Human Resource Management Review

(The H4-Index of Human Resource Management Review is 33. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Improving the psychosocial environment for older trainees: Technological training as an illustration218
A meta-analysis of team reflexivity: Antecedents, outcomes, and boundary conditions134
e-HRM: A meta-analysis of the antecedents, consequences, and cross-national moderators105
2020 Scholarly impact Award103
Addressing social-business tensions in hybridized nonprofit organizations: The contribution of strategic human resource management97
Employee work habits: A definition and process model94
How gender matters: A conceptual and process model for family-supportive supervisor behaviors89
All internships are not created equal: Job design, satisfaction, and vocational development in paid and unpaid internships74
A process model of volunteer motivation69
Artificial intelligence and people management: A critical assessment through the ethical lens68
Editorial Board68
Fear and work performance: A meta-analysis and future research directions65
Editorial Board58
Working after incarceration: An integrative framework of pre- and post-hire experiences of formerly incarcerated individuals55
Institutional logics and foreign national origin based inequality: The case of international migrant employees55
Working in the digitized economy: HRM theory & practice54
Mapping bystander intervention to workplace inclusion: A scoping review54
Talking the talk: Considering forced language-switching in the workplace53
A network approach to work-family conflict52
Citizenship ambivalence: Its nature, causes and consequences48
An integrative literature review of the CSR-HRM nexus: Learning from research-practice gaps45
Editorial Board44
A contextual framework for understanding impression management40
Antecedents and measures of organizational effectiveness: A systematic review of literature39
Subjective well-being among blue-collar immigrant employees: A systematic literature review37
A framework for disability in the new ways of working37
Organisational learning, learning organisation, and learning orientation: An integrative review and framework36
Back to basics in human resource theorizing: A call for greater attention to jobs36
Sustainable HRM: An extension of the paradox perspective35
Gaining feedback acceptance: Leader-member attachment style and psychological safety35
The roles of the HR function: A systematic review of tensions, continuity and change34
Unlocking the value of artificial intelligence in human resource management through AI capability framework33