Microwave Energy3
Effect of Electrode Polarity on the Development of the Breakdown in Conductive Water with Air Microbubbles3
Fluxes in DEMO-FNS Fuel Cycle Systems with Allowance for Injection of D and T Pellets3
About the Limitation for the Plasma Motion Velocity in Electrodynamic Accelerator3
Probe Investigation of Laser-Produced Plasma at Radiation Intensity on the Target at the Level of 109 W/cm23
Transformation of Condensed Matter into a Low-Temperature Plasma Flow for Problems of Plasma Mass Separation with a Potential Well3
Detection of Internal Transport Barrier in the T-10 Tokamak Using Thomson Scattering Diagnostics3
Absorption of Microwaves in Different Regimes of Electron Cyclotron Plasma Heating at the L-2M Stellarator2
Self-Action of a Gaussian Beam of Microwaves in the Subthreshold Field Generated by the Waves in Air2
The Concept of the MSE Diagnostic at the TRT Tokamak Facility2
Multi-Chord Beam Diagnostics of Plasma at the GOL-NB Device2
Conceptual Project for Diagnostics of Erosion of the First Wall and Divertor of the Tokamak with Reactor Technologies TRT2
Dependence of the Generation Rate of High-Energy Electrons in Helium on the Electron Angular Scattering Model2
Effect of Locked MHD Modes on the Efficiency of Plasma Heating by the Neutral Beam Injection Method at the Globus-M2 Spherical Tokamak2
Heat Load onto the Globus-M2 Tokamak Wall due to Fast Ion Loss during Development of Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes2
Heat Conduction of Linear Chain of Dust Particles2
Dust Acoustic Solitary Waves in a Magnetized Dusty Plasma with Low and High Temperatures for Both2
Effect of Fluctuations in Complex Plasmas on the Dynamics of Charged Dust Grains2
Optical Conductivity and Equilibrium Radiation in Collision Plasma2
Distinctive Features of Anomalous Plasma Radiation in Experiments on Electron Cyclotron Heating Using Extraordinary Wave at the Second Resonance Harmonic in a Wide Density Range2
Prospects for the Use of Gamma-Ray Spectrometric Diagnostics of Fast Particles at the TRT Tokamak2
Higher Order Corrections on the Plasma Wave Characteristics with Cairns–Gurevich Distribution2
Use of Plasma Flows to Clean the Near-Earth Space2
Effect of a Longitudinal Magnetic Field on the Emission Characteristics of a Forevacuum Plasma Electron Source Based on Hollow Cathode Discharge2
Profile of an Ion–Acoustic Solitary Wave in Plasma with Negative Ions2
2D–4D Simulations of Neutral Particles Penetration into Central Plasma Region in the L-2M Stellarator. Verification of Results Using ASTRA Code2
Recovery of the Two-Dimensional Ion Distribution Function in a Magnetic Mirror from Measurements of Collective Thomson Scattering Spectra2
Streamers Initiated by a Capacitive Discharge at Air Pressure 0.2–6 Torr2
Impact of Generalized Sheath Boundary Conditions on Dynamics of Plasma Filaments at the Tokamak Edge2
High-Power Neutral Beam Injector with Tunable Beam Energy for Plasma Heating and Stabilization2
Investigation of the Characteristics of a Pulsed UV Radiation Source Based on an Unlimited Short-Arc Discharge in Xenon2
Merger of Magnetic Islands and Calculation of the Fraction of High-Energy Particles in the Solar Wind2
Effects of a Monoenergetic Electron Beam on the Plasma Sheath in the Presence of Secondary Electron Emission2
Simulations of Evolution of Electron Temperature Profiles During Electron Cyclotron Heating of High-Temperature Plasma in Gas-Dynamic Magnetic Trap2
Influence of the Lunar Dielectric Permittivity on Charging by the Solar Wind Plasma of Dust Grains on the Surface of the Moon2
Pulsed Inductive RF Discharge as an Effective Working Process of an RF Ion Source2
Some Techniques for Diagnostics of the Cold Plasma Jet Generated on the Base of the Atmospheric-Pressure Microwave Discharge2
Direct Measurement of Potentials in the Reactive Ion–Plasma Etching System2
Current Sources of Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation: State and Prospects (A Review)2
Frequency Dependence of Ion Energy at the Outlet of a Capacitive RF Discharge Placed in an External Magnetic Field with a Predominant Radial Component2
An “Anomalous” Effect of Illumination on the Breakdown in a Long Discharge Tube in Xenon2
Refined Results of Measurements of the Lifetime of Unstable Ions $${\text{D}}_{2}^{ - }$$ and HD–2
On the Issue of the Possibility of Studying Anomalous Scattering of Microwave Beams of Ordinary Polarization in Plasma of Edge Transport Barrier in the T-15MD Tokamak2
Using Relativistic Self-Trapping Regime of a High-Intensity Laser Pulse for High-Energy Electron Radiotherapy2
Kinetic Model of Vacuum Plasma Expansion in a Cylindrical Gap2
A Study on the Improvement of Etch Uniformity in an Ion Beam Etcher with a Magnetized Inductively Coupled Plasma Source2
Use of Lithium Capillary Structures in Ohmic Discharges of T-10 Tokamak2
A Theory of Large-Scale Flows of Rotating Partially Ionized Space and Astrophysical Plasma in the Approximation of Hall Magnetohydrodynamics2
Effect of Ultrasound on the Development of a Pulsed Electric Discharge in Conducting Water2
Two-Dimensional Simulation of a Plasma Electron Emitter by PIC-Code2
Parameters of Surface Microwave Discharge Initiated by the Passage of a Gyrotron Microwave Pulse through a Quartz Plate with Embedded Metal Particles2
Multimode Regime of Generation of Microwave Discharge Plasma in an Open Magnetic Trap2
Physical Methods of Disinfection (A Review)2
Numerical Simulations of the First Stage of Dynamics of a High-Speed Plasma Jet in Fluxus and North Star Active Geophysical Rocket Experiments2
Options for Implementation of IR Thermography Diagnostics in a Tokamak with Reactor Technologies TRT2
Increasing the Specific Energy Concentration of High-Current Z-Pinch Plasma by Using Transient Compression Modes2
Investigation of X-Ray Self-Emission of Plasma of Targets Heated by High-Power Pulses of Soft X-Ray Radiation2
Integral Plasma Current and Determination of Current Sheet Parameters2
Enhancement of Energetic-Electron Population During Magnetic Reconnection Associated with Strong Tearing Mode in Non-Disruptive HL-2A Plasmas2
On the Coefficient of Nonlinear Coupling of Two Electromagnetic Waves with Ordinary Polarization and a Longitudinal Upper Hybrid Wave in a High-Temperature Plasma2
Current Status of Development and Application of Main Types of Electric Propulsion2
Effect of Plasma Toroidal Rotation on Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmode Spectrum in Globus-M2 Spherical Tokamak2
Studies on Ion-Acoustic Solitary Waves in Plasmas with Positrons and Two-Temperature Superthermal Electrons through Damped Zakharsov–Kuznetsov–Burgers Equation2
Observation of Small-Scale Magnetic and Current Structures During Prolonged Dipolarizations in the Near Geomagnetic Tail by MMS Mission2
Gasdynamic Flow Control by Ultrafast Local Heating in a Strongly Nonequilibrium Pulsed Plasma2
Numerical Study of the Dynamics of an Electron Avalanche in the Forming Cathode Sheath of a Self-Sustained Volume Discharge2
Dust Charge Variation Effect on Solitary Rings Interaction with Two–Temperature Ions2
Erratum to: The Formation of Atmospheric Pressure Air Low Temperature Plasma Jet2
Effect of Shear Flow on the Double Tearing Mode Induced by Resonant Magnetic Perturbation2
Electric Explosion of Thin Wires (a Paradigm Shift)2
Propagation of Microplasma Discharge over Titanium Surface Covered with Thin Dielectric Film2
L–H Transition under Poloidal Nonuniform Ion Heating in Turbulent Tokamak Plasma2