Journal of Business and Technical Communication

(The median citation count of Journal of Business and Technical Communication is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The Evolution of University Business Incubators: Transnational Hubs for Entrepreneurship25
Visual Risk Literacy in “Flatten the Curve” COVID-19 Visualizations24
Conceptualizing Empathy Competence: A Professional Communication Perspective17
Making-Do on the Margins: Organizing Resource Seeking and Rhetorical Agency in Communities During Grassroots Entrepreneurship12
Curricular Efforts in Technical Communication After the Social Justice Turn11
Sex Work and Professional Risk Communication: Keeping Safe on the Streets10
Introduction to Special Issue on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Communication in the Context of Globalization9
Identifying Commonalities and Divergences Between Technical Communication Scholarly and Trade Publications (1996–2017)8
Making Actionable Metrics “Actionable”: The Role of Affordances and Behavioral Design in Data Dashboards8
Constructive Distributed Work: An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Collaboration and Research for Distributed Teams7
Project-Oriented Web Scraping in Technical Communication Research7
Transforming the Rights-Based Encounter: Disability Rights, Disability Justice, and the Ethics of Access6
Genre Change in the Online Context: Responding to Negative Online Reviews and Redefining an Effective Genre Construct on Amazon.Com6
User Perceptions of Actionability in Data Dashboards6
Linked but Desynched: An OODA Analysis of Associated Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programs6
The Ethics of Delivering Bad News: Evaluating Impression Management Strategies in Corporate Financial Reporting6
Tools, Potential, and Pitfalls of Social Media Screening: Social Profiling in the Era of AI-Assisted Recruiting6
Genre and Metagenre in Biomedical Research Writing5
Introduction to Special Issue on 21st-Century Ethics in Technical Communication: Ethics and the Social Justice Movement in Technical and Professional Communication4
Unsettling Start-Up Ecosystems: Geographies, Mobilities, and Transnational Literacies in the Palestinian Start-Up Ecosystem4
The Effects of Multimodal Elements on Success in Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaigns4
Trans Oppression Through Technical Rhetorics: A Queer Phenomenological Analysis of Institutional Documents3
Discursive Communication Strategies for Introducing Innovative Products: The Content, Cohesion, and Coherence of Product Launch Presentations3
Corpus Linguistics and Technical Editing: How Corpora Can Help Copy Editors Adopt a Rhetorical View of Prescriptive Usage Rules3
Communicating During COVID-19 and Other Acute-Event Scenarios: A Practical Approach2
A Cross-Cultural Genre Analysis of Firm-Generated Advertisements on Twitter and Sina Weibo2
Emotion, Rhetoric, and Entrepreneurial Experience: A Survey of Start-Up Community Membership2
Drawing Into Being: Charter Graphics and Their Functions2
Ethical Dimensions of App Designs: A Case Study of Photo- and Video-Editing Apps2
Expectancy Violation and COVID-19 Misinformation: A Comment on Bogomoletc and Lee's “Frozen Meat Against COVID-19 Misinformation: An Analysis of Steak-umm and Positive Expectancy Violations”2
Using Generative AI to Facilitate Data Analysis and Visualization: A Case Study of Olympic Athletes2
Wicked Problems in Risk Assessment: Mapping Yellow Fever and Constructing Risk as an Embodied Experience2
The Diversity and Inclusion Report: The Rise of a New Corporate Public Reporting Genre2
An Introduction to Quasi-Experimental Research for Technical and Professional Communication Instructors2
Comment on Verhulsdonck and Shah's “Lean Data Visualization: Considering Actionable Metrics for Technical Communication”2
Can Artificial Intelligence Robots Write Effective Instructions?2
Digital Video as a Discussion Board: A Case Study and Collaborative Autoethnography of Experiences2
Scrum in Classroom Collaborations: A Quasi-Experimental Study2
Peer-Led Professional Development: How One Technical Communication Team Learns on the Job1
Preparing Future Technical Editors for an Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Workplace1
Moves and Images: A Multimodal Genre Analysis of Web-Based Crowdfunding Proposals1
On the Current Moment in AI: Introduction to Special Issue on Effects of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Technical Communication Pedagogy, Practice, and Research, Part 11
Teaching Students in the Technical and Professional Communication Classroom Practices for Innovation Rhetoric1
Concomitant Ethics: Institutional Review Boards and Technical and Professional Communication's Social Justice Turn1
Segmentation, Surveillance, and Automation: Practical and Ethical Considerations for Attracting, Sustaining, and Monetizing Audience Attention Online1
The Disappearance of Business Communication From Professional Communication Programs in English Departments1
Automating Research in Business and Technical Communication: Large Language Models as Qualitative Coders1
Decolonizing the Color-Line: A Topological Analysis of W.E.B. Du Bois's Infographics for the 1900 Paris Exposition1