Political Communication

(The median citation count of Political Communication is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Political Polarization on the Digital Sphere: A Cross-platform, Over-time Analysis of Interactional, Positional, and Affective Polarization on Social Media180
Social Media and Political Agenda Setting97
Filter Bubbles, Echo Chambers, and Fake News: How Social Media Conditions Individuals to Be Less Critical of Political Misinformation61
Capturing Clicks: How the Chinese Government Uses Clickbait to Compete for Visibility44
Why Don’t We Learn from Social Media? Studying Effects of and Mechanisms behind Social Media News Use on General Surveillance Political Knowledge38
Collective Civic Moderation for Deliberation? Exploring the Links between Citizens’ Organized Engagement in Comment Sections and the Deliberative Quality of Online Discussions32
Computational Social Science and the Study of Political Communication28
Allies or Agitators? How Partisan Identity Shapes Public Opinion about Violent or Nonviolent Protests26
Computational Identification of Media Frames: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities24
Keep Them Engaged! Investigating the Effects of Self-centered Social Media Communication Style on User Engagement in 12 European Countries23
Cross-Platform Emotions and Audience Engagement in Social Media Political Campaigning: Comparing Candidates’ Facebook and Instagram Images in the 2020 US Election21
How Does Local TV News Change Viewers’ Attitudes? The Case of Sinclair Broadcasting21
How News Feels: Anticipated Anxiety as a Factor in News Avoidance and a Barrier to Political Engagement20
The Real Problems with the Problem of News Deserts: Toward Rooting Place, Precision, and Positionality in Scholarship on Local News and Democracy19
The Impact of News Consumption on Anti-immigration Attitudes and Populist Party Support in a Changing Media Ecology18
How Political Efficacy Relates to Online and Offline Political Participation: A Multilevel Meta-analysis18
Are Campaigns Getting Uglier, and Who Is to Blame? Negativity, Dramatization and Populism on Facebook in the 2014 and 2019 EP Election Campaigns15
An Agenda for Studying Credibility Perceptions of Visual Misinformation14
When Do Politicians Use Populist Rhetoric? Populism as a Campaign Gamble14
Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Voting Advice Applications14
Does Talking to the Other Side Reduce Inter-party Hostility? Evidence from Three Studies14
Mobile News Learning — Investigating Political Knowledge Gains in a Social Media Newsfeed with Mobile Eye Tracking13
Correcting the Misinformed: The Effectiveness of Fact-checking Messages in Changing False Beliefs13
Believing and Sharing Information by Fake Sources: An Experiment13
Network Amplification of Politicized Information and Misinformation about COVID-19 by Conservative Media and Partisan Influencers on Twitter12
Testing Inequality and Identity Accounts of Racial Gaps in Political Expression on Social Media12
The Automatic Analysis of Emotion in Political Speech Based on Transcripts11
Beyond Policy: The Use of Social Group Appeals in Party Communication11
Successfully Overcoming the “Double Bind”? A Mixed-Method Analysis of the Self-Presentation of Female Right-wing Populists on Instagram and the Impact on Voter Attitudes11
Corrective Actions in the Information Disorder. The Role of Presumed Media Influence and Hostile Media Perceptions for the Countering of Distorted User-Generated Content11
An Eye for an Eye? An Integrated Model of Attitude Change Toward Protest Violence10
The Campaign Disinformation Divide: Believing and Sharing News in the 2019 UK General Election10
Gendered News Coverage and Women as Heads of Government10
What’s Not to Like? Facebook Page Likes Reveal Limited Polarization in Lifestyle Preferences10
Strategy Framing in News Coverage and Electoral Success: An Analysis of Topic Model Networks Approach10
How the Politicization of Everyday Activities Affects the Public Sphere: The Effects of Partisan Stereotypes on Cross-Cutting Interactions10
Strategy News Is Good News: How Journalistic Coverage of Politics Reduces Affective Polarization9
Facing the Electorate: Computational Approaches to the Study of Nonverbal Communication and Voter Impression Formation9
Biased Representation of Politicians in Google and Wikipedia Search? The Joint Effect of Party Identity, Gender Identity and Elections9
Non-News Websites Expose People to More Political Content Than News Websites: Evidence from Browsing Data in Three Countries8
Power Sharing and Media Freedom in Dictatorships8
The Political Landscape of the U.S. Twitterverse8
Farewell to Big Data? Studying Misinformation in Mobile Messaging Applications8
The Data Abyss: How Lack of Data Access Leaves Research and Society in the Dark8
How Rally-Round-the-Flag Effects Shape Trust in the News Media: Evidence from Panel Waves before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis8
A Scholarly Definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Advancing AI as a Conceptual Framework in Communication Research7
The Effects of Partisan Media in the Face of Global Pandemic: How News Shaped COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy7
Moral Conviction, Emotion, and the Influence of Episodic versus Thematic Frames7
No Reckoning for the Right: How Political Ideology, Protest Tolerance and News Consumption Affect Support Black Lives Matter Protests7
Does the Ideology of the Newsroom Affect the Provision of Media Slant?7
Information Credibility under Authoritarian Rule: Evidence from China7
Increased Media Choice and Political Knowledge Gaps: A Comparative Longitudinal Study of 18 Established Democracies 1995-20157
When “Following” the Leader Inspires Action: Individuals’ Receptivity to Discursive Frame Elements on Social Media6
Editor’s Note6
Mobilization vs. Demobilization Discourses on Social Media6
Nothing More than Feelings? How Emotions Affect Attitude Change during the 2016 General Election Debates6
Media-Politics Parallelism and Populism/Anti-populism Divides in Latin America: Evidence from Argentina6
Patterns of Bias: How Mainstream Media Operationalize Links between Mass Shootings and Terrorism5
Explaining Media Coverage of Constitutional Court Decisions in Germany: The Role of Case Characteristics5
#politicalcommunicationsowhite: Race and Politics in Nine Communication Journals, 1991-20215
“We Never Really Talked About politics”: Race and Ethnicity as Foundational Forces Structuring Information Disorder Within the Vietnamese Diaspora5
Influencers as Empowering Agents? Following Political Influencers, Internal Political Efficacy and Participation among Youth5
In-House Vs. Outsourced Trolls: How Digital Mercenaries Shape State Influence Strategies5
Don’t Make My Entertainment Political! Social Media Responses to Narratives of Racial Duty on Competitive Reality Television Series4
Media-centric and Politics-centric Views of Media and Democracy: A Longitudinal Analysis ofPolitical Communicationand theInternational Journal of Press/Politics4
(Digital) Campaigning in Dissonant Public Spheres4
“Stick to Sports”: Evidence from Sports Media on the Origins and Consequences of Newly Politicized Attitudes4
The Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Selective Exposure: Evidence from 17 Countries4
Recognition Crisis: Coming to Terms with Identity, Attention and Political Communication in the Twenty-First Century4
Abating Dissonant Public Spheres: Exploring the Effects of Affective, Ideological and Perceived Societal Political Polarization on Social Media Political Persuasion4
Issue Importance and the Correction of Misinformation4
Differential Racism in the News: Using Semi-Supervised Machine Learning to Distinguish Explicit and Implicit Stigmatization of Ethnic and Religious Groups in Journalistic Discourse4
A Little More Conversation A Little Less Prejudice: The Role of Classroom Political Discussions for Youth’s Attitudes toward Immigrants4
The Politics of Transgender Health Misinformation3
Commercial Companies in Party Networks: Digital Advertising Firms in US Elections from 2006-20163
Ethnic Campaign Appeals: To Bond, Bridge, or Bypass?3
Do Partisans Follow Their Leaders on Election Manipulation?3
How Science Influencers Polarize Supportive and Skeptical Communities Around Politicized Science: A Cross-Platform and Over-Time Comparison3
Politicization of Science in COVID-19 Vaccine Communication: Comparing US Politicians, Medical Experts, and Government Agencies3
Do Voting Advice Applications Affect Party Preferences? Evidence from Field Experiments in Five European Countries3
Predicting Vote Choice and Election Outcomes from Ballot Wording: The Role of Processing Fluency in Low Information Direct Democracy Elections3
Mediated Representation in the Age of Social Media: How Connection with Politicians Contributes to Citizens’ Feelings of Representation. Evidence from a Longitudinal Study3
Journalism and Democratic Backsliding: Critical Realism as a Diagnostic and Prescription for Reform3
Scrollability: A New Digital News Affordance2
Race and Ethnicity as Foundational Forces in Political Communication: Special Issue Introduction2
Assessing the Validity of Survey Measures for News Exposure through Digital Footprints: Evidence from Spain and the UK2
Highlighting Similarities between Political Parties Reduced Perceived Disagreement on Global Warming2
Destabilizing Race in Political Communication: Social Movements as Sites of Political Imagination2
Uninformed or Misinformed in the Digital News Environment? How Social Media News Use Affects Two Dimensions of Political Knowledge2
Reassessing the Role of Inclusion in Political Communication Research2
#DictatorErdogan: How Social Media Bans Trigger Backlash2
Misperceptions and Minipublics: Does Endorsement of Expert Information by a Minipublic Influence Misperceptions in the Wider Public?2
The Media and Democratization: A Long-Term Macro-Level Perspective on the Role of the Press During a Democratic Transition2
“No Reason[.] [I]t /Should/ Happen here”: Analyzing Flynn’s Retroactive Doublespeak During a QAnon Event2
The Battle for the Soul of the Nation: Nationalist Polarization in the 2020 American Presidential Election and the Threat to Democracy2
Selective Control: The Political Economy of Censorship2
Local Government, Social Media and Management of COVID-19: The Case of Chilean Mayoral Communication2
Conditions of Campaigning in Dissonant Public Spheres and Crisis of Democracy2
Harnessing Distrust: News, Credibility Heuristics, and War in an Authoritarian Regime2
Logics of Exclusion: How Ukrainian Audiences Renegotiate Propagandistic Narratives in Times of Conflict2
Damage Control: How Campaign Teams Interpret and Respond to Online Incivility2