Organization Science

(The median citation count of Organization Science is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Blockchain Governance—A New Way of Organizing Collaborations?235
To Engage or Not to Engage with AI for Critical Judgments: How Professionals Deal with Opacity When Using AI for Medical Diagnosis126
We Are All Theorists of Technology Now: A Relational Perspective on Emerging Technology and Organizing80
Expanding the Locus of Resistance: Understanding the Co-constitution of Control and Resistance in the Gig Economy78
Make Way for the Algorithms: Symbolic Actions and Change in a Regime of Knowing66
Algorithm Supported Induction for Building Theory: How Can We Use Prediction Models to Theorize?58
Losing Touch: An Embodiment Perspective on Coordination in Robotic Surgery50
Alliance Governance Mechanisms in the Face of Disruption48
“Making Out” While Driving: Relational and Efficiency Games in the Gig Economy47
Algorithm-Augmented Work and Domain Experience: The Countervailing Forces of Ability and Aversion45
Bounding and Binding: Trajectories of Community-Organization Emergence Following a Major Disruption44
Between Home and Work: Commuting as an Opportunity for Role Transitions43
Early-Stage Venture Incubation and Mentoring Promote Learning, Scaling, and Profitability Among Disadvantaged Entrepreneurs43
Who Contributes Knowledge? Core-Periphery Tension in Online Innovation Communities40
Alternative Futures for the Digital Transformation: A Macro-Level Schumpeterian Perspective39
Do Startup Employees Earn More in the Long Run?39
A Contingency Theory of Representational Complexity in Organizations38
“Collaborating” with AI: Taking a System View to Explore the Future of Work37
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man Is King: Knowledge Brokerage in the Age of Learning Algorithms37
Attention to Exploration: The Effect of Academic Entrepreneurship on the Production of Scientific Knowledge36
The Plural of Goal: Learning in a World of Ambiguity36
What Makes Resource Provision an Effective Means of Poverty Alleviation? A Resourcing Perspective36
Organizations Decentered: Data Objects, Technology and Knowledge35
The Risky Side of Leadership: Conceptualizing Risk Perceptions in Informal Leadership and Investigating the Effects of Their Over-Time Changes in Teams35
The “Evil Pleasure”: Abusive Supervision and Third-Party Observers’ Malicious Reactions Toward Victims35
How Business Models Evolve in Weak Institutional Environments: The Case of Jumia, the Amazon.Com of Africa33
How Managers Maintain Control Through Collaborative Repair: Evidence from Platform-Mediated “Gigs”33
Problemistic Search of the Embedded Firm: The Joint Effects of Performance Feedback and Network Positions on Venture Capital Firms’ Risk Taking30
Webs of Influence: Secondary Stakeholder Actions and Cross-National Corporate Social Performance29
Imprinting Beyond the Founding Phase: How Sedimented Imprints Develop over Time29
Staying Alive: Toward a Diverging Consensus Model of Overcoming a Bias Against Novelty in Groups27
Good Deeds Done in Silence: Stakeholder Management and Quiet Giving by Chinese Firms27
Attentional Engagement as Practice: A Study of the Attentional Infrastructure of Healthcare Chief Executive Officers27
Does Investor Gender Matter for the Success of Female Entrepreneurs? Gender Homophily and the Stigma of Incompetence in Entrepreneurial Finance27
Personnel Mobility and Organizational Performance: The Effects of Specialist vs. Generalist Experience and Organizational Work Structure26
Congruence Between Leadership Gender and Organizational Claims Affects the Gender Composition of the Applicant Pool: Field Experimental Evidence26
Failing to Learn from Failure: How Optimism Impedes Entrepreneurial Innovation26
Bad Company: Shifts in Social Activists’ Tactics and Resources After Industry Crises26
Managing the Transition to a Dual Business Model: Tradeoff, Paradox, and Routinized Practices25
Transferring Knowledge by Transferring Individuals: Innovative Technology Use and Organizational Performance in Multiunit Firms25
Crowd-Based Accountability: Examining How Social Media Commentary Reconfigures Organizational Accountability25
Taking Your Team Behind the Curtain: The Effects of Leader Feedback-Sharing and Feedback-Seeking on Team Psychological Safety23
Bridging Cultural Holes in Organizations: The Dynamic Structure of Social Networks and Organizational Vocabularies Within and Across Subunits23
Socio-Technical Affordances for Large-Scale Collaborations: Introduction to a Virtual Special Issue23
Bridging Temporal Divides: Temporal Brokerage in Global Teams and Its Impact on Individual Performance23
The Sequence Effect in Panel Decisions: Evidence from the Evaluation of Research and Development Projects23
Not Just Small Potatoes: Cultural Entrepreneurship in the Moralizing of Markets22
The New Food Truck in Town: Geographic Communities and Authenticity-Based Entrepreneurship22
Organizing Form, Experimentation, and Performance: Innovation in the Nascent Civilian Drone Industry22
Open Source Collaboration in Digital Entrepreneurship22
He’s Overqualified, She’s Highly Committed: Qualification Signals and Gendered Assumptions About Job Candidate Commitment22
Firm-Specific Worker Incentives, Employee Retention, and Wage–Tenure Slopes21
Division of Labor Through Self-Selection21
Evaluating Ambiguous Offerings21
How Do Institutional Carriers Alleviate Normative and Cognitive Barriers to Regulatory Change?21
Waging War from Remote Cubicles: How Workers Cope with Technologies That Disrupt the Meaning and Morality of Their Work21
Seeing What Others Miss: A Competition Network Lens on Product Innovation21
Network-Biased Technical Change: How Modern Digital Collaboration Tools Overcome Some Biases but Exacerbate Others21
Adaptation or Persistence? Emergence and Revision of Organization Designs in New Ventures21
A Founding Penalty: Evidence from an Audit Study on Gender, Entrepreneurship, and Future Employment21
Corporate Investment Relationships and the Search for Innovations: An Examination of Startups’ Search Shift Toward Incumbents20
The Mechanisms and Components of Knowledge Transfer: The Virtual Special Issue on Knowledge Transfer Within Organizations20
Why Do Banks Favor Employee-Friendly Firms? A Stakeholder-Screening Perspective20
How Vertical Integration Affects Firm Innovation: Quasi-Experimental Evidence20
Capturing Value in Platform Business Models That Rely on User-Generated Content19
We’re Not Like Those Crazy Hippies: The Dynamics of Jurisdictional Drift in Externally Mandated Occupational Groups19
Lowering the Bar? External Conditions, Opportunity Costs, and High-Tech Start-Up Outcomes19
A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: The Effects of Common Ownership on Corporate Social Responsibility18
CEO Power and Nonconforming Reference Group Selection18
Strength from Within: Internal Mobility and the Retention of High Performers17
Unpacking the Managerial Blues: How Expectations Formed in the Past Carry into New Jobs17
Evaluating Board Candidates: A Threat-Contingency Model of Shareholder Dissent Against Female Director Candidates17
Big Fish, Big Pond? The Joint Effect of Formal and Informal Core/Periphery Positions on the Generation of Incremental Innovations17
Contracting Beyond the Market17
Local Adaptation Without Work Intensification: Experimentalist Governance of Digital Technology for Mutually Beneficial Role Reconfiguration in Organizations16
Institutional Change and Early-Stage Start-Up Selection: Evidence from Applicants to Venture Accelerators16
Value Creation Tradeoff in Business Ecosystems: Leveraging Complementarities While Managing Interdependencies16
External Interfaces or Internal Processes? Market Positioning and Divergent Professionalization Paths in Young Ventures16
The Aggregation–Learning Trade-off16
Emergent Strategy from Spontaneous Anger: Crowd Dynamics in the First 48 Hours of the Ferguson Shooting16
How Inductive and Deductive Generalization Shape the Guilt-by-Association Phenomenon Among Firms: Theory and Evidence16
Social Responsibility Beyond the Corporate: Executive Mental Accounting Across Sectoral and Issue Domains15
Learning in Temporary Teams: The Varying Effects of Partner Exposure by Team Member Role15
Generalized Trust, External Sourcing, and Firm Performance in Economic Downturns15
Activist Protest Spillovers into the Regulatory Domain: Theory and Evidence from the U.S. Nuclear Power Generation Industry15
Under Attack! CEO Implicit Motives and Firm Competitive Responses Following Short Seller Activism15
Institutional Disruptions and the Philanthropy of Multinational Firms15
Why Do High-Status People Have Larger Social Networks? Belief in Status-Quality Coupling as a Driver of Network-Broadening Behavior and Social Network Size15
Mitigating Gig and Remote Worker Misconduct: Evidence from a Real Effort Experiment15
The Paradox of Resource Provision in Entrepreneurial Teams: Between Self-Interest and the Collective Enterprise15
We Cannot Direct the Wind, but We Can Adjust the Sails: Prosocial Ventures’ Responses to Potential Resource Threats14
Cooperation Beyond the Network14
Watchers, Watched, and Watching in the Digital Age: Reconceptualization of Information Technology Monitoring as Complex Action Nets14
Where Do Born Globals Come from? A Neoconfigurational Institutional Theory14
Why Are Firms with Lower Performance More Volatile and Unpredictable? A Vulnerability Explanation of the Bowman Paradox14
Transaction Costs in Resource Redeployment for Multiniche Firms14
Going Alone or Together? A Configurational Analysis of Solo Founding vs. Cofounding14
(How) Will I Socialize You? The Impact of Supervisor Initial Evaluations and Subsequent Support on the Socialization of Temporary Newcomers14
From Lock-In to Transformation: A Path-Centric Theory of Emerging Technology and Organizing14
Women in the Inner Circle: Gender and Director Networks After the Fracturing of the Corporate Elite14
Relational Embeddedness, Breadth of Added Value Opportunities, and Business Growth13
Using Stretch Goals for Idea Generation Among Employees: One Size Does Not Fit All!13
Prior Experience of Managers and Maladaptive Responses to Performance Feedback: Evidence from Mutual Funds13
Resource Redeployment and Divestiture as Strategic Alternatives13
Going Along to Get Ahead: The Asymmetric Effects of Sexist Joviality on Status Conferral13
Mobilizing National Identity and Othering Practices as Means of Resistance13
Institutional Investor Activism and Employee Safety: The Role of Activist and Board Political Ideology13
Dancing with Giants: How Small Women- and Minority-Owned Firms Use Soft Power to Manage Asymmetric Relationships with Larger Partners13
Bridging the Gap: Evidence from the Return Migration of African Scientists13
For Better and Worse: How Proactive Personality Alters the Strain Responses to Challenge and Hindrance Stressors13
Iterative Coordination and Innovation: Prioritizing Value over Novelty13
In Cloud We Trust? Co-opting Occupational Gatekeepers to Produce Normalized Trust in Platform-Mediated Interorganizational Relationships13
High-Status Affiliations and the Success of Entrants: New Bands and the Market for Live Music Performances, 2000–201213
The Politics of Learning from Rare Events13
Extemporaneous Coordination in Specialist Teams: The Familiarity Complementarity13
Is Political Skill Always Beneficial? Why and When Politically Skilled Employees Become Targets of Coworker Social Undermining12
Just Diverse Among Themselves: How Does Negative Performance Feedback Affect Boards’ Expertise vs. Ascriptive Diversity?12
Global Leaders for Global Teams: Leaders with Multicultural Experiences Communicate and Lead More Effectively, Especially in Multinational Teams12
Your Presence Is Requested: Mindfulness Infusion in Workplace Interactions and Relationships12
Sustaining Effectiveness in Global Teams: The Coevolution of Knowledge Management Activities and Technology Affordances12
Entering a Golden Age of Sustained Superiority: Entrepreneurial Creation or Discovery?12
A New Take on the Categorical Imperative: Gatekeeping, Boundary Maintenance, and Evaluation Penalties in Science12
Materiality as a Basis for Valuation Entrepreneurship: Re-modeling Impressionism12
Hierarchical Inconsistency: A Monitoring Mechanism to Reduce Securities Fraud in Emerging Markets12
Green to Gone? Regional Institutional Logics and Firm Survival in Moral Markets12
Learning from Technologically Successful Peers: The Convergence of Asian Laggards to the Technology Frontier12
The Dual Function of Organizational Structure: Aggregating and Shaping Individuals’ Votes11
The Evaluation of Founder Failure and Success by Hiring Firms: A Field Experiment11
If Higher Pay Is Profitable, Why Is It So Rare? Modeling Competing Strategies in Mass Market Services11
Marching to Different Drum Beats: A Temporal Perspective on Coordinating Occupational Work11
When More Is Less: Explaining the Curse of Too Much Capital for Early-Stage Ventures11
Misaligned Meaning: Couples’ Work-Orientation Incongruence and Their Work Outcomes11
Mind the Gaps: How Organization Design Shapes the Sourcing of Inventions11
Making Space for Emotions: Empathy, Contagion, and Legitimacy’s Double-Edged Sword11
Tie Decay and Dissolution: Contentious Prescribing Practices in the Prescription Drug Epidemic11
Moving Violations: Pairing an Illegitimate Learning Hierarchy with Trainee Status Mobility for Acquiring New Skills When Traditional Expertise Erodes11
The Firm as a Subsociety: Purpose, Justice, and the Theory of the Firm11
Shared Fate and Entrepreneurial Collective Action in the U.S. Wood Pellet Market11
How Property Rights Matter to Firm Resource Investment: Evidence from China’s Property Law Enactment11
Inappropriateness Penalty, Desirability Premium: What Do More Certifications Actually Signal?11
No Free Lunch After All: Corporate Political Connections and Firms’ Location Choices11
The Primordial Soup: Exploring the Emotional Microfoundations of Cluster Genesis11
Short-Selling Pressure and Workplace Safety: Curbing Short-Termism Through Stakeholder Interdependencies10
Building Status in an Online Community10
Academic Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Advisors and Their Advisees’ Outcomes10
The Dual Challenge of Search and Coordination for Organizational Adaptation: How Structures of Influence Matter10
Theorizing Actor Interactions Shaping Innovation in Digital Infrastructures: The Case of Residential Internet Development in Belarus10
The Creative and Cross-Functional Benefits of Wearing Hearts on Sleeves: Authentic Affect Climate, Information Elaboration, and Team Creativity10
“Feeling in Control”: Optimal Busyness and the Temporality of Organizational Controls10
Cooperative Criticism: When Criticism Enhances Creativity in Brainstorming and Negotiation10
Social Network Positions, Peer Effects, and Evaluation Updating: An Experimental Test in the Entrepreneurial Context10
Co-Opting Regulation: Professional Control Through Discretionary Mobilization of Legal Prescriptions and Expert Knowledge10
Reject and Resubmit: A Formal Analysis of Gender Differences in Reapplication and Their Contribution to Women’s Presence in Talent Pipelines10
Market Competition and the Effectiveness of Performance Pay10
A Tale of Two Hierarchies: Interactive Effects of Power Differentiation and Status Differentiation on Team Performance10
Managing the Double Bind: Women Directors’ Participation Tactics in the Gendered Boardroom9
No-Fly Zone in the Loan Office: How Chief Executive Officers’ Risky Hobbies Affect Credit Stakeholders’ Evaluation of Firms9
Immigrant Entrepreneurship: The Effect of Early Career Immigration Constraints on New Venture Formation9
Compassion in the Clink: When and How Human Services Workers Overcome Barriers to Care9
Certification Relics: Entrepreneurship Amidst Discontinued Certifications9
Architectural Search and Innovation9
Categorical Competition in the Wake of Crisis: Banks vs. Credit Unions9
Too Much Trust in Group Decisions: Uncovering Hidden Profiles by Groups and Markets9
A Multilevel Contingency Model of Employee Ownership and Firm Productivity: The Moderating Roles of Industry Growth and Instability9
Whistleblowing and Group Affiliation: The Role of Group Cohesion and the Locus of the Wrongdoer in Reporting Decisions9
The Downside of Displaying Agentic Values: Evidence from Shareholder Activism9
When Reinforcing Processes Generate an Outcome-Quality Dip8
When Do Firms Crack Under Pressure? Legal Professionals, Negative Role Models, and Organizational Misconduct8
Take Your Time? How Activity Timing Affects Organizational Learning and Performance Outcomes8
Why Do Firms Fail to Engage Diversity? A Behavioral Strategy Perspective8
A Star Is Born: The Relationship Between Performance and Achieving Status Through Certification Contests in the Context of Equity Analysts8
Breaking the Cycle of Overwork and Recuperation: Altering Somatic Engagement Across Boundaries8
The Effects of Investigative Sanctioning Systems on Wrongdoing, Reporting, and Helping: A Multiparty Perspective8
Team Performance: Nature and Antecedents of Nonnormal Distributions8
Anchored Inferential Learning: Platform-Specific Uncertainty, Venture Capital Investments by the Platform Owner, and the Impact on Complementors8
Entrepreneurship Through a Unified Sociological Neoinstitutional Lens8
Creating Mutual Gains to Leverage a Racially Diverse Workforce: The Effects of Firm-Level Racial Diversity on Financial and Workforce Outcomes Under the Use of Broad-Based Stock Options8
Responding to Complementary-Asset Discontinuities: A Multilevel Adaptation Framework of Resources, Demand, and Ecosystems8
The Corporate Opportunity Structure for Shareholder Activism: How Activist Hedge Funds Exploit Board Demographic Diversity8
From Help to Harm: Increases in Status, Perceived Under-Reciprocation, and the Consequences for Access to Strategic Help and Social Undermining Among Female, Racial Minority, and White Male Top Manage8
Managing Boundaries in Multiteam Structures: From Parochialism to Integrated Pluralism8
Uncovering the Mitigating Psychological Response to Monitoring Technologies: Police Body Cameras Not Only Constrain but Also Depolarize8
Seeking Purity, Avoiding Pollution: Strategies for Moral Career Building8
Pre-Entry Experience, Postentry Adaptations, and Internationalization in the African Mobile Telecommunications Industry8
How Local Industry R&D Shapes Academic Research: Evidence from the Agricultural Biotechnology Revolution8
Anchored Differentiation: The Role of Temporal Distance in the Comparison and Evaluation of New Product Designs8
Gatekeeping and the Use of Contested Practices in Creative Industries: The Case of Fur in Fashion8
The Impact of Bribery Relationships on Firm Growth in Transition Economies8
When Funders Aren’t Customers: Reputation Management and Capability Underinvestment in Multiaudience Organizations8
Do Employees Work Less for Female Leaders? A Multi-Method Study of Entrepreneurial Firms7
A Real Utopia Under What Conditions? The Economic and Social Benefits of Workplace Democracy in Knowledge-Intensive Industries7
The (Bounded) Role of Stated-Lived Value Congruence and Authenticity in Employee Evaluations of Organizations7
Employee Non-compete Agreements, Gender, and Entrepreneurship7
Network Centralization and Collective Adaptability to a Shifting Environment7
Ideal or Idiosyncratic? How Women Manage Work-Family Role Conflict with Focal and Peripheral Role Senders7
From Compliance to Progress: A Sensemaking Perspective on the Governance of Corruption7
The Motherhood Wage Penalty and Female Entrepreneurship7
Economies of Scope and Optimal Due Diligence in Corporate Acquisitions7
Feeling Positive, Negative, or Both? Examining the Self-Regulatory Benefits of Emotional Ambivalence7
When Does the Pre-entry Experience of New Entrants Improve Their Performance? A Meta-Analytical Investigation of Critical Moderators7
Creativity and the Arts of Disguise: Switching Between Formal and Informal Channels in the Evolution of Creative Projects7
I Left Venus and Came Back to Mars: Temporal Focus Congruence in Dyadic Relationships Following Maternity Leave7
Simulating the Cause: How Grassroots Organizations Advance Their Credibility Through the Dramaturgical Curation of Events7
The Effects of Contract Detail and Prior Ties on Contract Change: A Learning Perspective6
The Façade, the Face, and the Sympathies: Opening the Black Box of Symbolic Capital as a Source of Philanthropic Attractiveness6
Category Evolution Under Conditions of Stigma: The Segregation of Abortion Provision into Specialist Clinics in the United States6
Unexpected Interruptions, Idle Time, and Creativity: Evidence from a Natural Experiment6
Driven to Distraction: The Unintended Consequences of Organizational Learning from Failure Caused by Human Error6
Settlement Constellations and the Dynamics of Fields Formed Around Social and Environmental Issues6
Meso-Foundations of Interorganizational Relationships: How Team Power Structures Shape Partner Novelty6
Variations in the Corporate Social Responsibility-Performance Relationship in Emerging Market Firms6
The Differential Impact of Intrafirm Collaboration and Technological Network Centrality on Employees’ Likelihood of Leaving the Firm6
Political Dynamics in Knowledge Work: Using Visual Artifacts to Deal with Pragmatic Boundaries6
When Does External Knowledge Benefit Team Creativity? The Role of Internal Team Network Structure and Task Complexity6
Caught in an Expectations Trap: Risks of Giving Securities Analysts What They Expect6
The Theory and Measurement of Expertise-Based Problem Solving in Organizational Teams: Revisiting Demonstrability6
Client-Related Factors and Collaboration Between Human Assets6
How Entrepreneurs Achieve Purpose Beyond Profit: The Case of Women Entrepreneurs in Nigeria6
Collective Attention and Collective Intelligence: The Role of Hierarchy and Team Gender Composition6
Organizing Entrepreneurial Teams: A Field Experiment on Autonomy over Choosing Teams and Ideas6
Bottleneck Resources, Market Relatedness, and the Dynamics of Organizational Growth6
My Manager Moved! Manager Mobility and Subordinates’ Career Outcomes6
A Matter of Transition: Authenticity Judgments and Attracting Employees to Hybridized Organizations6
Living It Up at the Hotel California: Employee Mobility Barriers and Collaborativeness in Firms’ Innovation6
The Road Not Taken: Technological Uncertainty and the Evaluation of Innovations5
The Role of Resources in the Success or Failure of Diverse Teams: Resource Scarcity Activates Negative Performance-Detracting Resource Dynamics in Social Category Diverse Teams5
The Contractual Governance of Transactions Within Firms5
Microlevel Analysis of Institutional Intermediation in a Rudimentary Market-Based Economy: Entrepreneurship in Kathmandu’s Indrachok Market5
Cultural Roots of Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Second-Generation Immigrants5
Chain Affiliation and Human Resource Investments: Evidence from the Restaurant Industry5
Beyond Spatial Proximity: The Impact of Enhanced Spatial Connectedness from New Bridges on Entrepreneurship5
Opening the Aperture: Explaining the Complementary Roles of Advice and Testing When Forming Entrepreneurial Strategy5
Two-Sided Cultural Fit: The Differing Behavioral Consequences of Cultural Congruence Based on Values Versus Perceptions5
Abstract Versus Concrete: How Managers’ Construal Influences Organizational Control Systems and Problem Solving5
Authenticity-Based Connections as Organizational Constraints and the Paradox of Authenticity in the Market for Cuban Cigars5
Virtual Special Issue: The Organizational Economics of Organizational Capability Development5
Collateral Damage: The Relationship Between High-Salience Events and Variation in Racial Discrimination5
Ensuring Adaptation While Seeking Efficiency: Tiered Outsourcing and Skip-Level Supplier Ties in the Airbus A350 Program5
Data-Induced Rationality and Unitary Spaces in Interfirm Collaboration5
Building an Equilibrium: Rules vs. Principles in Relational Contracts5
Relational Work and the Knowledge Transfer Process: Rituals in Rural Ghana5
How Catastrophic Innovation Failure Affects Organizational and Industry Legitimacy: The 2014 Virgin Galactic Test Flight Crash5
Founder Turnover and Organizational Change5
The Effect of Role-Based Product Representations on Individual and Team Coordination Practices: A Field Study of a Globally Distributed New Product Development Team5