Journal of Science Education and Technology

(The median citation count of Journal of Science Education and Technology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Exploring Pre-service Elementary Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Developing and Using Virtual Reality Materials Reflecting Spatial Thinking in Astronomy Class406
Integrating Science Concepts Through Poetry: A Study Comparing Online and Face-to-Face Teaching Methods Courses for Pre-Service Elementary Educators63
Scaffolding Pre-service Science Teachers’ Problem-Solving Strategies in a Methane Gas Detector Task Within an Earthquake-Robotics PD Course39
Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Intention to use Generative Artificial Intelligence in Inquiry-Based Teaching37
The Effects of Engineering Design-Based Instruction On 7th Grade Students’ Nature of Engineering Views35
The Seeing Science Project: Using Design-Based Research to Develop a Transformative Experience Intervention26
Psychometric Validation of the Robotics Interest Questionnaire (RIQ) Scale with Italian Teachers26
Computational Concepts and their Assessment in Preschool Students: An Empirical Study24
Item Analysis of Math-Up Skills Test (MUST) Questions After an Early Math Intervention: Student Performance in General Chemistry as a Function of Various Arithmetic Categories22
An Integrative Review with Word Cloud Analysis of STEM Education22
Perspectives of the Eye-Tracking Application to Understand Access to Representational Levels in Chemistry22
Online, Interactive Modules Improve Quantitative Skills in Community College Biology Students22
Navigating Failure in a Museum-Based Videogame: Convergent and Divergent Mechanisms of Collaboration as Potential Levers for Informal Learning About Climate Change22
The Relationship Between a Student’s Success in First-Semester General Chemistry and Their Mathematics Fluency, Profile, and Performance on Common Questions20
Involuntary Online Learners: Engaging Online Students Who Preferred F2F Science Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic18
Modeling Group Discourse with Epistemic Network Analysis: Unpacking Connections, Perspectives, and Individual Contributions18
Assessing Teachers’ Knowledge of How to Use Computer Programming in Science and Technology Education18
Evaluating Digital Literacy of Pre-service Chemistry Teachers: Multidimensional Rasch Analysis17
Student Primary Teachers’ Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Biotechnology—Are They Prepared to Teach Biotechnological Literacy?17
A Mixed Reality-Based Chemistry Experiment Learning System to Facilitate Chemical Laboratory Safety Education16
The Perceived Complexity of Learning Tasks Influences Students’ Collaborative Interactions in Immersive Virtual Reality16
Understanding Intersections Between GenAI and Pre-Service Teacher Education: What Do We Need to Understand About the Changing Face of Truth in Science Education?15
Choosing Chemistry at Different Education and Career Stages: Chemists, Chemical Engineers, and Teachers15
Digital Tools in Informal Science Education Sites: A Systematic Literature Review15
A Study of Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) in the Blended Synchronous Science Classroom14
Effects of Wearable Hybrid AR/VR Learning Material on High School Students’ Situational Interest, Engagement, and Learning Performance: the Case of a Physics Laboratory Learning Environment14
Effect of STSE Approach on High School Students' Understanding of Nature of Science13
Bridging the Gap Between Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment in Science Education Research with Machine Learning — A Case for Pretrained Language Models-Based Clustering13
The Impact of Team Synchrony on Argument Construction and Science Knowledge Acquisition: Insights from a Science Learning Game12
A Study on the Effects of Using the 6E Model and a Robot Teaching Assistant on Junior High School Students’ STEM Knowledge, Learning Motivation, and Hands-on Performance12
Motivating Students to Learn STEM via Engaging Flight Simulation Activities11
Exploring Personality and Learning Motivation Influences on Students’ Computational Thinking Skills in Introductory Programming Courses11
Feedback Through Digital Application Affordances and Teacher Practice11
Effects of a BCI-Based AR Inquiring Tool on Primary Students’ Science Learning: A Quasi-Experimental Field Study11
How Do Teachers Collaborate in Informal Professional Learning Activities? An Epistemic Network Analysis11
Using Extended Reality Technology in Traditional and Place-Based Environments to Study Climate Change11
“It’s Like I’m Really There”: Using VR Experiences for STEM Career Development10
Using Reverse Engineering to Enhance Ninth-Grade Students’ Understanding of Thermal Expansion10
Enhancing the Performance of Automated Scoring Model for Kinematic Graph Answers Using Synthetic Graph Images9
Analyzing the Effective Use of Augmented Reality Glasses in University Physics Laboratory Courses for the Example Topic of Optical Polarization9
Correction to: Supporting Student System Modelling Practice Through Curriculum and Technology Design9
Youths’ Investigations of Critical Urban Forestry Through Multimodal Sensemaking9
How Tablet-Student Ratio and External Scripts Affect Knowledge Acquisition and Cognitive Load in Scientific Collaborative Inquiry Learning? A Three-Round Quasi-Experiment8
Examining the Influence That Professional Development Has on Educators’ Perceptions of Integrated STEM Safety in Makerspaces8
Effects of an Augmented Reality-Based Chemistry Experiential Application on Student Knowledge Gains, Learning Motivation, and Technology Perception8
Exploring the Effectiveness and Moderators of Augmented Reality on Science Learning: a Meta-analysis8
Modeling with Real-Time Informative Feedback: Implementing and Evaluating a New Massive Open Online Course Component8
IoT in Project-Based Biology Learning: Students’ Experiences and Skill Development8
Asian Students’ Cultural Orientation and Computer Self-Efficacy Significantly Related to Online Inquiry-Based Learning Outcomes on the Go-Lab Platform7
e-Homework and Motivation for Students’ Success in First-Semester General Chemistry7
The Backyard Weather Science Curriculum: Using a Weather-Observing Network to Support Data-Intensive Issue-Based Atmospheric Inquiry in Middle and High School7
Transforming Issues-Based Science Education with Innovative Technologies7
Asynchronous Online Instruction Leads to Learning Gaps When Compared to a Flipped Classroom7
A Study of Students Engaged in Electronic Circuit Wiring in an Undergraduate Course7
A Meta-Analysis to Gauge the Effectiveness of STEM Informal Project-Based Learning: Investigating the Potential Moderator Variables7
Applying Generative Artificial Intelligence to Critiquing Science Assessments7
In Search of Assessment Shifts in Embodied Learning Science Research: a Review7
Using Machine Learning to Score Multi-Dimensional Assessments of Chemistry and Physics7
Exploring the Effect of Augmented Reality on Cognitive Load, Attitude, Spatial Ability, and Stereochemical Perception6
Exploring the Effects and Inquiry Process Behaviors of Fifth-Grade Students Using Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy in Virtual Inquiry Learning6
Conceptual Understanding of the DNA Molecule Through Model Building at the Initial Learning Stage6
Investigating Students’ Engagement in Mobile Technology-Supported Science Learning Through Video-Based Classroom Observation6
Computational Thinking to Learn Environmental Sustainability: A Learning Progression6
Promoting Self-Efficacy, Mentoring Competencies, and Persistence in STEM: A Case Study Evaluating Racial and Ethnic Minority Women's Learning Experiences in a Virtual STEM Peer Mentor Training6
Supporting Three-dimensional Learning on Ecosystems Using an Agent-Based Computer Model6
A Proposed Case-Based Learning Framework for Fostering Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Creative and Critical Thinking6
Gender Perspectives on Role Models: Insights from STEM Students and Professionals5
AI in the Genetics Classroom: A Useful Tool but not a Replacement for Creative Writing5
Practices and Theories: How Can Machine Learning Assist in Innovative Assessment Practices in Science Education5
Characterizing Natural Selection Contextual Transfer with Epistemic Network Analysis: A Case for Unplugged Computational Thinking5
Comparing Optimization Practices Across Engineering Learning Contexts Using Process Data5
Supporting Elementary Teachers’ Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge in Computational Thinking Integration5
The Effect of Virtual Reality (VR) Settings on Nature Relatedness and Attitudes Towards Environment in Gifted Students5
Using the WorldWide Telescope to Develop Science Data Literacy in STEM Undergraduates: A Conceptual Framework and Course Design5
An Integrative Review with Word Cloud Analysis of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning5
Students’ Conceptions of Science Learning Before and After the Pandemic Outbreak: A Drawing Analysis5
Applying Argumentation-Driven Inquiry (ADI) to Promote Students’ Argumentation Performance in Blended Synchronous Learning Environment: a Quasi-experimental Study5
The Effect of Smart Classrooms on Project-Based Learning: A Study Based on Video Interaction Analysis5
Makerspaces Fostering Creativity: A Systematic Literature Review4
Augmenting Microscopes with Smartphones: Relationships Among Academic Emotions and Learning Outcomes in 7th Grade Cell Observation Classes4
Correction: Technology Acceptance When Teaching Climate Change4
Examining Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Answer Changing Behavior on a Content Knowledge for Teaching Science Assessment4
Comparing Middle School Students’ Science Explanations During Physical and Virtual Laboratories4
Combining Natural Language Processing with Epistemic Network Analysis to Investigate Student Knowledge Integration within an AI Dialog4
STEM Teacher Preparation for High-Need Schools: Inventory of Selected NSF Robert Noyce Programs4
Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning Through SR-STEM to Foster Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Renewable Energy Material4
Characteristics and Recommendations for the Virtual Role Model Visit — Based on a Literature Review4
Computational Thinking Integration into Science Classrooms: Example of Digestive System4
Precipitating Change: Integrating Computational Thinking in Middle School Weather Forecasting4
Pre-service Elementary Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge in Lesson Planning and Post-lesson Reflection Discourses on Science Classes Using Virtual and Augmented Reality Content4
Perspectives of Generative AI in Chemistry Education Within the TPACK Framework4
Development and Application of a Domain-Specific TPACK Questionnaire—Findings from a Longitudinal Study on Teaching Human Biology Using Digital Tools4
A Phenomenography Study of STEM Teachers’ Conceptions of Using Three-Dimensional Modeling and Printing (3DMP) in Teaching3
Science Motivation and Achievement Among Minority Urban High School Students: an Examination of the Flipped Classroom Model3
Breaking Barriers: Evaluating a Pilot STEM Intervention for Latinx Children of Spanish-Speaking Families3
Epidemiology in Middle School Science Curricula: a COVID-19 Pre–post Intervention3
Automated Assessment of Student Hand Drawings in Free-Response Items on the Particulate Nature of Matter3
Professional Growth of Novice and Experienced STEM Teachers3
Collections of Practice as High-Level Activity in a Digital Interest-Based Science Community3
The STEM Aspirations of China’s Future Workforce3
Advances in Knowledge and Acceptance of Genetically Modified Organisms Among Some Ghanaian Professionals3
Understanding Complex Ecosystems Through an Agent-Based Participatory Watershed Simulation3
Integrative Analysis Using Big Ideas: Energy Transfer and Cellular Respiration3
The Conceptualization of Critical Thinking: Toward a Culturally Inclusive Framework for Technology-Enhanced Instruction in Higher Education3
Does Learning from Giving Feedback Depend on the Product Being Reviewed: Concept Maps or Answers to Test Questions?3
Beyond Frequency: Using Epistemic Network Analysis and Multimodal Traces to Understand Temporal Dynamics of Self-Regulated Learning3
Physics Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Geometric Optics: Revisited Analysis3
Examining the Effectiveness of a Professional Development Program: Integration of Educational Robotics into Science and Mathematics Curricula3
Educational Design Framework for a Web-Based Interface to Visualise Authentic Cosmological “Big Data” in High School3
Configuring Factors Influencing Science Teachers’ Intention to Use Virtual Experiments in China: An fsQCA-Based Study3
Biomedical Engineering Students’ Question Posing Skill Based on Reading Scientific Articles3
Transforming Teachers’ Roles and Agencies in the Era of Generative AI: Perceptions, Acceptance, Knowledge, and Practices3
A Closer Examination of Earth and Life Science Teachers’ Science and Engineering Integration3
Facial Expression Recognition for Probing Students’ Emotional Engagement in Science Learning3
Integrating Making with Authentic Science Classes: An Approach and Evidence2
Theory-Based Learning Design with Immersive Virtual Reality in Science Education: a Systematic Review2
How Science Teachers DiALoG Classrooms: Towards a Practical and Responsive Formative Assessment of Oral Argumentation2
HOTS-Link Mobile Learning Application: Enabling Biology Pre-service Teachers to Devise HOTS-Based Lesson Plans2
The Impact of a Mobile Phone and Mobile Application-Supported Science Laboratory on the Digital Literacy of Preservice Teachers and Their Disposition Toward Using Technology in Class2
Correction to: Biology Undergraduate Students’ Graphing Practice in Digital Versus Pen and Paper Graphing Environments2
Bridging Data and Art: Investigating Data-Art Connections in a Data-Art Inquiry Program2
Beyond “Having Fun” As Evidence of Learning: A Longitudinal Case Study of a Teacher’s Evolving Conception of Hands-On Science Activities2
All Students Can Benefit from a Personal Response System Pedagogy that Encourages Active Engagement Yet Lowers Barriers to Implementation2
Socio-Scientific Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparing In-person and Virtual Science Learning Using Model-Evidence Link Diagrams2
Tablets and Apps for Promoting Nanoliteracy in Early Childhood Education: Results from an Experimental Study2
The Challenge and Opportunities of STEM Learning Efficacy for Living Technology Through a Transdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning Activity2
Technology Acceptance When Teaching Climate Change2
The Go-Lab Platform, an Inquiry-learning Space: Investigation into Students’ Technology Acceptance, Knowledge Integration, and Learning Outcomes2
Disrupted Lessons in Engineering Robotics: Pivoting Knowledge Transfer From Physical to Virtual Learning Environments2
The Effect of Using Questioning Strategies in Scientific Inquiry Videos on Elementary Students2
Applying Machine Learning to Intelligent Assessment of Scientific Creativity Based on Scientific Knowledge Structure and Eye-Tracking Data2
Maker Competency Instrument for Elementary and Secondary School Science2
De-mystifying the Influence of PhET Simulation on Engagement, Satisfaction, and Academic Achievement of Bhutanese Students in the Physics Classroom2
Are They Ready to Teach? Generative AI as a Means to Uncover Pre-Service Science Teachers’ PCK and Enhance Their Preparation Program2
Problem-Solving Strategies in Stoichiometry Across Two Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A Cross-National Study2
An Online CURE Taught at a Community College During the Pandemic Shows Mixed Results for Development of Research Self-Efficacy and In-class Relationships1
Teaching the Modeling of Human–Environment Systems: Acknowledging Complexity with an Agent-Based Model1
Employing a Groundwater Contamination Learning Experience to Build Proficiency in Computational Modeling for Socioscientific Literacy1
Stimulating Mechanistic Reasoning in Physics Using Student-Constructed Stop-Motion Animations1
Reciprocal Relations Between Students’ Evaluation, Reformulation Behaviors, and Engineering Design Performance Over Time1
Designing Computer Vision Support for Science Practical Work: A Qualitative Investigation into the Noticing Practices and Support Preferences of Science Teachers1
Supporting Student System Modelling Practice Through Curriculum and Technology Design1
Analyzing Children’s Viewing Behaviors in Science Demonstrations with and Without Interactive E-Book Support1
Students’ Perceptions on the Impact of Online Homework Systems on Their Performance in a General Chemistry Course1
Reflective Practices and Self-Regulated Learning in Designing with Generative Artificial Intelligence: An Ordered Network Analysis1
Digital Game-Based Inquiry Learning to Improve Eighth Graders’ Inquiry Skills in Biology1
Preparing GTAs for Active Learning in the General Chemistry Lab: Development of an Evidence-Based Rehearsal Module for a Mixed-Reality Teaching Simulator1
Correction: Youths’ Investigations of Critical Urban Forestry Through Multimodal Sensemaking1
Correction to: Thinking in Terms of Change over Time: Opportunities and Challenges of Using System Dynamics Models1
Location-Based Learning and Its Effect on Students’ Understanding of Newton’s Laws of Motion1
Improving 6th Grade Students’ Creative Problem Solving Skills Through Plugged and Unplugged Computational Thinking Approaches1
Leveraging Epistemic Network Analysis to Understand Peer Feedback in Online Courses1
Correction to: Examining Student Testing and Debugging Within a Computational Systems Modeling Context1
Thinking Thru Making: Mapping Computational Thinking Practices onto Scientific Reasoning1
Investigating the Links Between Students’ Learning Engagement and Modeling Competence in Computer-Supported Modeling-Based Activities1