Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy

(The TQCC of Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Videotherapy and therapeutic alliance in the age of COVID‐19135
Live psychotherapy by video versus in‐person: A meta‐analysis of efficacy and its relationship to types and targets of treatment77
Adverse childhood experiences and early maladaptive schemas in adulthood: A systematic review and meta‐analysis76
Moral injury, mental health and behavioural health outcomes: A systematic review of the literature64
A systematic review of metacognitions in Internet Gaming Disorder and problematic Internet, smartphone and social networking sites use55
Effectiveness of self‐compassion‐related interventions for reducing self‐criticism: A systematic review and meta‐analysis53
Early maladaptive schemas and depression in adulthood: A systematic review and meta‐analysis45
Impact of COVID‐19 outbreak on Italian healthcare workers versus general population: Results from an online survey44
Adverse childhood experiences and repetitive negative thinking in adulthood: A systematic review42
Virtual reality in the treatment of eating disorders41
The COVID‐19 anxiety syndrome and selective attentional bias towards COVID‐19‐related stimuli in UK residents during the 2020–2021 pandemic40
The relationship between fear of COVID‐19 and health anxiety among families with COVID‐19 infected: The mediating role of metacognitions, intolerance of uncertainty and emotion regulation39
Virtual reality for the enhancement of emotion regulation35
Therapeutic interventions in in‐person and remote psychotherapy: Survey with psychotherapists and patients experiencing in‐person and remote psychotherapy during COVID‐1934
The impact on mental health practitioners of the death of a patient by suicide: A systematic review30
Psychotherapists' acceptance of telepsychotherapy during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A machine learning approach29
The efficacy of internet‐based cognitive behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder: A systematic review and meta‐analysis29
Metacognitive beliefs across eating disorders and eating behaviours: A systematic review28
Group eye movement desensitization and reprocessing interventions in adults and children: A systematic review of randomized and nonrandomized trials27
Screening for moral injury and comparatively evaluating moral injury measures in relation to mental illness symptomatology and diagnosis27
Therapeutic alliance in psychological therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta‐analysis23
The use of virtual reality in assessment and treatment of anxiety and related disorders23
Alexithymia, dissociation and emotional regulation in eating disorders: Evidence of improvement through specialized inpatient treatment23
Fears of compassion magnify the harmful effects of threat of COVID‐19 on mental health and social safeness across 21 countries23
The influence of risk perception for COVID‐19 pandemic on posttraumatic stress disorder in healthcare workers: A survey from four designated hospitals22
Levels and variables associated with psychological distress during confinement due to the coronavirus pandemic in a community sample of Spanish adults22
A systematic review of the implementation of psychological therapies in acute mental health inpatient settings21
Treatment gap in bereavement care: (Online) bereavement support needs and use after traumatic loss20
Opening the proverbial ‘can of worms’ on trauma‐specific treatment in prison: The association of adverse childhood experiences to treatment outcomes20
Shame and binge eating pathology: A systematic review20
Interactive virtual reality assessment of aggressive social information processing in boys with behaviour problems: A pilot study20
Clinical assessment of non‐suicidal self‐injury: A systematic review of instruments19
Psychophysiological treatment of chronic tinnitus: A review19
The Italian COVID‐19 Anxiety Syndrome Scale: Investigation of the COVID‐19 anxiety syndrome and its association with psychological symptoms in an Italian population18
The Persian COVID‐19 Anxiety Syndrome Scale (C‐19ASS): Psychometric properties in a general community sample of Iranians18
Deconstructing pathways to resilience: A systematic review of associations between psychosocial mechanisms and transdiagnostic adult mental health outcomes in the context of adverse childhood experien18
Induction of false beliefs and false memories in laboratory studies—A systematic review18
The common‐sense model and mental illness outcomes: A meta‐analysis18
Early maladaptive schemas and intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration: A systematic review and meta‐analysis18
The mediating role of personalized psychological flexibility in the association between distress intolerance and psychological distress: A national survey during the fourth waves of COVID‐19 pandemic 18
Development and validation of the multidimensional version of the fear of self questionnaire: Corrupted, culpable and malformed feared possible selves in obsessive–compulsive and body‐dysmorphic sympt17
Information seeking and health anxiety during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The mediating role of catastrophic cognitions17
A novel virtual reality‐based theory of mind intervention for outpatients with schizophrenia: A proof‐of‐concept pilot study17
Adolescent maladaptive schemas and childhood abuse and neglect: A systematic review and meta‐analysis17
Reduced specificity and increased overgenerality of autobiographical memory persist as cognitive vulnerabilities in remitted major depression: A meta‐analysis17
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy upon weight management and psychological well‐being of adults with overweight or obesity: A systematic review16
Internet addiction and maladaptive schemas: The potential role of disconnection/rejection and impaired autonomy/performance16
Meaning‐making as a mediator of anxiety and depression reduction during cognitive behavioral therapy intervention in participants with adjustment disorders16
The metacognitive model of post‐traumatic stress disorder and metacognitive therapy for post‐traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review16
Psychoform and somatoform dissociation in anorexia nervosa: A systematic review16
The associations of obsessive–compulsive symptom dimensions and general severity with suicidal ideation in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder: The role of specific stress responses to COVID‐115
Which psychological characteristics influence therapists' readiness to work with refugees?15
The therapeutic processes of avatar therapy: A content analysis of the dialogue between treatment‐resistant patients with schizophrenia and their avatar15
Critical considerations for the positive memory‐posttraumatic stress disorder model15
From decision to action: Suicidal history and time between decision to die and actual suicide attempt15
How does depression facilitate psychological difficulties in children? The mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies14
The relationship between the therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy and suicidal experiences: A systematic review14
A survey of psychological practitioner workplace well‐being14
The relationship between self‐criticism and suicide probability14
Single‐session Comprehend, Cope, and Connect intervention in acute and crisis psychology: A feasibility and acceptability study14
Online psychological counselling during lockdown reduces anxiety symptoms and negative affect: Insights from Italian framework13
The Arab COVID‐19 Anxiety Syndrome Scale (C‐19ASS): COVID‐19 anxiety syndrome and psychological symptoms in the Saudi Arabian population13
Preoccupation as psychopathological process and symptom in adjustment disorder: A scoping review13
Forgiveness therapy in a maximum‐security correctional institution: A randomized clinical trial13
Validity of a Norwegian version of the Desire Thinking Questionnaire (DTQ): Associations with problem drinking, nicotine dependence and problematic social media use13
New directions in the mental health care of migrants, including refugees—A randomized controlled trial investigating the efficacy of value‐based counselling13
A pilot randomized controlled trial of online acceptance and commitment therapy versus compassion‐focused therapy for chronic illness13
Confidence in one‐self and confidence in one's own body: The revival of an old paradigm for anorexia nervosa13
Attachment anxiety as mediator of the relationship between childhood trauma and personality dysfunction in borderline personality disorder12
Change in personality traits and facets (Revised NEO Personality Inventory) following metacognitive therapy or cognitive behaviour therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: Results from a randomized c12
Common measures or common metrics? A plea to harmonize measurement results12
Therapeutic engagement in robot‐assisted psychological interventions: A systematic review12
Psychological consequences of COVID‐1912
Addressing virtual reality misclassification: A hardware‐based qualification matrix for virtual reality technology12
Interviewing anorexia: How do individuals given a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa experience Voice Dialogue with their eating disorder voice? A qualitative analysis12
A systematic review to determine how service provider practises impact effective service provision to lesbian, gay and bisexual consumers in a mental health setting11
Virtual reality in clinical practice11
Exposure to combat incidents within military and civilian populations as possible correlates of potentially morally injurious events and moral injury outcomes among Israeli combat veterans11
Individual psychotherapy can reduce suicidal ideation in first episode psychosis: Further findings from the 2‐year follow‐up of the ‘Parma Early Psychosis’ programme11
A guided Internet‐delivered intervention for adjustment disorders: A randomized controlled trial10
Repetitive negative thinking, metacognitive beliefs, and their interaction as possible predictors for problematic cannabis use10
Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and early maladaptive schemas10
The relationship between obsessions and the self: Feared and actual self‐descriptions in a clinical obsessive–compulsive disorder sample10
Assessment of preschool‐age executive functions: A systematic review10
Minding my brain: Fourteen neuroscience‐based principles to enhance psychotherapy responsiveness10
Young people's narratives of hearing voices: Systemic influences and conceptual challenges10
The effect of childhood maltreatment on suicidal ideation through cognitive emotion regulation strategies and specific obsessive–compulsive symptoms in obsessive–compulsive disorder10
The effect of desire thinking on facilitating beliefs in alcohol use disorder: An experimental investigation10
Longitudinal changes in therapeutic alliance with people with psychosis: Relationship between client and therapist assessments10
Early maladaptive schemas and COVID‐19 anxiety: The mediational role of mistrustfulness and vulnerability to harm and illness10
Pathways to and factors associated with rape stigma experienced by rape survivors in South Africa: Analysis of baseline data from a rape cohort10
Schema therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder and comorbid alcohol dependence: A multiple‐baseline case series design study9
Self‐report measures of secure attachment in adulthood: A systematic review9
A positive mental imagery intervention for targeting suicidal ideation in university students: A pilot study9
Predicting and preventing dropout in research, assessment and treatment with refugees9
Working memory function in patients with major depression disorder: A narrative review9
Impact of terrorist attacks on social relationships9
Therapeutic relationship and professional burnout in psychotherapists: A structural equation model approach9
The role of attachment and dissociation in the relationship between childhood interpersonal trauma and negative symptoms in psychosis9
The ICD‐11 and DSM‐5‐TR prolonged grief criteria: Validation of the Traumatic Grief Inventory‐Self Report Plus using exploratory factor analysis and item response theory9
Psychotherapy and youth suicide prevention: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of specialist clinicians' experiences8
Sensory processing in depression: Assessment and intervention perspective8
Distress tolerance and special alcohol metacognitions behave differently in the association of negative affect with alcohol‐related patterns in men with problematic alcohol use in the abstinence phase8
Psychodynamic psychotherapy is associated with sustained reduction in health care utilization and cost8
Differential effects of adult attachment in cognitive‐behavioural and psychodynamic therapy in social anxiety disorder: A comparison between a self‐rating and an observer rating8
Investigating service users' perspectives of eating disorder services: A meta‐synthesis8
Overprotective parenting experiences and early maladaptive schemas in adolescence and adulthood: A systematic review and meta‐analysis8
Durability of treatment effects following internet‐delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for depression and anxiety delivered within a routine care setting8
Impact of COVID‐19 social distancing measures on routine mental health care provision and treatment outcome for common mental disorders in the Netherlands8
Assessing patients' attitudes towards telepsychotherapy: The development of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology‐patient version8
An exploratory comparison of resilience profiles of Swiss older adult survivors of child welfare‐related maltreatment and controls8
The path to dissociative experiences: A direct comparison of different etiological models8
A qualitative meta‐analysis of the clients' experiences of emotion‐focused therapy8
Trauma and healing in the underserved populations of homelessness and corrections: Forgiveness Therapy as an added component to intervention8
Efficacy of emotion‐focused therapy in the treatment of eating disorders: A systematic review7
Rumination, worry and negative and positive affect in prolonged grief: A daily diary study7
A systematic review of the relationship between generic and specific metacognitive beliefs and emotion dysregulation: A metacognitive model of emotion dysregulation7
Emotion regulation strategies among individuals with borderline personality disorder relative to other groups: A review7
Clinimetric properties of the Chinese version of the Euthymia Scale7
Explaining the willingness of clinicians to work with patients with antisocial personality disorder using the theory of planned behaviour and emotional reactions7
A critical review of cognitive behavioural therapy for hoarding disorder: How can we improve outcomes?7
A brief acceptance and commitment intervention for work‐related stress and burnout amongst frontline homelessness staff: A single case experimental design series7
A randomized controlled trial of a forgiveness intervention program with female acid attack survivors in Pakistan7
Family climate in children living with parents who harmfully consume alcohol7
Psychometric properties and psychological correlates of the COVID‐19 Anxiety Syndrome Scale: A comprehensive systematic review and meta‐analysis7
Childhood maltreatment and self‐hatred as distinguishing characteristics of psychiatric patients with self‐harm: A comparison with clinical and healthy controls7
Waiting list eradication in secondary care psychology: Addressing a National Health Service blind spot7
Investigating expressed emotion in individuals at‐risk of developing psychosis and their families over 12 months7
A mixed methods study of autistic adults' mental health therapy experiences7
Identifying the research priorities for schema therapy: A Delphi consensus study7
Psychological predictors of treatment adherence among patients with diabetes (types I and II): Modified information–motivation–behavioural skills model6
Predicting outcomes and sudden gains from initial in‐session interactions during remote cognitive–behavioural therapy for severe health anxiety6
Characterizing worry content and impact in pregnant and postpartum women with anxiety disorders during COVID‐196
Prevalence and risk factors associated with perinatal depression in sexual minority women6
Is a sense of coherence associated with prolonged grief, depression, and satisfaction with life after bereavement? A longitudinal study6
The role of metacognitions in cyberbullying and cybervictimization among adolescents diagnosed with major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders: A case–control study6
Inclusion of the other in the self as a potential risk factor for prolonged grief disorder: A comparison of patients with matched bereaved healthy controls6
Social support in patients with bipolar disorder and differing ages at onset6
Conceptualizing the digital therapeutic alliance in the context of fully automated mental health apps: A thematic analysis6
A study on the feasibility of delivering a psychologically informed ward‐based intervention on an acute mental health ward6
Attachment anxiety, reflective functioning and well‐being as predictors of burn‐out and psychological distress among psychotherapists: A longitudinal study6
Suicide‐related interpersonal needs of young Iranian people: A preliminary validation of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness constructs6
‘I have high self‐compassion’: A face‐valid single‐item self‐compassion scale for resource‐limited research contexts6
Low satisfaction with normative life domains in adolescents with anorexia nervosa6
An investigation of whether emotion regulation mediates the relationship between attachment insecurity and suicidal ideation and behaviour6
Maladaptive metacognitive beliefs mediated the effect of intolerance of uncertainty on depression6
The network structure of schema modes6
Preventive interventions for children and adolescents of parents with mental illness: A systematic review6