Digital Signal Processing

(The TQCC of Digital Signal Processing is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Adaptive quaternion multivariate local characteristic-scale decomposition and its application to gear fault diagnosis550
The diffusion least mean square algorithm with variable q-gradient123
Necessary conditions for convergence of CNNs and initialization of convolution kernels63
DS-Net: Dynamic spatiotemporal network for video salient object detection60
SDDC-Net: A U-shaped deep spiking neural P convolutional network for retinal vessel segmentation60
A fast deconvolution method for multiple sound source localization based on Hilbert curve54
Exploring bounded component analysis using an ℓ∞ norm criterion52
DIPONet: Dual-information progressive optimization network for salient object detection47
Strong scattering points-based joint detection and size estimation method for swarm targets46
Utilizing YOLOv8 for enhanced traffic monitoring in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) applications45
Analysis of constant-Q filterbank based representations for speech emotion recognition45
OD-LBP: Orthogonal difference-local binary pattern for Face Recognition45
An adaptive algorithm for sampling over diffusion networks with dynamic parameter tuning and change detection mechanisms45
A novel segmentation approach for work mode boundary detection in MFR pulse sequence42
Effect of reconstruction error in subtractive dither structure41
DRANet: A semantic segmentation network for Chinese landscape paintings40
DOA estimation and signal sorting methods of multi-baseline polarized interferometer38
Persymmetric design of jointly detection and bearing estimation for a 2D array radar in training demanding scenarios38
Letter from the Editor37
Zoom discrete spectral correlation function, with application to cyclostationary signal detection37
DOA estimation in beamspace for monostatic MIMO radar utilizing real polynomial rooting36
Eigenstructure methods for DOA estimation of circular acoustic vector sensor array with axial angle bias in nonuniform noise35
Channel rearrangement multi-branch network for image super-resolution34
A method for extracting micro-motion features of rotor targets based on GS-IRadon algorithm32
Editorial Board32
Reduced complexity mutiple-target angle-Doppler-range estimation using space-time cascaded monopulse processing32
Passive localization of wideband near-field sources using Sparse Bayesian learning and envelope alignment30
Perceptual contrast and residual self-attention generative adversarial network-based for highly under-sampled MRI reconstruction30
Reliability performance analysis for OTFS modulation based integrated sensing and communication29
Robust entropy-based symmetric regularized picture fuzzy clustering for image segmentation29
Low complexity receiver design for time-varying Poisson molecular communication channels with memory29
Adaptive synchrosqueezing wavelet transform for real-time applications29
Combining key pronunciation detection, frontal lip reconstruction, and time-delay for audio-visual consistency judgment29
Fast real-valued tensor decomposition framework for parameter estimation in FDA-MIMO radar29
A combination of adaptive filters based on competitive learning principles29
A variational level set model based on local-global function approximation for image segmentation28
A low-complexity DOA estimation algorithm using UAMP with Bernoulli-Gaussian prior28
Distributed Bayesian vector estimation using noise-optimized low-resolution sensor observations27
Detection algorithm for dense small objects in high altitude image27
A robust kernel-based fuzzy local neighborhood clustering with quadratic polynomial-center clusters26
Peak sidelobe level suppression via reconfigurable element pattern selection for beam scanning linear array antenna26
DeepTIS: Improved translation initiation site prediction in genomic sequence via a two-stage deep learning model26
Enhancing robustness of zero resource children's speech recognition system through bispectrum based front-end acoustic features26
A modified deep learning based MIMO communication for integrated sensing, communication and computing systems26
Efficient DOA-polarization estimation for 2-D mirrored array based on the hybrid aperture expansion26
An efficient interference steering matrix estimation scheme for weight vector correction25
Dual attention per-pixel filter network for spatially varying image deblurring25
Editorial Board25
Estimation of partially occluded 2D human joints with a Bayesian approach25
Adaptive rate image compressive sensing based on the hybrid sparsity estimation model24
Subspace-based higher-order compressive sensing algorithm for raypath separation in a shallow-water waveguide23
Modulation and demodulation with quadrature square waves as carriers to improve spectrum utilization23
An improved range-interpolation-free PFA for bistatic synthetic aperture radar based on the principle of chirp scaling23
Adaptive graph regularized transferable regression for facial expression recognition23
Proportional fairness secrecy beamforming for massive MIMO-SWIPT systems with low-resolution ADCs22
Disambiguation of measurements for multiple acoustic source localization using deep multi-dimensional assignments22
Pseudo-spectrum-based multi-sensor multi-frame detection in mixed coordinates22
Segmentation of butterflies from complex agro-ecological images using quantum mechanics and spatial refinement22
Discriminative Singular Spectrum Classifier with applications on bioacoustic signal recognition21
Class token and knowledge distillation for multi-head self-attention speaker verification systems21
Image super-resolution reconstruction algorithm based on significant network connection-collaborative migration structure20
Interference alignment solution with low complexity based on ring-typed chain design20
A novel approach for squint InISAR imaging with dual-antenna configuration20
Efficient real-valued DOA estimation based on the trigonometry multiple angles transformation in monostatic MIMO radar20
Interrupted-sampling repeater jamming suppression with one-dimensional semi-parametric signal decomposition20
Noncoherent space-time coding for correlated massive MIMO channel with Riemannian distance20
Prediction of motion sickness degree of stereoscopic panoramic videos based on content perception and binocular characteristics19
GLRT-based detection in bistatic sonar under strong direct blast with multipath propagation19
Power constraint waveform design based on ADMM algorithm for MIMO radar transmit beampattern19
Spectrally and power efficient non-DC MIMO super-Nyquist m-CAP with linear pre- and DFE post-equalizer19
DISNet: A sequential learning framework to handle occlusion in human action recognition with video acquisition sensors19
30th Anniversary Special Issue on Future Signal Processing19
Novel windowed linear canonical transform: Definition, properties and application19
An alternating least-squares algorithm for approximate joint diagonalization of Hermitian matrices19
Strong homogeneous clutter and random target scattering analysis for closed-form Cramer Rao bound and optimal power allocations in MIMO radars19
High-frequency distributed super nested arrays based on Hermitian Toeplitz matrix reconstruction19
An improved unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear systems with one-step randomly delayed measurement and unknown latency probability18
One-bit mMIMO with defective RF chain over Ricean fading in beyond 5G networks18
FGMNet: Feature grouping mechanism network for RGB-D indoor scene semantic segmentation18
Robust discriminant analysis with feature selective projection and between-classes structural incoherence17
Efficient range migration algorithm for near-field MIMO array imaging17
A new multilayer graph model for speech signals with graph learning17
Bayesian detection for distributed target with limited training data17
Autofocusing and imaging algorithm for moving target by vortex electromagnetic wave radar17
A sequential constraint relaxation framework to design phase-coded sequences for radar systems17
Two-dimensional direction-of-arrival estimation method based on interpolation fitting for airborne conformal MIMO radar in a multipath environment17
Kernel-based fuzzy local information clustering algorithm self-integrating non-local information17
Swallowing disorders analysis using surface EMG biomarkers and classification models17
On the improvements of successive cancellation Creeper decoding for polar codes17
Design of variable fractional delay FIR filter using the high-order derivative sampling method17
PHISS: Progressive and hierarchical image segmentation-sharing scheme16
Double JPEG compression detection and localization based on convolutional auto-encoder for image content removal16
Weak celestial source fringes detection based on channel attention shrinkage networks and cluster-based anchor boxes generation algorithm16
Rigid-aware self-supervised GAN for camera ego-motion estimation16
Complex migration correction and coherent integration algorithm for radar target with arbitrary moving direction16
Minimum entropy distortionless response tensorial adaptive beamforming algorithm16
Radar coherent integration algorithm for detection of complexly maneuvering target with extended velocity and acceleration scopes16
Diffusion bias-compensated recursive maximum correntropy criterion algorithm with noisy input15
Bandit approach for unmanned aerial vehicle-centric low earth orbit satellite selection15
2-cyclic splitting for mixed-valued least squares in engineering15
A low-light image enhancement model based on anisotropic weighted exponential local derivatives15
2D DOA estimation by a large-space T-shaped array15
Less complexity-aware intelligent 1-dimensional CNN with weighted deep features for artifacts removal in EEG signals14
Linear sequential filtering based on the debiased measurement matrix of the converted pseudo measurement for radar target tracking14
Differential privacy Kalman filtering for graphical dynamic systems: Performance improvement and privacy calibration14
Construction of type-II ZCCS for the MC-CDMA system with low PMEPR14
ADS-B overlapping signals separation based on minimum dispersion criterion14
Uncertainty principles for the short-time linear canonical transform of complex signals14
Efficient YOLOv8 algorithm for extreme small-scale object detection14
Deep embedding based tensor incomplete multi-view clustering14
Intelligent estimation: A review of theory, applications, and recent advances14
Adaptive target detection for an FDA-MIMO radar in a mainlobe deceptive jamming and a partially homogeneous noise14
Positioning and perception in LIDAR point clouds14
A nonconvex hybrid regularization model for restoring blurred images with mixed noises13
Efficient watermarking algorithm for digital audio/speech signal13
Multi-source off-grid DOA estimation using iterative phase offset correction in coarray domain13
Feasibility of retrieving effective reflector height using GNSS-IR from a single-frequency android smartphone SNR data13
Multi-branch-feature fusion super-resolution network13
CBHQD: A channel state information-based passive line-of-sight human queue detection13
Joint optimization of hybrid beamforming and reflection coefficients for secure XL-RIS aided SWIPT system13
Root high-order cumulant MUSIC13
Optimized histogram computation model using cuckoo search for color image contrast distortion13
Fuzzy based self-similarity weight estimation in non-local means for gray-scale image de-noising13
Fast and unbiased estimation of volume under the ordered multi-class ROC hyper-surface with continuous measurements13
Video super-resolution using a hierarchical recurrent multireceptive-field integration network13
A modified dispersed frequency and phase consensus algorithm based on differential evolution and credibility weighting matrix13
Multi-perspective feature collaborative perception learning network for non-destructive detection of pavement defects13
Rao test of polarimetric detection for targets with energy spillover in non-Gaussian clutter13
A bilevel learning approach for nonlocal image deblurring with variable weights parameter13
Multiscale capsule networks with attention mechanisms based on domain-invariant properties for cross-domain lifetime prediction13
Robust acoustic scene classification using a multi-spectrogram encoder-decoder framework13
A sea clutter suppression algorithm for over-the-horizon radar based on dictionary learning and subspace estimation13
Generative attention based framework for implicit language change detection13
Disentangled feature fusion network for lightweight image super-resolution13
Review of signal processing applications of Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) sensors with a focus on respiration rate and heart rate detection12
A linearly constrained framework for the analysis of the deficient length least-mean square algorithm12
Automatic assessment of student rhythmic pattern imitation performances12
Multi-feature fusion for specific emitter identification via deep ensemble learning12
On the transmission performance of DS-CDMA-based drone swarm12
High-order dilated nested arrays with increased degrees of freedom and reduced mutual coupling12
Polynomial Adaptive Synchrosqueezing Fourier Transform: A method to optimize multiresolution12
Local maximum multisynchrosqueezing transform and its application12
Efficient corner detection based on corner enhancement filters12
A low-complexity ADMM-based secure beamforming for IRS-assisted uplink cognitive radio networks with NOMA12
A secure fractal compression scheme based on irregular Latin square, Julia and 2D-FCICM12
Adaptive M-ary spread spectrum based dual-function detection and communication system12
Joint resource and trajectory optimization for secure UAV-based two-way relay system12
Design and performance validation of CWT-MCA based interference mitigation for automotive radars12
Tensor robust principal component analysis via dual l quasi-norm sparse constraints12
OTFS narrowband interference suppression based on energy concentration12
Multi-sensor multi-target tracking with generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli filter based on track-before-detect observation model using Gaussian belief propagation12
FSM-YOLO: Apple leaf disease detection network based on adaptive feature capture and spatial context awareness12
OSTM-NET: Joint scale variation and occlusion handling deep network for real-time vehicle counting and volume estimation12
Bridging the cross-modal gap using adversarial training for speech-to-text translation12
Multi-difference beams adaptive iterative monopulse estimation method for airborne radar12
Security analysis and improvement of DWFCAT12
A new design scheme of two-channel graph filter bank12
Complementary mean square deviation and stability analyses of the widely linear recursive least squares algorithm12
Jellyfish detection algorithm based on multi-gradient flow feature fusion12
Joint multi-Gaussian mixture model and its application to multi-model multi-bernoulli filter11
Editorial Board11
Beampattern synthesis and spectral compatibility based MIMO radar waveform design11
Target exaggeration for deep learning-based speech enhancement11
Automatic reconstruction of radar pulse repetition pattern based on model learning11
A wafer surface defect detection method built on generic object detection network11
Enhanced compressed sensing autofocus for high-resolution airborne synthetic aperture radar11
Editorial Board11
Deep residual learning-based cognitive model for detection and classification of transmitted signal patterns in 5G smart city networks11
Infrared and visible image fusion based on tight frame learning via VGG19 network11
CARgram: CNN-based accident recognition from road sounds through intensity-projected spectrogram analysis11
Semi-supervised portrait matting using transformer11
Anti-occlusion tracker for infrared ground targets based on improved trajectory prediction network11
Ingredient-guided multi-modal interaction and refinement network for RGB-D food nutrition assessment11
EDN-YOLO: Multi-scale traffic sign detection method in complex scenes11
A lightweight feature activation guided multi-receptive field attention network for light compensation11
Hierarchical mining with complex networks for music genre classification11
A cross-scale mixed attention network for smoke segmentation11
Optical information processing: A historical overview11
Blind identification of convolutional codes based on deep learning11
Time domain speech enhancement with CNN and time-attention transformer10
Joint tracking and classification of multiple extended targets via the PHD filter and star-convex RHM10
Synthetic Augmented L-shaped Array design and 2D Cramér-Rao bound analysis based on Vertical-Horizontal Moving Scheme10
Altitude constrained source localization using TDOA, FDOA and differential Doppler rate10
Secrecy performance of D2D assisted cooperative uplink NOMA system with optimal power allocation strategy10
From coarse to fine: A two stage conditional generative adversarial network for single image rain removal10
Video foreground and background separation via Gaussian scale mixture and generalized nuclear norm based robust principal component analysis10
RS-YOLO: An efficient object detection algorithm for road scenes10
Noise-aware network with shared channel-attention encoder and joint constraint for noisy speech separation10
Direct transmit waveform design to match a desired beampattern under the constant modulus constraint10
Improving detection performance in DFRC systems using symbol-level precoding and IRS with continuous phase shifters10
A new signal processing approach/method for classification of power quality disturbances10
A DCT probability histogram-based ROI features for content-based natural and medical image retrieval applications10
Principles of fractional signal processing10
Recent progress in digital image restoration techniques: A review10
Continuous-time autoregressive models excited by semi-Lévy process for cyclostationary signal analysis10
A new CNN training approach with application to hyperspectral image classification10
IGGCN: Individual-guided graph convolution network for pedestrian trajectory prediction10
An enhanced domain generalization method for object detection based on text guided feature disentanglement10
WLB-DSCA method for strictly non-circular signals in coprime array10
Deep-feature-based asymmetrical background-aware correlation filter for object tracking10
Interpretable ADMM-CSNet for interrupted sampling repeater jamming suppression10
A novel robust IMM filter for jump Markov systems with heavy-tailed process and measurement noises10
Multivariate complex modulation model decomposition and its application to gear fault diagnosis10
Structural pixel-wise target attention for robust object tracking10
Joint optimization of SINR and maximum sidelobe level for hybrid beamforming systems with sub-connected structure10
Recursive sliding DFT algorithms: A review10
Age of information in molecular communication channels10
CUDU-Net: Collaborative up-sampling decoder U-Net for leaf vein segmentation10
CNN Intelligent diagnosis method for bearing incipient faint faults based on adaptive stochastic resonance-wave peak cross correlation sliding sampling10
A novel beamforming technique using mmWave antenna arrays for 5G wireless communication networks10
2qth-Order cumulants based virtual array of a single acoustic vector sensor10
A novel secure cooperative cognitive radio network based on Chebyshev map10
A new nonconvex relaxation approach for low tubal rank tensor recovery10
Deep importance sampling based on regression for model inversion and emulation10
More learning with less labeling for face recognition10
Analysis of general weights in weighted ℓ1−2 minimization through applications9
Vibration sensing-based human and infrastructure safety/health monitoring: A survey9
Enhanced-YOLOv8: A new small target detection model9
Transmit beampattern synthesis for chirp space-time coding array by time delay design9
FractalRG: Advanced fractal region growing using Gaussian mixture models for left atrium segmentation9
Bayesian inference for amplitude distribution with application to radar clutter9
MTD precise jamming technology based on intra-pulse and inter-pulse frequency-phase joint modulation9
Robust speech watermarking by a jointly trained embedder and detector using a DNN9
Robust filtering algorithm against hybrid-attacks and randomly occurring nonlinearities: Application to a quadrotor UAV9
Fully extracting feature correlation between and within stages for semantic segmentation9
Robust NLMS algorithms with combined step-size against impulsive noises9
Fast 3-D millimeter-wave MIMO array imaging algorithms based on the CF-DFrFT9
Energy-efficient adaptive virtual-MIMO transmissions for LoRa uplink systems9
When FrFT meets quadratic frequency modulation functions—A novel tool for nonstationary signals and time-varying systems9
Visually meaningful cipher data concealment9
YOLO-EPF: Multi-scale smoke detection with enhanced pool former and multiple receptive fields9
SAR images change detection using proposed lamina attention-based noise-resistant UNet advance network (LANRUNet++)9
Performance analysis of Radar detection for fluctuating targets based on coherent demodulation9
A power information guided-variational mode decomposition (PIVMD) and its application to fault diagnosis of rolling bearing9
Cramer-Rao lower bounds of target positioning estimate in netted radar system9
A novel image deblocking approach within a graph framework9
Nonlinear distributed state estimation on the Stiefel manifold using diffusion particle filters9
A multi-party secure encryption-sharing hybrid scheme for image data base on compressed sensing9
Low-rank multilinear filtering9
Time-frequency readability enhancement of compact support kernel-based distributions using image post-processing: Application to instantaneous frequency estimation of M-ary frequency shift keying sign9
Elastic reweighted sparsity regularized sparse unmixing for hyperspectral image analysis9
Diffusion maximum versoria criterion algorithms robust to impulsive noise9
SwinCrack: Pavement crack detection using convolutional swin-transformer network9
Low-light image enhancement based on sharpening-smoothing image filter9
Infrared small target detection via incorporating spatial structural prior into intrinsic tensor sparsity regularization9
An Iterative Lq-norm Based Optimization Algorithm for Generalized SPICE8
Efficient DOA estimation based on variable least Lncosh algorithm under impulsive noise interferences8
A multi-radar emitter sorting and recognition method based on hierarchical clustering and TFCN8
Adaptive measurement-assignment marginal multi-target Bayes filter with logic-based track initiation8
An early fault diagnosis method of common-rail injector based on improved CYCBD and hierarchical fluctuation dispersion entropy8