Journal of Research on Adolescence

(The TQCC of Journal of Research on Adolescence is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Long‐Term RCT outcomes for adolescent alcohol and cannabis use within a predominantly Hispanic sample145
Psychometric Evaluation of the Affect Regulation Checklist: Clinical and Community Samples, Parent‐Reports and Youth Self‐Reports130
School Pushout: The Role of Supportive Strategies Versus Punitive Practices for LGBT Youth of Color129
The Associations between Contextual and Cultural Stressors, Internalizing Symptoms, and Social Support71
Trajectories of Substance Use and Well‐being in Early and Middle Adolescence Shaped by Social Connectedness64
Issue Information58
Trajectories of positive youth development and promotive factors among adolescents during the transition to high school in China56
Editorial Acknowledgement53
A Mixed‐Methods Approach to Refining and Measuring the Construct of Positive Risk‐Taking in Adolescence52
Adolescents' belonging in post‐divorce families: Examining residential and digital contact with mothers and fathers46
Religious coping and delinquent behaviors: Moderated mediation roles of religion affiliation and prosocial moral reasoning45
Justice for me and for all: Longitudinal analysis of justice perceptions across demographic indicators44
Embracing the hidden potential: The contribution of majority world research to developmental science41
Emotional Reactivity to Daily Family Conflicts: Testing the Within‐Person Sensitization41
Dismantling Systems and Improving Contexts to Support the Development of BIPOC Youth41
A Longitudinal Study of Differences in Perceived Parenting Practices Between Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Girls41
From Truth‐Telling to Imagining New Possibilities: Listening to Youth, Families, and Communities of Color37
Being nice and being mean: Friend characteristics foreshadow changes in perceptions of relationship negativity36
Issue Information35
Association between adolescents' socioeconomic status and working memory updating functioning: Role of parental educational involvement35
Activities and social contact as antecedents to sleep onset time in U.S. adolescents34
Considerations for Future Research on Racial Learning Processes and White Youth32
The longitudinal link between popularity, likeability, fear of negative evaluation and social avoidance across adolescence32
Boys’ and Girls’ Interactions With Same‐Gender Friends and Other‐Gender Friends: A Focus on Problem Disclosures30
Party, Academic, or Prepped for College? School Norm Profiles and Adolescent Well‐being using National Data28
Issue Information26
Positive and negative intergroup contact in school andout‐of‐schoolcontexts: A longitudinal approach to spillover effects25
Adolescent social learning within supportive friendships: Self‐disclosure and relationship quality from adolescence to adulthood25
Using interviewee‐created graphs to explore the arc of closeness and trust in adolescents' supportive relationships with nonparental adults25
The COVID generation: A commentary on how the pandemic altered adolescents' life course24
Peers' Choices Influence Adolescent Risk‐taking Especially When Explicit Risk Information is Lacking24
The Roles of Gender Identity, Peer Support, and Math Anxiety in Middle School Math Achievement23
Sleepy and Secluded: Sleep Disturbances are Associated With Connectedness in Early Adolescent Social Networks23
The role of student–teacher relationships in the association between negative parenting practices and emotion dynamics – Combining longitudinal and ecological momentary assessment data22
Adolescent experiences with online racial discrimination: Implications for prevention and coping22
Screening for disruptive behavior in adolescents at risk using the strengths and difficulties questionnaire21
Participation and enjoyment in Out‐of‐School activities during adolescence as predictors of activities in adulthood21
Relations between social withdrawal subtypes and socio‐emotional adjustment among Chinese children and early adolescents20
What motivates adolescent bystanders to intervene when immigrant youth are bullied?20
Political to Personal: Shifts in Youths’ Attitudes Following the 2016 U.S. Presidential Race and Election20
Risk and Protective Factors for Changes in Adolescent Psychosocial Adjustment During COVID‐1919
Student Engagement in Adolescence: A Scoping Review of Longitudinal Studies 2010–202019
Social support is fundamentally important for mental health among adolescents and emerging adults: Evidence across relationships and phases of the COVID‐19 pandemic19
Adolescent emotion regulation trajectories: The influence of parent and friend emotion socialization18
What Do White Parents Teach Youth About Race? Qualitative Examination of White Racial Socialization18
The Influence of Sociocultural Beliefs on Adolescents’ Moral and Tolerance Evaluations Toward Corruption18
Prospective Associations Between Pornography Viewing and Sexual Aggression Among Adolescents17
Becoming Strong: Sociocultural Experiences, Mental Health, & Black Girls' Strong Black Woman Schema Endorsement17
The longitudinal development of students' well‐being in adolescence: The role of perceived teacher autonomy support16
Characterizing Emotional Support Development: From Adolescent Best Friendships to Young Adult Romantic Relationships16
Friend Support and Internalizing Symptoms in Early Adolescence During COVID‐1916
Bullying Prevention in Adolescence: Solutions and New Challenges from the Past Decade16
Cultivating Compassion for Self and Others: A School‐Based Pilot Study for Peer‐Nominated Caring Adolescents16
Adolescent Emotion Regulation and Future Psychopathology: A Prospective Transdiagnostic Analysis16
Dynamics of Identity Development in Adolescence: A Decade in Review15
“I will attend to college to give my family a better life”: Indebtedness with the family and the challenges of building occupational plans for Peruvian adolescents14
Parental Support and Positive Mood Buffer Adolescents’ Academic Motivation During the COVID‐19 Pandemic14
Language proficiency and ethnic‐racial orientation among Latine mother–adolescent dyads14
The new normal: A student's lived experiences during the COVID‐19 pandemic14
Adolescence in the life course spotlight14
Adolescence Amid a Pandemic: Short‐ and Long‐Term Implications14
Showing Up: A Theoretical Model of Anti‐Racist Identity and Action for Latinx Youth13
Patterns of African American parents' educational involvement: associations with adolescents' academic performance and motivational beliefs13
A cross‐national study on adolescent substance use: Intentions, peer substance use, and parent‐adolescent communication13
Links between parental autonomy support and psychological control and Chinese emerging adults' conceptions of adulthood12
An Intersectional‐Contextual Approach to Racial Trauma Exposure Risk and Coping Among Black Youth12
Examining area‐ and individual‐level differences in suicide ideation severity and suicide attempt among youth11
Intersecting Structural Oppression and Suicidality Among Black Sexual Minority Male Adolescents and Emerging Adults11
Real and assumed sexual minority status: Longitudinal associations with depressive symptoms11
Integrating the family stress model within a longitudinal sibling‐adoption study of adolescent externalizing behavior11
“Youth‐focused” versus “whole‐family” screen rules: Associations with social media difficulties and moderation by impulsivity10
Conceptualizing maternal and paternal autonomy support and control among adolescents in Hong Kong10
Racial discrimination and adverse childhood experiences predicting depressive symptoms and developmental assets: Testing cultural socialization and preparation for bias as moderators among Black adole10
Peer Adversity Predicts Interpersonal Needs in Adolescent Girls10
The role of parents' and adolescents' critical reflection in the development of white youths' commitments to dismantling oppression10
The Role of Sense of Belonging and Family Structure in Adolescent Adjustment10
Student and Teacher Views on Cheating in High School: Perceptions, Evaluations, and Decisions10
The Five Cs of Positive Youth Development: Configurations of Thriving in Four U.S. Adolescent Samples9
South Korean adolescents' delinquency, disclosure, parental knowledge, parent–child closeness, and delinquent peer associations9
Shift‐and‐persist coping and health among rural African American adolescents9
Acknowledging Anti‐Blackness, Overlooking Anti‐Asian Racism: Missed Developmental Opportunities for Chinese American Youth9
Every Day Matters: Using Daily Methods to Understand Oppression and BIPOC Youth Development in Context9
Guidance or Gatekeeping: An Audit Examination of Racial Discrimination in Leading STEM High Schools9
Technology‐enhanced mindfulness‐based collaborative social reasoning to improve adolescents' social–emotional competencies9
What's Whiteness Got to do With it?9
Associations Between Adolescents' Antisocial Behavior, Conflict Management Styles, and Romantic Relationship Breakup: An Observational Study9
The Phenotypic, Psychological, and Social Interplays of Skin Color and Developmental Outcomes among Mexican‐origin Adolescents9
Spotlighting Black Adolescent Development in the Shadow of Racism: A Commentary9
Black and Latinx Adolescents’ Developing Commitment to Antiracist Activism Over Four Years of High School9
Life after life: Recidivism among individuals formerly sentenced to mandatory juvenile life without parole9
The contributions of grandparents to preadolescent grandchildren's social skills in rural Malaysia9
The impact of COVID‐19 on the peer relationships of adolescents around the world: A rapid systematic review9
Transformative Student Voice for Sociopolitical Development: Developing Youth of Color as Political Actors8
The development of moral reasoning in urban, high‐social class families from Gujarat, India: A longitudinal study from middle childhood to late adolescence8
Immigrant Youth Resilience: Theoretical Considerations, Empirical Developments, and Future Directions8
Subjective well‐being and school engagement before versus during the COVID‐19 pandemic: What good are positive emotions?8
The Impact of COVID‐19 on Adolescents’ Daily Lives: The Role of Parent–Child Relationship Quality8
Inhalant abuse among street‐involved children and adolescents in India: Case for epistemic recognition and reorientation8
COVID‐19 Impact on Parental Emotion Socialization and Youth Socioemotional Adjustment in Italy8
Still worried? Parental control and academic competence as antecedents of middle school students' post‐transition worries8
Adolescent and Maternal Anxiety Symptoms Decreased but Depressive Symptoms Increased before to during COVID‐19 Lockdown8
Too Lonely to Help: Early Adolescents’ Social Connections and Willingness to Help During COVID‐19 Lockdown8
Preparing Black and Latinx children for police encounters: Caregiver response profiles and child self‐regulation8
Intermediary processes in Hispanic/Latinx/o youths' coping responses to cultural stressors7
Heterogeneity of adolescent bullying perpetrators: Subtypes based on victimization and peer status7
Parenting in African American families: Profiles of general and culturally specific dimensions of parent–adolescent relationships during late adolescence7
Parent‐child conflict in Mexican‐origin families: Charting development from adolescence to young adulthood7
The e‐cigarette assessment for youth—Revised (EAsY‐R): Preliminary results of a pilot study of measure refinement via cognitive interviewing7
Feeling Needed and Useful during the Transition to Young Adulthood7
Issue Information7
Trajectories of peer victimization among left‐behind children in rural China: The role of positive school climate7
Religiosity, sexual behaviors, sexual motivations, and gender: A three‐year longitudinal study6
Positive and Negative Online Experiences and Loneliness in Peruvian Adolescents During the COVID‐19 Lockdown6
Peer Relationships and Indonesian Muslim Adolescents' Religiosity and Religious Coping: Selection and Influence6
School climate perceptions at the intersection of sex, grade, sexual, and gender identity6
The concurrent and longitudinal impact of sleep on mind wandering in early adolescents6
Commentary: Revisiting developmental science research practices during a global crisis6
Promoting positive development among refugee adolescents6
Black Adolescent Boys’ Perceived School Mattering: From Marginalization and Selective Love to Radically Affirming Relationships6