Concurrent Engineering-Research and Applications

(The median citation count of Concurrent Engineering-Research and Applications is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Research on uncertain integrated production planning and scheduling with risk management based on improved collaborative optimization61
New product development project management: Insights and research tendency from a bibliometric-based literature review52
RETRACTED: Design of novel multi filter union feature selection framework for breast cancer dataset50
Identifying modular candidates in engineer-to-order companies32
RETRACTED: Bayesian approach to incremental batch learning on forest cover sensor data for multiclass classification31
Model-based trade-off curves to support the set-based concurrent engineering of highly innovative projects28
Call for papers: Concurrent engineering: Research and applications28
RETRACTED: Federation payment tree: An improved payment channel for scaling and efficient ZK-hash time lock commitment framework in blockchain technology20
RETRACTED: Detection of Pneumonia from Chest X-Ray images using Machine Learning19
RETRACTED: Optimal feature reduction for biometric authentication using intelligent computing techniques18
Robust product line pricing under the multinomial logit choice model17
Deep learning based fusion model for COVID-19 diagnosis and classification using computed tomography images17
Connector-link-part-based disassembly sequence planning15
Applications of affordance and cognitive ergonomics in virtual design: A digital camera as an illustrative case13
Special issue on intelligent computing and communication in industrial internet of things13
A structured approach for functional analysis of context-aware systems13
Clustering product development project organization based on trust and core teams12
Adapting discrete goods supply chains to support mass customisation of pharmaceutical products12
RETRACTED: Color perception and recognition method for Guangdong embroidery image based on discrete mathematical model10
A framework for data-driven decision making in advanced manufacturing systems: Development and implementation10
Machine Learning and Automation in Concurrent Engineering9
Petite term traffic flow prediction using deep learning for augmented flow of vehicles7
RETRACTED: Evaluation of biometric communication and authenticate recognition using ANN with PSO algorithm6
Computational intelligence, machine learning techniques, and IOT6
Development of a control architecture for a parallel three-axis robotic arm mechanism using CANopen communication protocol6
On-tree fruit monitoring system using IoT and image analysis6
On blockchain technology and machine learning algorithms in concurrent engineering6
DFA concepts in a concurrent engineering environment: A white goods case6
RETRACTED: An efficient approach for brain tumor detection and segmentation in MR brain images using random forest classifier5
Deep learning and complex network theory based analysis on socialized manufacturing resources utilisations and an application case study5
A new remanufacturing system scheduling model with diversified reprocessing routes using a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm4
Automated glaucoma detection from fundus images using wavelet-based denoising and machine learning4
Knowledge capitalization in mechatronic collaborative design4
Artificial intelligence techniques for industrial automation and smart systems4
RETRACTED: Embedded mobile computational framework for multidimensional diabetic retinopathy extraction and detection technique using recursive neural network approach for unstructured tomography data3
Data-driven product optimization capabilities to enhance sustainability and environmental compliance in a marine manufacturing context3
Prioritizing failure risks of components based on information axiom for product redesign considering fuzzy and random uncertainties3
RETRACTED: Deep learning framework for leaf damage identification3
RETRACTED: Selecting and balancing market portfolio using artificial intelligence and fuzzy multiobjective decision-making model3
Time-aware cloud manufacturing service selection using unknown QoS prediction and uncertain user preferences3
An optimal strategy for sustainable IoT device placements for agriculture3
Digital twinning of vertical centrifugal casting2
RETRACTED: Integrity and memory consumption aware electronic health record handling in cloud2
RETRACTED: Detection and classification of epilepsy using hybrid convolutional neural network2
Individualized and accurate eco-design knowledge push for designers: a CAD-based feedback knowledge push method for the eco-design2
Conducting product comparative analysis to outperform competitor’s product using Teardown JST Model2
Integration of lean manufacturing system with novel intuitive fuzzy syncretic lean frame work to improve the overall equipment effectiveness2
RETRACTED: Breast cancer diagnosis using multiple activation deep neural network2
Game-relationship-based remanufacturing scheduling model with sequence-dependent setup times using improved discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm2
Smart paddy field monitoring system using deep learning and IoT2
Enhancing knowledge management in the PSS detailed design: a case study in a food and bakery machinery company2
Industry 4.0 implementation barriers in automotive manufacturing industry: Interpretive structural modelling approach2
RETRACTED: Phased array ultrasonic test signal enhancement and classification using Empirical Wavelet Transform and Deep Convolution Neural Network2
Integrated fuzzy linguistic preference relations approach and fuzzy Quality Function Deployment to the sustainable design of hybrid electric vehicles2
Special issue on “intelligent computing and communication in concurrent engineering”2
Tool health monitoring in lathe turning process by artificial intelligence techniques — a review2