Microscopy Research and Technique

(The TQCC of Microscopy Research and Technique is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Impact of erosion and aging simulation on chairside materials155
Influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation settings on dentin‐adhesive interfacial ultramorphology and dentin bond strength155
Toxicological effects of the chemical and green ZnO NPs on Cyprinus carpio L. observed under light and scanning electron microscopy48
Bisphenol S exposure promotes cell apoptosis and mitophagy in murine osteocytes by regulating mtROS signaling48
PET‐CT versus MRI in the diagnosis of lymph node metastasis of cervical cancer: A meta‐analysis46
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C‐shaped dipper: A novel useful auxiliary tool for preparation of specimen grids for transmission electron microscopy41
Electrochemical Applications Reveal Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of TiO2‐Doped ZnS Nanocomposites36
Pollen and Leaf Micromorphological Characteristics of Spiny Almonds (Prunus subgenus Amygdalus) in Iran32
CellSAM: Advancing Pathologic Image Cell Segmentation via Asymmetric Large‐Scale Vision Model Feature Distillation Aggregation Network32
VGX: VGG19‐Based Gradient Explainer Interpretable Architecture for Brain Tumor Detection in Microscopy Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MMRI)26
Modulating response of sunflower (Hellianthus annuus) to induced salinity stress through application of engineered urea functionalized hydroxyapatite nanoparticles25
Microscopic analysis of plant‐mediated silver nanoparticle toxicity in rainbow trout fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss)25
Single‐molecule localization microscopy goes quantitative24
A novel method for age identification of mountain‐cultivated ginseng24
The combined cartilage growth – calcification patterns in the wing‐fins of Rajidae (Chondrichthyes): A divergent model from endochondral ossification of tetrapods24
Micro‐morphological diversity of pollen among Asteraceous taxa from Potohar Plateau‐Pakistan23
Ultrastructural characterizations of the pecten oculi of the common ostrich (Struthio camelus): New insight to scanning electron microscopeenergy dispersive X‐ray analysi22
Palyno‐morphological attributes of some selected plant species of family Asteraceae from district Dera Ismail Khan, KPK, Pakistan22
Scanning electron microscopy of sensilla on the labial and maxillary palps of adult Callidiellum villosulum Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)21
Large‐scale time‐lapse scanning electron microscopy image mosaic using a smooth stitching strategy20
A protocol for single‐source dual‐pulse stimulated emission depletion setup with Bessel modulation19
Multi‐factorial investigation of the effect of biochar of the secondary medicinal residue of snow lotus on the adsorption of two azo dyes, methyl red and methyl orange19
Use of cleaved wedge geometry for plan‐view transmission electron microscopy sample preparation19
Russula brunneoaurantiaca, a novel taxon of Russula subg. Crassotunicata from West Bengal, India, with morpho‐molecular analysis and scanning elec19
Implications of foliar epidermal micromorphology using light and scanning electron microscopy: A useful tool in taxonomy of Korean irises19
Quality assurance: Evaluation and comparison of methods for electron microscopic measurement of GBM width and the effect of in‐lab calibration in diagnostic renal pathology19
Design of thin‐structured‐light projection system for small‐height measurement18
Morphological and palynological assessment of taxonomically problematic genus Paspalum based on light and scanning electron microscopy18
Functional morphology of cardiac stomach of Nile catfish (Clarias gariepinus): Histological, scanning, and ultrastructural studies18
Morpho‐anatomical characterization of some members of euglenophycota (algae) of north‐east Punjab, Pakistan based on light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)18
Histological characterization of the human scapholunate ligament17
Observation in inner ear of tree shrew using scanning electron microscope and the Atoh1 distribution in cochlea17
Optical coherence tomography and gray scale digital analysis as noninvasive techniques for evaluating molar‐incisor hypomineralization severity: A comparative study with microcomputed tomography17
Microscopic visualization of the antibiofilm potential of essential oils against Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae17
Transmission electron microscopy of the liver mitochondria of N‐Nitrosodibutylamine‐treated mice17
The telocytes relationship with satellite cells: Extracellular vesicles mediate the myotendinous junction remodeling16
Investigation of microstructural, micromorphology, and surface plasmon resonance characteristics in Ni/Al, Ni/Cu, and Ni/SS thin films16
Evaluation of a novel composite of expanded polystyrene with rGO and SEBS‐g‐MA16
A study on the aerodynamic behaviors learned from microscopy imaging of beetle corrugated hindwing16
Histological characterization of the human masticatory oral mucosa. A histochemical and immunohistochemical study15
Palynological investigation of some Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) taxa from Turkey using light and scanning electron microscopy15
Biological features of the pecten oculi of the European wild quail (Coturnix coturnix): Adaptative habits to Northern Egyptian coast with novel vision to its SEM–EDX analysis15
Authentication of documents using polypropylene immobilized with rare‐earth doped aluminate nanoparticles15
Green synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) from Parrotiopsis jacquemontiana (Decne) Rehder leaf extract and its biological activities15
Taxonomic importance of spore morphology of selected taxa of Asplenium (Aspleniaceae) from Pakistan15
Evaluation of the bond strengths of restorative materials to primary tooth dentin treated with different pulpotomy techniques15
Interfacial characteristics of BIOfactor MTA and Biodentine with dentin15
Automated segmentation of cell organelles in volume electron microscopy using deep learning14
Taxonomic studies based on leaf epidermal microanatomy using high‐resolution microscopy in Lamiaceous species and their antimicrobial effects14
Quantification of extreme thermal gradients during in situ transmission electron microscope heating experiments14
Issue Information14
No cost but high performance–An alternative open source solution for 3D‐visualizations in morphology14
Effect of hole perpendicularity error and squeeze force on the mechanical behaviors of riveted joints14
Miniaturized gas exposure devices for atom probe experiments14
A hybrid intelligent model for early validation of infectious diseases: An explorative study of machine learning approaches14
Microanatomy of the cerebellum in Persian squirrel (Sciurus anomalus), a transmission electron microscopy, and immunohistochemical study14
Light and scanning electron microscopic comparative studies of geminivirus infected and healthy Eclipta alba (L.)13
Tulostoma loonbanglaense: A new species from Azad Jammu and Kashmir using light and scanning electron microscopy and DNA barcoding technique13
Post‐hatching developmental changes in the adrenal gland of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica): Histological, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic studies13
Screening of biosynthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles for their effect on Daucus carota pathogen and molecular docking13
Seasonal variations of the epididymis in donkeys (Equus asinus) with special reference to blood epididymal barrier13
Anatomical adaptation of water‐stressed Eugenia uniflora using green synthesized silver nanoparticles and melatonin13
Ultrastructure of Javaen barb fish Systomus orphoides Valenciennes, 1842 spermatozoa (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) by electron microscopes12
Scanning electron imaging of mellitophilous and allergenic pollen grain of arid and northern irrigated agroecological zones of Pakistan12
Issue Information12
Nonsubsampled contourlet transform based tone‐mapping operator to optimize the dynamic range of diatom shells12
Performance scanning electron microscopic investigations and elemental analysis of hair of the different animal species for forensic identification12
Quantitative and large‐format histochemistry to characterize peripheral artery compositional gradients12
Immunohistochemical detection of hepatocyte nuclear factor‐4α in vertebrates12
Issue Information11
Cover Image11
Microscopy imaging and modeling study on the mechanical properties of the primary flight feather shaft of the bean goose, Anser fabalis11
Identification of significant imaging features for sensing oocyte viability11
Optical imaging technology realizes early tumor diagnosis by detecting angiogenesis11
Evaluation of automated segmentation algorithms for neurons in macaque cerebral microscopic images11
Challenges of reliable AFM‐tip shape reconstruction and approximation11
Plant based synthesis of silver nanoparticles, antimicrobial efficiency, and toxicological assessment using freshwater fish (Cyprinus carpio)11
Calcium carbonate precipitation by cave bacteria isolated from Kashmir Cave, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan11
Pharyngodon mamillatus (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae) in the ocellated skink Chalcides ocellatus (Squamata: Scincidae) from Egypt: Light and scanning electron microscopic studies11
Topographic characterization of (Zr, Mn) co‐doped bismuth ferrite thin film surfaces11
Ultrastructural comparison between the tongue of two reptilian species endemic in Egyptian fauna; Bosc's fringe‐toed lizard Acanthodactylus boskianus and Sinai fan‐fingered gecko Ptyoda10
Taxonomy and spore morphology of genus Adiantum (Vittarioideae; Pteridaceae) from Pakistan10
Observations on the cytomorphology and ultrastructure of the peripheral blood cells of native cattle (Zobawng) of Mizoram, India10
Surface evaluations of a nanocomposite after different finishing and polishing systems for anterior and posterior restorations10
Light and scanning electron microscopic study of genus Echinochloa species inhabited in Pakistan10
Discrete localization patterns of PIP5Kγ and PLCβ3 working sequentially in phosphoinositide‐cycle within mouse sensory neuron somata10
Morphology of the stifle in agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, Wagler 1831)10
Ultrastructural focus on the oral cavity roof of the juvenile and adult white grouper (Epinephelus aeneus): Novel view of its development with carnivorous adaptation10
Stereological study of the kidney during prenatal development in sheep9
Fabrication, characterization and evaluation of the effect of PLGA and PLGA–PEG biomaterials on the proliferation and neurogenesis potential of human neural SH‐SY5Y ce9
Peripheral blood cells of native pig (Zovawk) of Mizoram, India: Light and scanning electron microscopy analysis9
An ultrastructural focus on the buccal cavity of the grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus (Linnaeus, 1758): Adaptative dietary implications9
An image processing‐based quantification of gram variability in Acinetobacter baumannii9
Automatic detection of papilledema through fundus retinal images using deep learning9
Issue Information9
Modulating response of Zea mays to induced salinity stress through application of nitrate mediated silver nanoparticles and indole acetic acid9
Evaluation of the antibacterial influence of silver nanoparticles against fish pathogenic bacterial isolates and their toxicity against common carp fish9
Structural adaption of the nasal conchae of Eurasian common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus chloropus, Linnaeus, 1758)—Histomorphological study9
Synthesis, characterization, and biological screening of metal nanoparticles loaded gum acacia microgels9
Support of polaronic states and charge carrier concentrations of YBa2Cu3O7‐y ceramics by oxygen and Mn2O3 impuri9
Microscopic characterization of petiole anatomy of Asteraceous taxa of Western Himalaya‐Pakistan9
Comparative analysis of foliar epidermal anatomical traits and their taxonomic relevance in Lilium pumilum, L. brownii, and L. davidi9
Apelin‐13 alleviates osteoclast formation and osteolysis through Nrf2‐pyroptosis pathway9
Opuntioideae cactus stem Bioimaging analysis: Bridging taxonomy and antimicrobial research9
Atomic force microscopy in disease‐related studies: Exploring tissue and cell mechanics9
The influence of probiotics of different microbiological composition on histology of the gastrointestinal tract of juvenile Oncorhynchus mykiss9
Effect of sodium hypochlorite and ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid activated by laser and ultrasonic energy on surface morphology and chemical composition of intracanal dentin9
Morpho‐palynological and anatomical studies in desert cacti (Opuntia dillenii and Opuntia monacantha) using light and scanning electron microscopy9
Novel nanocomposite of biochar‐zerovalent copper for lead adsorption8
Corrosion resistance and surface microstructure of Mg3N2/SS thin films by plasma focus instrument8
Fighting sepsis‐induced liver damage with biosynthesized silver nanoparticles8
Identification and Characterization of the Y‐Organ of Orange Mud Crab Scylla Olivacea8
Automated bone healing evaluation: New approach to histomorphometric analysis8
DIY adapting SEM for low‐voltage TEM imaging8
The optical properties of nano‐structural α‐Fe2O3 dependence on the shape8
The investigation of in vitro effects of farnesol at different cancer cell lines8
Biofabrication of GO–Ag nanocomposite using Cucumis callosus (kachri) fruits: Enhanced antibacterial properties and green synthesis approach8
Authentication through gender classification from iris images using support vector machine8
Understanding the mechanism of interaction of candidate soil stabilizing prototypes by using microscopy and spectroscopy techniques8
Immunohistological study of the unexplored vomeronasal organ of an endangered mammal, the dama gazelle (Nanger dama)8
The effect of different cleaning agents and resin cement materials on the bond strength of contaminated zirconia8
Issue Information8
Detection of Bartonella henselae in feline erythrocytes in Egypt by using Giemsa staining, transmission electron microscopy, and polymerase chain reaction8
Investigation of pollen morphology and viability of sweet and sour cherry genotypes by multivariate analysis8
Cellulose‐based micro‐fibrous materials imaged with a home‐built smartphone microscope8
Imperative role of electron microscopy in toxicity assessment: A review8
EDTA functionalized pine needle biochar (EDTA@BC); a valorized bio‐material for removal of Ni(II) from aqueous solution7
Dependence of RF Sputtering Power on Structural and Electrical Properties of SnO2 Thin Films7
Ozone at low concentration modulates microglial activity in vitro: A multimodal microscopy and biomolecular study7
Enamel demineralization model in primary teeth: Micro‐CT and SEM assessments of artificial incipient lesion7
The effect of applied electric field on the micromorphology of Pt nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation7
Antibacterial efficacy of silver nanoparticles, sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine, and hypochlorous acid on dentinal surfaces infected with Enterococcus faecalis7
Canal disinfection using Nd: YAG Laser, synchronized microbubble‐photodynamic activation, and carbon quantum dots on microhardness, smear layer removal, and extrusion bond strength of zirco7
Examination of caries‐affected dentin and composite‐resin interface after different caries removal methods: A scanning electron microscope study7
Biofabrication of silver nanoparticles employing biomolecules of Paraclostridium benzoelyticum strain: Its characterization and their in‐vitro antibacterial, anti‐aging, anti‐cancer and other b7
Comparative macroanatomical and scanning electron microscopy study of the eyeball in brachycephalic and mesocephalic dog breeds7
Investigating the Synergistic Interactions Between AgNPs and NiCl2 on the Morpho‐Physiological Trajectories of Zea mays L. Through Comprehensive Characterizatio7
Formation of partially embedded Au nanostructures: Ion beam irradiation on thin film7
Fracture resistance of ultratranslucent multilayered zirconia veneers with different facial thicknesses7
Atomic force microscopy nanoindentation kinetics and subsurface visualization of soft inhomogeneous polymer7
Deep convolutional generative adversarial network for Alzheimer's disease classification using positron emission tomography (PET) and synthetic data augmentation7
Lamiales epidermal dynamics: Unveiling antimicrobial resilience in a structural symphony7
Micromorphological characters variation of lemma and palea in subtribe of Loliinae (Poaceae)7
Effect of green synthesized ZnO nanoparticles using Paspalum scrobiculatum grains extract in biological applications7
Slicing Network for Wide‐Field Fluorescence Image Based on the Improved U‐Net Model7
An accurate paradigm for denoising degraded ultrasound images based on artificial intelligence systems7
Anatomical Alterations Caused by Meloidogyne incognita in the Rhizospheric Region of Curcuma longa in Baruasagar Town of Jhansi (U.P.) India7
Detection of microscopic glaucoma through fundus images using deep transfer learning approach7
Breast histopathological imaging using ultra‐fast fluorescence confocal microscopy to identify cancer lesions at early stage7
Palynomorphological diversity among the Asteraceous honeybee flora: An aid to the correct taxonomic identification using multiple microscopic techniques7
The odd couple: Caffeine and microplastics. Morphological and physiological changes in Mytilus galloprovincialis7
Comparison of push‐out bond strength and apical microleakage of different calcium silicate‐based cements after using EDTA, chitosan and phytic acid irrigations7
Green synthesis, characterization, and antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles using stem extract of Zanthoxylum armatum7
Macromorphological and foliar epidermal anatomical characteristics of Lilium rosthornii (Liliaceae): Implications for morphological adaptations and taxonomic significance7
Unveiling thrips morphology: A comparative analysis of microscopy‐based ultrastructural, morphological, and molecular characterization of Thrips tabaci and Thrips parvispinus in onion7
Automatic cell counting for phase‐contrast microscopic images based on a combination of Otsu and watershed segmentation method6
Scanning electron microscopic identification of ten novel, non‐edible oil seeds for bioenergy production6
Role of galectin‐3 in the elastic response of radial growth phase melanoma cancer cells6
Anatomy and micromorphology of Tilia species from Turkey and its taxonomic implication6
Posthatching ultrastructural development of the oropharyngeal cavity roof in five age‐stages of Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus, 1758)6
Optimizing Skin Cancer Diagnosis: A Modified Ensemble Convolutional Neural Network for Classification6
Revealing the intricate microcosm: Advancing invasive species pollen analysis through scanning microscopy of ultra sculpture6
Cover Image6
Extrinsic parameter's adjustment and potential implications in Plasmodium falciparum malaria diagnosis6
The Effect of Immediate Dentin Sealing Using Different Universal Adhesives on the Bond Strength of Pretreated Monolithic Zirconia to Dentin and Microscopic Morphological Alterations6
Taxonomic significance of megaspores in some species of Selaginella from Arunachal Pradesh in India6
Comparative light and scanning electron microscopic studies of the lenses in the insectivorous bat (Pipistrellus kuhlii) and Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus)6
Antennal and proboscis sensilla characteristics of Paranthrene tabaniformis (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)6
The bioactive compound carvacrol as a potential acaricide: An assessment of its effects on the integument of female Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato ticks6
Comparative evaluation of the antifungal efficacy of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine, and silver nanoparticles against Candida albicans6
Ultrastructural and Functional Organization of Maxillary Palps in Ladybird Species (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) With Different Feeding Preferences6
Microscopic segmentation and classification of COVID‐19 infection with ensemble convolutional neural network6
Pollen Morphology of Gentiana L. (Gentianaceae) in Türkiye6
Implication of scanning electron microscopy as a tool for identification of novel, nonedible oil seeds for biodiesel production6
Revealing tick diversity: Chemical profiling and dynamics in scanning microscopy and molecular phylogenetics6
Kinetic and Isothermal Analysis of the Adsorptive Elimination of Direct Yellow 26 Dye Utilizing Activated Bioadsorbent From Textile Effluent6
Implication and evaluations of indoor soot particles from domestic fuel energy sources using characterization techniques in northern Pakistan6
The effect of bisphenol A on antioxidant defense and the structure and function of the liver of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)6
Anticoccidial and jejunum‐protective effects of Krameria lappacea roots extract on experimental Eimeria papillata infection6
Green synthesis of cerium oxide nanoparticles using Acorus calamus extract and their antibiofilm activity against bacterial pathogens6
COVID‐DAI: A novel framework forCOVID‐19 detection and infection growth estimation using computed tomography images6
Palyno‐anatomical microscopic characterization of selected species of Boraginaceae and Fabaceae6
Phytochemical screening, green synthesis of gold nanoparticles, and antibacterial activity using seeds extract of Ricinus communis L6
Mass production of morin‐stabilized silver nanoparticles: Characterization, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities6
Issue Information6
Ultrastructural adaptation of the oropharyngeal cavity of the Eurasian common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus chloropus): Specific adaptive dietary implications6
Elucidating the structural, anticancer, and antibacterial traits of Punica granatum peel extracts‐mediated Ag and Ag/GO nanocomposites6
Dual effect to improve the electrical properties of SZO films grown by nitrogen pneumatic spray pyrolysis6
Adaptive block imaging based on compressive sensing in AFM6
Micro‐ and nano‐tomography analysis of mouse soleus muscle using radiation6
Band Gap Engineering of Binary and Cobalt‐Doped PbS Thin Films Integrated by SILAR Method for Optoelectronic Potentials6
Effect of Dentin Bio‐Modifiers Grape Seed Extract, Hesperidin on Shear Bond Strength and Microleakage: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Assessment6
Palynological Study of Some Astragalus L. Sections Distributed in Türkiye6
Smartphone microscopic method for imaging and quantification of microplastics in drinking water6
Can sterilization methods influence surface properties of resin composites? A purpose for previewing bias in laboratory bacterial adhesion tests6
Microscopic morphology and distribution of the antennal sensilla in the double‐spined bark beetle, Ips duplicatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)5
Ultrastructure of antennal sensilla of Copidosomopsis nacoleiae (Eady) (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of Diaphania angustalis (Snellen) (Lepidopter5
Morphology of the soft palate and palatine tonsil of the goat (Capra hyricus)5
Comparison of fiber reinforcing methods of composite resin: A flexural strength and stereo microscopy study5
The effect of different irrigation activation methods on the penetration of the irrigation solution into the dentinal tubules in teeth with calcium hydroxide applied and oval‐shaped canals: Confocal l5
Extended depth of focus ultraviolet imaging compared with laser scanning confocal microscopy for the study of micro‐Arthropoda surface texture, with the description of a new species of B5
Termitomyces pakistanensis, a new mushroom species from Pakistan based on scanning electron microscopy and ITS‐rDNA barcoding5
Skin cancer detection from dermoscopic images using deep learning and fuzzy k‐means clustering5
Issue Information5
Skeletal calcification patterns of batoid, teleost, and mammalian models: Calcified cartilage versus bone matrix5
Characterization of anatomical foliar epidermal features of herbaceous flora of Tilla Jogian, Pakistan by using light microscopy techniques5
Light and scanning electron microscopic imaging of leaf transverse sections of indigenous fodder grasses of central Punjab, Pakistan5
Effect of different polishing systems on the surface roughness of various bulk‐fill and nano‐filled resin‐based composites: An atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy study5
An algorithm selection methodology for automated focusing in optical microscopy5
Microscopic characterization, TLC fingerprinting and optimization of total lipid content from Euphorbia neriifolia (L.) using response surface methodology5
An apparatus for plasma cleaning and storage of transmission electron microscopy specimens and specimen holders5
A robust classification of acute lymphocytic leukemia‐based microscopic images with supervised Hilbert‐Huang transform5
Self‐Assembly Behavior of Zein on Two Different Substrates Visualized by Atomic Force Microscopy5
Comparison of mechanical and optical properties of a newly marketed universal composite resin with contemporary universal composite resins: An in vitro study5
Determination of the composition and thickness of chromel and alumel thin films on different substrates by quantitative energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis5
Issue Information5
Biomineralization induced by chitosan and collagen‐based materials with fluoride for dentin coverage: Chemical and morphological analysis5
An insight into optical beam induced current microscopy: Concepts and applications5
Influence of calcium‐based desensitizing toothpastes on the bonding performance of universal adhesive5
Effect of irrigation protocols on chemical smear layer formation over the post‐space dentin5
Secretory structures and histochemistry of roots, stem, and leaves of medicinal plant Fibraurea tinctoria Lour5
Structural response and mechanical properties of the hind wing of the beetle Protaetia brevitarsis5
Investigation of the morphological and fractal behavior at nanoscale of patterning lines by scratching in an atomic force microscope5
Evaluating structural, morphological, and multifractal aspects of n‐ZnO/p‐ZnO homojunctions and n‐ZnO/p‐NiO heterojunctions5
Histology of the stomach in the Caucasian squirrel, a scanning electron microscope and immunohistochemical study5
Leaf Micromorphological Characteristics of Korean Rush and Their Taxonomic Implications Based on Microscopic Analysis5
A New Marine Epizoic Diatom, Ceratanaulus alaris sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae), From Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Southwest Coast of China5
The effect of ultrafine WO3 nanoparticles on the organization of thylakoids enriched in photosystem II and energy transfer in photosystem II complexes5
Analysis of the antimicrobial potential of sericin‐coated silver nanoparticles against human pathogens5
Utilization of spent coffee grounds as fillers to prepare polypropylene composites for food packaging applications5
Characterization of bio‐fabricated silver nanoparticles for distinct anti‐fungal activity against sugarcane phytopathogens5
Synthesis and antibacterial potential of Loranthus pulverulentus conjugated silver nanoparticles5
Issue Information5
Production of fungal chitosan and fabrication of fungal chitosan/polycaprolactone electrospun nanofibers for tissue engineering5
Investigation of structural, optical, and electrical properties of the (CuO/ZnO:Al/SnO2:F) heterostructure thin films using the spin coating method5