Studies in Conflict & Terrorism

(The TQCC of Studies in Conflict & Terrorism is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Incel (E)motives: Resentment, Shame and Revenge44
Uncovering the Far-Right Online Ecosystem: An Analytical Framework and Research Agenda28
Lone-Actor Terrorism – A Systematic Literature Review22
A Witch’s Brew of Grievances: The Potential Effects of COVID-19 on Radicalization to Violent Extremism21
Rebel Governance at the Time of Covid-19: Emergencies as Opportunities for Rebel Rulers17
White Supremacist Terrorism in Charlottesville: Reconstructing ‘Unite the Right’15
Defying Rules. Defying Gender?: Women’s Resistance to Islamic State14
Repeated and Extensive Exposure to Online Terrorist Content: Counter-Terrorism Internet Referral Unit Perceived Stresses and Strategies13
Rebels-Turned-Narcos? The FARC-EP’s Political Involvement in Colombia’s Cocaine Economy13
Playing for Hate? Extremism, Terrorism, and Videogames11
Examining Online Indicators of Extremism in Violent Right-Wing Extremist Forums10
Hospital Attacks Since 9/11: An Analysis of Terrorism Targeting Healthcare Facilities and Workers9
Is There a Language of Terrorists? A Comparative Manifesto Analysis9
Too Close for Comfort: Cyber Terrorism and Information Security across National Policies and International Diplomacy9
Who Said We Were Terrorists? Issues with Terrorism Data and Inclusion Criteria9
Female Combatants and Durability of Civil War8
The Wagner Group in Africa: Russia’s Quasi-State Agent of Influence8
Terrorism Studies and the Far Right – The State of Play7
Disengaging from Left-Wing Terrorism and Extremism: Field Experiences from Germany and Research Gaps7
A Comparative Analysis of Australian and Canadian Foreign Fighters Traveling to Syria and Iraq7
A Crime Script Analysis of Involuntary Celibate (INCEL) Mass Murderers6
From Bombs to Books, and Back Again? Mapping Strategies of Right-Wing Revolutionary Resistance6
Jihadist Ideological Conflict and Local Governance in Mali6
An Attack against Us All? Perceived Similarity and Compassion for the Victims Mediate the Effects of News Coverage about Right-Wing Terrorism6
“A Skinhead at Heart with a Hate-Filled Mind”: Understanding the Themes Present in the White Power Music Scene6
Reconceptualizing Ideology and Extremism: Toward an Empirically-Based Typology6
Impacts of Radical Right Groups’ Movements across Social Media Platforms – A Case Study of Changes to Britain First’s Visual Strategy in Its Removal from Facebook to Gab6
Queering Terrorism6
How War in Yemen Transformed the Iran-Houthi Partnership6
Refugees, Perceived Threat & Domestic Terrorism5
A Hybrid Threat: The Night Wolves Motorcycle Club5
The Radicalization of Young Jihadi Convicted of Membership of Terrorist Organization in Spain: Analyzing the Pieces of the Puzzle5
Supreme Men, Subjected Women: Gender Inequality and Violence in Jihadist, Far Right and Male Supremacist Ideologies5
The Oxygen of Publicity: Explaining U.S. Media Coverage of International Kidnapping5
Capitalizing on Cleavages: Transnational Jihadist Conflicts, Local Fault Lines and Cumulative Extremism5
From Superiority to Supremacy: Exploring the Vulnerability of Military and Police Special Forces to Extreme Right Radicalization5
Masculinities and Disengagement from Jihadi Networks: The Case of Indonesian Militant Islamists5
“I Will Tell You a Story about Jihad”: ISIS’s Propaganda and Narrative Advertising5
Social Exclusion and Political Violence: Multilevel Analysis of the Justification of Terrorism5
Five Things We Need to Learn About Incel Extremism: Issues, Challenges and Avenues for Fresh Research4
Comparing Online Posting Typologies among Violent and Nonviolent Right-Wing Extremists4
Toward an Ethical Framework for Countering Extremist Propaganda Online4
A Crime Script Analysis of Violent and Nonviolent Extremists4
Understanding the Role of the Internet in the Process of Radicalisation: An Analysis of Convicted Extremists in England and Wales4
Investigating the Effects of Right-Wing Terrorism on Government Satisfaction: A Time Course Analysis of the 2019 Christchurch Terror Attack4
Reframing the Campaign: From Egypt’s Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis to Wilayat Sinai, Islamic State’s Sinai Province4
Beyond Greed: Why Armed Groups Tax4
Exploring the Nexus between Armed Groups and the Trafficking and Smuggling of Human Beings in the Central Sahel and Libya4
Social Cohesion and Collective Violence: Latent Variable Approach to Explaining Riots in East Jerusalem4
Everyday Prevention of Radicalization: The Impacts of Family, Peer, and Police Intervention4
Deep Analysis of Taliban Videos: Differential Use of Multimodal, Visual and Sonic Forms across Strategic Themes4
Exiting the Manosphere. A Gendered Analysis of Radicalization, Diversion and Deradicalization Narratives from r/IncelExit and r/ExRedPill4
Mechanisms of 3N Model on Radicalization: Testing the Mediation by Group Identity and Ideology of the Relationship between Need for Significance and Violent Extremism4
Composite Violent Extremism: Conceptualizing Attackers Who Increasingly Challenge Traditional Categories of Terrorism4
The Relationship between of Moral Injury and Radicalisation: A Systematic Review3
Research Note: Former Extremist Interviews Current Extremist: Self-Disclosure and Emotional Engagement in Terrorism Studies3
Family Matters: A Preliminary Framework for Understanding Family Influence on Islamist Radicalization3
Identifying Key Players in Violent Extremist Networks: Using Socio-Semantic Network Analysis as Part of a Program of Content Moderation3
Pragmatism and Purism in Jihadist Governance: The Islamic Emirate of Azawad Revisited3
Exposure to Extremist Content and Public Sympathy for ISIS3
Al-Qaeda’s Iran Dilemma: Evidence from the Abbottabad Records3
Causes of Violent Extremism in Central Asia: The Case of Kazakhstan3
Everyday Religion and Radical Islamism – A Contribution to Theorizing the Role of Religion in Radicalization Studies3
White Demographic Anxiety and Support for Torture of Terrorism Suspects3
Emotional Trials in Terrorism Research: Running Risks When Accessing Salafi-Jihadist Foreign Fighter Returnees and Their Social Milieu3
The Image War as a Significant Fighting Arena – Evidence from the Ukrainian Battle over Perceptions during the 2022 Russian Invasion3
Oil and the Islamic State: Revisiting “Resource Wars” Arguments in Light of ISIS Operations and State-Making Attempts3
Textual Messaging of ISIS’s al-Naba and the Context Drivers That Correspond to Strategic Changes3
Gender in Countering Violent Extremism Program Design, Implementation and Evaluation: Beyond Instrumentalism3
Characteristics of Incel Forum Users: Social Network Analysis and Chronological Posting Patterns3
The Effects of Social Media, Elites, and Political Polarization on Civil Conflict3
Do Vigilante Groups Reduce Cartel-Related Violence? An Empirical Assessment of Crime Trends in Michoacán, Mexico3
Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghrib’s Expansion in the Sahara: New Insights from Primary Sources3
From the PYD-YPG to the SDF: the Consolidation of Power in Kurdish-Controlled Northeast Syria3
Reclaim the Beach: How Offline Events Shape Online Interactions and Networks Amongst Those Who Support and Oppose Right-Wing Protest3
New Models for Deploying Counterspeech: Measuring Behavioral Change and Sentiment Analysis3
Legitimation through Collectivization: Al Qaeda and US Discourses on the Use of Force2
To Escalate, or Not to Escalate? Private Military and Security Companies and Conflict Severity2
Developing an Extremist Construct Schema and Measuring Ideological Engagement2
Understanding PKK, Kurdish Hezbollah and ISIS Recruitment in Southeastern Turkey2
Insurgent Group Cohesion and the Malleability of ‘Foreignness’: Al-Shabaab’s Relationship with Foreign Fighters2
And the Last Straw Falls: The Cumulative Influence of Disillusionment among Former Viet Cong Insurgents2
State Accompli: The Political Consolidation of the Islamic State Prior to the Caliphate2
A Framework for Explaining National P/CVE Programs: A Case Study of Kazakhstan2
Terrorist Peer Review: Which Autonomous Attacks Does ISIL Accept for Publication?2
British Troops on British Streets: Defence’s Counter-Terrorism Journey from 9/11 to Operation Temperer2
Reasons behind Reasons: A Communitarian Reading of Women’s Radicalization and Family Bombings in Southeast Asia2
A Downward Spiral: The Role of Hegemonic Masculinity in Lone Actor Terrorism2
Social Cleavages and Armed Group Consolidation: The Case of Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan Arab Armed Forces2
Post-Fordism and the Transformation of Transatlantic Counter-Terrorism2
Coin as Imagined Sovereignty: A Rhetorical Analysis of Coins as a Transhistorical Artifact and an Ideograph in Islamic State’s Communication2
From Rebelling to Ruling: Insurgent Victory and State Capture in Africa2
Willingness to Engage in Religious Collective Action: The Role of Group Identification and Identity Fusion2
Transnational Jihad as a Bundled Conflict-Constellation2
Crossing Battle Death Lines: Why Do Some Insurgent Organizations Escalate Violence to Higher-Intensity Armed Conflicts?2
Blowin’ in the Wind? The Musical Response to the War on Terror2
Starvation as Siege Tactics: Urban Warfare in Syria2
Side-Switching as State-Building: the Case of Russian-Speaking Militias in Eastern Ukraine2
Counterterrorism and Modern White Supremacy2
De-Talibanization and the Onset of Insurgency in Afghanistan2
An Empirical Assessment of China’s Counterterrorism Efforts and Securitization of Turkic Muslims2
Maoist Hybridity? A Comparative Analysis of the Links between Insurgent Strategic Practice and Tactical Hybridity in Contemporary Non-State Armed Groups2
The ONA Network and the Transnationalization of Neo-Nazi-Satanism2
Redefining Global Jihad and Its Termination: The Subjugation of al-Qaeda by Its Former Franchise in Syria2