Journal of Asian Economics

(The median citation count of Journal of Asian Economics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
On the global COVID-19 pandemic and China’s FDI71
Do environmental regulations and financial constraints stimulate corporate technological innovation? Evidence from China63
Outward FDI, industrial structure upgrading and domestic employment: empirical evidence from the Chinese economy and the belt and road initiative48
Tax incentive, R&D investment and firm innovation: Evidence from China47
Marketization, environmental regulation, and eco-friendly productivity: A Malmquist–Luenberger index for pollution emissions of large Chinese firms45
Green policy and corporate social responsibility: Empirical analysis of the Green Credit Guidelines in China41
Corruption and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China⋆35
COVID-19 impact on firm investment—Evidence from Chinese publicly listed firms32
Effect of place-based policies on the digital economy: Evidence from the Smart City Program in China30
How does industrial transfer affect environmental quality? Evidence from China26
Migration, population aging, and income inequality in China26
Industrial policy and corporate investment efficiency26
International spillovers of U.S. monetary uncertainty and equity market volatility to China’s stock markets26
Pandemic and employment: Evidence from COVID-19 in South Korea25
Trade policy uncertainty, development strategy, and export behavior: Evidence from listed industrial companies in China25
Human capital quality and the regional economic growth: Evidence from China25
The COVID-19 pandemic and the world trade network23
Economic policy uncertainty and firm’s cash holding in China: The key role of asset reversibility23
The economic policy uncertainty and the choice of entry mode of outward foreign direct investment: Cross-border M&A or Greenfield Investment22
Does carbon emission trading system induce enterprises’ green innovation?22
Parenthood and the gender wage gap in urban China20
The impact of China’s outward foreign direct investment on domestic innovation20
Forecasts for international financial series with VMD algorithms20
The impact of migration and remittances on labor supply in Tajikistan19
The pressure of economic growth and the issuance of Urban Investment Bonds: Based on panel data from 2005 to 2011 in China19
The impact of parental migration on non-cognitive abilities of left behind children in northwestern China19
Green creates value: Evidence from China18
Density, distance and debt: New-town construction and local-government financial risks in China18
Dynamic price discovery in Chinese agricultural futures markets18
A nonlinear ARDL model of inflation dynamics in the Philippine economy17
Tax incentive and corporate financial performance: Evidence from income tax revenue sharing reform in China17
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on micro, small, and medium enterprises in Asia and their digitalization responses17
Is the COVID-19 pandemic more contagious for the Asian stock markets? A comparison with the Asian financial, the US subprime and the Eurozone debt crisis17
Factor reallocation and structural transformation implications of grain subsidies in China16
Regional financial technology and shadow banking activities of non-financial firms: Evidence from China16
Does it matter who gives information? The impact of information sources on farmers’ pesticide use in China16
Overcoming the “Solow paradox”: Tariff reduction and productivity growth of Chinese ICT firms16
Have cross-category spillovers of economic policy uncertainty changed during the US–China trade war?15
The impact of financial development on the income and consumption levels of China’s rural residents15
Trade liberalization and income inequality: The case for Pakistan14
Infrastructure and poverty reduction: Assessing the dynamic impact of Chinese infrastructure investment in sub-Saharan Africa14
Lights out? COVID-19 containment policies and economic activity14
Differences in returns to cross-border M&A in the short and long run: Evidence from Chinese listed firms13
Can anti-corruption help realize the “strong” Porter Hypothesis in China? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing enterprises13
Emission reduction and foreign direct investment nexus in China13
Impacts of high-speed rail construction on land prices in urban agglomerations: Evidence from Kyushu in Japan13
Export spillover from foreign direct investment in China during pre- and post-WTO accession13
Outward FDI and efficiency in within-firm resource allocation – Evidence from firm-level data of China13
The impact of destination tariffs on China’s exports: Country, firm, and product perspectives13
Income inequality and ethnic cleavages in Malaysia: Evidence from distributional national accounts (1984–2014)13
COVID-19 and trade: Simulated asymmetric loss12
Economic and environmental performance of the belt and road countries under convex and nonconvex production technologies12
Environmental awareness and household energy saving of Chinese residents: Unity of knowing and doing or easier said than done?12
The income distribution effects of environmental regulation in China: The case of binding SO2 reduction targets12
The impact of Chinese government promoted homestead transfer on labor migration and household's well-being: A study in three rural areas12
Human capital dynamics in China: Evidence from a club convergence approach12
Economic policy uncertainty and household consumption: Evidence from Chinese households11
Medium and long-term impact of SARS on total factor productivity(TFP): Empirical evidence from Chinese industrial enterprises11
Sleeplessness in COVID-19 pandemic: Lockdown and anxiety11
Do CEO's early-life marketization experiences affect the innovation behavior of SMEs?11
Can trade liberalization promote green production? Evidence from China's manufacturing enterprises11
Carbon capture and storage investment strategy towards the dual carbon goals11
Air pollution and mental health: Evidence from China Health and Nutrition Survey11
Forecasting corporate financial distress in the Southeast Asian countries: A market-based approach11
Investment dynamics and capital distortion: State and non-state firms in China11
Spillover across sovereign bond markets between the US and ASEAN4 economies10
The implications of the New Silk Road Railways on local development10
The other trade war: Quantifying the Korea–Japan trade dispute10
Shadow banking, macroprudential policy, and bank stability: Evidence from China’s wealth management product market10
The impact of regional trade agreements on the quality of export products in China’s manufacturing industry10
Impact of institutional determinants on income inequalities in Indonesia during the Era Reformasi9
Which firms benefit from robot adoption? Evidence from China9
Parenthood penalty and gender wage gap: Recent evidence from Thailand9
Trade liberalization and wage inequality: Evidence from Korea9
Foreign trade and innovation sustainability: Evidence from China9
Impact of risk-taking on enterprise value under extreme temperature: From the perspectives of external and internal governance9
Macroeconomic effects of uncertainty shocks: Evidence from Korea9
Trump’s Effect on the Chinese Stock Market9
Nexus between export, productivity, and competitiveness in the Indian manufacturing sector9
Effect of COVID-19 lockdowns on city-center and suburban housing markets: Evidence from Hangzhou, China8
Monetary policy, capital regulation and bank risk-taking:Evidence from China8
How can quality regional spending reduce poverty and improve human development index?8
The impacts of dual carbon goals on asset prices in China8
Longing for the Blue Sky: Urban air quality and the individual decision to immigrate8
The causative factors of environmental degradation in South Asia8
Self-employment of Chinese rural labor force: Subsistence or opportunity?—An empirical study based on nationally representative micro-survey data8
Can older workers stay productive? The role of ICT skills and training8
COVID-19, commuting flows, and air quality8
Time-varying inter-urban housing price spillovers in China: Causes and consequences8
Economic and environmental outcomes of economic transition: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in China8
Will monetary policy affect energy security? Evidence from Asian countries7
The link between fiscal decentralization and poverty – Evidence from Indonesia7
Environmental judicature and enterprises’ green technology innovation: A revisit of the porter hypothesis7
Impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on single-person households in South Korea7
Does Fintech benefit financial disintermediation? Evidence based on provinces in China from 2013 to 20187
Innovation strategies and productivity growth in developing countries: Firm-level evidence from Pakistani manufacturers7
What influences aggregate inflation expectations of households in India?7
Cross-category spillover effects of economic policy uncertainty between China and the US: Time and frequency evidence7
The impact of differential power pricing policy on firm productivity in China: Evidence from iron and steel firms7
Testing policy effectiveness during COVID-19: An NK-DSGE analysis7
The rise of Renminbi in Asia: Evidence from Network Analysis and SWIFT dataset7
The impact of an accelerated depreciation tax policy on employment: Evidence from China7
COVID-19 and the intentions to migrate from developing countries: Evidence from online search activities in Southeast Asia7
Chinese housing market and bank credit6
Environmental protection tax on enterprise environmental, social and governance performance: A multi-perspective analysis based on financing constraints6
The effects of fuelwood on children’s schooling in rural Vietnam6
Internationalization speed and subsidiary survival of EMNCs: The moderating roles of CEO international experience and state ownership6
Local government consumption and firm performance: Evidence from the "TPCs" in China6
Social credit and patent quality: Evidence from China6
The impact of natural disaster risk on the return of agricultural futures6
The mobility of top earnings, income, and wealth in China: Facts from the 2011–2017 China household finance survey6
OFDI and stock returns: Evidence from manufacturing firms listed on the Chinese A-shares market6
Spread of E-commerce, prices and inflation dynamics: Evidence from online price big data in Korea6
Industry salary gap incentive and enterprise innovation6
Policy responses to an overheated housing market: Credit tightening versus transaction taxes6
The North Korean economy seen by satellite: Estimates of national performance, regional gaps based on nighttime light6
Does economic uncertainty affect the soundness of banks? Evidence from emerging Asian economies6
The effect of family planning exposure on fertility choices and reproductive health care in rural Pakistan6
Physical activity, leisure-time, cognition and academic grades: Connections and causal effects in Chinese students5
Inequality of opportunity in earnings in rural China5
Does children’s marriage matter for parents' mental health?Evidence from China5
Determinants of international students’ decision to remain in Japan to work after graduation5
Does managerial ability matter for cross-border M&As: Evidence from Chinese listed firms5
Impact of the Internet on the exports in ocean-based manufacturing: Firm-level evidence from China5
Impacts of long-lasting civil conflicts on education: Evidence from the 2014 Census of Myanmar5
Determinants of technical efficiency and farmers’ crop choice rationality: A case study of rural Gansu, China5
Higher education expansion and domestic value added in exports: Theory and evidence from China5
Retirement policy, employment status, and gender pay gap in urban China5
Is environmental regulation a powerful weapon to mitigate China’s PM2.5 emissions? The role of human capital5
Global commodity prices and global stock market volatility shocks: Effects across countries5
An intraday-return-based Value-at-Risk model driven by dynamic conditional score with censored generalized Pareto distribution5
Trade liberalization induced profitability enhancement? The impact of intermediate input imports on firm profitability5
China’s exports in a protectionist world5
Understanding the role of trade agreements in Indonesia’s FDI5
How is the Asian economy recovering from COVID-19? Evidence from the emissions of air pollutants5
The gender wage gap in Myanmar: Adding insult to injury?5
Which firms benefit the most from agglomeration? New evidence from an emerging country with consistent measure of productivity4
Stock market uncertainty and uncovered equity parity deviation: Evidence from Asia4
Research of the non-linear dynamic relationship between global economic policy uncertainty and crude oil prices4
The dynamic linkages between current account deficit and budget balance deficit in the South Asian region4
The quality of host government and China’s OFDI: Construction of micro-evaluation model of government quality4
Testing the structure-conduct-performance relationship for ASEAN: Addressing the issues in the panel mediation4
Does religion belief matter to self-employment of rural elderly? Evidence from China4
COVID-19 policy actions and inflation targeting in South Asia4
Parental socioeconomic status and children’s cognitive ability in China4
Increasing yield and farm income of upland farmers: The case of Panay Island Upland Sustainable Rural Development Project in the Philippines4
A dissection of Indian growth using a DSGE filter4
Human capital inflow, firm innovation and patent mix4
Incentives for mechanized cane harvesting in Thailand: A choice experiment4
Preventing a new baby: Impact of air pollution on fertility intention4
Managing leverage of infrastructure projects: Aggregate and sectoral risk effect4
The impact of digital financial usage on resident’s income inequality in China: An empirical analysis based on CHFS data4
China's money demand in a cointegrating vector error correction model4
Roles of rural non-farm employment (RNFE) in India: Why RNFE, the conveyor of a shock like COVID 19 is also the key to recovery?4
Do local firms employ political activities to respond to political uncertainty?4
Overall and time-varying effects of global and domestic uncertainty on the Korean economy4
Energy efficiency and productivity in emerging and developing Asian countries: A firm level analysis4
Measuring trade creation effects of free trade agreements: Evidence from wine trade in East Asia4
Does bank competition affect the transmission mechanism of monetary policy through bank lending channel? Evidence from India4
Economic impact of 2015 transboundary haze on Singapore4
Impact of rural industrial integration on farmers' income: Evidence from agricultural counties in China4
COVID-19-associated income loss and job loss: Evidence from Indonesia4
Revisiting the Phillips curve for Indonesia: What can we learn from regional data?3
Trade with innovation benefits: A re-appraisal using micro data from China3
Why more restricted stocks, less stock options?--An explanation based on the preference of regulators of China?3
Does digital finance change the stability of money demand function? Evidence from China3
Estimating the effects of regional value chains of the RCEP in a GVC-CGE model3
Policy analysis with Melitz-type gravity model: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan3
Loan-to-value policy in a bubble-creation economy3
Changes in women’s empowerment in the household, women’s diet diversity, and their relationship against the background of COVID-19 in southern Bangladesh3
The new Ricardian specific factor model3
The aggregate gains of eliminating gender and ethnic gaps in the Malaysian labor market3
Asset or burden? Impact of children on parents’ retirement3
Job reallocation in Korean manufacturing: 1984–20143
Identifying government spending shocks and multipliers in Korea3
The social scar of the pandemic: Impacts of COVID-19 exposure on interpersonal trust3
The Impact of COVID-19 on Chinese trade and production: An empirical analysis of processing trade with Japan and the US3
Factor market distortion, technology change, and green growth in the Chinese civil airline industry3
“Subsidies” or “taxes”? Corporate credit misallocation induced by the nexus of state-owned enterprises and state-owned banks3
Bilateral political relations, space spillovers and the import expansion of China’s bulk commodity3
Dairy farming, cooperatives and livelihoods: lessons learned from six indian villages3
Technological diffusion, migration and entrepreneurship in China3
The relationship between negative life events and resilience among Chinese service employees: Nonlinearly moderated by lifestyle habits3
Ideological taboos, entry barriers, and FDI attraction: Evidence from China3
The heterogeneous effects of employment-based pension policies on employment: Evidence from urban China3
Competition, asset build up and export incentives: The role of imperfect credit market3
Overseas industrial parks and China's outward foreign direct investment3
Economic return to political support: Evidence from voting on the representation of China in the United Nations3
Modeling an early warning system for household debt risk in Korea: A simple deep learning approach2
Impact of high-speed rail on the mismatch of labor and industry allocations: Evidence from Chinese cities in 2000-20192
The role of borrowing in crisis coping among ultra-poor households in rural Bangladesh2
Trade credit and financial crises in Kazakhstan2
The impact of monetary and fiscal stimulus on stock returns during the COVID-19 Pandemic2
A real options study on cook stove CDM project under emission allowance price uncertainty2
Analyzing and forecasting Thai macroeconomic data using mixed-frequency approach2
Deficit versus balanced budget financing of ICT Infrastructure and Export Quality2
Internet exposure during adolescence and age at first marriage2
Misclassification errors in labor force statuses and the early identification of economic recessions2
The effects of capacity reduction policy under the interest rate peg in China2
Macroprudential policy and household wealth inequality: Evidence from China2
Non-traded goods, firm dynamics and wages in a service economy2
IPO relative difficulty, M&A option and size effect2
Tracing the regional dual value chains: Measurement on the production position and evidence from China2
Corporate entertainment expenses and corruption in public procurement2
Can crop insurance help optimize farmers’ decisions on pesticides use? Evidence from family farms in East China2
Impact of financial development on the position in global value chain: An analysis from the perspective of R&D intensity2
Grandparental childcare and female labor market behaviors: Evidence from China2
Board characteristics and efficiency of value added by banks: Evidence from an emerging economy2
How to explain the inverted U-shaped curve of tax centralization in China?2
Do house prices play a role in unconventional monetary policy transmission in Japan?2
Beyond the modern productivity paradox: The effect of robotics technology on firm-level total factor productivity in China2
Why do exports react less to real exchange rate depreciations than to appreciations? Evidence from Pakistan2
Does peace boost stock prices? Evidence from the Korean stock market2