Journal of Geometric Analysis

(The median citation count of Journal of Geometric Analysis is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
La Mesure Harmonique de l’Ensemble de Mandelbrot contient celles des Ensembles de Julia51
Relative Ding Stability and an Obstruction to the Existence of Mabuchi Solitons39
Isoperimetric Inequalities for the Magnetic Neumann and Steklov Problems with Aharonov–Bohm Magnetic Potential36
Generalizations of Ekeland–Hofer and Hofer–Zehnder Symplectic Capacities and Applications26
Isoperimetric Type Inequalities for Mappings Induced by Weighted Laplace Differential Operators22
Horizontal and Straight Triangulation on Heisenberg Groups21
Two-Dimensional Martingale Transforms and Their Applications in Summability of Walsh–Fourier Series21
Upper Level Sets of Lelong Numbers on Hirzebruch Surfaces21
Hardy Spaces for Quasiregular Mappings and Composition Operators19
Variations of Weyl’s Tube Formula19
The Rigidity Theorem for Complete Lagrangian Self-Shrinkers17
$$L^{p}$$ Estimates and Weighted Estimates of Fractional Maximal Rough Singular Integrals on Homogeneous Groups16
Manifolds with $$4\frac{1}{2}$$-Positive Curvature Operator of the Second Kind14
$$L^p(\mathbb {R}^d)$$ Boundedness for the Calderón Commutator with Rough Kernel14
Mean-Dispersion Principles and the Wigner Transform14
On the Curvature of the Bismut Connection: Bismut–Yamabe Problem and Calabi–Yau with Torsion Metrics13
Existence and Multiplicity of Bound State Solutions to a Kirchhoff Type Equation with a General Nonlinearity13
Existence and Uniqueness of Limits at Infinity for Bounded Variation Functions12
A Letter by Eli Stein12
Ground States for K-Component Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Two Types of Strongly Indefinite Structure11
Large Steklov Eigenvalues Under Volume Constraints11
Solutions for Singular Quasilinear Equations of N-Laplacian Type with Critical Exponential Growth11
Anisotropic Alexandrov–Fenchel Type Inequalities and Hsiung–Minkowski Formula11
Essential Norms of Toeplitz Operators Between Bergman Spaces in Strongly Pseudoconvex Domains11
Unramified Riemann Domains Satisfying the Oka–Grauert Principle over a Stein Manifold10
Stable Geodesic Nets in Convex Hypersurfaces9
On $$L^{2}$$-Harmonic Forms of Complete Almost Kähler Manifold9
Degenerate Complex Monge–Ampère Equations on Some Compact Hermitian Manifolds9
On the Coefficients of the Equivariant Szegő Kernel Asymptotic Expansions9
Pointwise Expansion of Degenerating Immersions of Finite Total Curvature8
Non-degeneracy of the Bubble Solutions for the Fractional Prescribed Curvature Problem and Applications8
Global Stability Dynamics of the Timelike Extremal Hypersurfaces in Minkowski Space8
Quantitative Weighted Estimates for Some Singular Integrals Related to Critical Functions8
Serrin-Type Overdetermined Problems for Hessian Quotient Equations and Hessian Quotient Curvature Equations8
Regularity for Double Phase Functionals with Two Modulating Coefficients8
Conformal Rigidity and Non-rigidity of the Scalar Curvature on Riemannian Manifolds8
Boundary Value Problems for Generalized ODEs8
Polyharmonic Almost Complex Structures8
Existence of Entire Solutions to the Lagrangian Mean Curvature Equations in Supercritical Phase8
The Monogenic Hua–Radon Transform and Its Inverse7
Horizontally Affine Functions on Step-2 Carnot Algebras7
Global and Local Theory of Skew Mean Curvature Flows7
Multiplicity of Concentrating Solutions for Choquard Equation with Critical Growth7
Zero Set Structure of Real Analytic Beltrami Fields7
Proper Holomorphic Maps in Euclidean Spaces Avoiding Unbounded Convex Sets7
Star-shaped Centrosymmetric Curves Under Gage’s Area-preserving Flow7
On Projectively Flat Finsler Warped Product Metrics of Constant Flag Curvature7
Characterization of Pseudoconvex Domains of Finite Type with Locally Diagonalizable Levi Form by Their Automorphism Groups7
Dynamics of a Predator-Stage Structured Model with Cannibalism, Degenerate Diffusion and Free Boundaries7
Product Hardy Spaces Meet Ball Quasi-Banach Function Spaces7
Morse Index Bound for Minimal Two Spheres7
p-Bessel Pairs, Hardy’s Identities and Inequalities and Hardy–Sobolev Inequalities with Monomial Weights7
On the Spectral Value of Semigroups of Holomorphic Functions7
Lorentzian Metrics Null-Projectively Related to Semi-Riemannian Metrics7
$$L^2$$-Normalized Solitary Wave Solutions of a Nonlinear Dirac Equation7
Non-density of Points of Small Arithmetic Degrees6
Weakly PIC1 Manifolds with Maximal Volume Growth6
A Differential Perspective on Gradient Flows on $$\textsf {CAT} (\kappa )$$-Spaces and Applications6
Continuity of Monge–Ampère Potentials with Prescribed Singularities6
The John–Nirenberg Inequality of Weighted BLO Space and Its Applications6
A Non-spin Method to the Positive Weighted Mass Theorem for Weighted Manifolds6
Spectral Stability of the $${\overline{\partial }}-$$Neumann Laplacian: Domain Perturbations6
Symplectic Flatness and Twisted Primitive Cohomology6
Isoperimetric Sets and p-Cheeger Sets are in Bijection6
Families of Proper Holomorphic Embeddings and Carleman-Type Theorem with parameters6
Martingale Musielak–Orlicz–Lorentz Hardy Spaces with Applications to Dyadic Fourier Analysis6
Discrete Bilinear Operators and Commutators6
A Class of Strictly Pseudoconvex Domains with Non-pluripolar Core6
Left-Invariance for Smooth Vector Fields and Applications6
Stabilization for Transmission Wave-Plate Equations with Acoustic/Memory Boundary Conditions6
The Modified Cusp Kähler–Ricci Flow and Soliton6
Free Boundary Constant p-Mean Curvature Surfaces Intersecting the Pansu Sphere6
Sampling Measure on Doubling Fock Spaces6
Sparse Bounds for Pseudo-multipliers Associated to Grushin Operators, II6
Area-Minimizing Minimal Graphs Over Linearly Accessible Domains6
Uniqueness of 1D Generalized Bi-Schrödinger Flow6
Trivializable and Quaternionic Subriemannian Structures on $${\mathbb {S}}^7$$ and Subelliptic Heat Kernel6
A Continuous Transition from $$\mathcal {E}$$-Sets to R-sets and Beyond5
On Singular Quasilinear Elliptic Equations in $$\mathbb {R}^N$$5
Translating Solitons Over Cartan–Hadamard Manifolds5
Hypersurfaces of Prescribed Mixed Weingarten Curvature5
Entropy and Heat Kernel on Generalized Ricci Flow5
Stable Solutions to the Abelian Yang–Mills–Higgs Equations on $$S^2$$ and $$T^2$$5
A Class of Prescribed Weingarten Curvature Equations for Locally Convex Hypersurfaces with Boundary in $$\mathbb {R}^{n+1}$$5
On the Differentiation of Integrals in Measure Spaces Along Filters5
Mountain-Pass Type Solutions for the Chern–Simons–Schrödinger Equation with Zero Mass Potential and Critical Exponential Growth5
On Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Some One Dimensional Quasilinear Wave Equations: Global Existence, Scattering and Rigidity5
Two Flow Approaches to the Loewner–Nirenberg Problem on Manifolds5
Global Gradient Estimates of Very Weak Solutions for a General Class of Quasilinear Elliptic Equations5
From Weak-type Weighted Inequality to Pointwise Estimate for the Decreasing Rearrangement5
Some Inequalities for the Fourier Transform and Their Limiting Behaviour5
Weak Limits of Quasiminimizing Sequences5
Quasiregular Curves of Small Distortion in Product Manifolds5
HCMU Surfaces and Weingarten Surfaces5
Oldroyd-B Model with High Weissenberg Number and Fractional Velocity Dissipation5
Compacitification and Positive Mass Theorem for Fibered Euclidean End5
The Haar System in Triebel–Lizorkin Spaces: Endpoint Results5
Properties of Bounded Holomorphic Functions: A Survey5
Infinitesimally Bonnet Bendable Hypersurfaces5
Quasilinear Schrödinger Equations With Stein-Weiss Type Convolution and Critical Exponential Nonlinearity in $${\mathbb {R}}^N$$5
Lipschitz Normally Embedded Set and Tangent Cones at Infinity5
$$L^2$$ Estimates of Trilinear Oscillatory Integrals of Convolution Type on $${\mathbb {R}}^2$$5
On the $$L^p$$ Spectrum of the Dirac Operator5
Singular Anisotropic Problems with Competition Phenomena4
Atomic Decomposition Theorem for Hardy spaces on Products of Siegel Upper Half Spaces and Bi-parameter Hardy Spaces4
Global Existence and Full Convergence of the Möbius-Invariant Willmore Flow in the 3-Sphere4
Local Riesz Transform and Local Hardy Spaces on Riemannian Manifolds with Bounded Geometry4
Area-Minimizing Cones Over Grassmannian Manifolds4
$$L^p$$-Cohomology, Heat Semigroup and Stratified Spaces4
Maximal First Betti Number Rigidity for Open Manifolds of Nonnegative Ricci Curvature4
A New Definition of Analytic Adjoint Ideal Sheaves via the Residue Functions of Log-Canonical Measures I4
Restricted Mean Value Property on Riemannian manifolds4
Classification of Solutions to Mixed Order Conformally Invariant Systems in $${\mathbb {R}}^2$$4
Extremals for $$\alpha $$-Strichartz Inequalities4
Exotic Calderón–Zygmund Operators4
Invariant Generalized Almost Complex Structures on Real Flag Manifolds4
Fractional Besov Trace/Extension-Type Inequalities via the Caffarelli–Silvestre Extension4
Facets of High-Dimensional Gaussian Polytopes4
On Singular Yamabe Obstructions4
$$L^{1}$$ Metric Geometry of Potentials with Prescribed Singularities on Compact Kähler Manifolds4
Para-linearity as the Nonassociative Counterpart of Linearity4
Applications of Nijenhuis Geometry III: Frobenius Pencils and Compatible Non-homogeneous Poisson Structures4
Homoclinic Solutions for Partial Difference Equations with Mixed Nonlinearities4
Reflexivity of the Space of Transversal Distributions4
Some Inequalities and Applications of Simons’ Type Formulas in Riemannian, Affine, and Statistical Geometry4
Fractional Kirchhoff–Choquard equation involving Schrödinger term and upper critical exponent4
Parametric Singular Problems with an Indefinite Perturbation4
Generalized Bakry–Émery Curvature Condition and Equivalent Entropic Inequalities in Groups4
Boundedness of Operators on Weighted Morrey–Campanato Spaces in the Bessel Setting4
Analytic Torsion of Generic Rank Two Distributions in Dimension Five4
A Note on the Complete Kähler–Einstein Metrics of Disk Bundles Over Compact Homogeneous Kähler Manifolds4
Miyaoka–Yau Inequality for Compact Kähler Manifolds with Semi-positive Canonical Bundles4
Neumann Eigenvalues of the Biharmonic Operator on Domains: Geometric Bounds and Related Results4
Kähler Geometry of Scalar Flat Metrics on Line Bundles Over Polarized Kähler–Einstein Manifolds4
Rigidity of Homogeneous Holomorphic $$S^2$$ in a Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2, N)4
A Kirchhoff Type Equation in $$\pmb {\mathbb {R}}^{N}$$ Involving the fractional (p, q)-Laplacian4
Asymptotic Behavior and Classification of Solutions to Hartree Type Equations with Exponential Nonlinearity4
On the Genus and Area of Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces with Bounded Index4
Unexpected Behaviour of Flag and S-Curvatures on the Interpolated Poincaré Metric4
Nodal Multi-peak Standing Waves of Fourth-Order Schrödinger Equations with Mixed Dispersion4
On a Natural Map Between Twistor Spaces4
Strongly Pseudo-Effective and Numerically Flat Reflexive Sheaves4
On Eigenvalue Problems Involving the Critical Hardy Potential and Sobolev Type Inequalities with Logarithmic Weights in Two Dimensions4
An Estimate for the Steklov Zeta Function of a Planar Domain Derived from a First Variation Formula4
Legendrian Mean Curvature Flow in $$\eta $$-Einstein Sasakian Manifolds4
Hölder Continuity and Boundedness Estimates for Nonlinear Fractional Equations in the Heisenberg Group4
Stitching Data: Recovering a Manifold’s Geometry from Geodesic Intersections4
Sobolev Mappings Between RCD Spaces and Applications to Harmonic Maps: A Heat Kernel Approach4
A Sharp Sobolev Principle on the Graphic Submanifolds of $${\mathbb {R}}^{n+m}$$4
Maximal Operator, Cotlar’s Inequality and Pointwise Convergence for Singular Integral Operators in Dunkl Setting4
Sharp Steklov Upper Bound for Submanifolds of Revolution3
Characterization of Holomorphic Invariant Strongly Pseudoconvex Complex Finsler Metrics on Unit Polydisks3
Bounded Solutions for Non-parametric Mean Curvature Problems with Nonlinear Terms3
Generalizations of the Theorems of Pappus-Guldin in the Heisenberg groups3
Quantitative Sobolev Extensions and the Neumann Heat Kernel for Integral Ricci Curvature Conditions3
On the Mean Convexity of a Space-and-Time Neighborhood of Generic Singularities Formed by Mean Curvature flow3
Existence of Non-symmetric Solutions to the Gaussian Minkowski Problem3
On Gauduchon Kähler-Like Manifolds3
The Curvature Operator of the Second Kind in Dimension Three3
Normalized Solutions for the Schrödinger Equations with $$L^2$$-Subcritical Growth and Different Types of Potentials3
Variational Inequalities for the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Semigroup: The Higher-Dimensional Case3
Homoclinic Solutions for a Discrete Periodic Hamiltonian System with Perturbed Terms3
Reversing a Philosophy: From Counting to Square Functions and Decoupling3
Constructive Description of Hardy–Sobolev Spaces on Strictly Pseudoconvex Domains3
Normalized Solutions for Schrödinger–Poisson Systems Involving Critical Sobolev Exponents3
New Ball Campanato-Type Function Spaces and Their Applications3
Geometric Flow, Multiplier Ideal Sheaves and Optimal Destabilizer for a Fano Manifold3
Operations on the Set of Scalar and Matrix-Valued Quiddity Sequences3
Efficient and Accurate Separable Models for Discretized Material Optimization: A Continuous Perspective Based on Topological Derivatives3
Sharp Adams Type Inequalities for the Fractional Laplace–Beltrami Operator on Noncompact Symmetric Spaces3
On the Isometry Group of Immortal Homogeneous Ricci Flows3
Gradient Estimates for the CR Heat Equation on Closed Sasakian Manifolds3
Some Optimal Inequalities for Anti-invariant Submanifolds of the Unit Sphere3
The Dirichlet Problem for a Class of Prescribed Curvature Equations3
Superlinear Elliptic Equations with Unbalanced Growth3
Multi-bump Solutions for a Strongly Degenerate Problem with Exponential Growth in $$\mathbb {R}^N$$3
Which Fueter-Regular Functions are Holomorphic?3
Two Normalized Solutions for the Chern–Simons–Schrödinger System with Exponential Critical Growth3
A Modified Morrey-Kohn-Hörmander Identity and Applications to the $$\overline{\partial }$$-Problem3
Decay and Global Well-Posedness of the Free-Boundary Incompressible Euler Equations with Damping3
Lipschitz Clustering in Metric Spaces3
Stability of the Quermassintegral Inequalities in Hyperbolic Space3
Discrete Tori and Trigonometric Sums3
A Rigidity Result for the Robin Torsion Problem3
On Almost Nonpositive k-Ricci Curvature3
Correction: Stability, Analytic Stability for Real Reductive Lie Groups3
Martingale Hardy Spaces and Some New Weighted Maximal Operators of Fejér Means of Walsh–Fourier Series3
Correction: Quasiconformal Extensions of Harmonic Mappings3
An Algebraic Brascamp–Lieb Inequality3
Shape Differentiation for Poincaré Maps of Harmonic Fields in Toroidal Domains3
Transnormal Functions and Focal Varieties on Finsler Manifolds3
An Atomic Representation for Hardy Classes of Solutions to Nonhomogeneous Cauchy–Riemann Equations3
Correction: Harmonic Flow of Quaternion-Kähler Structures3
Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities, Gaussian Upper Bounds for the Heat Kernel, and the $$\textrm{G}_{2}$$-Laplacian Flow3
Some Functional Properties on Cartan–Hadamard Manifolds of Very Negative Curvature3
Characterizations of "Equation missing" Weights in Martingale Spaces3
Remarks on the Relation of Log-Concave and Contoured Distributions in $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$3
The First Eigenvalue of a Homogeneous CROSS3
Normalized Ground States for the Critical Fractional Choquard Equation with a Local Perturbation3
Local Well-Posedness and Regularity Criterion for the 3D Density-Dependent Incompressible Maxwell–Navier–Stokes System3
Ground State Solutions of Nehari-Pohozaev Type for Schrödinger-Poisson Equation with Zero-Mass and Weighted Hardy Sobolev Subcritical Exponent3
Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev Inequality on Mixed-Norm Lebesgue Spaces3
Szegő Kernel Asymptotics on Complete Strictly Pseudoconvex CR Manifolds3
The maximum diam theorem on Finsler manifolds3
Regularity Criteria for the 3D Axisymmetric Non-resistive MHD System in the Swirl Component of the Vorticity3
Multilinear Dunkl Multiplier Operators3
Equigeodesics on Generalized Flag Manifolds with Five Isotropy Summands3
Boundary Points, Minimal $$L^2$$ Integrals and Concavity Property "Equation missing" : Vector Bundles3
$$(\varepsilon ,\delta )$$–Quasi-Negative Curvature and Positivity of the Canonical Bundle3
Poincaré-Lelong Type Formulas and Segre Numbers3
The John–Nirenberg Space: Equality of the Vanishing Subspaces $$VJN_p$$ and $$CJN_p$$3
A Fundamental Condition for Harmonic Analysis in Anisotropic Generalized Orlicz Spaces3
On the Chen–Lin Conjecture for the Prescribed Scalar Curvature Problem3
Schrödinger Equations on Compact Globally Symmetric Spaces3
Correction: A Note on Alexandrov Immersed Mean Curvature Flow3
Differential Operators on Non-compact Harmonic Manifolds3
Classification of Solutions to Several Semi-linear Polyharmonic Equations and Fractional Equations3
$$G_2$$-Instantons on the Spinor Bundle of the 3-Sphere3
Sharpened Trudinger–Moser Inequalities on the Euclidean Space and Heisenberg Group3
Half-Space Theorems for $$\textbf{1}$$-Surfaces of $$\mathbb {H}^3$$3
Hardy Spaces and Canonical Kernels on Quadric CR Manifolds3
Multiplicity of Normalized Solutions to a Class of Non-autonomous Choquard Equations3
Multiplicity and Concentration Behavior of Solutions to a Class of Fractional Kirchhoff Equation Involving Exponential Nonlinearity3
Geometric and Analytic Properties Associated With Extension Operators3
Exception Sets of Intrinsic and Piecewise Lipschitz Functions3
Slice Radon Measure and Quaternionic Hirsch Functional Calculus with Applications3
A General Integral Identity with Applications to a Reverse Serrin Problem3
De Branges–Rovnyak Spaces Which are Complete Nevanlinna–Pick Spaces3
Ground States for Logarithmic Schrödinger Equations on Locally Finite Graphs2
A Best Possible Maximum Principle and an Overdetermined Problem for a Generalized Monge-Ampère Equation2
Absolute Continuity of the Harmonic Measure on Low Dimensional Rectifiable Sets2
Scaling Asymptotics for Szegő Kernels on Grauert Tubes2
On Finite Parts of Divergent Complex Geometric Integrals and Their Dependence on a Choice of Hermitian Metric2
Potential Characterizations of Geodesic Balls on Hyperbolic Spaces: A Moving Plane Approach2
The Rate of $${\mathbb {F}}$$-convergence for Ricci Flows with Closed and Smooth Tangent Flows2
Oscillation of Solutions of LDE’s in Domains Conformally Equivalent to Unit Disc2
Normalized Solutions of Nonhomogeneous Mass Supercritical Schrödinger Equations in Bounded Domains2
A Brézis–Nirenberg Type Problem for a Class of Degenerate Elliptic Problems Involving the Grushin Operator2
On Weighted Compactness of Commutators of Stein’s Square Functions Associated with Bochner-Riesz means2
$$L^p$$-Improving Bounds of Maximal Functions Along Planar Curves2
Cluster Points of Jumping Numbers of Toric Plurisubharmonic Functions2
Optimal Inequalities Between Distances in Convex Projective Domains2
Analysis on Regular Corner Spaces2
The Shifted Wave Equation on Non-flat Harmonic Manifolds2
Volume Growth Estimates of Gradient Ricci Solitons2
Global Well-Posedness of Compressible Magneto-micropolar Fluid Equations2
Existence of Semiclassical Ground State Solutions for a Class of N-Laplace Choquard Equation with Critical Exponential Growth2
$$\alpha $$-Modulation Spaces for Step Two Stratified Lie Groups2
Discrete Subgroups of $$\text{ PSL }(n+1,{\mathbb {C}})$$ Acting on the Grassmannians2
Hardy Spaces for Boundary Value Problems of Elliptic Systems with Block Structure2