Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics

(The TQCC of Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Sufficiently Close One-Dimensional Pseudorepresentations Are Equal40
Lie Symmetry and Exact Solution of the Time-Fractional Hirota–Satsuma Korteweg–de Vries System28
Structurally Stable Nondegenerate Singularities of Integrable Systems22
Properties of Suns in the Spaces $$L^1$$ and $$C(Q)$$21
On the Correspondence between the Variational Principles in the Eulerian and Lagrangian Descriptions19
The Uniform Structure of $$\mathfrak{g}^{\otimes 4}$$13
Reconstruction of Maslov’s Complex Germ in the Cauchy Problem for the Schrödinger Equation with a Delta Potential Localized on a Hypersurface12
A Corollary to a Triviality Theorem for Quasirepresentations of an Amenable Group in Reflexive Banach Spaces10
On the Group of Holomorphic Automorphisms of a Model Surface9
On Semiclassical Asymptotics for Nonlocal Equations9
Geometry of the Singular Set of Hypersurfaces and the Eikonal Equation9
On the Regularity of the Solution for Incompressible 3D Navier–Stokes Equation with Periodic Boundary Conditions8
On the Global Existence for a Class of Compressible Non-Newtonian Fluids with Inhomogeneous Boundary Data8
Geometry of Inhomogeneous Poisson Brackets, Multicomponent Harry Dym Hierarchies, and Multicomponent Hunter–Saxton Equations8
Trace of the Resolvent of the Laplace Operator on a Metric Graph7
On Relationships between the Spectral Potential of Transfer Operators, $$\boldsymbol t$$-Entropy, Entropy and Topological Pressure7
Asymptotics of the Cauchy Problem for the One-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation with Rapidly Oscillating Initial Data and Small Addition to the Smooth Potential7
Analytic Solutions of the Cylindrical Heat Equation with a Heat Source7
On Some Degenerate Differential and Degenerate Difference Operators6
Arithmetic Properties of an Euler-Type Series with Polyadic Liouville Parameter6
Periodic Cyclic Cocycles on the Boutet de Monvel Symbol Algebra6
Inverse Spectral Problem for Band Operators and Their Sparsity Criterion In Terms of Inverse Problem Data6
Asymptotic Multiscale Solutions to Navier–Stokes Equations with Fast Oscillating Perturbations in Boundary Layers6
Nonstationary Double-Deck Structure of Boundary Layers in Compressible Flow Problem Inside a Channel with Small Irregularities on the Walls5
On the Propagation of Local Perturbations in Yang–Mills Fields with $$SU(2)$$ Symmetry5
Contrast Structures in the Reaction-Diffusion-Advection Problem in the Case of a Weak Reaction Discontinuity5
Degenerate Whitney Numbers of First and Second Kind of Dowling Lattices5
Maslov Rank Distributions for the Analysis of Two-Dimensional and Quasi-Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flows4
Complete Integrability of a New Class of Hamiltonian Hydrodynamic Type Systems4
Estimates of the Chebyshev Radius in Terms of the MAX-Metric Function and the MAX-Projection Operator4
Probabilistic Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials4
Asymptotics of the Solution of the Cauchy Problem with Localized Initial Conditions for a Wave Type Equation with Time Dispersion. I. Basic Structures4
Elliptic $$\mathbb{Z}$$-Operators Associated with the Metaplectic Group3
Properties of Chebyshev Generalized Rational Fractions in $$L_1$$3
Solarity and Proximinality in Generalized Rational Approximation in Spaces $$C(Q)$$ and $$L^p$$3
Modified Virial Expansion and the Equation of State3
Solitary Wave Solutions to a Generalization of the mKdV Equation3
Asymptotics of Multiple Orthogonal Hermite Polynomials $$H_{n_1,n_2}(z,\alpha)$$ Determined by a Third-Order Differential Equation3
Maslov’s Complex Germ in the Cauchy Problem for a Wave Equation with a Jumping Velocity3
Rectilinear Vortex Thread in a Radially Nonhomogeneous Bingham Solid3
The Mean Square of the Pauli–Jordan–Dirac Anticommutator With Respect to Spatial Variables2
Double-Deck Structure in a Fluid Flow Induced by a Uniformly Rotating Disk with Small Irregularities: the Nonsymmetric Case2
On the Linearization of Certain Singularities of Nijenhuis Operators2
Relations Between Various Types of Suns in Asymmetric Spaces2
Explicit Formulas for Probabilistic Multi-Poly-Bernoulli Polynomials and Numbers2
Erratum to: “Solitary Wave Interactions in the Cubic Whitham Equation” [RJMP 31 (2), 199–208 (2024)]2
Continuity Criterion for Locally Bounded Finite-Dimensional Representations of Simply Connected Solvable Lie Groups2
Estimation of the Approximation of Continuous Periodic Functions by Fourier Sums2
A New Representation Formula for the Bernoulli Numbers2
Quasi-Classical Asymptotics Describing the Electron-Hole Interaction and the Klein Effect for the (2+1)-Dirac Equation in Abruptly Varying Fields2
Existence and Asymptotic Stability of Solutions for Periodic Parabolic Problems in Tikhonov-Type Reaction–Diffusion–Advection Systems with KPZ Nonlinearities2
Coincidence of the Dimensions of First Countable Spaces with a Countable Network2
Localization of Eigenfunctions in a Narrow Kirchhoff Plate2
Classification of Singularities of Smooth Functions with a Finite Cyclic Symmetry Group2
Whitney–Sullivan Constructions for Transitive Lie Algebroids–Smooth Case2
Analytical Complexity and Signal Coding2
Some Identities on Truncated Polynomials Associated with Degenerate Bell Polynomials2
Inner Transition Layer in Solutions of the Discrete Painlevé II Equation2
Generalization of Spivey’s Recurrence Relation2
Bounds for the Kolmogorov Widths of the Sobolev Weighted Classes with Conditions on the Zero and Highest Derivatives2