Papers in Regional Science

(The H4-Index of Papers in Regional Science is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Does EU regional policy promote local TFP growth? Evidence from the Italian Mezzogiorno59
E‐commerce development and urban‐rural income gap: Evidence from Zhejiang Province, China53
European cultural heritage and tourism flows: The magnetic role of superstar World Heritage Sites50
The role of regions in global value chains: an analysis for the European Union30
Explaining the dynamics of relatedness: The role of co‐location and complexity28
Travel costs, trade, and market segmentation: Evidence from China's high‐speed railway26
Evaluating the role of resilience in reducing economic losses from disasters: A multi‐regional analysis of a seaport disruption25
When, where, and for what industries does broadband foster establishment births?21
Urbanization and COVID‐19 incidence: A cross‐country investigation20
The natural resource curse: Evidence from the Colombian municipalities18
Proximity across the distant worlds of university–industry collaborations18
Quantifying fiscal multipliers in Italy: A Panel SVAR analysis using regional data16
Collaboration networks, geography and innovation: Local and national embeddedness16
Does a local knowledge base in Industry 3.0 foster diversification in Industry 4.0 technologies? Evidence from European regions15
Does the high‐speed rail network improve economic growth?14
Cultural and creative industries and regional diversification: Does size matter?14