Journal of the American Academy of Audiology

(The TQCC of Journal of the American Academy of Audiology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Remote Microphone Systems for Cochlear Implant Recipients in Small Group Settings22
Development and Standardization of Modified Simultaneous Multifrequency Stimulus for Recording Ocular Vestibular-Evoked Myogenic Potential and Its Interaction with the Alternate Electrode Montages21
Erratum: Pediatric Arabic Closed-Set Word-Recognition Test: Development and Evaluation of Psychometric Characteristics15
JAAA CEU Program12
Assessing Audiologists' Exposure, Knowledge, and Attitudes when Working with Individuals Within the Deaf Culture11
The Effects of Age and the Middle Ear on the Frequency Tuning of the cVEMP and oVEMP11
Self-Reported Tinnitus Severity Prior to and During the COVID-19 Lockdown in the United Kingdom9
JAAA CEU Program9
Maximizing Cochlear Implant Outcomes with Short-Term Aural Rehabilitation9
Relationship between Location of Focal Traumatic Brain Injury and Canal Involved in Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo9
PTSD Is Associated with Self-Perceived Hearing Handicap: An Evaluation of Comorbidities in Veterans Without Measured Hearing Loss8
Stimulus Rate Effect on Electrocochleogram Components in Adults with High Risk for Noise Exposure8
Video Head Impulse Testing in Patients Who Are Blind8
AMBAND Bone-Conduction Headband7
Selective Bilateral Posterior Canal Dysfunction: A Case Series Investigation into the Clinical Trends and Associative Factors6
Defining Hearing Loss Severity Based on Pure-Tone Audiometry and Self-Reported Perceived Hearing Difficulty: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey6
Self-Reported Hearing Aid Requirements among U.S. Military Personnel and the Association with Probable Posttraumatic Stress Disorder6
Effects of Adding Monaural and Binaural Noise to a Dichotic Listening Task6
Clinical Findings in a Pati ent with Large B-Cell Lymphoma andNeuroniti s: A Case Study6
Electrode Montage for Bilateral Cervical Vestibular-Evoked Myogenic Potential Testing6
Investigating the Role of Auditory Processing Abilities in Long-Term Self-Reported Hearing Aid Outcomes among Adults Age 60+ Years5
COVID-19 and Hearing: Pure Tone, Speech, and High-Frequency Audiometry5
A Pilot Dashboard System to Track Cumulative Exposure to Sound Levels during Music Instruction: A Technical Report5
Self-reported Hearing Quality of Life for Adolescent Cochlear Implant Recipients: A Longitudinal Study5
Effect of Hearing Aid Technology Level on New Hearing Aid Users4
Examination of Language, Behavioral, Academic, and Social Skills of Cochlear Implant Users in Early Primary Education4
An Examination of Asymmetry in Adult Tympanometric Measures4
Audibility and Spectral-Ripple Discrimination Thresholds as Predictors of Word Recognition with Nonlinear Frequency Compression4
Correlations between Auditory Brainstem and Steady-State Responses as a Function of Age, and Severity and Configuration of Hearing Loss4
Influence of Alignment Strategies and Consonant Acoustic Features on Laterality Index in Dichotic Testing in Indian Languages4
JAAA CEU Program4
The Relationship between Speech Perception in Quiet and in Noise for Young Adults with Pure-Tone Thresholds ≤ 25 dB HL4
The Influence of the Stimulus Level Used to Prescribe Nonlinear Frequency Compression on Speech Perception3
Full Recovery of Sensorineural Hearing Loss in a Patient with Congenital Hypothyroidism3
Audiovestibular Dysfunction in Siblings with Charcot–Marie–Tooth Disease 4F: A Case Series3
Heterogeneity in Vision, Hand Function, Cognition, and Health Literacy Among Older Veterans: Impacts, Outcomes, and Clinical Recommendations for First-Time Hearing Aid Users3
JAAA CEU Program3
The Effect of Multichannel and Channel-Free Hearing Aids on Spectral-Temporal Resolution and Speech Understanding in Noise3
Effects of Spectral Shaping on Speech Auditory Brainstem Responses to Stop Consonant-Vowel Syllables3
Comparing Simultaneous Electrocochleography and Auditory Brainstem Response Measurements Using Three Different Extratympanic Electrodes3
Benefits of Bilateral Hearing on the Telephone for Cochlear Implant Recipients3
JAAA CEU Program3
MicroRNA Profiling in the Perilymph of Cochlear Implant Patients: Identifying Markers that Correlate to Audiological Outcomes3
Effects of Age and Middle Ear on the Frequency Tuning of the cVEMP and oVEMP3
Mal de Debarquement Syndrome: Treatment in an Audiology Balance Center3
Auditory Short-Term Memory Evaluation in Noise in Musicians3
Clinical Saccadometry: Establishing Evaluative Standards Using a Simplified Video Oculography Protocol in the Adult Population3
The Significant Relationships Between Otolith End Organ Function and Audiometric Thresholds3
Pediatric Arabic Closed-Set Word-Recognition Test: Development and Evaluation of Psychometric Characteristics3
Cartilage Conduction Hearing Aid Fitting in Clinical Practice2
Breaking Down Communication Barriers: Assessing the Need for Audiologists to Have Access to Clinically Relevant Sign Language2
Tinnitus Activities Treatment with Total and Partial Masking2
The Relationship Between Hearing and Balance Function: Toward a Unitary Study of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems2
The Effect of Music Genre and Music-Preference Dimension on Acceptable Noise Levels in Listeners with ‘Normal’ Hearing2
The Relationship between P300 and Central Auditory Processing Test Result2
Evaluation of Postinfection Hearing with Audiological Tests in Patients with COVID-19: A Case–Control Study2
A Comparison of Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials via Audiometric and Nonaudiometric Bone Vibrators2
Investigational Medicinal Products for the Inner Ear: Review of Clinical Trial Characteristics in ClinicalTrials.gov2
The Influence of Remote Hearing Aid Adjustment Technology on the Current Practice of Tele-Audiology among Audiologists in Malaysia2
Hyperacusis and Misophonia: A Systematic Review of Psychometric Measures2
Wideband Tympanometry Findings in Healthy Neonates2
The Torch is Passed...Again2
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Hyperacusis Impact Questionnaire, Sound Sensitivity Symptoms Questionnaire, and Screening for Anxiety and Depression in Tinnitus, Including Preliminary Analyses of 2
JAAA CEU Program2
Speech Recognition in Noise Using Binaural Diotic and Antiphasic Digits-in-Noise in Children: Maturation and Self-Test Validity2
Stimulus for Simultaneous Multifrequency (SiMFy) oVEMP: A More Efficient Approach for Determining Otolith Tuning2
A Survey on Hearing Loss, Dizziness, and Balance Problems as Fall Risk Factors: Responses of Older Adults Seen by Audiologists2
JAAA CEU Program2
Ambient Noise Monitoring during Pure-Tone Audiometry2
Oculomotor Findings in Videonystagmography across the Lifespan2