
(The H4-Index of Neuroimage is 64. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Anatomical details affect electric field predictions for non-invasive brain stimulation in non-human primates207
Hippocampus Modulates Vocalizations Responses at Early Auditory Centers193
Age-related differences of cerebellar cortex and nuclei: MRI findings in healthy controls and its application to spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA6) patients175
CLEAN: Leveraging spatial autocorrelation in neuroimaging data in clusterwise inference164
An optimized reference tissue method for quantification of tau protein depositions in diverse neurodegenerative disorders by PET with 18F-PM-PBB3 (18F-APN-1607)161
The iron burden of cerebral microbleeds contributes to brain atrophy through the mediating effect of white matter hyperintensity158
CAMBA framework: Unveiling the brain asymmetry alterations and longitudinal changes after stroke using resting-state EEG153
TractLearn: A geodesic learning framework for quantitative analysis of brain bundles147
An interdisciplinary computational model for predicting traumatic brain injury: Linking biomechanics and functional neural networks146
Low convergent validity of [11C]raclopride binding in extrastriatal brain regions: A PET study of within-subject correlations with [11C]FLB 457139
Plasticity changes in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex associated with procedural sequence learning are hemisphere-specific130
Brain-spinal cord interaction in long-term motor sequence learning in human: An fMRI study129
Decoding cerebro-spinal signatures of human behavior: Application to motor sequence learning117
Towards reliable spinal cord fMRI: Assessment of common imaging protocols109
Characterizing Inscapes and resting-state in MEG: Effects in typical and atypical development108
FreeSurfer based cortical mapping and T1-relaxometry with MPnRAGE: Test-retest reliability with and without retrospective motion correction105
Pharmacokinetic modelling for the simultaneous assessment of perfusion and 18F-flutemetamol uptake in cerebral amyloid angiopathy using a reduced PET-MR acquisition time: Proof of concept104
Detecting neural state transitions underlying event segmentation102
Respiratory, cardiac, EEG, BOLD signals and functional connectivity over multiple microsleep episodes101
On measuring head motion and effects of head molds during fMRI97
Functional annotation of human cognitive states using deep graph convolution95
Size constancy affects the perception and parietal neural representation of object size94
Brain volumetric changes in the general population following the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown92
Stacked U-Nets with self-assisted priors towards robust correction of rigid motion artifact in brain MRI91
Characterizing cerebral hemodynamics across the adult lifespan with arterial spin labeling MRI data from the Human Connectome Project-Aging91
Retrospective motion artifact correction of structural MRI images using deep learning improves the quality of cortical surface reconstructions90
DeepAtrophy: Teaching a neural network to detect progressive changes in longitudinal MRI of the hippocampal region in Alzheimer's disease90
Brain health in diverse settings: How age, demographics and cognition shape brain function87
Validation of kinetic modeling of [15O]H2O PET using an image derived input function on hybrid PET/MRI86
Neurite density and arborization is associated with reading skill and phonological processing in children86
Independent dynamics of low, intermediate, and high frequency spectral intracranial EEG activities during human memory formation86
Spatiospectral brain networks reflective of improvisational experience84
Intrinsic connectivity of left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex predicts individual differences in controlled semantic retrieval84
Functional differentiation in the language network revealed by lesion-symptom mapping83
Modulation of cortical slow oscillations and complexity across anesthesia levels82
Functional neural architecture of cognitive control mediates the relationship between individual differences in bilingual experience and behaviour81
Increased top-down semantic processing in natural speech linked to better reading in dyslexia79
Automated joint skull-stripping and segmentation with Multi-Task U-Net in large mouse brain MRI databases79
Laminar fMRI using T2-prepared multi-echo FLASH77
Magnetization transfer weighted laminar fMRI with multi-echo FLASH76
Bring a map when exploring the ERP data processing multiverse: A commentary on Clayson et al. 202175
Rapid withdrawal from a threatening animal is movement-specific and mediated by reflex-like neural processing73
Impact of the day/night cycle on functional connectome in ageing male and female mice73
Functional to structural plasticity in unilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss: neuroimaging evidence73
Functional localization and categorization of intentional decisions in humans: A meta-analysis of brain imaging studies73
Multimodal comparisons of QSM and PET in neurodegeneration and aging73
Metabolic and functional substrates of impulsive decision-making in individuals with heroin addiction after prolonged methadone maintenance treatment73
Spatial representation of multidimensional information in emotional faces revealed by fMRI73
A joint brain extraction and image quality assessment framework for fetal brain MRI slices71
Reconstruction and localization of auditory sources from intracerebral SEEG using independent component analysis71
Effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on visual perspective taking: A meta-analytic study70
Reading the mind in the eyes of Black and White people: Interracial contact and perceived race affects brain activity when inferring mental states70
Distinct local and brain-wide networks are activated by optogenetic stimulation of neurons specific to each layer of motor cortex70
On the reconstruction of magnetic resonance current density images of the human brain: Pitfalls and perspectives69
Editorial Board68
Age, gender and body-mass-index relationships with in vivo CB1 receptor availability in healthy humans measured with [11C]OMAR PET67
Editorial Board66
Editorial Board66
The contributions of the ventral and the dorsal visual streams to the automatic processing of action relations of familiar and unfamiliar object pairs65
Evidence for predictions established by phantom sound65
What makes somatosensory short-term memory maintenance effective? An EEG study comparing contralateral delay activity between sighted participants and participants who are blind65
Integrated sentence-level speech perception evokes strengthened language networks and facilitates early speech development64
Intrinsic neural timescales relate to the dynamics of infraslow neural waves64
Model-based super-resolution reconstruction for pseudo-continuous Arterial Spin Labeling64
Modulatory effects of fMRI acquisition time of day, week and year on adolescent functional connectomes across spatial scales: Implications for inference64