Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory

(The median citation count of Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Administrative Capital and Citizens’ Responses to Administrative Burden88
Racialized Burdens: Applying Racialized Organization Theory to the Administrative State75
“It Takes a While to Get Used to”: The Costs of Redeeming Public Benefits70
Why Do Policymakers Support Administrative Burdens? The Roles of Deservingness, Political Ideology, and Personal Experience70
Human–AI Interactions in Public Sector Decision Making: “Automation Bias” and “Selective Adherence” to Algorithmic Advice58
Reducing Compliance Demands in Government Benefit Programs Improves the Psychological Well-Being of Target Group Members44
Elections, Ideology, and Turnover in the US Federal Government31
Citizen Reactions to Bureaucratic Encounters: Different Ways of Coping With Public Authorities30
Deliberation and Deliberative Organizational Routines in Frontline Decision-Making30
Everything Is Relative: How Citizens Form and Use Expectations in Evaluating Services26
Latent Hybridity in Administrative Crisis Management: The German Refugee Crisis of 2015/1626
Decision-Making in Collaborative Governance Networks: Pathways to Input and Throughput Legitimacy25
Institutional Mechanisms for Local Sustainability Collaboration: Assessing the Duality of Formal and Informal Mechanisms in Promoting Collaborative Processes24
Meta-Analysis of Collaboration and Performance: Moderating Tests of Sectoral Differences in Collaborative Performance23
Management, Organizational Performance, and Task Clarity: Evidence from Ghana’s Civil Service23
The Professional Agency Narrative—Conceptualizing the Role of Professional Knowledge in Frontline Work22
Thanks, but No Thanks: Preferences towards Teleworking Colleagues in Public Organizations21
When Tensions Become Opportunities: Managing Accountability Demands in Collaborative Governance20
Audience Heterogeneity, Costly Signaling, and Threat Prioritization: Bureaucratic Reputation-Building in the EU20
Public Service Motivation as a Predictor of Corruption, Dishonesty, and Altruism20
Reducing Burnout and Resignations among Frontline Workers: A Field Experiment18
Problem Severity, Collaborative Stage, and Partner Selection in US Cities18
Performance Information, Racial Bias, and Citizen Evaluations of Government: Evidence from Two Studies17
Government Grants, Donors, and Nonprofit Performance17
Women and Men Municipal Managers Doing and Undoing Gender16
Keeping Kids in Care: Reducing Administrative Burden in State Child Care Development Fund Policy16
Political Alignment and Bureaucratic Pay15
Discrimination of Minority Welfare Claimants in the Real World: The Effect of Implicit Prejudice15
Caught up or Protected by the Past? How Reputational Histories Matter for Agencies’ Media Reputations15
Policy Alienation and Street-level Bureaucrats’ Psychological Wellbeing: The Mediating Role of Alienative Commitment15
Conflict Contagion: How Interdependence Shapes Patterns of Conflict and Cooperation in Polycentric Systems15
Exit, Voice, and Sabotage: Public Service Motivation and Guerrilla Bureaucracy in Times of Unprincipled Political Principals15
Formal Hierarchies and Informal Networks: How Organizational Structure Shapes Information Search in Local Government15
Guiding or Following the Crowd? Strategic Communication as Reputational and Regulatory Strategy15
Matching to Categories: Learning and Compliance Costs in Administrative Processes14
The Importance of Oversight and Agency Capacity in Enhancing Performance in Public Service Delivery13
Commitment to Public Values, Charismatic Leadership Attributions, and Employee Turnover in Street-Level Bureaucracies13
Data Manipulation through Patronage Networks: Evidence from Environmental Emissions in China13
Pathways of Representation in Network Governance: Evidence from Multi-Jurisdictional Disasters13
“Honor List” and “Shame Roll”: Quasi-Experimental Evidence of the Effect of Performance Feedback under Political Control13
Resisting or Facilitating Change? How Street-Level Managers’Situational WorkContributes to the Implementation of Public Reforms12
Evaluating the Role of Government Collaboration in the Perceived Performance of Community-Based Nonprofits: Three Propositions12
Dismantling or Disguising Racialization?: Defining Racialized Change Work in the Context of Postsecondary Grantmaking11
Administrative Burden in Citizen–State Interactions: A Systematic Literature Review11
Public-Sector Honesty and Corruption: Field Evidence from 40 Countries11
Media Attention and Bureaucratic Responsiveness11
Conceptualizing and Explaining Flexibility in Administrative Crisis Management: A Cross-district Analysis in Germany11
How Does Public Disclosure of Performance Information Affect Politicians’ Attitudes towards Effort Allocation? Evidence from a Survey Experiment11
Following the Paper Trail: Systematically Analyzing Outputs to Understand Collaborative Governance Evolution10
Bureaucratic Control and Strategic Compliance: How Do Subnational Governments Implement Central Guidelines in China?10
Service Providers’ Influence in Collaborative Governance Networks: Effectiveness in Reducing Chronic Homelessness10
The Dynamics of Sources of Knowledge on the Nature of Innovation in the Public Sector: Understanding Incremental and Transformative Innovations in Local Governments10
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Why Participants Leave Collaborative Governance Arrangements10
Do Cogovernance and CSOs Supplement Municipal Capacity for Service Delivery? An Assessment of Differences in Simple versus Complex Services10
Finding Your Crowd: The Role of Government Level and Charity Type in Revenue Crowd-Out10
User Involvement as a Catalyst for Collaborative Public Service Innovation10
Hybrid Governance and the Attribution of Political Responsibility: Experimental Evidence from the United States9
Reputation Shocks and Recovery in Public-Serving Organizations: The Moderating Effect of Mission Valence9
Job Satisfaction and Citizen Satisfaction with Street-level Bureaucrats: Is There a Satisfaction Mirror?9
Can Sunlight Disperse Mistrust? A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Transparency on Citizens’ Trust in Government9
Deconstructing Burnout at the Intersections of Race, Gender, and Generation in Local Government9
Reputation Management and Administrative Reorganization: How Different Media Reputation Dimensions Matter for Agency Termination8
Search in Response to Negative Performance Feedback: Problem-Definition and Solution-Generation8
(Mis)Led by an Outsider: Abusive Supervision, Disengagement, and Silence in Politicized Bureaucracies8
Moderating Diversity, Collective Commitment, and Discrimination: The Role of Ethical Leaders in the Public Sector8
Government-Created Nonprofit Organizations and Public Service Turnaround: Evidence from a Synthetic Control Approach8
“It’s Not Over When It’s Over”―Post-Decision Arrangements and Empirical Legitimacy8
Sector-Specific Associations, Trust, and Survival of PPPs: A Behavioral Experiment Based on the Centipede Game8
“As Expected”: Theoretical Implications for Racialized Administrative Power as the Status Quo8
Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration: Assessing the Link between Passive and Active Representation for Foreign-Born Clients8
Nonprofits: A Public Policy Tool for the Promotion of Community Subjective Well-being8
Administrative Errors and Race: Can Technology Mitigate Inequitable Administrative Outcomes?8
Not Too Much, Not Too Little: Centralization, Decentralization, and Organizational Change7
Sexual Orientation and Organizational Justice in the Federal Service: Exploring Differences through an Intersectional Lens7
Competition, Ownership, and the Impact of Government Outsourcing on Employees7
On the Frontline of Global Inequalities: A Decolonial Approach to the Study of Street-Level Bureaucracies7
“Whatever it Takes”: Sexual Harassment in the Context of Resource Dependence7
The Enduring Role of Sector: Citizen Preferences in Mixed Markets7
Explaining Public Organization Adaptation to Climate Change: Configurations of Macro- and Meso-Level Institutional Logics7
Self-sacrifice for the Common Good under Risk and Competition: An Experimental Examination of the Impact of Public Service Motivation in a Volunteer’s Dilemma Game7
A Female Policy Premium? Agency Context and Women’s Leadership in the U.S. Federal Bureaucracy7
Community Foundations as Network Conveners: Structuring Collective Agency for Child Education and Development System Impact6
Resourcing Goal-directed Networks: Toward A Practice-based Perspective6
No Thanks, Dear AI! Understanding the Effects of Disclosure and Deployment of Artificial Intelligence in Public Sector Recruitment6
When Agency Priorities Matter: Risk Aversion for Autonomy and Turf Protection in Mandated Collaboration6
Disaster Experience and Governments’ Savings: The Moderating Role of Organizational Capacity6
Comparing Systemic and Individual Sources of Racially Disparate Traffic Stop Outcomes6
The Myth of Mayoral Leadership in Local Government Resource Allocation: A Multilevel Analysis with Brazilian Municipalities5
Individual Agency in Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Implementation of Policy Reforms: The Role of Their Policy Evaluation and Self-efficacy5
Provider Ownership and Indicators of Service Quality: Evidence from Swedish Residential Care Homes5
Corporatization, Administrative Intensity, and the Performance of Public Sector Organizations5
Administrative Groupings and Equality in Public Service Provision5
Representative Bureaucracy and Organizational Justice in Mediation5
Corrigendum to: Pathways to Implementation: Evidence on How Participation in Environmental Governance Impacts on Environmental Outcomes5