Journal of Adolescent Health

(The TQCC of Journal of Adolescent Health is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Michigan’s School-Wide Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Program in Four Detroit High Schools216
Assessing Readiness for Transition From Pediatric to Adult Gender Affirming Care131
Implementing Routine HIV Screening in an Urban Adolescent Population at a General Pediatric Clinic128
42. Understanding Associations Between Gender Diversity, Eating Disorders and Other Psychiatric Comorbidities Among Adolescents127
49. Perceptions of Mental Health, Stigma, and HIV in Botswana: A Qualitative Analysis of Caregiver and Youth Dyads115
42. Clinical Outcomes Among Adolescents Diagnosed With Anorexia Nervosa During the COVID-19 Pandemic110
55. Use of Telehealth for the Provision of Outpatient Treatment for Patients With Eating Disorders During the COVID-19 Pandemic83
17. The Intensity and Ordering of Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Within Adolescent Romantic Relationships79
10. Reproductive Autonomy: Supporting Contraceptive Agency for Young People in the Clinic Visit78
23. Experiences, Benefits, and Challenges of Participants in Youth-Engaged Research Regarding Youth Homelessness71
4. Parenting a Gender Diverse Child: Experiences of a Child “Coming Out”70
Comparing the Integration of Syndromic versus Etiological Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections Into HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Services for Adolescent Girls and Young Women, in South Africa68
93. Attitudes Toward and Preferences For Different Routes of Delivery of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (Prep) Among Adolescent and Young Adult Transgender Men68
110. Move and Thrive: Development of a New Online Resource to Support Adolescent Physical Activity67
111. Effectiveness of a Shelter-Based Health Empowerment Program for Pregnant And Parenting Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A Mixed-Methods Community-Based Participatory Research Study64
Views on COVID-19 and Use of Face Coverings Among U.S. Youth63
Screen Time and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Among Children 9–10 Years Old: A Prospective Cohort Study62
“Let's Not Talk About It”: Parents' Reasons for Not Discussing Alcohol Use With Emerging Adult Children60
An Analysis of Fertility Preservation Offerings for Transgender Youth on United States Pediatric Hospital Websites58
Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing and Evaluating School-Based Sex Education Programs58
A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Digital Intervention to Improve the Sexual Health of Adolescent and Young Adult Male Emergency Department Patients58
Risk and Protective Factors for the Evolution of Subthreshold Depression During Early Adolescence56
Mental Wellness as Cardiovascular Protection: Capitalizing on the Mind-Heart Synergy for School-Based Interventions56
Sustained Alcohol Service Refusal Rates to Underage Patrons in Nightlife Setting: 25-Year Follow-Up of a Swedish Alcohol Prevention Program56
Improving Adolescent and Young Adult Health Through Knowledge and Action on Gender-Based Violence55
Prospective Association of Sedentary Behavior With Psychological Distress Among Adolescents55
Report of Unfair Discipline at School and Associations With Health Risk Behaviors and Experiences, United States, Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 202353
Should I Have Kids, Given the State of Our Planet?53
Roadmap for Global Youth Substance Use Prevention, Screening, and Early Intervention Research52
Global Progress in the Wellbeing of Adolescents and Proposals for the Next Decade: WHO Stocktaking Exercise on Young Adolescents 2010–202351
Bedtime Screen Use Behaviors and Sleep Outcomes in Early Adolescents: A Prospective Cohort Study51
Online Human-Centered Design Methods are Acceptable, Appropriate, and Feasible for Generating Adolescent Relationship Abuse Intervention Ideas With Sexual and Gender Diverse Youth48
38. Medications for Opioid Use Disorder for Youth: A Qualitative Study from the Perspective of the Patient, Caregiver, and Clinician47
The Effects of an Electronic Medical Record Prompt on Documentation of Firearm Screening in and Adolescent Primary Care Setting47
Determinants and Consequences of Adolescent Fatherhood: A Longitudinal Study in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam46
19. Telehealth Versus In-Person Instruction for Adolescents and Young Adults Initiating Gender-Affirming Testosterone Therapy43
How I’ve Stayed Alive43
Effects of Mindfulness and Life-Skills Training on Emotion Regulation and Anxiety Symptoms in Chinese Migrant Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial42
Combining Asset Accumulation and Multifamily Group Intervention to Improve Mental Health for Adolescent Girls: A Cluster-Randomized Trial in Uganda42
Risk Assessment of Maladaptive Behaviors in Adolescents: Nutrition, Screen Time, Prenatal Exposure, Childhood Adversities - Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study41
How Parental Feeding Practices Relate to Young People's Intuitive Eating: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations by Gender and Weight Concern40
Adolescent Medicine Fellowship Milestones 2.0: An Overview of Updates39
Single-Parent Families: An Underserved Population for Adolescent Alcohol Interventions?39
TherapyTok for Depression and Anxiety: A Quantitative Content Analysis of High Engagement TikTok Videos39
The Future of Sexually Transmitted Infection Research: Understanding Adolescent Perspectives for Implementation of a Chlamydia Vaccine38
Comparison of Paper-and-Pencil Versus Tablet Administration of the 2021 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)37
School Use and Normative Perceptions of Electronic Nicotine Product Use Among Middle and High School Students—November 201837
Characterization of Puberty in an Australian Population-Based Cohort Study36
Snapchat Story—I Need a Heart Transplant: Benefits of Social Media Use in Serious Illness35
Factors Associated With Receipt of Meningococcal B Vaccine Among United States Adolescents, National Immunization Survey-Teen, 2017–201835
Listening and Amplifying Young Voices in Our Digital Age35
Opportunities to Improve Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Through Medical Education and Delivery of Quality Preventive Care35
Pandemic Creation Story34
Availability and Components of National Adolescent Health Programs, by World Bank Income Group34
Racial Discrimination of Adolescents With Special Healthcare Needs34
Words of Healing for Our Younger Selves34
Capacity for Preferences: Adolescents With AN-PLUS34
Awake and Alert: Examining the Portrayal of Energy Drinks on TikTok33
Meaningful Engagement of Adolescents Through Global Youth Meet on Health 202133
Eating Disorders Across the Gender Spectrum: Clinical Presentation and Treatment Outcomes in Boys and Transgender and Gender-Expansive Youth32
Eating Disorder Clinical Presentation and Treatment Outcomes by Gender Identity Among Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults31
Sexual Debut in Early Adolescence and Individual, School, and Neighborhood Social Capital31
Cyberbullying Perpetration and Victimization as Risk Factors for Self-Harm: Results From a Longitudinal Cohort Study of 13–14-Year-Olds in England31
Early Life Adversity Predicts Reduced Hippocampal Volume in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study31
Suicidality by Sexual Identity and Correlates Among American Indian and Alaska Native High School Students30
Age-Varying Associations Between Attempts to Lose Weight and Nicotine Vaping Across Adolescence: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample30
School Attendance Following Receipt of Care From a School-Based Health Center29
LGB-Affirming School Climates and Sexual Health Outcomes Among U.S. High School Students 2015–2017: Differences by Sex and Sexual Identity29
Risk Factors Associated With Driving After Marijuana Use Among US College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic29
Needs of Youth Posting About Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: A Time-Trend Analysis29
Text Collage from “Transmedia Collage: Histories of Violence and Futures of Health on Chicago's South Side.”28
Sexual Partner Accumulation From Adolescence to Early Adulthood in Populations With Physical Disabilities in the U.S.28
Campus Suicide Prevention as a Moral Imperative in Pandemic Times28
Focussing on Homeless LGBT+ College Students During COVID-1928
Comparing Cohabiting Unions and Formal Marriages Among Adolescent Girls in Zambia: The Role of Premarital Fertility and Parental Support28
Perceived Changes in Mood and Anxiety Among Male Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From a Mixed-Methods Study28
Where are the Adolescent Advocates in Ensuring Adolescent Access to Comprehensive Health Care? A State Study27
The Parent’s Role in Adolescent Care-Seeking: Building Research Evidence to Mobilize This Untapped Resource27
Communication in Social Networking Sites on Offline and Online Social Support and Life Satisfaction Among University Students: Tie Strength Matters27
Inequality's on Tap: A Longitudinal Study of Area-Level Income Inequality and Alcohol Consumption Among Canadian Adolescents27
77. Past 30-Day Use of Alcohol, Marijuana, and E-Cigarettes Characterize Poly Substance Users in Middle And High School: Results From A Latent Class Analysis of the 2019 Nevada YRBS27
The Distinguished Dozen: 2022 Journal of Adolescent Health Articles Making Distinguished Contributions to Adolescent and Young Adult Health27
Declining Teenage Drinking: A Global Phenomenon?26
The Mind of a Gladiator26
Unpacking the Impact of Early Adverse Childhood Experiences on Early Onset of Sexual Intercourse Among an Urban Birth Cohort of Early Adolescents26
Body Mass Index Distributions and Obesity Prevalence in a Transgender Youth Cohort – A Retrospective Analysis25
Youth Tobacco Use Before and After Local Sales Restrictions on Flavored and Menthol Tobacco Products in Minnesota25
Examination of Laws Allowing Sunscreen Use in Schools in the Context of UV Levels by State24
Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Diagnostic Patterns, Co-occurring Conditions, and Transition Planning24
Rates of Positive Suicide Screens in the Emergency Department and Outpatient Clinics at a Tertiary Care Children's Hospital24
New Data, Persistent Barriers: Transition Plans are Common but Miss the Mark for Many Autistic Youth23
Violent Injury as a Predictor of Subsequent Assault-Related Emergency Department Visits Among Adolescents23
Excess Hospital Burden Among Young People in Contact With Homelessness Services in South Australia: A Prospective Linked Data Study23
A More Nuanced Story: Pediatric Gender-Affirming Healthcare is Associated With Satisfaction and Confidence23
Addiction Medicine Treatment Utilization by Race/Ethnicity Among Adolescents With Substance Use Problems Before Versus During the COVID-19 Pandemic23
Leveraging Serious Video Games to Transform HIV Prevention and Care for Adolescents and Young Adults: The Case for PlayTest!23
Youth and Guardian Expectations of Privacy in Adolescent Health Care23
Female Genital Mutilation and Sexual Risk Behaviors of Adolescent Girls and Young Women Aged 15–24 Years: Evidence From Sierra Leone23
Network Analysis of Mental Health Problems in Young People: Reflections on the 5 Ts22
An Exploratory Study of the PrEP Modality Preferences Among a Convenience Sample of Parents of Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents22
Prevalence and Predictors of Integrated Care Among Teen Mothers and Their Infants22
Investigating the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Adolescent Health: An Urgent Call to Action22
Trends in Emergency Contraceptive Use Among Adolescents and Young Adults, 2006–201722
Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder and Retention in Care in Medicaid-Enrolled Youth, 2014–201922
Effectiveness of Youth Risk Prevention Programs When Virtually Adapted22
A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Primary Care Provider-Delivered Social Media Counseling Intervention22
Wearable Technology Leads to Initial Workup of Graves’ Disease in an Adolescent Female22
Association Between Co-Occurring Anxiety and Depression With Drug Overdose Encounters in the Emergency Department Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the Era of COVID-1921
State of Transgender Health Education and Provision of Gender-Affirming Care to Transgender and Gender Diverse Adolescents21
First-Generation College Students, Emotional Support, and Systemic Inflammation Following the College Transition20
Factors Associated With Suicide in Four West African Countries Among Adolescent Students: An Analysis Using the Global School-Based Student Health Survey20
Mental Health and COVID-19 in Pediatric Emergency Departments: Perspectives From Directors20
Multiple Discrimination and Substance Use Intention in Late Childhood: Findings From the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study20
Quality Improvement Project to Increase Human Papillomavirus Two-Dose Vaccine Series Completion by 13 Years in Pediatric Primary Care Clinics20
Condom Use for Anal Sex in the Era of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)20
Barriers Pediatric PCP's Identify To Providing Gender-Affirming Care For Adolescents20
Emotional Wellbeing in Adolescents Living With Chronic Conditions: A Metasynthesis of the Qualitative Literature19
Proxies of Emotion Dysregulation and Teen Dating Violence Perpetration: A Latent Profile Analysis19
Easy Access to the Latest Global, Regional, and National Adolescent Health Data: The World Health Organization Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Ageing Data Portal19
Placing a Report of Bicalutamide-Induced Hepatotoxicity in the Context of Current Standards of Care for Transgender Adolescents19
Outcomes of a Structured Ambulatory Care Health Care Transition Approach in a Large Children's Hospital19
Accuracy of a Proactive Case Detection Tool for Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Among Children and Adolescents19
The Association Between Sleep Duration and Sleep Timing and Insulin Resistance Among Adolescents in Mexico City19
Effects of Sexuality Education on Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Attitudes, and Sexual Behaviors of Youths in China: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial19
Youth Advisory Boards During the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Theory to Practice in a Global Health Setting18
Associations Between Health Care Transition Preparation Among Youth in the U.S. and Other Components of a Well-Functioning System of Services18
Who Is Couch-Surfing and Who Is on the Streets? Disparities Among Racial and Sexual Minority Youth in Experiences of Homelessness18
Adolescents' Depression and Anxiety Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Evidence From COMPASS18
Abolishing Racism and Other Forms of Oppression in Scholarly Communication18
8. The Impact of Resilience on the Pandemic Experience Among Adolescents and Young Adults18
Actigraphic Sleep Variability is Associated With Lower Positive Mood in Adolescents18
Latent Profiles of Sleep Patterns in Early Adolescence: Associations With Behavioral Health Risk18
Examining the Bidirectional Associations Between Sleep Duration, Screen Time, and Internalizing Symptoms in the ABCD Study18
Delivering Anticipatory Guidance About Technology Use to Adolescents in Primary Care: Rates in a Representative California Sample17
133. Health Literacy in Foster Care Transition Planning: Perspectives of Adolescents and Young Adults Formerly in Foster Care and Stakeholders on Barriers to Care17
140. The Impact of Military Lifestyle on Timely Colposcopy in a Military Treatment Facility17
2. A Multimodal Approach to Exploring the Adultification of Black Girls and its Impact on Physical and Mental Health Outcomes17
78. Menstruation Related Quality of Life in Adolescents With Genetic Syndromes Accompanying an Intellectual Disability17
Chlamydia Trachomatis/Neisseria Gonorrhea Retesting Among Adolescents and Young Adults in a Primary Care Network17
123. Gender Identity Disparities in Early Adolescent Sleep: Findings From the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study17
141. Adolescents Presenting With Illicit Drug Toxicity from Opioid, Stimulant or Sedative Use: A National Cross-Sectional Survey of Canadian Pediatricians17
187. Daily Incontinence Context, Incontinence Negativity and Daily Mood Among Adolescents and Young Adults With Spina Bifida: Data from an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study17
167. “I’ve Never Told You That Before”: Caregiver-Youth Support and Communication When Initiating Gender Affirming Care17
Measuring and Addressing Inequities in Health Care Access for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth in the U.S.17
128. Hazardous Alcohol Drinking and Attitude Among Youth With Mental Health Care Needs17
109. Adolescent E-Cigarette Use and Access Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic17
68. Perspectives From Healthcare Providers in Alabama Highlight Nuances in the HIV PrEP Care Cascade for Black Adolescent Girls and Young Women17
14. Improving Time to Treatment for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Quality Improvement Project16
29. Eating Disorder Screening and Treatment Experiences in Transgender and Gender Diverse Young Adults16
125. Evaluation of an Arts-Based Educational Program to Reduce Mental-Health-Related Stigma Among Adolescents in India16
195. How COVID-19 Impacted the Sexual Health Experiences of Assigned Female at Birth Youth in Southwestern Ontario, Canada16
31. Public Stigma Towards Adolescents Experiencing Substance Use Disorders: Measurement Development and Preliminary Examination16
15. Association Between Adolescent Patient Portal Use for Secure Messaging and Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in a Health System16
27. Using machine learning models and cross-national comparison to identify substance use screening items for Greek adolescents16
9. Latina Mothers’ Perspectives on Adverse Experiences and Protection of Latinx Youth in an Agricultural Community16
67. Resident Led Initiatives to Improve Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Screening15
69. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Willingness to Use Pre-Exposure Hiv Prophylaxis (PrEP) Among an Online Recruited Sample of Sexually Active Adolescent Substance Users in Southern HIV Hotspots15
87. Determining the Role of Acculturative Stress in Predicting Mental Health Service Use Among Latinx Immigrants15
38. Development of a Screening Tool to Identify PrEP-Eligible Youth in Primary Care15
Effects of Gender Role Beliefs on Social Connectivity and Marital Safety: Findings From a Cross-Sectional Study Among Married Adolescent Girls in India15
83. Multimorbidity Burden Among Adolescents From the Health and Wellbeing Screening Programme, Y-Check, in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe15
96. Identifying Behavioral and Emotional Characteristics of Problematic Interactive Media Use Patients15
56. A Social Media Website (Supporting Our Valued Adolescents) to Support Treatment Uptake for Adolescents With Depression and/or Anxiety and Their Parents: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial15
72. Neighborhood Collective Efficacy, Disadvantage, and Adolescent Health15
36. Parent-Adolescent Communication About Health Services: What is Said and Why Does It Matter?15
53. The Effect of Pre-Admission Energy Balance on Short-Term Medical Outcomes: Findings From the Study of Refeeding to Optimize Inpatient Gains (STRONG)15
58. “You See, these Girls are Animals”: Storytelling as a Tool for Adolescent Wellbeing Among South Sudanese Refugee Adolescents Living in Uganda15
26. Exploring Adolescent-Adult Connections, Coping, and Safety Among Youths in Neighborhoods Impacted by Community Violence15
68. Minimizing Loss to Follow Up Among Adolescent Research Participants: Lessons Learned From a Technology-Based Randomized Controlled Trial15
76. “It Just Causes us to Communicate More”: A Qualitative Exploration of Parent and Youth Perspectives on Remote Glucose Monitoring in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes15
65. Contraceptive Counseling and Prescribing as Pediatric Core Competencies: Assessing Residents’ Comfort and Knowledge15
60. What We Fail to Teach: A Systematic Review of Sexual Health Education in the Deep South15
81. Trends and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Youth Mental Health, 2019 to 2022: Evidence from the Gallup World Poll15
193. Perpetration of Digital and In-Person Teen Dating Violence Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents in the Deep South14
144. Trauma and System-involvement Impact on Adolescent Alcohol and Marijuana Use14
169. Developmental and Racial/Ethnic Differences in Use of Nicotine, Non-Nicotine, and THC E-cigarettes14
Drivers of Marriage and Health Outcomes Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women: Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia14
84. COVID-19’s Impact on Patients With Eating Disorders: The Relationship Between Eating Disorder/Mental Health Symptoms and Eating Disorder Motivation to Recover14
6. Hypothetical Impact of Intervening on Socioeconomic Disadvantage in Childhood to Reduce the Risk of Adolescent Obesity: Stratification by Polygenic Risk in a Population Cohort Study14
124. Impact of Cures Act on Adolescent Psychosocial Documentation14
147. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Prevalence and Treatment in Detained Youths in Hawaii: A follow up Study on Strategies for Improvement14
157. Changes in Legal Responsibilities for Healthcare Decision-Making at Age 18: AYASHCN and Caregiver Knowledge, Satisfaction with Preparation Received, and Recommendations for Improvement14
6. Identity-Related Health Risk and Protective Factors in Romantic and Sexual Relationships: Findings From a U.S. Sample of Transgender and Gender Diverse Young Adults14
85. Use of Telemedicine Services is Associated With Longer Time to Initiation of Hormone Therapy in Transgender Teens and Young Adults14
103. Adding Sbirt as a Vital Sign to Annual Adolescent Health Evaluations14
190. “I See You But You Don’t See Me”: Latinx/Hispanic Youth Perspectives on Racial/Ethnic Identity Labels and Development during a Syndemic in a Predominantly White State14
164. Communication and Counseling Preferences of People who Chose Abortion during Adolescence14
149. Caregiver Perspectives on Explanation of Benefits Forms, Confidential Sexual Health Care, and Communication with Adolescents14
177. Understanding Family-Planning Goals and Preferences of Young Transmasculine and Nonbinary Individuals14
Heterogeneous Impacts of Interventions Aiming to Delay Girls' Marriage and Pregnancy Across Girls' Backgrounds and Social Contexts14
84. Young People are not Hard to Reach, Services are: Participatory Development of a Comprehensive School- and Community-Based Health Screening Programme in Zimbabwe14
92. The Impact of CORVID-19 on Adolescents and Young People Living in Southeast Nigeria14
67. Evaluating Outcomes for Adolescent/Young Adult Patients with High-Risk PHQ-9 Scores in an Academic Adolescent/Young Adult Program13
182. Perceived Contraceptive Comfort Among Pediatric Subspecialists13
98. The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Childhood Socioeconomic Disadvantage on Depression and Suicidality in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A Scoping Review13
94. Implementing Online Public Deliberations on Minor Consent for Biomedical HIV Prevention Research in Diverse Cities13
Translation and Adaptation of the Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale: A Qualitative Study in Belize13
42. “Oh my God! How did I miss this?” - Barriers to Discussing Pronouns and Gender Identity in Pediatric Primary Care13
56. “A Lifeline for Parents and Their Children”: 1:1 Peer Mentoring for Parents of Gender Diverse Youth13
85. Young People's Experience of Virtual Outpatient Medical Appointments13
54. Environmental and Behavioral Patterns in Patients with Problematic Interactive Media Use13
183. Dynamic Social Networks and Perceived Safety among Black Youth Exposed to Community Violence13
174. Power Sharing in Community-engaged Research with Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Using Implementation Science Frameworks to Guide Fit to Context of a Young Adult Community Worker Intervention13
113. Understanding the Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depression in Adolescents: A Pilot Study13
53. Assessing the Effects of Hormone Therapy on Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Transgender Adolescents13
36. Predictors of Diversion From the Criminal Justice System Among First Time Juvenile Offenders13
21. Effect of Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy on Athletic Performance: A Four Year Follow Up Study13
79. Trends in Suicidality and Non-Suicidal Self-injury Among Students by Sex, Race, and/or Ethnicity, 2013-201913
93. Institutional Benchmarking Survey: Registered Dietitian Practices in Outpatient Pediatric Eating Disorder Care13
84. Weight/Shape Related Motivators for Use Moderates the Relationship Between Social Media Use and Body Image13
108. A Latent Class Analysis of Sexuality Education Type and Effect on Sexual Health Outcomes Among Adolescents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Study13
52. Continuation of Gender-Affirming Hormones Among Transgender Adolescents and Adults in a Medical System With Low- or No-Cost Medical Care13
104. Maternal Mid-Upper Arm Circumference as a Predictor of Low Birth Weight Outcome Among Newborn Deliveries of Adolescents in a Tertiary Level Hospital13
87. Telehealth and Access to Care for Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond13
32. Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on Adolescent Alcohol Use13
126. Adolescent Perceptions of Different e-Cigarette Marketing Characteristics in Retail, Online and Social Media12
159. Eating Disorder Outpatient Clinic Outcomes Among an LGBTQ-Identifying Adolescent and Young Adult Sample12
41. Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy of a Culturally Tailored Digital Mental Health Intervention for Young Sexual Minority Men12
150. Evaluation of a novel mHealth tool to promote adolescent vaccination: The Vaccine Information for Teens App (VITA)12
194. Patients with Somatic Symptoms and Related Disorders (SSRD) in a Tertiary Care Pediatric Hospital Center: The Need for a Structured Approach to Limit the COVID-19 Pandemics’ Impacts on Medical Ca12
197. “I feel like we're approaching a cliff": Perspectives on Health Care Transition among Parents of Internationally Adopted Children with HIV12
174. “Just as Expensive as Sending Him to College:” Barriers and Perceptions of Treatment in Justice-Involved Youth12
22. “You Could Combine Them”: A Qualitative Study on Adolescent Perceptions of Two Contraceptive Decision Aids12
Twenty-Five Years of National-Level Research on Adolescent and Young Adult Mental Health in the United States12
164. Clinical Characteristics of Sexual Minority Youth Hospitalized for an Eating Disorder12
30. The Association Between Extracurricular Activities and Perception of Risk of Harm from Adolescent Binge Drinking12
12. “I felt like I wanted to disclose more and more”: Impact of Disclosure of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on the Well-being and Sexual Health of Young Black and Latinx Sexual Minority Men a12
Youth-Reported School Connection and Experiences of a Middle School–Based Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Initiative: Preliminary Results From a Program Evaluation12
175. Improving Quality of Care for Incarcerated Youth with Opioid Misuse and Opioid Use Disorder12
176. A Pilot Study to Inform the Development of the PlaySMART Videogame Intervention to Prevent the Initiation of Opioid Misuse among Adolescents and Young Adults12
180. The Stanford Vaping Information, Solutions, and Interventions Toolkit (VISIT) for Healthcare Providers12
114. Generational Trauma: Teen Parent Reactions to a Brief Intervention in the Primary Care Clinic12
156. Factors Associated with Disordered Eating Behavior Among Adolescent Girls: Screening and Education12
Union and Family Formation During Young Adulthood: Insights From the Add Health12
183. Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Social Media References to COVID-19, Alcohol Use, and Mental Health12
34. Suicidality and Psychiatric Comorbidities in Sexual Minority Adolescents and Young Adults Hospitalized for Eating Disorders12
20. In an Ethnically/Racially and Socioeconomically Diverse Sample of Adolescents, do Weight Stigma, Family Functioning, and Parenting Practices Predict Disordered Eating Behaviors Eight Years Later?12
179. It’s a Hurdle We Have to Cross, But it’s Just Not a Priority… We Have to Deal With Right Now.” Provider Perspectives on Tobacco Cessation for Young Adults with HIV who Co-use Tobacco and Cannabis12
Indicators for National and Global Monitoring of Girls' Menstrual Health and Hygiene: Development of a Priority Shortlist12
The Experience of Menarche for Young People With Sensory and Motor Impairments: A Systematic Review11
The Association Between Nonbarrier Contraceptive Use and Condom Use Among Sexually Active Latina Adolescents11
Binary and Nonbinary Transgender Adolescents' Healthcare Experiences, Avoidance, and Well Visits11
Sexual Identity Fluidity and Depressive Symptoms: Findings From a National Longitudinal Study of Sexual Minority Adolescents11
Early Drinking Onset and Subsequent Alcohol Use in Late Adolescence: a Longitudinal Study of Drinking Patterns11
Adherence, Safety, and Feasibility of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Adolescent Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women in Brazil (PrEP1519 Study)11
Variation in Health Among Unstably Housed Youth From Cities, Suburbs, Towns, and Rural Areas11
Growth in Transgender/Gender-Diverse Youth in the First Year of Treatment With Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonists11
Patterns of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis use Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women Accessing Routine Sexual and Reproductive Health services in South Africa11
Singularity and Diversity in Child, Early, and Forced Marriage and Unions11