Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing

(The TQCC of Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Solving the Inverse Problem of Surface Reconstruction during Electron Beam Surfacing14
Detection of Electrical Fault in Medium Voltage Installation Using Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Network13
Range of Applicability of a Technique for Constructing Magnetic Induction Lines for Flaw Sizing in Extended Objects12
The Research and Application of Wheeled Dry-Coupling Ultrasonic Technology in Steel Plate Thickness Measurement12
Analysis of Test Results and Test Quality during Certification of Non-Destructive Testing Specialists11
Experimental Study of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in a Long Waveguide Sensor for Fluid-Level Sensing10
Determining the Coordinates of Reflectors in a Plane Perpendicular to Welded Joint Using Echo Signals Measured by Transducers in the TOFD Scheme9
Experimental Investigation to Improve Inspection Accuracy of Magnetic Field Imaging-Based NDT Using Deep Neural Network9
An Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation of Contents of Silica Powder and Carbon Black in Nitrile Rubbers9
Determining the Granularity of Radiographic Films in Accordance with ISO 11699-19
Effect of Grinding Environments on Magnetic Response of AISI D2 Tool Steel9
Development of Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Few-View Computed Tomography at RFNC–VNIITF: History, State of the Art, and Prospects9
Reconstruction of Reflector Images at the Boundary of the Base and Deposited Metal Using Plane Wave Imaging Technique8
Study of Additive Manufacturing Products Using Neutron Imaging7
Reliability of Dye Penetrant Inspection Method to Detect Weld Discontinuities7
Experimental Method to Enhance Sensitivity and Accuracy of Measurements in Measuring Fracture Parameters around the Crack Tip Using Compact Hololens Imaging System7
Specific Features of Nondestructive Testing of Polymer and Composite Materials Using Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Excitation and Laser Vibrometry7
Iterative Reconstruction of Aluminum Casting Images Taking into Account Prior Information7
Artificial Neural Networks Based Method for Measuring the Distance between Two Metal Plates Using Compton Scattering7
Differential Background of Electric Signal Read from an Induction Magnetic Head7
Automated Processing of Data from Measurement of Thermo-Electromotive Voltage and Magnetic Noise Voltage in Metals and Alloys7
Defect Analysis in Compressor Vanes Using Split Bregman Noise-Reduced Digital Industrial Radiography7
A Numerical Model for Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Testing of Austenitic Welds7
On the Issue of Interpretating Echograms in the Contact Technique7
Studying Detectability of Plane Surface Defects by Ultrasonic Method Using Rayleigh Waves7
Nondestructive Testing Method for Electrical Capacitance Tomography Based on Image Reconstruction of Rotating Electrodes6
Characterization of Temperature-Dependent Behavior in Hot Rolled EN8 Steel6
Algorithms for Modeling the Formation and Processing of Information in X-Ray Tomography of Foam Materials6
Evaluation of Tensile Deformation of 304 Steel Plate Using Electromagnetic Ultrasonic Lamb Waves Mixing6
Calculating the DGS Curve for Images Reconstructed by Digital Focusing of Aperture Method6
Influence of Molding Methods on Defects in AFM Carbon Fiber Samples under Static Loading6
Enhanced Subsurface Analysis Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition in Nonstationary Thermal Wave Imaging5
Increasing Probability of Detecting Acoustic Emission Sources Using Artificial Neural Networks5
Modelling Acoustic–Electric Nondestructive Testing for Defects in Dielectric Materials5
The Law of Response of Propagation Time and Amplitude of Ultrasonic LCR Wave in the Elastic-Plastic Deformation of X70 Steel5
Detecting Flaws in Pumping-Compressor Pipe Couplings by Magnetic, Eddy Current, and Ultrasonic Multiple-Shadow Testing Methods5
Ultrasonic Measurement Optimization of Spot Welding Diameter of Thin Plate Based on Gain Compensation Algorithm5
Analysis of the Circumferential Wave Dispersion of an Acoustic Signal Backscattered by a Porous Tube: Cortical Bone5
Detecting Violations in Stacking of Fiber Layers in CFRPs Using Broadband Acoustic Spectroscopy5
On the Question of Interpreting the Echograms of Ultrasonic Pulse Flaw Detector5
An Investigation of the Void Structure of Lightweight Concrete Containing Waste Undersize Pumice Additive Using Nondestructive Methods5
Nondestructive Testing of an Aluminum Alloy Welded Joint Based on a Mathematical Model of the Thermal Welding Process and Computer Microtomography5
An Empirical Study of Electrode Degradation in Gliding Arc Discharge5
Reconstructing the Topography of Surface Defects of Ferromagnets in a Normal Magnetization Field4
Revealing Magnetic Anisotropy in Austenitic Chromium–Nickel Steel After Rolling4
Evaluating the Probability of Detecting Acoustic Emission Signals Using the Amplitude Discrimination Method with a Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio4
Research on Correction Method for Fan-Shaped Beam Digital Radiography Imaging with Linear Array Detectors4
Study on Equal Interval Sampling Method Promoting Efficiency of Post-Processing Algorithms for Infrared Thermography Inspecting Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastics Composites4
Method of State and Residual Resource Assessment of Excavator Bucket Tooth Caps4
Advancing Damage Assessment of CFRP-Composite through BILSTM and Hilbert Upper Envelope Analysis4
Comparison of Digital Radiography and Computed Tomography as Nondestructive Testing Techniques for the Assessment of Lack of Fusion Defects in Additively Manufactured SS316L Coupon4
Methodological Principles for Determining Electrophysical Parameters of Materials and Coatings with a Complex Internal Structure Using Surface Electromagnetic Waves4
Identification of Cracks and a Mathematical Model of the Magnetostatic Field of Defects in a Plate4
Ultrasonic Testing of Butt Joints in Electric Steel Plates Using Lamb Waves4
Real-Time Ultrasonic Monitoring of the Vulcanization Process in Nitrile Rubbers4
Monitoring the Appearance of the End Faces of Fuel Pellets under Conditions of Conveyor Production4
Eddy Current Testing of Fatigue Degradation of Metastable Austenitic Steel under Gigacycle Contact-Fatigue Loading4
Comparison of Methods for Modifying the Emission Spectrum of a Pulsed X-ray Source to Determine the Most Effective Dual-Energy Image Processing4
Automatic Detection of Threat Objects in X-ray Baggage Inspection Using Mask Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network and Deformable Convolutional Network4
A Novel Methodology for the Transformer Winding Equivalent Ladder Network Circuit Parameters Identification by Employing the Frequency-Domain and Population Based Method4
Assessment of Local Defects on the Inner Surface of Gas Pipelines Transporting CO2-Containing Products4
Developing a Method for Assessing the Degree of Hydrogenation of VT1-0 Titanium Alloy by the Acoustic Method4
Experimental Study of Concrete by Using Ultrasonic Surface Waves at Hundreds of Kilohertz Frequency Range4
Algorithm for Evaluating Errors in Recognition of Materials in X-Ray Testing System Containing X-Ray Sandwich Detectors4
Deep Learning Based Simple CNN Weld Defects Classification Using Optimization Technique4
High Precision Ultrasonic Testing Method for Density of Engineering Plastics4
The Influence of Biaxial Symmetric Tension on the Magnetic Properties of a Composite Specimen Made of Two Steel Plates with Different Mechanical and Magnetic Properties4
Erratum to:Intelligence Systems for Quality Assessment of Threaded Surfaces and Flaw Monitoring Based on Digital Light Field Recording4
Ultrasonic Characterization Method of Carbon Nanotubes Orientation Using Sparse Representation4
Linear Structured Light System with Optimized Laser Stripe Extraction for Measurement of Large-Sized Workpieces4
Testing Electrophysical Parameters of Metamaterials by the Method of Surface Electromagnetic Waves4
Reducing Dead Zone in Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD): A Review3
Detection and Segmentation of Cracks in Weld Images Using ANFIS Classification Method3
Contribution to Nondestructive Testing Study Using Lorentz Force3
Simulation Model for Studying Object Structure Using Method of Layer-by-Layer Digital Compton Radiography3
Erratum to: Analysis of Weak Signal Detection Based on Tri-Stable System under Poisson White Noise3
Applicability of Nanoparticle Coating in Bone Density Evaluation Using Gaussian-Weighted Linear Frequency-Modulated Thermal Wave Imaging3
Development of an Empirical Model for Damage Degree Assessment in Steel Specimens Based on the Results of Statistical Processing of Acoustic Emission Signal Flow3
Compressive Thermal Wave Imaging for Subsurface Analysis3
Assessment and Characterization of Welded Mild Steel (E-6013) Using Ultrasonic Testing and Hilbert Huang Transform3
Analysis and Examination of Aluminum Sheets Suitable for Automotion Body: Ultrasonic Testing, Signal Processing, Simulation3
Layered Composite Hydrogenated Films of Zirconium and Niobium: Production Method and Testing Using Thermo EMF (Thermoelectric Method)3
Barker Code Thermography Inspection and Reliability Evaluation for CFRP Defects Detection3
Reconstruction of Impact Damage in CFRP Laminate Based on Infrared Thermography3
On Joint Application of Permanent and Alternating Fields in Magnetic Detection of Defects in Thick-Walled Steel Products3
Increasing Penetrating Power of Digital Radiography Systems Based on Analysis of Low-Intensity Signals3
Normalization of Proton-Radiographic Images of Objects with Quasi-Uniform Areal Density3
Pore Distribution and Damage Evaluation of Modified Red Clay Based on NMR3
Investigation of the Performance of a Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducer by Finite Element Modeling3
Study on the Relationship between Bolt Anchoring Defects and Complexity of Nondestructive Testing Signal3
Nondestructive Characterization of Corrosion Properties of Stainless Steel and Titanium Alloys3
Application of Non-Destructive Testing for Condition Analysis, Repair of Damages and Integrity Assessment of Vital Steel Structures3
On the Solution to One Problem of Magnetostatics for a Pipe with Inner Surface Defect3
Parametric Study of Anomaly Detection Models for Defect Detection in Infrared Thermography3
Estimation of the Segregation in a High Carbon Cast Steel by Thermoelectric Power Means3
Estimation of Flank Wear in Turning of Nimonic C263 Super Alloy Based on Novel MSER Algorithm and Deep Patten Network3
Determining the Type of Reflector from Amplitudes of Flares Reconstructed in Various Acoustic Schemes3
Dynamic Correction of Sensitivity of Flaw Detection Channels in High-Speed Rail Inspection3
Immersion Testing of Curved Profile Objects by Surface Ultrasonic Waves3
Improvement of TFM-Image Quality due to Correction for “Stray” Delays between Antenna Array Elements3
Modeling Propagation of Ultrasonic Waves in Anisotropic Material of Additive Manufactured Products3
Segmental Search Method for Ultrasonic Inspection of a Wedge Dual-Layer Medium Using Full Matrix Capture3
Three-Dimensional X-Ray Tomography of Industrial Objects with Limited Sizes of the Recording Screen3
Scanning Path Planning of Ultrasonic Testing Robot Based on Deep Image Processing3
Simulation of Air-Coupled Transducer Operation in Structural Health Monitoring Systems3
Analyzing the Processes of Carbon Fiber Sample Failure Using Acoustic Emission and Strain Gaging3
Method of Processing Acoustic Information for Purposes of Monitoring State of Valves of Gas Cleaning Equipment3
Investigating the Effect of High Voltage Electric Field on the Pesticide Residue in Tomatoes Using the Thermal Imaging Technique3
Electrochemical Realkalisation of Carbonated Cementitious Matrix: Characterization Research to Influence of Time and Current Density3