Physics of Particles and Nuclei

(The TQCC of Physics of Particles and Nuclei is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
High pt Antiproton and Meson Production in the Cumulative pA Reaction at 50 GeV/c25
Software for Tracks and Primary Vertex Reconstruction for the SPD Experiment11
Factorial Moments in the NICA/MPD Experiment9
Methods for Elliptic Flow Measurements with the MPD Experiment at NICA7
CBM Performance for Multi-Differential Measurements of Proton and Charged Kaon Directed Flow7
Multidimensional Spinors, Invariant Form, and the Dirac Equation7
Hadron Production Measurements at NA61/SHINE for Precise Determination of Accelerator Neutrino Fluxes7
Search for Low-Energy Borexino Signals Correlated with Gamma-Ray Bursts, Solar Flares, and Gravitational Wave Events7
MPD ITS Physical Simulations with Focus on Charmed Mesons6
Status of the BM@STS Module Assembly6
Aggregation-Fragmentation of Clusters in the Framework of gTASEP with Attraction Interaction6
Correlations between Properties of Nuclear Matter and Characteristics of Neutron Stars5
Short Range Correlations Investigated by DSS Collaboration in Reactions Involving Deuterons5
Constraints on the Anomalous CP-Even Constants of Three-Boson Vertices in $${{W}^{ + }}{{W}^{ - }}$$ Boson Decays at CMS LHC5
Holographic Model for Light Quarks in Anisotropic Background5
Light Λ-Hypernuclei Structure near Nucleon Stability Lines and Baryon Interactions5
Toolkit in Python for Simulation of Shapiro Step on the Current–Voltage Characteristic of a Josephson Junction5
Silicon Detector Quality Control Demonstrator at LPI Moscow: Status and Perspectives5
Analytic Continuation in Lattice QC2D5
Performance Evaluation of the Upgraded BM@N Setup for Strangeness Production Studies5
Computer Modeling of Interacting Metal Nanoparticles with Substrate4
Co-Opetition in the BOINC Community4
SAPHIR Data Center (First Year Experience)4
Development of the System for Recognition Sensors Indications of Engineering Equipment in the Computing Center at NRC “Kurchatov Institute—IHEP”4
Evaluation of Named Entity Recognition Software Packages for Data Mining4
System for Analysis of the Performance of Scientific Jobs in Distributed Systems4
Update of ALICE Russian GRID Sites in 2022 and 2023 for Future High Luminosity LHC Mode4
JINR Grid Infrastructure: Status and Plans4
Data Knowledge Base Evolution for a Stable Usage and Operation4
DSLab FaaS: Fast and Accurate Simulation of FaaS Clouds4
JINR Container Distribution Service4
Hadronic Resonances as Probes for the Late Hadronic Phase in Heavy Ion Collisions at NICA Energies3
NXV4 C++ Package for Particle Physics Flash Algorithms3
On Traffic Routing in Network Powered by Computing Environment: ECMP vs. UCMP vs. Multi-Agent MAROH3
The pp/pn Ratio in the Reaction 12C(p,ppN)10A of Quasi-Elastic Knock-Out of a Nucleon from a Short-Range Correlated NN Pair3
Perspectives of Strangeness Study at NICA/MPD from Realistic Monte Carlo Simulation3
Feasibility of Measurements of the Properties of Thermal Photons in Heavy-Ion Collisions at the NICA Accelerator3
Generative Adversarial Networks Quantization3
SPD Offline Computing System3
From Spin Glasses to Learning of Neural Networks3
Toward a Three Generation Model of Standard Model Fermions Based on Cayley–Dickson Sedenions3
Comparison between Different Interaction Models of Double Folding Potential for 6He + 12C Elastic Scattering up to 500 MeV3
Application of BM@N Si-Microstrip Detectors at Muon Stand for Testing Straw Detectors3
On Determination of the Two-Neutrino Double Beta Decay Mechanism for 82Se and Sterile Neutrino Contribution3
Scientific Data Management System for the SPD Experiment3
Study of the Spectator Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions at the BM@N Experiment3
On Certification of Artificial Intelligence Systems3
Complete General Relativity3
Latest Results on (Anti-)Hypernuclei Production at the LHC with ALICE3
Something New about Radial Wave Functions of Fermions in the Repulsive Coulomb Field3
Software Development and Computing for the MPD Experiment2
Representation of the RG-Invariant Quantities in Perturbative QCD through Powers of the Conformal Anomaly2
Search for Light Dark Matter at the Accelerators. NA64 Experiment2
Identical Pion Interferometry from Au + Au Collisions at $$\sqrt {{{s}_{{NN}}}} $$ = 3, 3.2, 3.5, and 3.9 GeV in the STAR Experiment at RHIC2
Einstein’s 1905 Derivation of the Mass-Energy Equivalence: Is It Valid? Is Energy Always Equal to Mass and Vice Versa?2
Exact Solutions of Einstein’s Equations in the Presence of a Scalar Field2
Track Reconstruction in the Upgraded Tracking System of MPD/NICA2
Motivations for the Soft Wall Holographic Approach to Strong Interactions2
Characteristics of Nucleus–Nucleus Reactions with Emission of Fast Charged Particles: A New Approach to Reactions of Fusion of Cold Nuclei2
Nature of Nuclear Matter2
Anisotropic Flow Measurements of Identified Hadrons with Fixed-Target Mode of MPD Detector at NICA2
Material Selection of the SPD Beam-Beam Counter Scintillation Detector Prototype2
Masses of Light Quarks2
Correlation of Cumulative Particle Production with Strange and Heavy-Flavor Particle Yields in the String Fusion Model2
Performance for Directed Flow Measurements of the MPD Experiment at NICA Collider2
The Cyclotron and Its Modeling2
New Physics, p-Adic Nature of the Vacuum Energy, and Cosmological Constant2
New Approach to Measure Centrality in the HADES Heavy-Ion Experiments2
Fundamental Physics Asks Philosophers New Questions2
A Way To Improve the String Tension Dependence on Temperature in Holographic Model2
Cascade Models in Simulation of Extended Heavy Targets Irradiated by Accelerated Proton and Deuteron Beams2
Search for Decays of the 9B Nucleus and Hoyle State in 14N Nucleus Dissociation2
Dependence of the Structure of the Elastic Scattering Amplitude on Mandelstam Variables at High Energies2
Detailed Simulation of the Response of Inner Tracking Detectors for the First Physics Run in the BM@N Experiment2
Two Particles Correlations in Ion Collisions2
Elliptic Flow Fluctuations at NICA Energy Range2
Spectroscopic Factors: Observability and Measurability2
Study of Strongly Intense Quantities and Robust Variances in Multi-Particle Production at LHC Energies2
Low Energy Resonances 22Ne(α, α) in Elastic Scattering2
The Development of Silicon Beam Tracker and Beam Profilometer at the BM@N Experiment2
Possible Manifestation of Compact, Stable Dark Matter Objects in the Solar System2
Black Dark Matter and Antimatter2
One-Dimensional Pion Femtoscopy in d + Au Collisions at $$\sqrt {{{s}_{{NN}}}} = 200$$ GeV from STAR2
JINR Collaboration with Scientific Institutions of Egypt in the Field of Theoretical Research of Superconducting Josephson Nanostructures2
Yield of Particles in the Cumulative Region at Central Rapidities and Large Transverse Momenta at the NICA Collider2
Hadronic Resonance Production with ALICE at the LHC2
Σ Hyperons Production in pp and p-Pb Collisions at LHC with ALICE2
From the First Observations of Cosmic Rays to the Physics of Relativistic Nuclei2
Double Spin Correlations in the Reaction dd → pnpn and in the pn-Elastic Scattering1
Neutral Pion Event-by-Event Fluctuations1
Combining PBFT and Raft for Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Distributed Consensus1
Interpretation of the XENON1T Excess in the Decaying Sterile Neutrino Model1
Physics and Astrophysics of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Recent Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory1
Event Reconstruction and Physics Signal Selection in the MPD Experiment at NICA1
Features of Scattering by a Nonspherical Potential1
The Complete α8m Contributions to the 1s Lamb Shift in Hydrogen1
New Approach to Glauber Theory Description of Nucleus-Nucleus Scattering1
Models of Mixed Matter1
Relativity Theory: Genesis and Completion1
Gluon and Ghost Propagators at Finite Temperatures within a Dyson–Schwinger Approach1
The Phenomenon of Artificial Radioactivity in Metal Cathodes under Glow Discharge Conditions1
Implementation of High-Performance Computing Technologies in the BmnRoot Framework1
Thermal Photon and Neutral Meson Measurements Using the Photon Conversion Method in the MPD Experiment at the NICA Collider1
Self-Consistent Calculation of Nuclear Charge Radii in K Isotopes1
Distributed Modular Platform for Working with Neurocognitive Experiments Data (MRI/fMRI)1
Prototype of a Software Complex for Creating Digital Twins of Distributed Data Acquisition, Storage, and Processing Centers1
Geant4 FTF Model Description of the Latest Data by the NA61/SHINE Collaboration on 40Ar + 45Sc Interactions1
Search for Dark Matter Produced in Association with Standard Model Higgs Boson in pp Collisions at 13 TeV in the CMS(LHC) Experiment1
Probing a Core of the Interaction Potential of Two Λ-Hyperons with Femtoscopic Correlations at LEP1
Fast Data-Driven Readout System for the Wide Aperture Silicon Tracking System of the BM@N Experiment1
Physics and Cosmology Beyond the Standard Models1
Prevalence of Production of Twisted Particles in Heavy-Ion Collisions1
A New Mechanism for Sympathetic Cooling of Atoms and Ions in Atomic and Ion-Atomic Traps1
Simulator of a Robust Intelligent Robotic Manipulator Control System: the Application of Knowledge Base Optimizer on Quantum Computing—QCOptKB™1
Recent Results from the CMD-3 Detector at the VEPP-2000 e+e– Collider1
Prospects for Photon Conversion Measurements in the Future MPD Experiment at NICA1
Artificial Intelligence Use for Early Signs of Illness Detection in the Elderly Age1
Virtual Blockchain Network: A New Way to Safe Data Exchange1
Software for Prediction of Task Start Moment in Computer Cluster by Statistical Analysis of Jobs Queue History1
Status of Luminosity Detector for NICA/MPD1
The Gorishny–Isaev Vacuum Integrations and UV(IR)-Regime1
Optimization of Methods for Selecting Events with Muon Pairs and Simulation of Backgrounds1
Tesla-Type Superconducting Accelerator Niobium Resonators for Electrons and Positrons1
Untangling of Trajectories and Integrable Systems of Interacting Particles: Exact Results and Universal Laws1
Generalized Maxwell–Boltzmann Distribution for Rotating Spinning Particle Gas1
Upgrade of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Detector1
Six-Derivative Gravitation and UV-Finiteness1
Modeling the Wave Propagation near the Earth’s Surface with Taking Relief into Account1
Neutron Reflectometry with Detection of the Secondary Radiation: Particle–Wave Method of Determining the Nanoscale Isotope Density Distributions1
A Noninvasive Muonography-Based Method for Exploration of Cultural Heritage Objects1
Pion Femtoscopy in p/d + Au Collisions at $$\sqrt {{{s}_{{NN}}}} = 200$$ GeV in the STAR Experiment1
About Fractional Analytic QCD1
Geometric Collective Model of Atomic Nuclei: Finite Element Method Implementations1
Resonance Structure of the Neutrino-Capture Cross Section and Double Beta Decay of 100Мо Nuclei1
Web Laboratory for Supercomputer Modeling of Spraying Processes1
The Properties of the Symmetric and Asymmetric Helium Three-Atomic Systems1
On True and Fictitious Enhancements of Fundamental Symmetry Breaking Effects1
MPD Data Lab: Towards the Modern Data Analysis Framework for the MPD Experiment1
Trajectories of Bright Stars and Shadows around Supermassive Black Holes as Tests of Gravity Theories1
Algorithm of the Operation of the Structural Elements of the TANGO Distributed Control Cystem1
On Fractional Analytic QCD1
Application of Neutron Scattering to Study Materials and Transition Processes in Lithium Energy Storage Devices at the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor1
Using Hidden Feature Space of Diffusion Neural Networks for Image Blending Problem1
Hadron Contribution of Light-by-Light Scattering to Hyperfine Splitting in Muonium1
Development of a Vector Finder Toolkit for Track Reconstruction in MPD ITS1
Artificial Neural Networks in High Energy Physics Data Processing (Succinct Survey) and Probable Future Developments1
Unraveling Time-Slices of Events in the SPD Experiment1
Real-Time Simulation, Decomposition of Mathematical Models and Algorithms of Interactive Control and Visualization1
PAKHRA Synchrotron Beams for Calibration of NICA Detectors1
On the Influence of Chemotherapy on the Bragg Peak Parameters in the Water Cube Model1
Electroweak Corrections to Forward–Backward Asymmetry in the Dilepton Production Via Photon Fusion at the LHC1
On Divergences of 6D, $$\mathcal{N} = (1,0)$$ Hypermultiplet Self-Coupling Model1
Point Cloud Transformer for Elementary Particle Signals Segmentation1
Quasi-Elastic Knock-Out of Nucleon from Short-Range Correlated NN Pair in the Reaction 12C(p,2pN)10A1
Poincaré Group and Operators of Position and Spin1
IDREAM Detector at the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant: Status and Prospects1
Collective Structures in 116Sb1
Observation of Structures at ~17 and ~38 MeV/c2 in the γγ Invariant Mass Spectrum in dCu Collisions at a Momentum of 3.8 GeV/c per Nucleon1
Simulations of the Quantum Entangled States Migration Process in Cell Microtubules1
Erratum to: Continuous Authentication in Internet-of-Things Systems1
Modelling of Basal Melt of Antarctic Ice Sheet Based on a One-Dimensional Stefan Problem Approach1
Short-Lived Resonances in the Physical Program of the MPD Experiment at NICA1
Algebraic and Statistical Methods in Quantum and Gravitational Physics1
A Study of Resonance States in Nuclear Systems Formed in Reactions with Heavy Ions1
Temporal Behavior of Complex Systems: From Microworld to Macroworld1
General Solution of the Schrödinger Equation1
Optimization of Techniques for Λ Hyperon Measurement at MPD/NICA1
Tetrad in $$SL(2,C) \times SU(2) \times U(1)$$ Yang–Mills–Weyl Spacetimes1
From Homogeneous and Isotropic Universes to Braneworlds with Dynamical Tension Strings1
Electroweak Effects in Neutral Current Drell–Yan Processes within SANC System1
Collaboration between the JINR and Research Institutions of the Republic of Belarus in the Area of Superconducting Accelerating Cavities: A Review1
The ϕ4 Oscillons in a Ball: Numerical Approach and Parallel Implementation1