IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking

(The TQCC of IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Publication Information251
Mode-Suppression: A Simple, Stable and Scalable Chunk-Sharing Algorithm for P2P Networks120
Approaching an Optimal Bitcoin Mining Overlay120
The HOP Protocol: Reliable Latency-Bounded End-to-End Multipath Communication113
Multiprotocol Backscatter With Commodity Radios for Personal IoT Sensors76
Games in Normal and Satisfaction Form for Efficient Transmission Power Allocation Under Dual 5G Wireless Multiple Access Paradigm61
CharmSeeker: Automated Pipeline Configuration for Serverless Video Processing60
Synthesizing Formal Network Specifications From Input-Output Examples58
Distributed Double Auction Mechanisms for Large-Scale Device-to-Device Resource Trading58
PTA: Finding Hard-to-Find Data Plane Bugs54
Table of Contents50
Continuous Network Update With Consistency Guaranteed in Software-Defined Networks49
Self-Adaptive Sampling Based Per-Flow Traffic Measurement47
GPF+: A Novel Ultrafast GPU-Based Proportional Fair Scheduler for 5G NR42
Distributed Dispatching in the Parallel Server Model41
Ensuring Threshold AoI for UAV-Assisted Mobile Crowdsensing by Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning With Transformer40
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Information for Authors40
Fast Online Packet Classification With Convolutional Neural Network40
Coexistent Routing and Flooding Using WiFi Packets in Heterogeneous IoT Network38
KPI Guarantees in Network Slicing35
Randomized Error Removal for Online Spread Estimation in High-Speed Networks35
Fast and Accurate Cardinality Estimation by Self-Morphing Bitmaps34
Super Spreader Identification Using Geometric-Min Filter34
Lazy Lagrangians for Optimistic Learning With Budget Constraints34
List of Reviewers33
Counter-Intuitive Characteristics of Rational Decision-Making Using Biased Inputs in Information Networks33
Aggregating Without Bloating: Hard Times for TCP on Wi-Fi32
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Information for Authors32
Risk Aware Stochastic Placement of Cloud Services32
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Society Information32
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Publication Information32
Table of Contents30
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Information for Authors29
Table of Contents28
MVPipe: Enabling Lightweight Updates and Fast Convergence in Hierarchical Heavy Hitter Detection27
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Publication Information27
Kadcast-NG: A Structured Broadcast Protocol for Blockchain Networks26
Simultaneous Data Dissemination Among WiFi and ZigBee Devices26
Table of Contents26
Understanding PTP Performance in Today’s Wi-Fi Networks26
Realizing Fine-Grained Inference of AS Path With a Generative Measurable Process25
A Novel Self-Supervised Framework Based on Masked Autoencoder for Traffic Classification25
MuSher: An Agile Multipath-TCP Scheduler for Dual-Band 802.11ad/ac Wireless LANs25
Maximizing Revenue With Adaptive Modulation and Multiple FECs in Flexible Optical Networks24
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Information for Authors24
Localizing Acoustic Objects on a Single Phone24
Combating Packet Collisions Using Non-Stationary Signal Scaling in LPWANs23
Automata-Theoretic Approach to Verification of MPLS Networks Under Link Failures23
Table of Contents23
Deficit Round-Robin: A Second Network Calculus Analysis23
eBPFlow: A Hardware/Software Platform to Seamlessly Offload Network Functions Leveraging eBPF21
GRID: Gradient Routing With In-Network Aggregation for Distributed Training21
Age-Dependent Distributed MAC for Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks21
IIsy: Hybrid In-Network Classification Using Programmable Switches21
Combating Bufferbloat in Multi-Bottleneck Networks: Theory and Algorithms21
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Society Information20
A Quantitative Analysis of Interfaces to Time-Triggered Communication Buses20
On Cost-Efficient Learning of Data Dependency20
Accelerating BGP Configuration Verification Through Reducing Cycles in SMT Constraints20
Control Plane Reflection Attacks and Defenses in Software-Defined Networks20
GRADES: Gradient Descent for Similarity Caching20
Cost-Effective Traffic Scheduling and Resource Allocation for Edge Service Provisioning20
MultiLive: Adaptive Bitrate Control for Low-Delay Multi-Party Interactive Live Streaming19
Improved Network-Calculus Nodal Delay-Bounds in Time-Sensitive Networks19
Accelerating Federated Learning With Data and Model Parallelism in Edge Computing18
Deep Learning-Based Job Placement in Distributed Machine Learning Clusters With Heterogeneous Workloads18
Holistic Resource Scheduling for Data Center In-Network Computing18
Distribution-Oblivious Online Algorithms for Age-of-Information Penalty Minimization18
Octopus: Exploiting the Edge Intelligence for Accessible 5G Mobile Performance Enhancement17
Communication Efficient Compressed and Accelerated Federated Learning in Open RAN Intelligent Controllers17
Competitive Online Stay-or-Switch Algorithms With Minimum Commitment and Switching Cost17
Distributed Transport Protocols for Quantum Data Networks17
A Generic Framework for Finding Special Quadratic Elements in Data Streams17
On the Stability Regions of Coded Poisson Receivers With Multiple Classes of Users and Receivers17
Website Fingerprinting on Encrypted Proxies: A Flow-Context-Aware Approach and Countermeasures16
A Sparse Protocol Parsing Method for IIoT Based on BPSO-vote-HMM Hybrid Model16
COIN: An Efficient Indexing Mechanism for Unstructured Data Sharing Systems16
SNAG: SDN-Managed Network Architecture for GridFTP Transfers Using Application-Awareness16
Frequency Domain Feature Based Robust Malicious Traffic Detection16
Enabling Multi-Frequency and Wider-Band RFID Sensing Using COTS Device16
SDNShield: NFV-Based Defense Framework Against DDoS Attacks on SDN Control Plane16
An Incentive Mechanism for Sustainable Blockchain Storage16
ProGraph: Robust Network Traffic Identification With Graph Propagation16
Delay-Optimal Distributed Computation Offloading in Wireless Edge Networks16
Outdoor-to-Indoor 28 GHz Wireless Measurements in Manhattan: Path Loss, Environmental Effects, and 90% Coverage15
GLAC: High-Precision Tracking of Mobile Objects With COTS RFID Systems15
Traffic-Aware Configuration of All-Optical Data Center Networks Based on Hyper-FleX-LION15
PACC: A Proactive CNP Generation Scheme for Datacenter Networks15
Incentivizing Massive Unknown Workers for Budget-Limited Crowdsensing: From Off-Line and On-Line Perspectives15
Toward Optimal Live Video Streaming QoE: A Deep Feature-Fusion Approach15
Multi-User Delay-Constrained Scheduling With Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning15
Relaying Vehicle Selection Protocol for a Road Intersection15
Practical and Efficient Coded Transmission for Full-Duplex Relay Networks Without CSI15
Machine Learning Feature Based Job Scheduling for Distributed Machine Learning Clusters14
On the Optimal Duration of Spectrum Leases in Exclusive License Markets With Stochastic Demand14
Adaptive Block-Wise Regularization and Knowledge Distillation for Enhancing Federated Learning14
Tuning DNN Model Compression to Resource and Data Availability in Cooperative Training14
Blockchain for Data Sharing at the Network Edge: Trade-Off Between Capability and Security14
A Shifting Filter Framework for Dynamic Set Queries13
Performance of Load Balancers With Bounded Maximum Queue Length in Case of Non-Exponential Job Sizes13
Approximate Packet Classifiers With Controlled Accuracy13
Reducing Mobile Web Latency Through Adaptively Selecting Transport Protocol13
Core-Stateless Forwarding With QoS Revisited: Decoupling Delay and Bandwidth Requirements13
Joint Placement and Allocation of VNF Nodes With Budget and Capacity Constraints12
Robust Routing Made Easy: Reinforcing Networks Against Non-Benign Faults12
Time-Efficient Range Detection in Commodity RFID Systems12
On Distributed Computing With Heterogeneous Communication Constraints12
SASA: Source-Aware Self-Attention for IP Hijack Detection12
PAVI: Bootstrapping Accountability and Privacy to IPv6 Internet12
SPIN: BSP Job Scheduling With Placement-Sensitive Execution12
Revisiting Nakamoto Consensus in Asynchronous Networks: A Comprehensive Analysis of Bitcoin Safety and Chain Quality12
Table of Contents12
SFT-Box: An Online Approach for Minimizing the Embedding Cost of Multiple Hybrid SFCs12
Attack Resilience of Cache Replacement Policies: A Study Based on TTL Approximation12
Joint Online Optimization of Model Training and Analog Aggregation for Wireless Edge Learning12
Optimal Load-Splitting and Distributed-Caching for Dynamic Content Over the Wireless Edge11
Delay Gain Analysis of Wireless Multicasting for Content Distribution11
Gesture Recognition Using Visible Light on Mobile Devices11
Dynamic Online User Recruitment With (Non-) Submodular Utility in Mobile CrowdSensing11
Machine Learning on Volatile Instances: Convergence, Runtime, and Cost Tradeoffs11
Efficient Link Scheduling Solutions for the Internet of Things Under Rayleigh Fading11
On the Algorithmic Solvability of Channel Dependent Classification Problems in Communication Systems11
Constrained Network Slicing Games: Achieving Service Guarantees and Network Efficiency11
The LOFT Attack: Overflowing SDN Flow Tables at a Low Rate11
Online Approximation Scheme for Scheduling Heterogeneous Utility Jobs in Edge Computing11
A Whittle Index Approach to Minimizing Functions of Age of Information11
Asynchronous Load Balancing and Auto-Scaling: Mean-Field Limit and Optimal Design11
Status Update Control and Analysis Under Two-Way Delay11
Optimal Edge Caching for Individualized Demand Dynamics11
Game-Theoretic Bandits for Network Optimization With High-Probability Swap-Regret Upper Bounds11
Identifying UHF RFIDs in Range of Readers With WiFi11
Spatio-Temporal Multi-Metaverse Dynamic Streaming for Hybrid Quantum-Classical Systems11
An Anonymity Vulnerability in Tor10
A Whirling Dervish: Polynomial-Time Algorithm for the Regional SRLG-Disjoint Paths Problem10
AutoTomo: Learning-Based Traffic Estimator Incorporating Network Tomography10
Traffic-Aware Merkle Trees for Shortening Blockchain Transaction Proofs10
Parallel Backscatter: Channel Estimation and Beyond10
Multi-Stakeholder Service Placement via Iterative Bargaining With Incomplete Information10
DeepCC: Bridging the Gap Between Congestion Control and Applications via Multiobjective Optimization10
Nous: Drop-Freeness and Duplicate-Freeness for Consistent Updating in SDN Multicast Routing10
Circling Reduction Algorithm for Cloud Edge Traffic Allocation Under the 95th Percentile Billing10
Concurrent Charging With Wave Interference for Multiple Chargers10
Personalized Pricing Through Strategic User Profiling in Social Networks10
A Compressive Integrity Auditing Protocol for Secure Cloud Storage10
Combining Capacity and Length: Finding Connectivity Bottleneck in a Layered Network10
Speed Scaling on Parallel Servers With MapReduce Type Precedence Constraints10
PeerProbe: Estimating Vehicular Neighbor Distribution With Adaptive Compressive Sensing10
From Conception to Retirement: A Lifetime Story of a 3-Year-Old Wireless Beacon System in the Wild10
Accelerating Geo-Distributed Machine Learning With Network-Aware Adaptive Tree and Auxiliary Route10
DeviceRadar: Online IoT Device Fingerprinting in ISPs Using Programmable Switches10
Reliable and Practical Bluetooth Backscatter With Commodity Devices10
Enhancing Low Latency Adaptive Live Streaming Through Precise Bandwidth Prediction10
VERCEL: Verification and Rectification of Configuration Errors With Least Squares10
HDS: A Fast Hybrid Data Location Service for Hierarchical Mobile Edge Computing10
Mean Field Graph Based D2D Collaboration and Offloading Pricing in Mobile Edge Computing10
Revisiting Wireless Breath and Crowd Inference Attacks With Defensive Deception10
Switch-Assistant Loss Recovery for RDMA Transport Control10
InaudibleKey2.0: Deep Learning-Empowered Mobile Device Pairing Protocol Based on Inaudible Acoustic Signals10
StarFront: Cooperatively Constructing Pervasive and Low-Latency CDNs Upon Emerging LEO Satellites and Clouds9
From Non-Optimal Routing Protocols to Routing on Multiple Optimality Criteria9
CoEdge: Cooperative DNN Inference With Adaptive Workload Partitioning Over Heterogeneous Edge Devices9
Federated Learning Over Wireless Networks: Convergence Analysis and Resource Allocation9
HS-DCell: A Highly Scalable DCell-Based Server-Centric Topology for Data Center Networks9
Single vs Distributed Edge Caching for Dynamic Content9
Table of Contents9
Blockchain and Multi-Agent Learning Empowered Incentive IRS Resource Scheduling for Intelligent Reconfigurable Networks9
Smart Name Lookup for NDN Forwarding Plane via Neural Networks9
Downlink Transmission Scheduling With Data Sharing9
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Cross-Slice Federated Meta Learning for Resource Orchestration to Cold-Start Slice9
A Family of General Architectures Toward Interconnection Networks and Data Center Networks9
Maximizing Energy Efficiency of Period-Area Coverage With a UAV for Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks9
Multi-Stage Hybrid Federated Learning Over Large-Scale D2D-Enabled Fog Networks9
Scalable and Robust East-West Forwarding Framework for Hyperscale Clouds9
Scheduling Massive Camera Streams to Optimize Large-Scale Live Video Analytics9
Beyond QoE: Diversity Adaptation in Video Streaming at the Edge9
Enhancing Load Balancing With In-Network Recirculation to Prevent Packet Reordering in Lossless Data Centers9
How Valuable is Your Data? Optimizing Client Recruitment in Federated Learning9
Minimizing Charging Delay for Directional Charging9
FENDI: Toward High-Fidelity Entanglement Distribution in the Quantum Internet8
RoLL+: Real-Time and Accurate Route Leak Locating With AS Triplet Features at Scale8
P-Sketch: A Fast and Accurate Sketch for Persistent Item Lookup8
Worst-Case Delay Bounds in Time-Sensitive Networks With Packet Replication and Elimination8
Revisiting Congestion Detection in Lossless Networks8
Optimal Caching for Low Latency in Distributed Coded Storage Systems8
Bolt: Scalable and Cost-Efficient Multistring Pattern Matching With Programmable Switches8
Segmented Entanglement Establishment With All-Optical Switching in Quantum Networks8
Serving Graph Neural Networks With Distributed Fog Servers for Smart IoT Services8
HyLink: Toward High Throughput LPWANs With LoRa Compatible Communication8
Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning-Based Resource Allocation and Trading for Network Slicing in 5G8
Federated Edge Network Utility Maximization for a Multi-Server System: Algorithm and Convergence8
FlowStar: Fast Convergence Per-Flow State Accurate Congestion Control for InfiniBand8
CSMA/PJ: A Protective Jamming Based MAC Protocol to Harmonize the Long and Short Links8
Learning to Schedule Network Resources Throughput and Delay Optimally Using Q+-Learning8
A3D: Adaptive, Accurate, and Autonomous Navigation for Edge-Assisted Drones8
Peak AoI Minimization at Wireless-Powered Network Edge: From the Perspective of Both Charging and Transmitting8
Low-Complexity Switch Scheduling Algorithms: Delay Optimality in Heavy Traffic8
Insecurity of Operational IMS Call Systems: Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures8
Network Support for High-Performance Distributed Machine Learning8
PoirIoT: Fingerprinting IoT Devices at Tbps Scale8
K-Backup: Load- and TCAM-Aware Multi-Backup Fast Failure Recovery in SDNs8
SteadySketch: A High-Performance Algorithm for Finding Steady Flows in Data Streams8
A Robustness-Aware Real-Time SFC Routing Update Scheme in Multi-Tenant Clouds8
Social Sourcing: Incorporating Social Networks Into Crowdsourcing Contest Design8
TurboNet: Faithfully Emulating Networks With Programmable Switches8
A Framework for Policy Inconsistency Detection in Software-Defined Networks8
Toward Inference Delivery Networks: Distributing Machine Learning With Optimality Guarantees8
Enforcing Fairness in the Traffic Policer Among Heterogeneous Congestion Control Algorithms8
Distributed Byzantine-Resilient Multiple-Message Dissemination in Wireless Networks8
DET: Enabling Efficient Probing of IPv6 Active Addresses8
Minimizing Age of Incorrect Information Over a Channel With Random Delay8
Efficient Make-Before-Break Layer 2 Reoptimization7
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Publication Information7
Sponsored Data: On the Effect of ISP Competition on Pricing Dynamics and Content Provider Market Structures7
List of Reviewers7
Spectrum-Energy-Efficient Mode Selection and Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous V2X Networks: A Federated Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach7
Sampling of the Wiener Process for Remote Estimation Over a Channel With Unknown Delay Statistics7
On Flow Control and Optimized Back-Off in Non-Saturated CSMA7
Internet Transport Economics: Model and Analysis7
Asymptotically Optimal Online Caching on Multiple Caches With Relaying and Bypassing7
A General Quantitative Analysis Framework for Attacks in Blockchain7
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Society Information7
Graph-Based Namespaces and Load Sharing for Efficient Information Dissemination7
Critical Intensity for Unbounded Sequential Localizability7
Multi-Associated Parameters Aggregation-Based Routing and Resources Allocation in Multi-Core Elastic Optical Networks7
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Society Information7
Buffer-Aware User Selection and Resource Allocation for an Opportunistic Cognitive Radio Network: A Cross-Layer Approach7
LiFi for Low-Power and Long-Range RF Backscatter7
Scheduling Coflows in Hybrid Optical-Circuit and Electrical-Packet Switches With Performance Guarantee7
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Society Information7
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Information for Authors7
Shield Against Gradient Leakage Attacks: Adaptive Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning7
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Society Information7
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Publication Information7
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Publication Information7
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Society Information7
SlimFL: Federated Learning With Superposition Coding Over Slimmable Neural Networks7
Scaling mmWave WLANs With Single RF Chain Multiuser Beamforming7
Dependable Virtualized Fabric on Programmable Data Plane7
DistMind: Efficient Resource Disaggregation for Deep Learning Workloads7
Characterizing the Availability and Latency in AWS Network From the Perspective of Tenants7
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Information for Authors7
Enhancing Federated Learning With Spectrum Allocation Optimization and Device Selection7
Service Placement for Collaborative Edge Applications7
Table of Contents7
Table of Contents7
Efficient Replication for Fast and Predictable Performance in Distributed Computing6
MASK: Practical Source and Path Verification Based on Multi-AS-Key6
Topology Inference With Multivariate Cumulants: The Möbius Inference Algorithm6
A Novel Multimodal Deep Learning Framework for Encrypted Traffic Classification6
EdgeDuet: Tiling Small Object Detection for Edge Assisted Autonomous Mobile Vision6