Progress in Photovoltaics

(The TQCC of Progress in Photovoltaics is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Progress in three‐terminal heterojunction bipolar transistor solar cells389
Ultrathin GaAs solar cells with a high surface roughness GaP layer for light‐trapping application335
Deep‐learning‐based pipeline for module power prediction from electroluminescense measurements332
Sodium doping of solution‐processed amine‐thiol based CIGS solar cells by thermal evaporation of NaCl257
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Review of technology specific degradation in crystalline silicon, cadmium telluride, copper indium gallium selenide, dye sensitised, organic and perovskite solar cells in photovoltaic modules: Underst109
Effects of material properties of band‐gap‐graded Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films on the onset of the quantum efficiency spectra of corresponding solar cells85
Quantifying the influence of encapsulant and backsheet composition on PV‐power and electrical degradation56
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A simplified and masking‐free doping process for interdigitated back contact solar cells using an atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition borosilicate glass / phosphosilicate glass layer stack 46
Photovoltaics literature survey (No. 170)41
An open‐source parameterized life cycle model to assess the environmental performance of silicon‐based photovoltaic systems39
Issue Information39
Time‐varying, ray tracing irradiance simulation approach for photovoltaic systems in complex scenarios with decoupled geometry, optical properties and illumination conditions38
How band tail recombination influences the open‐circuit voltage of solar cells37
Automated detection of photovoltaic cleaning events: A performance comparison of techniques as applied to a broad set of labeled photovoltaic data sets33
An adaptive modeling for bifacial solar module levelized cost and performance analysis for mining application32
Curing conditions for low‐resistivity contacts on transparent conductive oxide layers for different solar cell applications32
Performance analysis of polycrystalline floating photovoltaic array: The concept and prototype development for irrigation purpose32
Analysis of polyamide and fluoropolymer backsheets: Degradation and insulation failure in field‐aged photovoltaic modules31
Evidence of hot carrier extraction in metal halide perovskite solar cells31
Ultra‐thin electron collectors based on nc‐Si:H for high‐efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells30
A thermodynamic evaluation of metal halides for the recrystallization of Cu(In,Ga)Se229
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On outdoor testing procedures of large samples of PV modules28
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Atomic scale controlled tunnel oxide enabled by a novel industrial tube‐based PEALD technology with demonstrated commercial TOPCon cell efficiencies > 24%25
Photovoltaics literature survey (No. 166)25
Assessing the accuracy of two steady‐state temperature models for onboard passenger vehicle photovoltaics applications25
International collaboration framework for the calculation of performance loss rates: Data quality, benchmarks, and trends (towards a uniform methodology)25
Practical design of an optical filter for thermal management of photovoltaic modules25
Photovoltaics literature survey (No. 165)23
Fully printed organic solar modules with bottom and top silver nanowire electrodes22
Implementation of nickel and copper as cost‐effective alternative contacts in silicon solar cells22
Predicting diurnal outdoor performance and degradation of organic photovoltaics via machine learning; relating degradation to outdoor stress conditions22
Shingle cell IV characterization based on spatially resolved host cell measurements21
Photovoltaics literature survey (No. 191)21
Solar Cell Efficiency Tables (Version 65)21
Material availability assessment using system dynamics: The case of tellurium21
Identify, analyse and mitigate—Quantification of technical risks in PV power systems20
Optical analysis of light management for finger designs in CPV systems20
Oxygen‐alloyed poly‐Si passivating contacts for high‐thermal budget c‐Si heterojunction solar cells20
Electrochemical degradation modes in bifacial silicon photovoltaic modules20
Flexible design of building integrated thin‐film photovoltaics19
Towards a successful re‐use of decommissioned photovoltaic modules19
Incidence Angle Effect: Validation of New Measurement Methods for IEC 61853‐218
Life cycle energy demand and carbon emissions of scalable single‐junction and tandem perovskite PV17
Offshore floating photovoltaics system assessment in worldwide perspective17
Role of solar PV in net‐zero growth: An analysis of international manufacturers and policies17
Design of shading‐ and hotspot‐resistant shingled modules17
Daylight photoluminescence imaging of photovoltaic systems using inverter‐based switching16
Chemical and Electronic Structure of the i‐ZnO/InxSy:Na Front Contact Interface in Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Thin‐Film Solar Cells16
Comparative study of cadmium telluride solar cell performance on different TCO‐coated substrates under concentrated light intensities16
III‐V//CuxIn1−yGaySe2 multijunction solar cells with 27.2% efficiency fabricated using modified smart stack technology with Pd nanopart16
The dynamic of photovoltaic resources on its performance predictability, based on two new approaches16
Modeling of transport in carrier‐selective contacts in silicon heterojunction solar cells16
Achieving 23.83% conversion efficiency in silicon heterojunction solar cell with ultra‐thin MoOx hole collector layer via tailoring (i)a‐Si:H/MoOx interface15
Assessment of string performance using self‐referencing method in comparison to performance ratio15
Revisiting Photovoltaic Module Antireflection Coatings: A Novel, Dense Sol–Gel Design to Address Long‐Standing Durability Limitations15
SrFx‐based electron‐selective contact with high tolerance to thickness for crystalline silicon solar cells enabling efficiency over 21%15
A route towards high‐efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells15
Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 63)15
Silicon‐based passivating contacts: The TOPCon route15
Progress of plated metallization for industrial bifacial TOPCon silicon solar cells15
Dipoles and defects caused by CO2 plasma improve carrier transport of silicon solar cells15
Half and full solar cell efficiency binning by deep learning on electroluminescence images15
Advanced Fine Line Printing With Glass Stencils: Achieving Metal Contact Fingers Below 10 μm14
Techno‐economic analysis of the use of atomic layer deposited transition metal oxides in silicon heterojunction solar cells14
Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 60)14
Towards market commercialization: Lifecycle economic and environmental evaluation of scalable perovskite solar cells14
CuIn (Se,Te)2 Absorbers With Bandgaps <1 eV for Bottom Cells in Tandem Applications14
Effect of Iron Contamination and Polysilicon Gettering on the Performance of Polysilicon‐Based Passivating Contact Solar Cells14
Photovoltaics literature survey (no. 172)14
Potential for Recycled Silicon Solar Cells as Feedstock for New Ingot Growth14
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Damp‐heat induced degradation in photovoltaic modules manufactured with passivated emitter and rear contact solar cells13
Outdoor measurements of a full‐size bifacial Pero/Si tandem module under different spectral conditions13
Photovoltaic module antireflection coating degradation survey using color microscopy and spectral reflectance13
In‐depth analysis of potential‐induced degradation in a commercial CIGS PV module13
Issue Information12
Device operation of P‐ion‐implanted n‐BaSi2/p‐Si heterojunction solar cells12
Updated sustainability status of cadmium telluride thin‐film photovoltaic systems and projections12
Three‐junction monolithic interconnected modules for concentrator photovoltaics12
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Thermally stable poly‐Si tunnel junctions enabling next‐generation high‐efficiency Si solar cells12
Double‐sided nano‐textured surfaces for industry compatible high‐performance silicon heterojunction and perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells12
Large‐area MoOx/c‐Si heterojunction solar cells with a ICO/Ag back reflector12
Measuring the device‐level EQE of multi‐junction photonic power converters12
LeTID mitigation via an adapted firing process in p‐type PERC cells from SMART cast‐monocrystalline, Czochralski and high‐performance multicrystalline silicon12
Design and characterization of multijunction photovoltaic laser power converters for nonuniform irradiance light profiles11
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Measured power conversion efficiencies of bifacial luminescent solar concentrator photovoltaic devices of the mosaic series11
Impact of interconnection failure on photovoltaic module performance11
Susceptibility to polarization type potential induced degradation in commercial bifacial p‐PERC PV modules10
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Editorial for Stuart Wenham Special Issue10
2‐step process for 5.4% CuGaSe2 solar cell using fluorine doped tin oxide transparent back contacts10
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Autonomous measurement system for photovoltaic and radiometer soiling losses10
Photovoltaics literature survey (No. 177)10
Determination of dominant recombination site in perovskite solar cells through illumination‐side‐dependent impedance spectroscopy9
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The status of implementation of photovoltaic systems and its influencing factors in European countries9
Microstructured antireflective encapsulant on concentrator solar cells9
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Low‐cost outdoor spectral irradiances determination and its application on Concentrator Photovoltaic module power rating and energy yield calculation9
Artificial ground reflector size and position effects on energy yield and economics of single‐axis‐tracked bifacial photovoltaics8
The sputter deposition of broadband transparent and highly conductive cerium and hydrogen co‐doped indium oxide and its transfer to silicon heterojunction solar cells8
Performance evaluation of procedures used to correct measured I‐V characteristics of photovoltaic modules for temperature and irradiance8
What is going on with Middle Eastern solar prices, and what does it mean for the rest of us?8
Future‐proofing photovoltaics module reliability through a unifying predictive modeling framework8
High‐performance perovskite/silicon heterojunction solar cells enabled by industrially compatible postannealing8
Effect of TiO2 layer thickness of TiO2/NiO transparent photovoltaics8
Towards a cutting‐edge metallization process for silicon heterojunction solar cells with very low silver laydown8
High aspect ratio triangular front contacts for solar cells fabricated by string‐printing8
An asymmetric low concentrator and spectral splitting approach to bifacial four‐terminal photovoltaic modules8
Light trapping in thin silicon solar cells: A review on fundamentals and technologies8
Photovoltaics literature survey (No. 193)8
Temperature and illumination dependence of silicon heterojunction solar cells with a wide range of wafer resistivities8
Achievement of 25.54% power conversion efficiency by optimization of current losses at the front side of silicon heterojunction solar cells8
Effect of Ga Variation on the Bulk and Grain‐Boundary Properties of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Absorbers in Thin‐Film Solar Cells and Their Impacts on Open‐Circuit Voltage Losses8