
(The H4-Index of Chaos is 28. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Bistability of operating modes and their switching in a three-machine power grid96
Existence of multiple noise-induced transitions in Lasota–Mackey maps94
Quantum integrability and chaos in a periodic Toda lattice with balanced loss–gain92
Irregular spots on body surfaces of vertebrates induced by supercritical pitchfork bifurcations82
Potential grouping of nodes induced by higher-order structures in complex networks68
Data-driven stochastic model for cross-interacting processes with different time scales68
Multiscale adaptive multifractal analysis and its applications51
Birds breathe at an aerodynamic resonance46
Chimeras on annuli46
Permutation group entropy: A new route to complexity for real-valued processes46
Efficient termination of cardiac arrhythmias using optogenetic resonant feedback pacing44
Enhancing predictive capabilities in data-driven dynamical modeling with automatic differentiation: Koopman and neural ODE approaches43
Perspectives on adaptive dynamical systems41
COVID-19 second wave mortality in Europe and the United States38
Reliability and robustness of oscillations in some slow-fast chaotic systems38
Controlled generation of self-sustained oscillations in complex artificial neural networks37
Kantorovich–Rubinstein distance and approximation for non-local Fokker–Planck equations37
Dynamics study on the effect of memristive autapse distribution on Hopfield neural network37
Highly viscous fluid displaced by a chemically controlled reactive interface36
Strange attractors in discrete slow power-law models of bone remodeling35
Correlation between geometric parametric instability sidebands in graded-index multimode fibers35
Comment on “The Winfree model with non-infinitesimal phase-response curve: Ott–Antonsen theory” [Chaos 30, 073139 (2020)]33
Comment on “Modified multiscale fuzzy entropy: A robust method for short-term physiologic signals” [Chaos 30, 083135 (2020)]33
Time-irreversibility test for random-length time series: The matching-time approach applied to DNA32
Continuous ordinal patterns: Creating a bridge between ordinal analysis and deep learning31
Time shifts to reduce the size of reservoir computers30
STP-based control of networked evolutionary games with multi-channel structure30
Earthquakes and entropy: Characterization of occurrence of earthquakes in southern Spain and Alboran Sea29