Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics

(The median citation count of Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Nickelate Superconductors: An Ongoing Dialog between Theory and Experiments46
PBH Evaporation, Baryon Asymmetry, and Dark Matter23
Self-Diffusion in Liquid and Solid Alloys of the Ti–Al System: Molecular Dynamics Simulation22
Effect of Light Element Impurities on the Edge Dislocation Glide in Nickel and Silver: Molecular Dynamics Simulation16
Dzyaloshinskii Interaction and Exchange-Relativistic Effects in Orthoferrites16
Study of the Diffusion Properties of Oxygen in TiO216
Test of Hybrid Metric-Palatini f(R)-Gravity in Binary Pulsars15
Deep-Underwater Cherenkov Detector in Lake Baikal14
Tomography of Qubit States and Implementation of Quantum Algorithms by Unipolar Pulses14
Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling: From Quantum Vortices to Black Holes and Universe14
Dynamical Stability of Gravastars Covered with ABG Black Holes14
Stability and Dynamics of Regular Thin-Shell Gravastars14
Dimensionless Physics13
“Global” and “Local” Approaches to the Theory of Open Quantum Optical Systems13
Noether Symmetries and Some Exact Solutions in f(R, T 2) Theory12
Analogy between the Magnetic Dipole Moment at the Surface of a Magnetoelectric and the Electric Charge at the Surface of a Ferroelectric10
A DMI Guide to Magnets Micro-World10
Bubbles with Attached Quantum Vortices in Trapped Binary Bose–Einstein Condensates10
High Harmonic Generation in Triangular Graphene Quantum Dots10
Laser Isotope-Selective IR Dissociation of Molecules with a Small Isotopic Shift in Absorption Spectra in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamic Shock Conditions9
The Effect of the Interaction of Excitations with the Interface between Nonlinear Media with a Switching on the Formation of Localized States9
Diode Effect in a Superconducting Hybrid Cu/MoN Strip with a Lateral Cut9
Modulation of the Dirac Point Band Gap in the Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4 due to the Surface Potential Gradient Change9
On the Existence of Hypersonic Electrostatic Solitons (Estimation of Limiting Mach Numbers of Ion-Sound Solitons in a Warm Plasma)9
Ion Mobility in Triple Sodium Molybdates and Tungstates with a NASICON Structure8
Imaging in Ghost Fiber Endoscopy by the Measurement Reduction Technique8
On the Time Integral of Electromagnetic Field8
Side Channels of Information Leakage in Quantum Cryptography: Nonstrictly Single-Photon States, Different Quantum Efficiencies of Detectors, and Finite Transmitted Sequences8
Dimensionless Physics: Continuation8
Statistical Properties of Pseudothermal Radiation Formed by a Spatial Light Modulator7
Cosmic-Ray Research at the TAIGA Astrophysical Facility: Results and Plans7
Quasi-Isentropic Compression of a Nonideal Plasma of Deuterium and its Mixture with Helium at Pressures up to 250 GPa7
Counterpropagating Four-Wave Mixing in Ghost Imaging7
Probabilistic Teleportation of a Single Qubit: Unearthing New W-Class of States6
Analysis of Cobalt Intercalation under the Buffer Carbon Layer on a SiC(0001) Single Crystal6
Compressibility of Nonideal Deuterium and Helium Plasmas up to 20 TPa6
Magnetocaloric Effect in Nanosystems Based on Ferromagnets with Different Curie Temperatures6
Symmetry Approach in the Problem of Gas Expansion into Vacuum6
Multifractally-Enhanced Superconductivity in Two-Dimensional Systems with Spin–Orbit Coupling6
Ferromagnetic Resonance and Elastic Vibrations in Epitaxial Yttrium Iron Garnet Films6
Vacancy Formation Energy in the Cubic Phase of Magnetite in the Framework of the DFT+U Method6
Surface Superconductivity of Vanadium6
Electronic Structure and Mechanical Properties of Ti5Si36
Growth Conditions and the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Cu2MBO5 (M = Cr, Fe, Mn) Oxyborates with a Ludwigite Structure6
High-Rate Deformation of Titanium in Shock Waves at Normal and Elevated Temperatures6
Nonlinear Planar Hall Effect in Chiral Topological Semimetal CoSi6
Underground Physics and the Nonlinear Delayed Barometric Effect of the Gamma-Ray Background6
Agglomeration of Nanowires on a Substrate for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering6
Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Heusler Alloy Mn1.5Fe1.5Al6
Droplets of the Order Parameter in a Low Density Attracting Electron System in the Presence of a Strong Random Potential5
Generalized Ising Model in the Absence of Magnetic Field5
Quantum Oscillations of Interlayer Conductivity in a Multilayer Topological Insulator5
Modeling Unsteady Bénard-Marangoni Instabilities in Drying Volatile Droplets on a Heated Substrate5
Peculiarities of Joint Influence of Atomic Motion and Hyperfine Splitting of an Excited State on the Shape of Resonance of Coherent Population Trapping in a Rarefied Gas5
Black Hole Shadows Constrain Extended Gravity5
Adiabatic Potential Energy Surface of Jahn–Teller Cu2+$${\text{F}}_{8}^{ - }$$ Complexes in a Fluorite Crystal5
Theory of Vortex-Like Structures in Perforated Magnetic Films Accounting Demagnetizing Fields5
Elementary Emitter at the Boundary of a Flat-Layered Structure5
Effect of Electronic Correlations on the Electronic Structures of the FeAlO3 and FeSiO3 Compounds5
Number of Solitons Generated from an Intense Initial Pulse at Asymptotically Large Time5
Subradiance of Cold and Dilute Atomic Ensembles Excited by Resonant Pulsed Radiation5
Electronic States and the Anomalous Hall Effect in Strongly Correlated Topological Systems5
Phase Diagram of Electron–Hole Liquid in Monolayer Heterostructures Based on Transition Metal Dichalcogenides5
Magnetotransport Effects and Electronic Phase Separation in Manganese Sulfides with Electron–Hole Doping5
Features of the Ignition of a Laser Fusion Target by a Converging Shock Wave5
Minkowski Energy–Momentum Tensor in the Nonlinear Optics of Media with a Nonlocal Optical Response5
Dynamics of Time Evolution of Quantum Oscillator Excitation by Electromagnetic Pulses5
Shear Modulus Relaxation and Thermal Effects in a Zr65Cu15Ni10Al10 Metallic Glass after Inhomogeneous Plastic Deformation5
Application of Magnetically Induced Transitions of the 85Rb D2 Line in Coherent Processes5
Development of the Design of Super-Multiperiod Structures Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy and Emitting in the Terahertz Range5
Light-Induced Ultrafast Dynamics of Spin Crossovers under High Pressure5
Kirchhoff’s Law in the Emission of a Mixture of Molecular Gases5
Structure, Electronic Properties, and Stability of Carbon Double Layers Composed of Atoms in the sp3-Hybridized State5
Logarithmic Relaxation of the Specific Volume and Optical Properties of GeS2 Densified Glass4
Spatiotemporal Regimes in the Kuramoto–Battogtokh System of Nonidentical Oscillators4
Van der Waals Attraction of Hydrogen Atoms4
Critical Points and Phase Transitions4
Interaction of a Magnetic Vortex with Magnetic Anisotropy Nonuniformity4
Effect of Shock-Wave Dusting and Ways to Suppress It4
On the Theory of the Dynamic Magnetoelectric Coupling in CuB2O44
Analysis of Magnetization Processes in Antiferromagnetic Nanoparticles in Strong Pulse Fields (Brief Review)4
Dynamics of Domain Walls in Chiral Magnets4
Relaxation Contribution of a System of Jahn–Teller Complexes to the Elastic Moduli of Doped Fluorites4
Combined Defects in Ferroelectric Nematics4
Spectral Broadening of Femtosecond Optical Vortices at Filamentation in Fused Silica under the Conditions of the Anomalous Group Velocity Dispersion4
Magnetization Reversal of Ferromagnetic CoFeB Films and CoFeB/Ta/CoFeB Heterostructures in the Stray Field of Fe/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles4
Electrostatic Interaction of a Charged Dielectric Sphere with a Flat Charged Interface between Homogeneous Dielectrics4
Influence of a Coronal Mass Ejection on the Solar Cosmic Ray Acceleration by a Shock Wave in the Lower Solar Corona4
Generation of Optical Frequency Combs in an Optical Microresonator Pumped by a 780-nm Laser Diode in Self-Injection Locking Regime4
Notes on Collapse in Magnetic Hydrodynamics4
Pairing by a Dynamical Interaction in a Metal4
A New View on Spin “Nutation”4
Schemes and Parameters of the Resonance Two-Photon Excitation of Vibrational States 2ν3 in UF6 Molecules by Bichromatic IR Laser Radiation4
Structural Disorder, Specific Heat, and Magnetic Transitions in Cu2FeBO54
Influence of Structural Parameters on the Electronic Structure of Topological Surface States in MnBi2Te44
High-Field Magnetoresistance of Magnetic Nanocomposites near the Percolation Threshold4
Effective Friction and Mobility of Graphene Nanoparticles (Nanoribbons and Nanotubes) on a Flat Multilayer h-BN Substrate4
Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation Source Based on a Discharge Sustained by a Radiation Pulse from a Terahertz Free-Electron Laser4
Higher Harmonic Generation of Coherent Sub-THz Radiation at Lifshitz Transition in Gapped Bilayer Graphene4
On the Structure Stability of a Neutrally Stable Shock Wave in a Gas and on Spontaneous Emission of Perturbations4
Modification of the Electronic Structure of Quasi-Free-Standing Graphene by the Adsorption and Intercalation of Mn Atoms4
Electronic Properties of NiO at Ultrahigh Pressure4
Towards Lefschetz Thimbles in Sigma Models, I4
Magnetic Resonance in Metal–Insulator Nanogranular Composites with Paramagnetic Ions in an Insulating Matrix4
Dynamic Properties of the Opinion Formation Model in a Multiagent System with a Time-Varying Structure of Links under Information Pressure Conditions3
Counterpolarization of an Ensemble of Alkaline Atoms during Optical Pumping: Study with Allowance for Atomic Motion3
Kinetic Processes in Fermi–Luttinger Liquids3
Generation of Even Harmonics of Undulator Radiation by Relativistic Electron Beams3
Shock-Wave Pressure Transfer to a Solid Target with Porous Absorber of High-Power Laser Pulse3
Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Propagation of Proton Beams under the Action of Laser Radiation with Allowance for Magnetic Reconnection3
Caustic-Like Structures in UHECR Flux after Propagation in Turbulent Intergalactic Magnetic Fields3
Gravitational Collapse of a Fluid with Torsion into a Universe in a Black Hole3
Time Dependence of Resonant Photoprocesses Induced by Electromagnetic Pulses with Various Durations3
Specific Features of the Effect of Structural Defects on the Correlation and Interaction of Vortex Excitations in the Nonequilibrium BKT Dynamics of the Two-Dimensional XY Model3
Nonlinear Laser Radiation Absorption Due to Relativistic Plasma Resonance in an Inhomogeneous Plasma3
Fermi Surface Topology Signature on the High Harmonics Generation in Graphene-Like Nanostructure3
Collisional Radiative Involvement of Molecules into Resonance with the IR Laser Field in a Two-Component Molecular Medium3
Simulation of Radiation Transfer in Terms of the Bethe–Salpeter Equation for Bilayer Biological Tissue Systems3
Frustrated Potts Model with Spin States Number q = 4 on a Triangular Lattice3
Acceleration of Cosmic Rays to Energies above 1015 eV by Transrelativistic Shocks3
Equilibrium of a Spherical Magnetizable Body in a Magnetic Fluid Drop in a Uniform Magnetic Field3
M5C4 Phases—New Family of Carbide Superstructures3
Dispersion of Flexural Modes in Graphene3
Construction of Black Hole Shadows: An Analytical Theory3
Dicke Model Semiclassical Dynamics in Superradiant Dipolar Phase in the “Bound Luminosity” State3
Hydromagnetic Instabilities in a Nonuniformly Rotating Layer of an Electrically Conducting Nanofluid3
On the Mechanism of Temperature Variations in the Average Energy of Muons at Large Depths3
Electron–Electron Scattering and Resistivity in Non-Centrosymmetric Metals3
Interference of γ Radiation in the Spin Space during Nuclear Resonance Scattering3
Dynamic Ionization and Auger Transitions in the Quasi-Molecule during Ne+–Ne Collisions3
Phase Transitions in Chiral Magnets: Classical Monte Carlo Calculations3
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Gas Cells with Antirelaxation Coating3
Reconstructions of the Electron Dynamics in Magnetic Field and the Geometry of Complex Fermi Surfaces3
Asymptotic Theory of Anisotropic Classical Diffusion in Inhomogeneous Media3
Chaotic Walking of Cold Atoms in a 2D Optical Lattice3
Wave Processes in Rotating Compressible Astrophysical Plasma Flows with Stable Stratification3
Potential Flow of Superfluid 3He through a Nematic Aerogel of Spherical Shape3
Conductivity of Two-Dimensional Small Gap Semiconductors and Topological Insulators in Strong Coulomb Disorder3
Joint Effect of the Dipole–Dipole Interaction and Constant Dipole Moment on the Shape of the Field Pulse without an Envelope3
On the Mass Function at the Inner Horizon of a Regular Black Hole3
Dynamic Charged Structures in Nematics with Negative Anisotropy of Electroconductivity3
Renormalization of the Excitation Spectrum and the Migdal Effect in a 2D Electron System with Strong Interaction3
Chiral Instability of the Homogeneous State of a Ferromagnetic Film on a Magnetic Substrate3
Evolution of the Ferromagnetism of MnxSi1 –x (x ≈ 0.5) Films Produced by Laser Synthesis on c- and r-Cut Sapphire Substrates as the Laser Energy Density on the Target Changes3
Redistribution of the Stochastic Kinetic Energy in Bilayer Systems of Nonidentical Charged Particles3
Magnetic Properties of Sb2S3 and Bi2S3 as Evidenced by 121,123Sb and 209Bi NQR Spectra3
Phase Diagram and Ground State of a Decorated Ising Model on a Cubic Lattice3
Basic Principles Underlying the Size Dependence of the Hydrocarbon Ionization Energy3
Effect of Quenched Nonmagnetic Impurities on the Phase Transitions in a Three-Dimensional Potts Model3
Relaxation-Induced Changes in High-Entropy Bulk Metallic Glasses3
Low-Threshold Field Emission Cathode Based on Heat-Treated Dehydrofluorinated Polyvinylidene Fluoride3
Solar Cosmic Ray Acceleration at the Front of a Fast Shock in the Lower Solar Corona3
Diffraction Structure of Quantum Ghost Images3
Thermomagnetic Convection of a Ferrofluid in a Vertical Hydrodynamic Loop: Intensification of Heat Exchange in a Magnetic Field3
Phonon Spectroscopy of the Schottky-Like Low-Energy Paramagnetic Excitations in Garnet Solid Solution Crystals3
Line Shape of the Sub-Doppler Resonance in Alkali-Metal Atomic Vapors in the Field of Counterpropagating Bichromatic Laser Beams3
Interatomic Interaction at the Aluminum–Fullerene C60 Interface3
Melting Point of Ti, Ti3Al, TiAl, and TiAl3 Nanoparticles Versus Their Diameter in Vacuum and Liquid Aluminum: Molecular Dynamics Investigation3
Implementation of Single-Qubit Quantum Gates Based on a Microwave Transition in a Single Rubidium Atom in an Optical Dipole Trap3
Formation, Diffusion, and Growth of Gas Bubbles in γ-Uranium with the Excess of Interstitial Atoms: Relation between Molecular Dynamics and Kinetics3
Features of Physical Observables of a Strongly Correlated Superconducting Nanowire with Rashba Spin–Orbit Interaction3
“Unmoved” Atomic Transitions of Alkali Metals in External Magnetic Fields3
Classification and Dynamics of Ultralean Hydrogen–Air Flames in Horizontal Cylindrical Hele–Shaw Cells3
Second-Order Processes in Emission of Radiation by an Ensemble of Quantum Oscillators3
High Optical Harmonics Generation on Solid Surfaces Irradiated by Mid-IR Femtosecond Laser Pulses3
Effect of Pressure on the Electronic Band Structure and Circular Photocurrent in Tellurium3
Critical Fluctuations Beyond the Quantum Phase Transition in Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Helimagnets Mn1 – xFexSi3
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Elongation of Copper–Platinum Nanocontacts3
Sound Propagation Near the Phase Transition to a Magnetically Ordered Phase in Media with Tetragonal Structure3
Melting Scenarios of Two-Dimensional Systems: Possibilities of Computer Simulation3
Correlations of Vorticity Inside a Coherent Vortex3
Collective Spin Modes in Fermi Liquids with Spin–Orbit Coupling3
Vortex Dynamics in Superconducting MoN Strip with a Side Cut2
Features of the Motion of Ultracold Atoms in Quasiperiodic Potentials2
Nonclassical Impurity Transport in the Dykhne Model with Coordinate-Dependent Parameters. Fermat Principle2
Features and Mechanisms of the Generation of Neutrons and Other Particles in First Laser Fusion Experiments2
Transverse Thermomagnetic Effect in the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas of Surface Semiconductor Superlattice2
Robustness of Quantum Cryptography Systems with Phase–Time Coding against Active Probing Attacks2
Sharp Change in the Exchange Bias and the Magnetic Anisotropy Symmetry at a Subthreshold Interlayer Copper Content in NiFe/Cu/IrMn Heterostructures2
Spin Resonance in a Quantum Dot at the Edge of a Topological Insulator with the Inclusion of Continuum States2
Measurement of Dispersion Characteristics of Integrated Optical Microresonators and Generation of Coherent Optical Frequency Combs2
BEC Decoherence in Hybrid Atom-Optical Quantum Gyroscope2
Decorated Ising Chain in a Magnetic Field2
On the Possibility of Preserving Excitation in an Ensemble of Identical Oscillators2
Impact of Co Atoms on the Electronic Structure of Bi2Te3 and MnBi2Te4 Topological Insulators2
Detectability of Large Correlation Length Inflationary Magnetic Field with Cherenkov Telescopes2
Influence of the Encapsulating Layer Thickness on the Quality of MoSe2-Based Heterostructures2
Cooperative Emission of Radiation as a Subordinated Random Process2
Spectral Analysis of Universal Conductance Fluctuations2
Scalaron Decay in Perturbative Quantum Gravity2
Evolution of Negative Corona in the Discharge-Current Limitation Mode: Transition from the Pulsed-Periodic Mode to Steady-State Burning2
Nonspecular X-Ray Scattering from a Planar Phospholipid Multilayer2
On the Possibility of Establishing Equilibrium in the “Phonons–Low-Energy Excitations” System during Time-Dependent Propagation of a Thermal Pulse in Solid Insulators at Helium Temperatures2
Phase Transitions in Frustrated ErBaCo4O7 + x (x = 0–0.06) Cobaltites at a Small Deviation from Stoichiometry2
Atomic and Electronic Structure of SiOx Films Obtained with Hydrogen Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma2
Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in the 2D Potts Impurity Model on a Square Lattice2
Elastic and Plastic Deformations of Carbon Nanotubes Multilayer Packing on a Flat Substrate2
Differentiable Programming for Particle Physics Simulations2
Optimization of Feedback-Loop Parameters in Thulium Optical Clocks at Synchronous Comparison2
The Coherent Production of the (K +π0) System by K + Beam on Copper Nuclei at the OKA Setup2
Nonlinear Electro-Hydrodynamics of Liquid Crystals2
Influence of Low Prestrain and Initial Temperature on Resistance to High-Strain-Rate Deformation of Armco Iron in Shock and Rarefaction Waves2
Sub-Doppler Spectroscopy of Room-Temperature Cs Atomic Vapor in a 400-nm-Thick Nanocell2
Dynamics of Interaction between Two Soliton Clouds2
Phase Slips, Dislocations, Half-Integer Vortices, Two-Fluid Hydrodynamics, and the Chiral Anomaly in Charge and Spin Density Waves2
Problem of Increasing the Operating Frequency in Cherenkov Plasma Sources of Electromagnetic Radiation2
Temperature Evolution of Magnetic Resonance Spectra in Metal–Insulator Nanogranular Composites with Paramagnetic Ions in an Insulating Matrix2
Multiferroics and Beyond: Electric Properties of Different Magnetic Textures2
Transport Equation for Subdiffusion of Mixed Origin2
Elastoplastic and Polymorphic Transformations in Iron Films Loaded by Ultrashort Laser Shock Waves2
Effect of Low-Energy Ion Assistance on the Structure and Optical Absorption of a-CH:Ag Composite Coatings2
Stark–Zeeman and Blokhintsev Spectra of Rydberg Atoms2
Ground-State Structures of the Ising Model on a Layered Triangular Lattice in a Magnetic Field2
Generation of Vortices in a Superconductor/Ferromagnet Bilayer with a Nonuniform Exchange Field2
Interaction of Solitons with the Boundary of a Ferromagnetic Plate2
Optomechanical Lasing and Domain Walls Driven by Exciton-Phonon Interactions2
Muon Radiography of Large Natural and Industrial Objects—A New Stage in the Nuclear Emulsion Technique2
On the Possibility of Controlling the Second Harmonic Radiation of the Free Electron Laser Using the Second Harmonic of the Undulator Field2
Monte Carlo Simulation of Energy Dissipation during the Cascade Decay of Inner-Shell Vacancies in an Iron Atom Placed in Water2
Magnetic Force and Nonlinear Optical Microscopy of the Surface Domain Structure in an Epitaxial Iron Garnet Film2
Nontrivial Dynamic Regimes of Small (Nano-Scale) Quantum Systems2
Generation of Electric Fields in the Troposphere2
Response of the Charge Subsystem to Phase Transitions in Double Manganites LnBaMn2O62
Three-Photon Laser Excitation of Single Rydberg Rubidium Atoms in an Optical Dipole Trap2
Instability of Solitons and Collapse of Acoustic Waves in Media with Positive Dispersion2
Splitting of Dirac Cones in HgTe Quantum Wells: Effects of Crystallographic Orientation, Interface-, Bulk-, and Structure-Inversion Asymmetry2
Studying the Influence of T2O Substitution for H2O on the Dynamic Properties, Density Maximum, and Melting Point of Ice in Terms of the Lattice Dynamics Method2
Nuclear Resonant Diffraction of Synchrotron Radiation: Interplay between the Anisotropy of Polarizability of Nuclei and the Asymmetry of Diffraction Geometry2
Kaon Electroproduction on the Proton2
Mechanisms of Resonant Power Input into a Magnetoactive RF Discharge Plasma2
Inverse Problem of the Theory of Reflection for Three-Layer Structures2
Asymmetry of the Propagation of Left-Handed Neutrinos in an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field2
T-Violation in Neutrino Oscillations2
Distinctive Features of Oscillatory Phenomena in Reconstructions of the Topological Structure of Electron Trajectories on Complex Fermi Surfaces2
Collective and Quasi-Local Modes in the Optical Spectra of YB6 and YbB6 Hexaborides with Jahn–Teller Structural Instability2
Spin Glass and Isotropic Negative Magnetoresistance in GaAs–AlGaAs Quantum Wells with a Virtual Anderson Transition2
Analysis of the Silica Sol Surface Structure by X-Ray Scattering Method2
Instabilities in Random Media and Peaking Regimes2
Damped Oscillators within the General Theory of Casimir and van der Waals Forces2
Neutrino Burst Monitoring in Our Galaxy2
Prediction of the Relaxation Kinetics of the Shear Modulus of Metallic Glasses during Crystallization Using Calorimetric Measurements2
Spectrum and Light Shift of the Coherent Population Trapping Resonance in Cells with Antirelaxation Wall Coating in Specular and Diffuse Reflection Models2
Wave Regimes of Electroconvection under Cathode Injection and Heating from Above2
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Air-Fluorescence Technique in Determining the EAS Shower Maximum2
Rotational Dipole Plasmon Mode in Semiconductor Nanoparticles2
On Graviton Propagation in Curved Space-Time Background2
Effect of Surface Barrier on the Sputtering Yield of Tungsten by Hydrogen Isotopes2
Spin-Dependent Electron–Electron Interaction in Rashba Materials2
Increase in the Momentum Spread of an Ultrarelativistic Electron Beam in an Undulator2
Quasi-Isentropic Compression of a Nonideal Helium Plasma at a Constant Final Temperature of 21 000 K and Pressures up to 600 GPa2