Child & Youth Care Forum

(The TQCC of Child & Youth Care Forum is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Providers’ Perspectives on Implementing Mobile Crisis Services for Children and Youth in Connecticut25
Relations between reactive and proactive aggression and internalizing symptoms among detained adolescents19
Delay of Gratification in Iranian and German Preschool Children19
Bidirectional Effects and Interconnectivity of Risk and Protective Factors for Integration in Unaccompanied Migrant Children: A Systematic Review17
Teacher-Derived Emotional Socialization Predicts the Development of Emotion Regulation and Knowledge in Preschool Children14
The Association Between Emergent Literacy and Cognitive Abilities in Kindergarten Children14
Healthy Learning Mind (HLM): Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial on A Mindfulness Intervention, Moderators and Association with Perceived Socioeconomic Status, and Comparison to Other National Data14
Maternal Borderline Symptoms, Parent–Child Relationship Patterns, and Child Maladjustment13
Introduction of Technology to Support Young People’s Care and Mental Health—A Rapid Evidence Review13
Assessing Psychological Inflexibility in Adolescents: A Validation Study of the Portuguese Short Version of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth13
Teachers as Youth Suicide Prevention Gatekeepers: An Examination of Suicide Prevention Training and Exposure to Students at Risk of Suicide12
Start Earlier, Stay Healthier? An Earlier Start to Public Preschool May Improve Detection of Health Problems12
Mandatory Reporting “will Paralyze People” or “Without it, People Would not Report”: Understanding Perspectives from Within the Child Protection System11
The Roles of Therapeutic Alliance and Negative Cognitions in Parent-Led Treatment Versus Standard Care Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress11
Examining Mothers’ Exposure to Community Violence: How Does it Influence Young Adolescents?11
The Longitudinal Associations of Household Economic Pressure and Home Chaos with Children’s Executive Functioning, Word Reading, and School Readiness10
Longitudinal Investigation of Korean Adolescents’ Ego-Identity Development10
Help-Seeking for Bullying Victimization Among Adolescents in Germany9
Bullying in Students with Special Education Needs and Learning Difficulties: The Role of the Student–Teacher Relationship Quality and Students’ Social Status in the Peer Group9
Children’s Experiences of Stress in Joint Physical Custody9
COVID-19 conversations: A qualitative study of majority Hispanic/Latinx youth experiences during early stages of the pandemic8
Families’ and Practitioners’ Use of Culture in Youth Mental Health Services: A Double-Edged Sword7
Friendship Quality and Mental Health of Youth in Residential Care: The Moderating Role of Individual and Contextual Variables7
Children’s ADHD and Dysregulation Problems, DAT1 Genotype and Methylation, and their Interplay with Family Environment7
Assessing Efficacy and Benefit of a Behavioral Math Talk Intervention for Caregivers of Young Children7
Socio-Educational Support Deficits in the Emancipation of Protected Youth in Spain7
What Helps Children and Young People to Disclose their Experience of Sexual Abuse and What Gets in the Way? A Systematic Scoping Review7
What Purpose do Voices Serve If No One is Listening? A Systematic Review of Children and Young People’s Perspectives on Living in the Foster Care System7
Eighteen Months of COVID-19 Pandemic Through the Lenses of Self or Others: A Meta-Analysis on Children and Adolescents’ Mental Health7
Why are they leaving? Understanding Associations between early childhood program policies and teacher turnover rates7
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Preschool Aged Youth: A Meta-Analysis of Developmental Specificity7
Effects of an Online Play-Based Parenting Program on Child Development and the Quality of Caregiver-Child Interaction: A Randomized Controlled Trial6
COVID-19 Related Daily Stressors, Coping, and Suicidal Ideation in Psychiatrically Hospitalized Youth6
Predictors of Treatment Outcome for Parent-Led, Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Youth with Emotional Problems Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic6
The Impact of Educator Anxiety and Anxiety Literacy on Primary Educators’ Responses to Anxious Children6
Coping Strategies and Psychological Maladjustment/Adjustment: A Meta-Analytic Approach with Children and Adolescents Exposed to Natural Disasters6
Characteristics of Parents Who Spent Time Away from Home During Stay-at-Home Orders and Relation to Parenting Behaviors in Ohio5
Social Support, Depression, and Anxiety in Female Adolescents: Associations and Profiles5
Estimating Home Visit Activities: How Much Observation is Enough?5
A Systematic Review and Comprehensive Discussion of Social Validity Measurement in Behavioural Intervention for Paediatric Feeding Disorders5
Transition to Preschool: Paving the Way for Preschool Teacher and Family Relationship-Building5
Adolescents’ Subjective Well-Being: The Unique Contribution of Fathers5
Correction to: A Disruption, Not an Interruption: The Impact of COVID-19 on Child Care in Iowa5
Feeling Uprooted? Examining the Relevance of Homesickness and Fear of Missing Out for Adolescents in a Residential Program5
A Pilot Movement Integrity with Intelligent Play Program (MIIP): Effects on Math Performance and Enjoyment for Preschoolers in China4
The Role of Dosage and Family Profiles in a Child Welfare Home Visiting Program4
Having Someone to Talk: A Buffer Against Maladaptive Academic Behavior During Adolescence?4
Agreement Between Parental Reports of Part C Early Intervention Service Utilization and Part C Early Intervention Service Records4
How Psychosocial Factors Relate to Climate in a Racially Stratified Sample School4
Early Childhood Teachers’ Work Environment, Perceived Personal Stress, and Professional Commitment in South Korea4
Describing the Use of a Mindfulness-Based App for Sleep and Mental Well-Being, Across Age, in Children4
Identifying the Relationship Between Strength of School Social Support and Level of Hope in Children from Low-Income Families3
Adolescent Attachment, Affect, and Behavior as Related to Coping Responses to a Psychosocial Stressor3
Links Between Past 30-day Substance Use and Specific Charges Among Detained Youth3
Psychological Treatments with Children of Parents with Mental Illness: A Systematic Review3
In Their Words: Effective Strategies for Supporting Newly Resettled Refugee Background Adolescents in a Community-Based Program3
Promoting Prescription Drug Safety Skills in School: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Technology-Based Curriculum3
Children’s Social Interaction in Pre-school Education and Childcare Settings: A Systematic Review3
Assessing Emotional Distress in Adolescents: Psychometrics of the Spanish Version of the Social Emotional Distress Scale-Secondary3
Age 4 Predictors of Age 5 Academic Achievement: A Multi-domain Model of Contextual, Parent, and Child Effects3
Breakfast Club Conundrum: How Adolescent Peer Norms and Ecological Factors Relate with Achievement3
Reducing Psychological Stress of Chinese Adolescents by Mindfulness-Based Intervention: The Mediating Role of Resilience3
Targeting Caregiver Psychopathology in Parent Management Training for Adolescents: A Scoping Review of Commercially Available Treatment Resources3
Teacher Perceptions of Preschool Parent Engagement: Causal Effects of a Connection-Focused Intervention3
Perceptions from Newcomer Multilingual Adolescents: Predictors and Experiences of Sense of Belonging in High School3
Correction to: The Role of Ethnicity in Child and Youth Care Practice: "When They Heard My Last Name, They Suddenly Respected Me"3
Supporting School Mental Health Providers: Evidence from a Short-Term Telementoring Model3
Multiple Determinants of Interaction Quality among Childcare Providers3
A Pilot Open Trial of an Individualized Adaptation of Trauma and Grief Component Therapy (TGCT) in Children and Adolescents3