International Journal for the Psychology of Religion

(The TQCC of International Journal for the Psychology of Religion is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Religiousness and Minority Stress in Conservatively Religious Sexual Minorities: Lessons from Latter-day Saints15
Adolescent Religious Motivation: A Self-Determination Theory Approach11
Deconversion Processes and Quality of Life among Polish Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Social Support10
Content Matters: Perceptions of the Science-Religion Relationship10
Awe, Group Cohesion, and Religious Self-Sacrifice9
Czech Out the Atheists: A Representative Study of Religiosity in the Czech Republic9
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religious Motivation: Retrospect and Prospect9
The Existential Quest: Doubt, Openness, and the Exploration of Religious Uncertainty8
Beliefs and Experiences Involving God, the Devil, Spirits, and Fate: Social, Motivational, and Cognitive Predictors8
Intellectual Humility in the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality8
Anxiety Enhances Recall of Supernatural Agents7
Religiosity from Age 12 to 20: Stability, Change, and Bidirectional Effects of Attendance, Prayer, and Salience7
How Education and Metacognitive Training May Ameliorate Religious Prejudices: A Randomized Controlled Trial6
Psychedelic Science of Spirituality and Religion: An Attachment-Informed Agenda Proposal5
Temporal Associations between Religiosity and Subjective Well-Being in a Nationally Representative Australian Sample5
Deconversion and Identity Formation in Adolescents: The Role of Internal Dialogs and Religiousness of Parents4
Evidence for the Brief Mysticism Scale: Psychometric Properties, and Moderation and Mediation Effects in Predicting Spiritual Self-Identification4
Mystical and Ego-Dissolution Experiences in Ayahuasca and Jurema Holistic Rituals: An Exploratory Study4
An Analytic Cognitive Style Negatively Predicts a More Literal but Not a More Symbolic Religiosity Type4
Writing About Gratitude Toward God Produces Differential Content and Outcomes Compared to Gratitude Toward Other Benefactors Among U.S. Adults4
Competing Forces Account for the Stability and Evolution of Religious Beliefs4
No Longer Religious, but Still Spending Money Religiously: Religious Rituals and Community Influence Consumer Behavior among Religious Dones4
The Interplay of Religious and Nonreligious Meaning-Making on Psychological Well-Being in Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients4
Assessing the Religion-Health Relationship: Introduction to the Meta-analysis by Garssen et al., and Two Commentaries4