Animal Biotechnology

(The TQCC of Animal Biotechnology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Genome-wide identification and functional prediction of circular RNAs in response to heat stress in Chinese Holstein cows44
Association analysis for SNPs of LIPE and ITGB4 genes with cashmere production performance, body measurement traits and milk production traits in Liaoning cashmere goats40
Leucine regulates porcine muscle fiber type transformation via adiponectin signaling pathway38
Angiopoietin-like protein 8, molecular cloning and regulating lipid accumulation in goat intramuscular preadipocytes36
Comparative evaluation of diagnostic methods for detection of Theileria spp. in cows34
Effect of Aspergillus oryzae on ruminal fermentation, feed intake and dry matter digestibility in cows fed forage-based diets24
Identification of polymorphic loci in OSMR and GHR genes and analysis of their association with growth traits in sheep24
MeDIP-sequencing for profiling global DNA methylation in buffalo embryos produced by in vitro fertilization21
Polymorphisms in BMPRIB gene affect litter size in Chinese indigenous sheep breed19
Study on the roles of melatonin in regulating dermal fibroblast growth in Liaoning cashmere goats by transcriptome sequencing18
Allelic diversity at BoLA DRB3 locus and association with predisposition to clinical mastitis in indicus and crossbred cattle16
An upstream deletion polymorphism within the goat Period circadian regulator 1 (PER1) gene was associated with growth traits16
The ND1 and CYTB genes polymorphisms associated with in vitro early embryo development of Sanjabi sheep15
Changes in colostrum ingredients of Hu sheep, as well as the missense mutation genes associated with colostrum yield13
First preliminary study on identification of bacterial fish pathogens with Raman spectroscopy12
Differences of the anti-oxidative capability, GPX3, and Cu/ZnSOD expression in Hu sheep testis with different size at six-month-old12
Expression profile of FASN gene and association of its polymorphisms with intramuscular fat content in Hu sheep12
Dopaminergic neurons derived from porcine induced pluripotent stem cell like cells function in the Lanyu pig model of Parkinson's disease12
Sodium butyrate pretreatment mitigates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation through the TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway in bovine embryo trachea cells12
Association between the cashmere production performance, milk production performance, and body size traits and polymorphism of COL6A5 and LOC10218137412
Association analysis between reproduction genes INHA , PGR , RARG with lamb and other traits of Liaoning ca12
RNA-seq analysis identifies differentially expressed gene in different types of donkey skeletal muscles11
Genetic evaluation for survival traits in Japanese quail line selected for fast growth rate11
Single nucleotide polymorphisms, gene expression and serum profile of immune and antioxidant markers associated with postpartum disorders susceptibility in Barki sheep11
High-throughput analysis of lncRNA in cows with naturally infectedStaphylococcus aureusmammary gland11
Transcriptomic profiling of lipopolysaccharide-challenged bovine mammary epithelial cells treated with forsythoside A11
Activated macrophages of CD 163 gene edited pigs generated by direct cytoplasmic microinjection with CRISPR gRNA/Cas9 mRNA are resistant to PRRS virus assault9
Electroporation-based CRISPR gene editing in adult buffalo fibroblast cells9
Genomic organization and transcription of superoxide dismutase genes (sod1,sod2, andsod3b) and response to diazinon toxicity in platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus) by using S9
Transcriptome analysis reveals molecular regulation mechanism of Tibet sheep tolerance to high altitude oxygen environment9
Effects of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone on testicular development and reproduction-related gene expression in roosters9
The effects ofin ovoinjection with sulfur amino acids and folic acid on the gene expression, relative organ weights, hematologic parameters, performance, and carcass characteristics of broiler 9
Filtration techniques are advantageous over colloidal centrifugation in improving freezability of low-quality buffalo bull (Bubalus bubalis) ejaculates9
Copy number variation of GAL3ST1 gene is associated with growth traits of Chinese cattle8
Estimation of microsatellite-based autozygosity and its correlation with pedigree inbreeding coefficient in crossbred cattle8
Dynamic transcriptome analysis of Maiwa yak corpus luteum during the estrous cycle8
Inflammatory genes expression and calf responses to different dietary grains (steam flaked corn vs steam-rolled barley) and protein sources (pelleted soybean meal vs pelleted canola meal)8
Effects of dietary folic acid supplementation on lactation performance and mammary epithelial cell development of dairy cows and its regulatory mechanism8
Productive performance, lipid profile, immunity, and antioxidant parameters of quail breeders fed low protein diets supplemented with different zinc sources8
Genetic analysis of prolificacy, milk production and composition traits in Egyptian Zaraibi goats8
Screening of InDel variants in PRDM6 , myostatin and IGF2BP1 genes and association analysis with body measurement traits in Malabari and A8
Tryptophan alleviates lipopolysaccharide-induced muscle fiber type transformation from type I to II and modulates Sirt1/AMPK/PGC-1α signaling pathway in pigs8
5d CIDR-Heatsynch improves the circulatory estradiol levels, estrus expression and conception rate in anestrus buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis )8
CircRRAS2 promotes myogenic differentiation of bovine MuSCs and is a novel regulatory molecule of muscle development8
A SNP in the ovine cathepsin K ( CTSK ) gene is associated with yearling growth performance in a crossbred sheep population8
Effect of dietary modulation of fiber and fat level on liver and kidney functions, lipid profile, antioxidant and immune parameters in growing Egyptian geese7
Identification of reference genes for studies of quantitative gene expression in male and female quail tissues7
Landmark native breed of the Orenburg goats: progress in its breeding and genetics and future prospects7
Differential tissue expression of sex steroid-synthesizing enzyme CYP11A1 in male Tibetan sheep ( Ovis aries )7
Association analysis of prolactin and prolactin receptor genes with selected productive and reproductive traits in Egyptian buffalo7
MiR-424-5p targets HSP90AA1 to facilitate proliferation and restrain differentiation in skeletal muscle development7
Mitogenome-wide association study on body measurement traits of Wenshang Barred chickens7
Dietary ferulic acid supplementation improves intestinal antioxidant capacity and intestinal barrier function in weaned piglets7
Investigating genetic diversity and population phylogeny of five Chongqing local chicken populations autosomal using microsatellites7
Genetic characterization and diversity assessment in ‘Bhangor’ indigenous swamp buffalo population using heterologous microsatellite markers7
Efficacy of ascorbic acid and different sources of orange peel on growth performance, gene expression, anti-oxidant status and microbial activity of growing rabbits under hot conditions7
Genome wide mining of SNPs and INDELs through ddRAD sequencing in Sahiwal cattle7
Low frequency of protective variants at regulatory region of PRNP gene indicating the genetically high risk of BSE in Ethiopian Bos indicus and Bos taurus africanus7
MiR-495-3p regulates myoblasts proliferation and differentiation through targeting cadherin 27
Detection of genome-wide copy number variation in Murrah buffaloes7
Expression of different genotypes of bovine TRDMT1 gene and its polymorphisms association with body measures in Qinchuan cattle (Bos Taurus)7
Evaluation of ubiquitination and sumoylation of acrosin inhibitor during in vitro capacitation of porcine sperm7
Effects of feeding restriction on skeletal muscle development and functional analysis of TNNI1 in New Zealand white rabbits7
Phospho-Tudor-SN coordinates with STAT5 to regulate prolactin-stimulated milk protein synthesis and proliferation of bovine mammary epithelial cells7
Do non-bovine domestic animals produce A2 milk?: an in silico analysis6
Resveratrol regulates muscle fiber type gene expression through AMPK signaling pathway and miR-22-3p in porcine myotubes6
Genetic variants of CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN3 , and BLG genes and their association with dairy production traits in Sahiwal cattle and Nili-Ravi 6
Androgen receptor gene deficiency results in the reduction of steroidogenic potential in porcine luteal cells6
In vitro and in vivo development of interspecies Asian elephant embryos reconstructed with pig enucleated oocytes6
Effects of lactation number and litter size on the chemical composition and immune components of goat colostrum6
The effects of green synthesized anionic cupric oxide nanoparticles on Zaraibi goat spermatozoa during cryopreservation with and without removal of seminal plasma6
Quantitative proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of chicken skeletal muscle during embryonic development6
Investigation of Genetic Effects of Nucleotide Variants Within the Goat PRNT Gene on Growth Performance6
Effects of dietary Glycyrrhiza polysaccharide supplementation on growth performance, intestinal antioxidants, immunity and microbiota in weaned piglets6
A 7-nt nucleotide sequence variant within the sheep KDM3B gene affects female reproduction traits6
Transcriptome identification and characterization of long non-coding RNAs in the ovary of hens at four stages6
Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in heat stress protein 70 ( HSP70 ) and 90 ( HSP90 ) with the susceptibility of Pakistani s6
Identification of core genes affecting IMF deposition in bovine6
LncIMF2 promotes adipogenesis in porcine intramuscular preadipocyte through sponging MiR-2176
Protein source in maturation media affects gene expression in cumulus cells and embryo development in cattle6
Genetic analysis of post-weaning growth traits in a simple crossbreeding experiment between Gabali and Hyplus line rabbits6
Effect of dietary protein on growth performance, and serum biochemical index in late pregnant Hu ewes and their offspring6
Complete mitogenome of Treron sphenurus (Aves, Columbiformes): the first representative from the genus Treron, genomic comparisons and phylogenetic analysis of Columbidae6
Identification and characterization of the adipogenesis in intramuscular and subcutaneous adipocytes of the goose (Anser cygnoides)6
Rumen microbial diversity, enteric methane emission and nutrient utilization of crossbred Karan-Fries cattle (Bos taurus) and Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) consuming varied roughage c6
Modulation of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene expression ex vivo in response to heat stress in chicken6
Impact of dietary vitamin (E) and Eruca sativa seeds powder on broiler productivity, health, carcass characteristics, and meat quality6
Metabolomics—a powerful tool in livestock research6
Editing of HSF-1 and Na/K-ATPase α1 subunit by CRISPR/Cas9 reduces thermal tolerance of bovine skin fibroblasts to heat shock in vitro6
Goat CLSTN2 gene: tissue expression profile, genetic variation, and its associations with litter size5
Correlation between insulin-like growth factor 1 gene expression and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed powder consumption in muscle of sheep5
Effect of dietary flaxseed meal supplemented with dried tomato and grape pomace on performance traits and antioxidant status of laying hens5
Genome-wide identification of the Hsp70 gene family in Penaeus chinensis and their response to environmental stress5
Single nucleotide polymorphisms of GYS2 gene and its association with milk production traits of dairy cows5
InDel mutations within the bovine PER2 gene are significantly associated with reproductive traits5
An updated review on behavior of domestic quail with reference to the negative effect of heat stress5
Effects of Compound Trace Minerals on the Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Fattening Pigs5
A missense SNP in the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene is associated with growth traits in Awassi and Karakul sheep5
Transcriptome profiling of LncRNAs in sheep tail fat deposition5
Effect of DHCR7 on adipocyte differentiation in goats5
Vitamin C enhances the in vitro development of early porcine embryos by improving mitochondrial function5
Retinoic acid signalling inhibits myogenesis by blocking MYOD translation in pig skeletal muscle cells5
Temperature adaptation patterns in Chinese cattle revealed by TRPM2 gene mutation analysis5
Exploring aptamers for targeted enrichment of X sperm in bovine: unraveling selective potential5
Influence of hot red pepper oil in broiler diets on blood, antioxidant, immunological parameters and intestinal bacteria counts5
The immunomodulatory effect of minocycline on gene expression of inflammation related cytokines in lipopolysaccharide-treated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells5
SNP discovery of PRKAB1 gene and their associations with growth traits in goats5
Oar-miR-16b and oar-miR-27a: negatively correlated with milk yield and milk protein in sheep5
Effects of YAP1 on proliferation and differentiation of Hu sheep skeletal muscle satellite cells in vitro5
Integrated analysis of intestinal microbial community and muscle transcriptome profile in rabbits5
Effects of nanoselenium supplementation on lactation performance, nutrient digestion and mammary gland development in dairy cows5
Effect of Aeromonas hydrophila infection on leptin receptor overlapping transcript expression in Rana amurensis5
Morpometric and molecular characterization of Surguli goat through CO1 gene in district Kohat5
Gene co-expression network and differential expression analyses reveal key genes for weaning weight in Simmental-Holstein crossbred cattle5
Insights on Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae infection in poultry: a systematic review5
Expression analysis of pro-apoptotic BAX and anti-apoptotic BCL-2 genes in relation to lactation performance in Deoni and Holstein Friesian crossbred cows5
Clean meat: techniques for meat production and its upcoming challenges5
Sequence characterization and comparative expression profile of buffalo WNT10B gene in adult and fetal tissues4
Genetic variants of TORC1 gene promoter and their association with carcass quality and body measurement traits in Qinchuan beef cattle4
HABP 4 overexpression promotes apoptosis in goat turbinate bone cells4
Dietary dibutyryl cAMP supplementation regulates the fat deposition in adipose tissues of finishing pigs via cAMP/PKA pathway4
An exploratory data analysis on genetic architecture in Bos taurus through miRNAs within QTLs and their target genes4
Effect of TEA domain transcription factor 1 (TEAD1) on the differentiation of intramuscular preadipocytes in goats4
Dietary ferulic acid supplementation improves antioxidant capacity and lipid metabolism in liver of piglets with intrauterine growth retardation4
TRPM4 gene variation associated with climatic conditions in Chinese cattle4
The body weight heritability and the effect of non-genetic factors on the body measurement traits in Qinchuan cattle4
Dynamic changes in gene expression during follicle development and the efficacy of four timed AI protocols in non-suckling female yaks (Bos grunniens)4
Genomic divergence during artificial selection by feed conversion ratio in Pekin ducks4
Association analysis for SNPs of BAAT and COL1A1 genes with cashmere production performance and other production traits in Liaoning cashme4
Mitochondrial DNA sequencing illuminates genetic diversity and origin of Hunagrian Nonius horse breed and his relatives – Danubian horse and Serbian Nonius4
Effect of dietary leucine supplementation on skeletal muscle fiber type transformation in weaning piglets4
Determine genetic variations in heat shock factor gene family (HSFs) and study their effect on the functional and structural characterization of protein in Tali goat4
Genome-wide association study in thoroughbred horses naturally infected with cyathostomins4
Impact of stunning before slaughter on expression of skeletal muscles proteome in sheep4
Identification of novel single-nucleotide polymorphism at exon1 and 2 region of B4GALT1 gene and its association with milk production traits in crossbred cattle of Kerala, India4
Deciphering the miRNA transcriptome of granulosa cells from dominant and subordinate follicles at first follicular wave in goat4
Genetic diversity of Banat Naked Neck, indigenous chicken breed from Serbia, inferred from mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequence and microsatellite markers4
Characterization of BoLA class II DQA and DQB by PCR-RFLP, cloning, and sequencing reveals sequence diversity in crossbred cattle4
A novel splice variant of goat CPT1a gene and their diverse mRNA expression profiles4
Population-wide genetic analysis of Ovar-DQA1 and DQA2 loci across sheep breeds in India revealed their evolutionary importance and fitness of sheep in a tropical climat4
Advanced isolation, expansion and characterization research study on pig testicular cells during differentiation and proliferation4
Association analysis of polymorphisms at GLRB , GRIA2 , and GASK1B genes with reproductive traits in Dazu B4
Effect of putrescine supplementation to in vitro maturation medium on embryo development and quality in cattle4
Leg disorders in broiler chickens: a review of current knowledge4
Seasonal influence on expression of heat shock proteins (HSP70 and HSP90) vis-à-vis functional competence of Gir bull semen4
The effect of CPT1B gene on lipid metabolism and its polymorphism analysis in Chinese Simmental cattle4
Muscle transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes and pathways related to fat and lipid metabolism in Yunling cattle4
Effect of increasing doses of chitosan to grazing beef steers on the relative population and transcript abundance of Archaea and cellulolytic and amylolytic bacterias4
The in vitro antiviral activity of Lacticaseibacillus casei MCJ protein-based metabolites on bovine viral diarrhea virus4
Sustainable multi-trait selection index based on production, reproduction, and health traits for genetic improvement of Murrah buffaloes4
Genome-wide association studies and haplotype sharing analysis targeting the growth traits in Yandang partridge chickens4
Impact of different mating ratios of broiler breeder on reproductive performance during post moult phase4
Identification AAVS1 -like locus from the porcine genome and site-specific integration of recombinase-mediated cassette exchange using CRISPR/Cas94
MiR-21 regulated hair follicle cycle development in Cashmere goats by targeting FGF18 and SMAD74
Impact of inclusion non-additive effects on genome-wide association and variance’s components in Scottish black sheep4
Identification and analysis of circRNAs in the prefrontal cortices of wild boar and domestic pig4
Genetic polymorphisms in ESR and FSHβ genes and their association with litter traits in Large White pigs4
Character-based diagnostic keys, molecular identification and phylogenetic relationships of threadfin breams (family: Nemipteridae) based on mitochondrial genes from the Southern coromandel Coast, Ind4
Can dietary fermented total mixed ration additives biological and chemical improve digestibility, performance, and rumen fermentation in ruminants?4
Detection of genetic variation in bovineCRY1gene and its associations with carcass traits4
Tracing the genetic footprints: India’s role as a gateway for pig migration and domestication across continents4
Comparative analysis of genome-wide copy number variations between Tibetan sheep and White Suffolk sheep4
Genetic variation in the OPN gene affects milk composition in Chinese Holstein cows4
Single nucleotide polymorphisms within exon four of the prolactin gene and their effect on milk traits in cattle populations of Ethiopia4
Effects of increasing levels of orange peel extract on kit growth, feed utilization, and some blood metabolites in the doe rabbits under heat stress conditions4
Establishment of Angora rabbits’ whisker hair follicle model and optimal culture conditions4
Can a blend of integrated feed additives modulate ruminal fermentation patterns and performance of growing lambs? In vitro and in vivo assessments4
Complimentary effect of exogenous enzymes, essential amino acids and essential fatty acids supplemented de-oiled rice bran (DORB) based diets on hematology, liver and intestinal histoarchitecture in <4
Two cSNPs sites in the fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4) gene and their association analysis with body measurement data in five Chinese cattle breeds4
Genome-wide identification evolution and expression of vestigial-like gene family in chicken4
Association and expression study of SEPW1 and JAML as preliminary candidate genes related to lamb odor and flavor4
Transcriptome sequencing to explore the effect of miR-214 on chicken primary myoblasts4
The study on the feasibility of dietary supplementation with dimethyl silicone oil to prevent frothy rumen bloat in goats fed with high concentrate diets4
Dietary grape seed proanthocyanidin extract supplementation improves antioxidant capacity and lipid metabolism in finishing pigs3
Whole genome resequencing-based analysis of plateau adaptation in Meiren yak ( Bos grunniens )3
Identification, molecular characterization and risk factors ofTheileriainfection among sheep: a first comprehensive report from North India3
Characterization of mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene of yellow-striped chevrotain ( Moschiola kathygre ) and white-spotted chevrotain ( Moschiola meminna 3
Overexpression of ATGL impairs lipid droplet accumulation by accelerating lipolysis in goat mammary epithelial cells3
Identification of genomic regions affecting nitrogen excretion intensity in Brown Swiss dairy cows3
Effects of spermine on the proliferation and migration of porcine intestinal epithelial cells3
Exposure to Imidacloprid under variable conditions disturbs the muscle fatty acid profile of a fresh water non target fish: Labeo rohita3
Establishment of primary chicken embryo myoblast cell culture, antigenic epitopes prediction and production of anti activin receptor type IIB polyclonal antibody in chicken3
Phytosterol: nutritional significance, health benefits, and its uses in poultry and livestock nutrition3
Knockdown of KLF7 inhibits the differentiation of both intramuscular and subcutaneous preadipocytes in goat3
Effects of L-theanine on intestinal morphology, barrier function, and MAPK signaling pathways in diquat-challenged piglets3
Characteristic of the components and the metabolism mechanism of goat colostrum: a review3
Impairment of apoptosis pathway via Apaf1 downregulation during chlorpyrifos and/or cypermethrin induced lung damage3
MYH1F promotes the proliferation and differentiation of chicken skeletal muscle satellite cells into myotubes3
Effect ofin ovocopper injection on body weight, immune response, blood biochemistry and carcass traits of broiler chicks at 35 days of age3
Effect of different free-range systems on the growth performance, carcass traits, and meat quality of Yangzhou geese3
Whole-genome SNP markers reveal runs of homozygosity in indigenous cattle breeds of Pakistan3
Association analysis of mitochondrial genome polymorphisms with backfat thickness in pigs3
A novel 31bp deletion within the CDKL5 gene is significantly associated with growth traits in Dezhou donkey3
Prevalence of growth hormone receptor gene polymorphisms and their association with milk production and fertility-related traits of cross-bred dairy cows in Sri Lanka3
Screen of small fragment mutations within the sheep thyroid stimulating hormone receptor gene associated with litter size3
Nutritional significance and promising therapeutic/medicinal application of camel milk as a functional food in human and animals: a comprehensive review3
Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship estimation of Shanxi indigenous goat breeds using microsatellite markers3
Association of variants and expression levels of MYOD1 gene with carcass and muscle characteristic traits in domestic pigeons3
Preliminary investigation reveals novel pathological consequences of bluetongue virus-1 infection in the endocrine glands of pregnant Indian sheep3
A novel 22-bp InDel within FGF7 gene is significantly associated with growth traits in goat3
Single nucleotide polymorphisms cumulating to genetic variation for fertility in crossbred ( Bos taurus × Bos indicus ) bull spermatozoa3
Copy number variation of bovine S100A7 as a positional candidate affected body measurements3
Coxiella burnetii in cattle and their human contacts in a gaushala (cattle shelter) from India and its partial com1 gene sequence-based phylogenetic analysis3
Effects of JUNCAO Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptide on slaughter performance and intestinal health of Minxinan black rabbits3
A long non-coding RNA lnc210 promotes adipogenic differentiation of buffalo intramuscular adipocytes3
Candidate K232A mutation of DGAT1 gene associated with production and reproduction traits in Indian Dairy cattle3
Response of the ileum transcriptome to fructo-oligosaccharides in Taiping chickens3
Genetic polymorphism of microsatellite loci in MHC class II exon 2 gene and its association with endoparasitic infestation, predominantly Haemonchus contortus in Salem black goat3
A 1.6 Mb region on SSC2 is associated with antibody response to classical swine fever vaccination in a mixed pig population3
Expression of miRNA-1-3p and its target gene in hair follicle cycle development of Liaoning Cashmere goat3
Procyanidin B2 induces porcine skeletal slow-twitch myofiber gene expression by AMP-activated protein kinase signaling pathway3
Genetic diversity and differentiation of Thutho cattle from northeast India using microsatellite markers3
Cross-population genetic analysis revealed genetic variation and selection in the Ovar-DRB1 gene of Indian sheep breeds3
Effects of myonectin on porcine intramuscular adipocyte differentiation and exogenous free fatty acid utilization3
The InDel variants of sheep IGF2BP1 gene are associated with growth traits3
Expression and polymorphisms ofCD8Bgene and its associations with body weight and size traits in sheep3
miR-138-5p promotes chicken granulosa cell apoptosis via targeting SIRT13
A comprehensive study on the longissius dorsi muscle of Ashdan yaks under different feeding regimes based on transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses3
The synergetic effects of some phytobiotics mix on growth, hematology and microbial loads of broiler chickens3
AMP-activated protein kinase mediates (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) to promote lipid synthesis in mastitis cows3
Effect of bovine myosin heavy chain 3 on proliferation and differentiation of myoblast3
Biological methylation: redefining the link between genotype and phenotype3
Whole-genome resequencing reveals new mutations in candidate genes for Beichuan-white goat prolificacya3
Genomic association using principal components of morphometric traits in horses: identification of genes related to bone growth3
Effects of dietary supplementation of cumin (Cuminum cyminumL.) essential oil on expression of genes related to antioxidant, apoptosis, detoxification, and heat shock mechanism in heat-stressed3
A deletion mutation within the goat AKAP13 gene is significantly associated with litter size3
Association of udder type traits with single nucleotide polymorphisms in Sahiwal (Bos indicus) and Karan Fries ( Bos taurus × Bos indicus 3
Effect of palmitic, linoleic and α-linolenic acids on blood cells count and interleukin-4, 8 genes expression in lambs experimentally infected with foot and mouth disease virus3
Hypoxic stress caused apoptosis of MDBK cells by p53/BCL6-mitochondrial apoptosis pathway3
A novel SNP of TECPR2 gene associated with heat tolerance in Chinese cattle3
PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 signalling pathway regulates MMP9 gene activation via transcription factor NF-κB in mammary epithelial cells of dairy cows3
Analysis of the population genetic structure using microsatellite markers in goat populations in Taiwan3
CeRNA regulates network and expression and SNP effect onNFKBIAof cashmere fineness3
Transcriptome profiling reveals differential gene expression in the rumen of Hu lambs at different developmental stages3
Metabolomic signature of genetic potential for muscularity in beef cattle3
Documentation of extensive genetic diversity in the Ovar-DRB1 gene in native Turkish sheep3
Effect of stocking density on performance, meat quality and cecal bacterial communities of yellow feather broilers3
Identification of differentially expressed microRNAs in ovulatory and subordinate follicles in Dazu black goats3
Association analysis of indels in the VISFATIN gene with five cattle breeds and their growth traits3
Molecular mechanisms in the miR-33a/LPPR4 pathway regulating unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in bovine mammary epithelial cells3
Evolution, characterization, and expression profile of Egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor (egln) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under hypoxia stress3
Genetic variant of the sheep E2F8 gene and its associations with litter size3
Detection and whole genome sequencing of murine norovirus in animal facility in Italy3
Age-dependent changes in the expression and localization of LYZL4, LYZL6 and PCNA during testicular development in the Ashidan yak3
Copy number variations of the KAT6A gene are associated with body measurements of Chinese sheep breeds3
Analysis of OCT4 and PGP9.5 gene expression in prenatal and postnatal buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis ) testes3
Identification of polymorphisms in the MSTN and ADRB3 genes associated with growth and ultrasound carcass traits in Kajli sheep3
Genetic diversity and substructuring of the Hungarian merino sheep breed using microsatellite markers3
Molecular signatures diversity unveiled through a comparative transcriptome analysis of longissimus dorsi and psoas major muscles in Hanwoo cattle3