International Journal of Damage Mechanics

(The median citation count of International Journal of Damage Mechanics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Investigation of pore structure evolution and damage characteristics of high temperature rocks subjected to liquid nitrogen cooling shock71
Damage analysis of axially compressed concrete-filled steel tube stub columns based on acoustic emission34
Multiaxial high-cycle fatigue failure and life prediction based on critical plane method33
A novel approach for characterizing frozen soil damage based on mesostructure31
Study on the creep constitutive model of layered rockconsidering anisotropic and damage factors after hightemperature exposure30
Damage and permeability of gassy coal in loading – Unloading path30
Peridynamics simulations of the damage of reinforced concrete structures under radial blasting29
Numerical simulation on hydraulic fracture propagation in laminated shale based on thermo-hydro-mechanical-damage coupling model28
Constitutive modelling of a self-healing composite matrix polymer material27
Fracture simulations using edge-based smoothed finite element method for isotropic damage model via Delaunay/Voronoi dual tessellations26
Statistical damage model with strain softening for lime-stabilized rammed earth after elevated temperature25
Damage evolution analysis of concrete based on multi-feature acoustic emission and Gaussian mixture model clustering24
A new damage-based failure criterion for nonlinear behavior of fibrous composite materials21
Validation of the ductile fracture modeling of CGI at quasi-static loading conditions20
Prediction and evaluation of fatigue life via modified energy method considering surface processing20
Electrochemical deposition induced continuum damage-healing framework for the cementitious composite19
Strain energy density and entire fracture surface parameters relationship for LCF life prediction of additively manufactured 18Ni300 steel18
Influence of hydrothermal fatigue on mechanical properties and damage mechanisms of hemp-reinforced biocomposites and comparison with glass-reinforced composites17
Numerical study on the effects of oblique impact on the ballistic behavior of 3D angle interlock woven fabric17
Statistical continuum damage healing mechanics (SCDHM)17
Elastic moduli prediction of a short fiber composite with interface debonding at fiber ends17
Cyclic loading and unloading strain equations and damage evolution of gypsum specimens considering damping effects16
Investigation into a comprehensive forming limit curve considering multi-parameters effects for semi-cured FMLs through uniform pressure loading test15
Application of continuum damage mechanics in fatigue assessment of A516 steel specimens considering residual stresses15
Effects of cyclic freeze-thaw by liquid nitrogen on the coal breakage properties and fragment size distribution15
Anisotropic, rate-dependent ductile fracture of Ti-6Al-4V alloy15
Creep damage parameter extraction from ex-service 12% Cr steel using digital image correlation computed strain data15
Continuum damage mechanics-based finite-volume homogenization of unidirectional elastoplastic fiber-reinforced composites14
Bilinear damage evolution in AA2011 wire drawing processes14
Analysis of thermo-mechanical coupling damage behavior in long-term performance of microelectromechanical systems actuators14
A new damage constitutive model for frozen-thawed sandstone under triaxial conditions: Considering the characteristics of pre-peak compaction and post-peak residual strength14
Numerical modeling and analysis of the ballistic impact response of ceramic/composite targets and the influence of cohesive material parameters14
Theory and methods of constructing equations for the evolutionary damageability of materials14
Creep damage and fracture of notched specimens under static and fast periodic loading14
An elastoplastic damage constitutive model for hybrid steel-polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete14
A nonlinear rheological shear constitutive model of bolted joints considering initial damage and damage evolution14
Experimental and theoretical model study on grouting reinforcement effect of fractured rock mass14
Numerical modeling of flax-woven reinforced composites submitted to quasi-static indentation and low velocity impact13
Seepage-stress combined experiment and damage model of rock in different loading and unloading paths13
A 3D micromechanical model to predict the complete stress-strain relation of microencapsulated self-healing concrete12
Micromechanical analysis of spherulitic polymers in multiaxial and non-proportional fatigue crack nucleation12
An improved damage constitutive model for pre-heated rocks under uniaxial compression considering the initial compaction effect and residual strength12
Strength reduction method for a factor of safety determination of damaged concrete structures12
A comparative study on combined high and low cycle fatigue life prediction model considering loading interaction12
Hydro-mechanical coupling behavior and statistical damage constitutive model of deep marble with disturbance12
Mechanical behavior and failure mechanisms of cylindrical and prismatic rock specimens under various confining stresses12
Quantifying damage evolution within olivine basalt based on crack propagation behavior under microwave irradiation12
Experimental study correlating damage and permeability in concrete using confined, flattened Brazilian disks12
An enhanced direct method for ductile damage measurement12
A thermodynamic damage model for 3D stress-induced mechanical characteristics and brittle–ductile transition of rock11
Experimental and damage model study of layered shale under different moisture contents11
A one dimensional ubiquitiform damage model for quasi-brittle materials11
Finite element modeling of viscoelastic creep behavior and transverse cracking in fiber-reinforced composite materials11
Mechanical properties and two damage models of frozen-thawed rocks under triaxial compression11
A new unsymmetrical decomposition of the damage variable10
An elasto-plastic damage accumulation model for fatigue life predication of ductile metals at the yield stress10
A directional microcrack damage theory for brittle solids based on continuous hyperplasticity10
Damage behavior of functionally graded kevlar/carbon epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with polyamide 6.6 nanofiber and MWCNTs subjected to low-velocity impact10
Experimental study on the damage process of marble under true triaxial pre-peak unloading conditions10
Deviation-based calibration for progressive damage analysis in pultruded glass fiber reinforced composites10
Formulation and verification of an anisotropic damage plasticity constitutive model for plain concrete10
A gradient enhanced constitutive framework for the investigation of ductile damage localization within semicrystalline polymers10
A rolling contact fatigue life prediction model for bearing steel considering its gradient structure due to cyclic hardening10
A novel synergistic multi-scale modeling framework to predict micro- and meso-scale damage behaviors of 2D triaxially braided composite9
Damage-healing analysis of microencapsulated self-healing concrete subjected to tensile loading using a 2D micromechanical model9
A continuum damage model for prediction of crack initiation life of pitting corrosion and fatigue9
Dynamic failure behavior and damage evolution process of holed sandstone under impact loads9
Energy-driven damage evolution and instability in fissure-cavity-contained granite induced by freeze-thaw and multistage increasing-amplitude cyclic (F-T-MSIAC) loads9
Statistical damage constitutive model based on energy conversion for rocks9
Hydro-mechanical coupling characteristics and damage constitutive model of low-permeability granite under triaxial compression9
Combined high and low cycle fatigue life prediction model based on damage curve method considering loading interaction effect9
Theoretical shear damage characterization of intact rock under compressive-shear stress considering energy dissipation9
Special Issue on “Innovative Materials for Damage Mitigation in Civil Engineering” in The International Journal of Damage Mechanics9
Mechanical properties and damage constitutive model of coal specimen with different moisture under uniaxial loading9
Continuum damage mechanics of cyclic viscoplasticity using asymptotic numerical method9
Enhancing the acoustic emission technique using fuzzy artificial bee colony-based deep learning for characterizing selective laser melted AlSi10Mg specimens8
An improved continuous damage model to estimate multiaxial fatigue life under strain control problems8
Brittleness evaluation and damage evolution of sandstone under hydromechanical coupling8
Influence of feedstock type and particle size on efficiency of biochar in improving tensile crack resistance and shear strength in lean clayey soil8
Behavior of geometrically-similar Basalt FRP bars-reinforced concrete beams under dynamic torsional loads8
Identification of the damage mechanism in orthopaedic implant. Case study including the biomechanical analysis8
A multi-scale model from microscopic cracks to macroscopic damage of concrete at elevated temperatures7
Experimental investigations and micromechanical thermal fatigue models of concrete7
Damage mechanism characterization of ±35° and ±55° FW composite tubes using acoustic emission method7
Behavior monitoring of flax fiber reinforced composites by guided waves7
Mechanical impairment characteristics and a novel constitutive model for rocks subjected to uniaxial loading process7
Modeling temperature dependence of tensile fracture strength for rocks considering phase transition and the direct effect of thermal damage7
A resilience assessment framework for microencapsulated self-healing cementitious composites based on a micromechanical damage-healing model7
Damage investigation of hybrid flax-glass/epoxy composites subjected to impact fatigue under water ageing6
Defect effect on high strain rate compressive behaviors of 3D braided composites6
Experimental investigation on dynamic mechanical properties and fracture evolution behavior of the underground openings with excavation damaged zones6
A review of continuum damage and plasticity in concrete: Part II – Numerical framework6
A stress-state-dependent damage criterion for metals with plastic anisotropy6
A novel meso-damage constitutive model of rock under true triaxial stress with three-dimensional cracking strength, threshold and closure effect6
A coda wave interferometry to characterize and evaluate the powder debonding damage of solid propellant: Experimental investigation and discrete element simulation6
Study of the progressive failure of concrete by phase field modeling and experiments6
Multi-stress damage and healing mechanics in quasi-brittle materials: Theoretical overview6
Study on mechanical properties and statistical damage constitutive model of red sandstone after heating and water-cooling cycles6
Fatigue crack growth prediction model under variable amplitude loading conditions6
Spatially random modulus and tensile strength: Contribution to variability of strain, damage, and fracture in concrete6
Microstructural dimension involved in the damage of concrete-like materials: An examination by the lattice element method5
Effect of ply position switching in quasi-isotropic glass fibre reinforced polymer composite subjected to low velocity impact5
Impact simulations for high-performance fiber-reinforced cement composites using a coupled finite element and smoothed particle Galerkin method5
Experimental and numerical study on projectile impact damage of EBC-SiC/SiC5
An encoder-decoder model with embedded attention-mechanism for efficient meshfree prediction of slope failure5
Phase-field damage simulation of subloop loading in TiNi SMA5
A convex anisotropic damage model based on the compliance tensor5
Micro-damage instability mechanisms in composite materials: Cracking coalescence versus fibre ductility and slippage5
Study on creep characteristics and fractional creep damage constitutive model of limestone under thermal-mechanical action5
Metallic contaminants in wood panel production process: Evaluating press plate damage and detecting potential using IR thermography and spectroscopy4
Experimental study on acoustic emission stress memory function of rock-like specimens under uniaxial compression4
Numerical simulation research on impact mechanical properties of frozen soil based on discrete element method4
An integrated unified elasto-viscoplastic fatigue and creep damage model with characterization method for structural analysis of nickel-based high-temperature structure4
A review of continuum damage and plasticity in concrete: Part I – Theoretical framework4
Study on damage evaluation indexes and evolution models of rocks under freeze-thaw considering the effect of water saturations4
Creep behavior of sandstone under the coupling action of stress and pore water pressure using three-dimensional digital image correlation4
Impact compression damages of 3D braided composites with/without axial yarns after thermo-oxidative ageing4