Journal of Linguistic Anthropology

(The median citation count of Journal of Linguistic Anthropology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Voicing singlish from the “middle”: Indexical hybridities of class, race, language, and Singaporeanness29
A Contested Caribbean Indigeneity: Language, Social Practice, and Identity within Puerto Rican Taíno Activism. SherinaFeliciano‐Santos. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2021. xxvi + 227 pp.15
Speech and Song at the Margins of Global Health: Zulu Tradition, HIV Stigma, and AIDS Activism in South Africa. Steven P.BlackNew Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2019. xv+ 205 pp.14
Hidden Heretics: Jewish Doubt in the Digital Age. AyalaFader. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020. xii + 270 pp.12
The Sweet Land: Manufacturing “Tradition” in Small‐Town Bolivia11
“Kom Khoi San, kry trug jou land”: Disrupting White Settler Colonial Logics of Language, Race, and Land with Afrikaaps10
Neoliberalizing diversity in liberal arts college life, BonnieUrciuoli, New York: Berghahn Books, 2022, Pp. viii‐29810
Voices That Matter: Kurdish Women at the Limits of Representation in Contemporary TurkeyMarleneSchäfers, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2022, Pp. 240.8
Genres of listening: An ethnography of psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires. XochitlMarsilli‐Vargas (Ed.), Durham: Duke University Press. 2022. pp. xii+2337
Justice suspended: Rethinking institutions, regimentation, and channels from a human rights law perspective7
Texting, teens, and parental challenges in practices of family socialization7
If it is language that speaks, what do speakers do? Confronting Heidegger's language ontology5
The Unmarked Whiteness of Brazilian Linguistics: From Black‐as‐Theme to Black‐as‐Life4
Mapping Participant Frameworks in the Aitys of Birzhan and Sara4
A Black Perspective on the Language of Race in Dutch4
Channeling Moroccanness: Language and the media of socialityBecky L.Schulties. New York: Fordham University Press, 2021. Pp. X + 221.4
RIPEnglish”: Race, class and ‘good English’ in India3
Home signs: An ethnography of life beyond and beside language By Joshua O.Reno, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2024. pp. 2643
White Allies and the Semiotics of Wokeness: Raciolinguistic Chronotopes of White Virtue on Facebook3
Linguist on the Loose. Adventures and Misadventures in Fieldwork. LyleCampbell. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022. Pp. xviii + 286.3
(Out)Caste language ideologies: Intersectional raciolinguistic stigma and assimilation from denotified tribal students' perspectives in rural India3
Postracial Policing, “Mother Tongue” Sourcing, and Images of Singlish Standard3
Parodying incompetence in (I)europa: Hearing glide insertion and communism in a Romanian politician's speech3
Speaking of Race: Language, Identity, and Schooling among African American Children. Jennifer B.Delfino. New York: Lexington Books, 2021. Pp. xxxviii +163.3
Issue Information3
Neutralizing the political: Language ideology as censorship in Esperanto youth media during the Cold War3
The double bind of “Shame”: The colonial ramifications in Tahitian language revitalization2
Toward a linguistic anthropological approach to listening: An ear with power and the policing of “active listening” volunteers in Japan2
His Master’s Voice, Her Jokes: Voice and Gender Politics in the Performance of Rakugo2
“No One is Poor in Himachal”: Cultivating Stateless Agency in an Indian Village Assembly2
The struggle for a multilingual future: Youth and education in Sri LankaChristina P.Davis. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. xvii + 192.2
Marketing Logics and the Politics of Public Spheres: On Discursive Engineering and Enclosure2
Silence and sacrifice: Family stories of care and the limits of love in Vietnam.MeravShohet. University of California Press, 2021. Pp. xvii + 267.2
“A world beyond this one”: Sustaining afro‐brasilidade through language, ritual, and culture teaching in a northeastern Brazilian school2
Understanding Movement and Meaning in Janana Communities1
The Last Language on Earth: Linguistic Utopianism in the Philippines. Piers Kelly. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. xxxi + 291.1
What do repatriation and reclamation sound like? Two examples from the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office1
Multiaddressivity and Collective Addressivity in Vlog‐based Interactions between Diasporic and Nonmigrant Portuguese1
Research Companion to Language and Country Branding. IreneTheodoropoulou and JohannaTovar. New York: Routledge, 2021. vii + 411 pp.1
Performing as ways of knowing: Projects of legibility and state simplification in postcolonial Hong Kong1
Working the difference: Science, spirit, and the spread of motivational interviewing. E. SummersonCarr, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 2023. pp. xiii + 2771
Silence, Cessation and Stasis: The Ethnopoetics of “Absence” in Bit Expressives1
Issue Information1
Investigating Structure and Agency in Chinese Indonesians' Identity Work1
Topolects in Motion: Narrative Possibilities for Language Vitality among Mobile Chinese‐Canadians1
“Living Fossils”: The Politics of Language Preservation in Huangshan, China1
Mock Impoliteness in Saudi Arabia: Strategies of Evil Cursing1
Asymmetrical listening practices and hegemonic aurality in a dual‐language kindergarten classroom1
Letters of Conversion: Meta‐Alphabetic Discourse and Linguistic Participation in Colonial Highland Guatemala1
White Supremacy and Antiblackness: Theory and Lived Experience1
Methods of desire: Language, morality, and affect in neoliberal Indonesia, AuroraDonzelli. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. 20191
Personal Protective Equipment Against Anti‐Blackness: Communicability and Contagion in the Academy1
Securitizing Communication: On the Indeterminacy of Participant Roles in Online Journalism1
Tamil Book Culture: Essays in Memory of CreA Ramakrishnan. E.Annamalai, C.T.Indra, CristinaMuru, and T.Sriraman, eds. Chennai, India: Cre‐A, 2021. Pp. 364.1
From mandala to flowchart: Managerial governmentality and the evidentiary technologies of Indonesia's Reformasi1
Shadows and Mirrors: Spatial and Ideological Perspectives on Sign Language Competency0
Onscreen/OffscreenBy Constantine V. Nakassis (Ed.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2023. Pp. xviii +3820
Language incompetence: Learning to communicate through cancer, disability, and anomalous embodimentSureshCanagarajah. Abingdon: Routledge, 2022. Pp. xv + 220.0
Other Indonesians: Nationalism in an unnative language. Joseph Errington. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. xxiii +123.0
Unruly speech: Displacement and the politics of transgression By SaskiaWitteborn, Stanford University Press. 2023. 250 pages. £17.31 (Softback); £65.74 (Clothbound). ISBN: 9781503634305, 15036343020
How to speak to the masses, part II: Hồ Chí Minh as a moral and linguistic exemplar and the dynamics of register formation in 20th century Vietnam0
Glossolalia and the Problem of Language. NicholasHarkness. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2021. ix + 231pp.0
Negotiating Linguistic Disruptions and Connections in Migratory Contexts: Language Practices among Child Migrants in an Urban Market in Ghana0
Shadow Conversations and the Citational Practices of a Journal0
Linguistic Practice in Changing Conditions. RamptonBen. Bristol, UK; Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters, 2021. Pp. vii + 302.0
Japanese Women’s Speech through Life‐Transitions (1989‐2000): An Analysis of Youth Language Features0
Reimagining Linguistic Heritage: Or How Mother Tongue Speakers Re‐Create Their Language0
Virtue Signaling and the Linguistic Repertoire of Anti‐Blackness: or, “I Would Have Voted for Obama for a Third Term”0
Multilingual baseball: Language learning, identity, and intercultural communication in the transnational game. Brendan H.O'Connor (Ed.), London: Bloomsbury Academic. 2023. pp. [xi + 223pp.]0
Structure, Ideology, Distribution: The Dual as Honorific in Santali0
The news event: Popular sovereignty in the age of deep mediatization By FrancisCody, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2023. pp. 2720
Graphic Politics in Eastern India: Script and the Quest for Autonomy. NishaantChoksi. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. Pp. xvi + 208.0
Hidden Likeness: Avoidance and Iconicity in Batek0
Toward an Anti‐Racist Linguistic Anthropology: An Indigenous Response to White Supremacy0
Spanish So White: Conversations on the inconvenient racism of a ‘Foreign’ language education. AdamSchwartz, Bristol, UK; Jackson, TN: Multilingual Matters. 2023. pp. 1600
Re‐hearing parents as risks to children: Institutional listening practices in a California child welfare court0
Echoes of “dead” colonialism: The voices and materiality of a (post)colonial Algerian newspaper0
Introduction to the Forum on Language and Anti‐Blackness0
Scaling Language Boundaries: Inclusion, Commensurability, and a Caribbean Coloniality0
Introduction: Language and White Supremacy0
Learning Putonghua, (not) becoming Chinese: “Sinicized” figures and intersectional personae on Tibetan peripheries0
Transforming Mongolian Wedding Speech Genres in Bilingual Bicultural Urban Inner Mongolia0
Judith T. Irvine and the Social Life of Scholarship0
#BlackOutEid: Resisting Anti‐Blackness in Digital Muslim Life0
The life of a political speech(writer): Metadiscursive text trajectories in high‐end language work0
Semiotic Disruption and Negotiations of Authenticity among Argentine Fans of Anglophone Media0
Linguistic Landscapes Beyond the Language Classroom. GregNiedt, and Corinne A.Seals eds. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. Pp. xv + 264. + 264 pp.0
The relationship people: Mediating love and marriage in twenty‐first century Japan By Erika R.Alpert. London and Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2022. xvii +159 pp. $39.99 (pbk). ISBN: 9781498594220
Issue Information0
Memes, Emojis, and Text: The Semiotics of Differentiation in Sri Lankan Tamil Digital Publics0
Mixed Messages: Mediating Native Belonging in Asian Russia. Kathryn E.Graber. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020. xix + 262 pp.0
“Creatures of kek:” Affordance and enregisterment within “kek” on 4chan's “/pol/” board0
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Ratchet Black Lives Matter: Megan Thee Stallion, Intra‐Racial Violence, and the Elusion of Grief0
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Routine Crisis: An Ethnography of Disillusion. SarahMuir. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2021. 1 + 181 pp.0
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Revisiting Theory and Method in Language Ideology Research0
Word by Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries. KoryStamper. New York: Vintage Books, 2018. xiii + 300 pp.0
The limits of thematization0
Toward a non‐binary semiotics of intersectionality: linguistic anthropology in the wake of coloniality0
The Abu Dhabi adhan: An orienting soundmark through scaled configurations of space and time0
What to make of a Sultan's tear: Phaticity, praise poetry, and social infrastructures in the Sultanate of Oman0
Language otherwise: Linguistic natures and the ontological challenge0
Dispensing with Europe: A comparative linguistic anthropology of honorific pronouns0
Living together across borders: Communicative care in transnational Salvadoran families By LynnetteArnold, New York: Oxford University Press. 2024. pp. ix + 2200
“We Explain”: Interaction and Becoming a Family in Migration0
Flânerie in Text and City: The Heterogeneous Urban Publics of the Georgian Feuilleton0
Portable Values, Inequities, and Techno‐Optimism in Global Health Storytelling0
Covert Linguistic Racisms and the (Re‐)Production of White Supremacy0
Specters of excess: Passing and policing in the Malay‐speaking archipelago0
Of Cops and “Karens”: Language and the Bureaucratic Arm of Policing0
Linguistic ethnography of a multilingual call center: London callingBy JohannaWoydack, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. xv + 214 pp0
Indexical deprivation: The dominant link between cochlear implants and global English among Taiwanese deaf individuals0
Brought to Life by the Voice: Playback Singing and Cultural Politics in South India. AmandaWeidman. Oakland: University of California Press, 2021. Pp. xv + 248.0
Unlearning: Rethinking Poetics, Pandemics, and the Politics of Knowledge. Charles L.Briggs. Louisville, CO: University Press of Colorado, 2021. x + 336 pp.0
Dis/possession Afoot: American (Anthropological) Traditions of Anti‐Blackness and Coloniality0
The Colonial Constitution ofPolyas a Racial and Linguistic Category through Policing, Gentrification, and an Ideology of Oppressionlessness0
Funny words on the screen: Exploring linguistic authority through subtitling practices0
Issue Information0
Communication in Persons with Acquired Speech Impairment: The Role of Family as Language Brokers0
Heteroglossic management in Instagram: Emerging ideological dynamics among Basque youth0
The Enregisterment of Esh in Global Beatboxing Culture0
Saying and Doing in Zapotec: Multimodality, Resonance, and the Language of Joint Actions. Mark A.Sicoli. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. xvi + 252 pp.0
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Feeling to Learn: Ideologies of Race, Aurality, and Manouche Music Pedagogy in France0
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Sunu Coosan: Creating “our tradition” in Senegalese wrestling songs0
Clackamas Chinook Performance Art: Verse Form Interpretations. VictoriaHoward. Transcription by Melville Jacobs. Edited by Catharine Mason. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2021. xxxvii + 224pp.0
Sounds of Healing: Qualia and Medical Efficacy in a Traditional Korean Medicine Clinic0
Evolving Studies of Language Ideologies in Honor of Judith T. Irvine: A Commentary0
Language Activism: Imaginaries and Strategies of Minority Language Equality. Haley DeKorne. Oslo, Norway: De Gruyter Mouton, 2021. vi + 241 pp.0
Affect in cross‐chronotope alignments in narrations about Aristides de Sousa Mendes and their subsequent circulations0
Signs of deference, signs of demeanour: Interlocutor reference and self‐other relations across Southeast Asian speech communities By Dwi NoveriniDjenar, JackSidnell (Eds.), Singapore: NUS Press. 2023.0
Semiotic whitening: Whiteness without white people0
Transposition, not translation: Recuperating attentionality on Pantelleria, Sicily0
Thinking with an Accent: Toward a New Object, Method, and Practice. By PoojaRangan, AkshyaSaxena, Ragini TharoorSrinivasan, and PavitraSundar (Eds.), Berkeley: University of California Press. 2023. xv0
The Cultural Logic of the Ordinary: Interactional Semiosis and the (Re)‐Framing of Daily Life among Japanese Younger Adults0
BesidesTongzhi: Tactics for Constructing and Communicating Sexual Identities in China0
Postcolonial Language Ideologies: Indian Students Reflect on Mother Tongue and English0
Issue Information0
“I Ain’t Even Gonna Cap to It”: Ethnography‐as‐Surveillance and Dark Sousveillance in the Classroom0
Remaking Kichwa: Language and Indigenous Pluralism in Amazonian Ecuador. MichaelWroblewski. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. Pp. xi +200.0
Narrating Migration: Intimacies of Exclusion in Northern Italy. SabinaPerrino. New York: Routledge, 2020. vi + 170 pp.0
Disreputable Spaniards Versus Middle‐Class Limeños: The Coloniality of Speech in Lima, Peru0
Bosnian refugees in Chicago: Gender, performance, and post‐war economiesAnaCroegaert. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2020. Pp. xiv + 183.0
Old genres, new media: Collective witnessing and social memory‐making on Argentine Twitter0
Oral English Proficiency Tests, Interpretive Labor, and the Neoliberal University0
Metapolitical seduction: Women's language and white nationalism0
How to speak to the masses, part I: Hồ Chí Minh's instructions to cadres and the dynamics of register formation in 20th century Vietnam0
Rethinking politeness with Henri BergsonDuranti, Alessandro, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. x + 176 pp.0
Expressives in the South Asian Linguistic Area. NathanBadenoch and NishaantChoksi, eds. Boston, MA: Brill, 2021. xiv + 329 pp.0
Domestic workers talk. Language use and social practices in a multilingual workplace By KellieGonçalves and Anne AmblerSchluter (Ed.), Bristol: Multilingual Matters. 2024 xv + 146 pp.0
Issue Information0
Multilingual global cities: Singapore, Hong Kong, DubaiPeterSiemund, Jakob R.E.Leimgruber, eds. London, Routledge2020. Pp. 346.0