Cerebral Cortex

(The TQCC of Cerebral Cortex is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Cognitive and neural mechanisms of voluntary versus forced language switching in Chinese–English bilinguals: an fMRI study134
Mechanisms regulating the properties of inhibition-based gamma oscillations in primate prefrontal and parietal cortices64
Altered alpha/beta desynchronization during item–context binding contributes to the associative deficit in older age56
Brain Knows Who Is on the Same Wavelength: Resting-State Connectivity Can Predict Compatibility of a Female–Male Relationship55
A Structure–Function Substrate of Memory for Spatial Configurations in Medial and Lateral Temporal Cortices55
Similar functional networks predict performance in both perceptual and value-based decision tasks49
Amygdala-centered fusional connections characterized nonmotor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease49
Short- and long-term neuroplasticity interact during the perceptual learning of concurrent speech48
iTBS reveals the roles of domain-general cognitive control and language-specific brain regions during word formation rule learning47
Hippocampal-Medial Prefrontal Event Segmentation and Integration Contribute to Episodic Memory Formation45
Corrigendum to: Pubertal testosterone and the structure of the cerebral cortex in young men45
Mapping cerebral atrophic trajectory from amnestic mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease42
New Trajectory of Clinical and Biomarker Changes in Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease42
Altered structural covariance of locus coeruleus in individuals with significant memory concern and patients with mild cognitive impairment40
Tau-PET abnormality as a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease staging and early detection: a topological perspective39
A stable sensory map emerges from a dynamic equilibrium of neurons with unstable tuning properties38
Temporal fingerprints of cortical gyrification in marmosets and humans38
Development of neonatal brain functional centrality and alterations associated with preterm birth38
Modeling functional difference between gyri and sulci within intrinsic connectivity networks37
Gestational age-related changes in the fetal functional connectome: in utero evidence for the global signal34
Associations between neighborhood socioeconomic status, parental education, and executive system activation in youth33
Correction to: Hue selectivity in human visual cortex revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging33
A circuit from lateral hypothalamic to dorsal hippocampal dentate gyrus modulates behavioral despair in mice33
Connectome-based fingerprint of motor impairment is stable along the course of Parkinson’s disease33
Delineating memory reactivation in sleep with verbal and non-verbal retrieval cues32
The frontal sharp transient in newborns: An endogenous neurobiomarker concomitant to the physiological and critical transitional period around delivery?30
Bilateral connections from the amygdala to extrastriate visual cortex in the marmoset monkey30
Edge-centric functional network predicts risk propensity in economic decision-making: evidence from a resting-state fMRI study30
Correction: Brain plasticity and auditory spatial adaptation in patients with unilateral hearing loss29
Insula-cingulate structural and functional connectivity: an ultra-high field MRI study29
Context free and context-dependent conceptual representation in the brain29
The dynamics of cortical interactions in visual recognition of object category: living versus nonliving29
Bipartite functional fractionation within the neural system for social cognition supports the psychological continuity of self versus other29
Three heads are better than one: cooperative learning brains wire together when a consensus is reached28
Electrophysiological evidence for a common magnitude representation of spatiotemporal information in working memory28
Encoding, working memory, or decision: how feedback modulates time perception28
Phase-Based Cortical Synchrony Is Affected by Prematurity28
Premature infants display discriminable behavioral, physiological, and brain responses to noxious and nonnoxious stimuli28
Multi-shell connectome DWI-based graph theory measures for the prediction of temporal lobe epilepsy and cognition27
Motor Learning Promotes the Coupling between Fast Spindles and Slow Oscillations Locally over the Contralateral Motor Network27
Association between white matter hyperintensity and anxiety/depression26
Novel synergistic treatment for depression: involvement of GSK3β-regulated AMPA receptors in the prefrontal cortex of mice26
Stress degrades working memory-related frontostriatal circuit function26
Cortical-cerebellar circuits changes in preschool ASD children by multimodal MRI26
Morphological development of the human fetal striatum during the second trimester26
Cortical and subcortical contributions to non-motor inhibitory control: an fMRI study26
Oligodendrocyte Secreted Factors Shape Hippocampal GABAergic Neuron Transcriptome and Physiology26
Understanding the concept of a novel tool requires interaction of the dorsal and ventral streams26
Genetic analyses identify brain imaging-derived phenotypes associated with the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage25
Local neurodynamics as a signature of cortical areas: new insights from sleep25
Neuropsychological insights into exercise addiction: the role of brain structure and self-efficacy in middle-older individuals25
Mutations in plasticity-related-gene-1 (PRG-1) protein contribute to hippocampal seizure susceptibility and modify epileptic phenotype25
Utility of cortical tissue analysis in normal pressure hydrocephalus25
Levodopa suppresses grid-like activity and impairs spatial learning in novel environments in healthy young adults25
Altered single-subject gray matter structural networks in social anxiety disorder25
High dream recall frequency is associated with an increase of both bottom-up and top-down attentional processes24
The representation of time windows in primate auditory cortex24
Low blood concentration of alcohol enhances activity related to stopping failure in the right inferior frontal cortex24
Individual differences in brain aging: heterogeneity in cortico-hippocampal but not caudate atrophy rates24
Cognitive flexibility: neurobehavioral correlates of changing one’s mind24
Neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants with intraventricular hemorrhages: the potential of quantitative brainstem MRI24
Corrigendum to: Incidental Verbal Semantic Processing Recruits the Fronto-temporal Semantic Control Network24
Lateralized Decrease of Parvalbumin+ Cells in the Somatosensory Cortex of ASD Models Is Correlated with Unilateral Tactile Hypersensitivity23
Cortical representation of speech temporal information through high gamma-band activity and its temporal modulation23
Somatotopic Specificity of Perceptual and Neurophysiological Changes Associated with Visuo-proprioceptive Realignment23
3D synaptic organization of layer III of the human anterior cingulate and temporopolar cortex23
Higher-order brain regions show shifts in structural covariance in adolescent marmosets23
Genetic Influence on Nociceptive Processing in the Human Brain—A Twin Study23
Metabolic network connectivity disturbances in Parkinson's disease: a novel imaging biomarker23
Functional Interactions between Sensory and Memory Networks for Adaptive Behavior23
Brain recognition of previously learned versus novel temporal sequences: a differential simultaneous processing23
Call for nominations for the Krieg Cortical Kudos for 202223
The influence of imagery vividness and internally-directed attention on the neural mechanisms underlying the encoding of visual mental images into episodic memory22
Correction to: Self-modulation of the sense of agency via neurofeedback enhances sensory-guided behavioral control22
Divergent growth of the transient brain compartments in fetuses with nonsyndromic isolated clefts involving the primary and secondary palate22
Stable individual differences from dynamic patterns of function: brain network flexibility predicts openness/intellect, intelligence, and psychoticism22
Depression mediated the relationships between precentral-subcortical causal links and motor recovery in spinal cord injury patients22
Correction to: Individual resting-state alpha peak frequency and within-trial changes in alpha peak frequency both predict visual dual-pulse segregation performance22
Methylphenidate reduces spatial attentional bias by modulating fronto-striatal connectivity22
Parietal cortical alpha/beta suppression during prospective memory retrieval22
New Cortical Neurodegenerative Pathways in the Hypertensive Rat Brain22
Statistical shape analysis of the lentiform nucleus of children of different age groups: a retrospective study22
The neural signature of an erroneous thought22
High-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation promotes ipsilesional functional hyperemia and motor recovery in mice with ischemic stroke22
Cortical origin of theta error signals22
Classification of major depressive disorder using an attention-guided unified deep convolutional neural network and individual structural covariance network21
Impact of sex and reproductive status on the default mode network in early midlife: implications for aging of memory circuitry and function21
Distinct neurocognitive mechanisms underlying learning and representations of symbols of life and death21
Transcriptome Regulation by Oncogenic ALK Pathway in Mammalian Cortical Development Revealed by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing21
Incongruent gray matter atrophy and functional connectivity of striatal subregions in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia21
Biasing the neurocognitive processing of videos with the presence of a real cultural other21
Passive localization of the central sulcus during sleep based on intracranial EEG21
Effects of DRD2/ANKK1 and COMT Val158Met polymorphisms on stabilization against and adaptation to unexpected events20
“Floppy brain” in congenital hydrocephalus20
The effect of top-down attention on empathy fatigue20
Correction to: Prenatal gyrification pattern affects age at onset in frontotemporal dementia20
The effects of pre-cue alpha and cueing strategy on age-related deficits in post-cue alpha activity and target processing during visual spatial attention20
Visual, delay, and oculomotor timing and tuning in macaque dorsal pulvinar during instructed and free choice memory saccades20
Neural mechanisms of sentence production: a volumetric study of primary progressive aphasia20
Increased cortical lesion load contributed to pathological changes beyond focal lesion in cortical gray matter of multiple sclerosis: a diffusion kurtosis imaging analysis20
Increased functional connectivity between the auditory cortex and the frontoparietal network compensates for impaired visuomotor transformation after early auditory deprivation20
Individual cognitive traits can be predicted from task-based dynamic functional connectivity with a deep convolutional-recurrent model20
The cortical hypogyrification pattern in antipsychotic-naive first-episode schizophrenia20
Subject-based assessment of large-scale integration dynamics in epileptic brain networks: insights from the intrinsic ignition framework20
Towards automated in vivo parcellation of the human cerebral cortex using supervised classification of magnetic resonance fingerprinting residuals19
Relationships between interoceptive sensibility and resting-state functional connectivity of the insula in obsessive–compulsive disorder19
The Organization of Frontostriatal Brain Wiring in Healthy Subjects Using a Novel Diffusion Imaging Fiber Cluster Analysis19
Gender differences in the functional language networks at birth: a resting-state fNIRS study19
Brain activations time locked to slow wave-coupled sleep spindles correlates with intellectual abilities19
Genetic Influences on Longitudinal Trajectories of Cortical Thickness and Surface Area during the First 2 Years of Life19
TDP-43 knockdown in mouse model of ALS leads to dsRNA deposition, gliosis, and neurodegeneration in the spinal cord19
Dissociating value-based neurocomputation from subsequent selection-related activations in human decision-making19
Obese Individuals Show Disrupted Dynamic Functional Connectivity between Basal Ganglia and Salience Networks19
Topological properties analysis and identification of mild cognitive impairment based on individual morphological brain network connectome18
Musical Expertise Is Associated with Improved Neural Statistical Learning in the Auditory Domain18
Brightness illusions evoke pupil constriction preceded by a primary visual cortex response in rats18
Anonymity in sharing morally salient news: the causal role of the temporoparietal junction18
Connectome-based predictive modeling of compulsion in obsessive–compulsive disorder18
Atypical dynamic functional network connectivity state engagement during social–emotional processing in schizophrenia and autism18
The path of dishonesty: identification of mental processes with electrical neuroimaging18
Top-down influence of areas 21a and 7 differently affects the surround suppression of V1 neurons in cats18
First-time fathers show longitudinal gray matter cortical volume reductions: evidence from two international samples18
Carbon disulfide induces accumulation of TDP-43 in the cytoplasm and mitochondrial dysfunction in rat spinal cords18
Correction to: Tau-PET abnormality as a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease staging and early detection: a topological perspective18
Increased regional Hurst exponent reflects response inhibition related neural complexity alterations in pediatric bipolar disorder patients during an emotional Go-Nogo task18
White matter fiber integrity and structural brain network topology: implications for balance function in postischemic stroke patients18
Microstates imbalance is associated with a functional dysregulation of the resting-state networks in obsessive–compulsive disorder: a high-density electrical neuroimaging study using the TESS method18
Interhemispheric differences of pyramidal cells in the primary motor cortices of schizophrenia patients investigated postmortem18
Differential Contribution of Anterior and Posterior Midcingulate Subregions to Distal and Proximal Threat Reactivity in Marmosets18
Multisensory Processing Can Compensate for Top-Down Attention Deficits in Schizophrenia18
Developmental Differences Between the Limbic and Neocortical Telencephalic Wall: An Intrasubject Slice-Matched 3 T MRI-Histological Correlative Study in Humans18
Cortical microstructural brain network mediates the association between personality trait of agreeableness and life satisfaction17
Early motor skill acquisition in healthy older adults: brain correlates of the learning process17
Olfactory function after mild traumatic brain injury in children—a longitudinal case control study17
Transcranial ultrasound stimulation selectively affects cortical neurovascular coupling across neuronal types and LFP frequency bands17
Caudally pronounced deficiencies in preplate splitting and migration underly a rostro-caudal progression of cortical lamination defects in the reeler brain17
Developmental dyslexia susceptibility genes DNAAF4, DCDC2, and NRSN1 are associated with brain function in fluently reading adolescents and young adults17
Toward precision brain health: accurate prediction of a cognitive index trajectory using neuroimaging metrics17
Executive Function Assigns Value to Novel Goal-Congruent Outcomes17
Distinct neural mechanisms for action access and execution in the human brain: insights from an fMRI study17
Representational similarity scores of digits in the sensorimotor cortex are associated with behavioral performance16
Variation in Pyramidal Cell Morphology Across the Human Anterior Temporal Lobe16
Laterality hotspots in the striatum16
“I Spy with my Little Eye, Something that is a Face…”: A Brain Network for Illusory Face Detection16
Experience dependent plasticity of higher visual cortical areas in the mouse16
Top-down control of the left visual field bias in cued visual spatial attention16
Common brain cortical abnormality in smoking behavior and bipolar disorder: discriminant analysis using cortical thickness and surface area16
High-definition trans cranial direct current stimulation and its effects on cognitive function: a systematic review16
Abnormal interaction between cortical regions of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome children16
Causal Relationship between the Right Auditory Cortex and Speech-Evoked Envelope-Following Response: Evidence from Combined Transcranial Stimulation and Electroencephalography16
Morphological patterns and spatial probability maps of the superior parietal sulcus in the human brain16
Propofol anesthesia concentration rather than abrupt behavioral unresponsiveness linearly degrades responses in the rat primary auditory cortex16
Self-modulation of the sense of agency via neurofeedback enhances sensory-guided behavioral control16
Elucidating the relationship between breast cancer and brain cortical structure: a Mendelian randomization study16
Abnormalities of regional spontaneous brain activity in poststroke aphasia: a meta-analysis16
Brain asymmetry is globally different in males and females: exploring cortical volume, area, thickness, and mean curvature16
Auditory change detection and visual selective attention: association between MMN and N2pc16
Orienting to different dimensions of word meaning alters the representation of word meaning in early processing regions16
The influence of aggressive exercise on responses to self-perceived and others’ pain16
Glycemic control level alters working memory neural dynamics in adults with type 2 diabetes15
The parcellation of cingulate cortex in neonatal period based on resting-state functional MRI15
Unlocking the link: how hippocampal glutathione–glutamate coupling predicts cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis patients15
Morphometrical Brain Markers of Sex Difference15
Brain structure in autoimmune Addison’s disease15
Shared and distinct patterns of dynamic functional connectivity variability of thalamo-cortical circuit in bipolar depression and major depressive disorder15
Dysfunction of motor cortices in Parkinson’s disease15
Late prenatal immune activation in mice induces transgenerational effects via the maternal and paternal lineages15
Spatial control of astrogenesis progression by cortical arealization genes15
Neuroplasticity of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in patients with treatment-resistant depression as indexed with paired associative stimulation: a TMS–EEG study15
Entrainment of Network Activity by Closed-Loop Microstimulation in Healthy Ambulatory Rats15
Recognition Memory is Associated with Distinct Patterns of Regional Gray Matter Volumes in Young and Aged Monkeys15
Prenatal radiation exposure leads to higher-order telencephalic dysfunctions in adult mice that coincide with reduced synaptic plasticity and cerebral hypersynchrony15
Discriminative neural pathways for perception-cognition activity of color and face in the human brain15
Spatiotemporal and sensory modality attention processing with domain-specific representations in frontoparietal areas15
Spatiotemporal topological correspondence between blood oxygenation and glucose metabolism revealed by simultaneous fPET-fMRI in brain’s white matter15
Infants’ reorienting efficiency depends on parental autistic traits and predicts future socio-communicative behaviors15
Fear of negative evaluation modulates the processing of social evaluative feedback with different valence and contexts15
Comparison of the effects of peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis on spontaneous brain activity in CKD patients: an rs-fMRI study15
Age-Dependent Contribution of Domain-General Networks to Semantic Cognition15
Electrophysiological Signatures of Hierarchical Learning15
Cortical speech tracking is related to individual prediction tendencies15
Atypical functional connectivity between the amygdala and visual, salience regions in infants with genetic liability for autism14
Neural reinstatement of context memory in adults with autism spectrum disorder14
Arousal effects on oscillatory dynamics in the non-human primate brain14
Visually induced γ band rhythm in spatial summation beyond the receptive field in mouse primary visual cortex14
Noise-rearing precludes the behavioral benefits of multisensory integration14
The Pin1-CaMKII-AMPA Receptor Axis Regulates Epileptic Susceptibility14
Using in silico perturbational approach to identify critical areas in schizophrenia14
Neuroplasticity of visual brain network induced by hypoxia14
Neuroimaging genomics as a window into the evolution of human sulcal organization14
Direct interhemispheric cortical communication via thalamic commissures: a new white matter pathway in the primate brain14
Lifespan developmental changes in neural substrates and functional connectivity for visual semantic processing14
Posterior parietal cortex is causally involved in reward valuation but not in probability weighting during risky choice14
Dependence of rhythmic activity and oddball effects in the rat cortex on the depth of sedation during dissociative anesthesia14
EEG-based speaker–listener neural coupling reflects speech-selective attentional mechanisms beyond the speech stimulus14
Neural correlates of an illusionary sense of agency caused by virtual reality14
Differences in mid-gestational and early postnatal neonatal cytokines and chemokines are associated with patterns of maternal autoantibodies in the context of autism14
Auditory aversive generalization learning prompts threat-specific changes in alpha-band activity14
Prediction errors for aversive events shape long-term memory formation through a distinct neural mechanism14
Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex does not directly affect muscle sympathetic nerve activity in humans14
Non-image-forming vision as measured through ipRGC-mediated pupil constriction is not modulated by covert visual attention14
Retrieval flexibility links to creativity: evidence from computational linguistic measure14
Development of Individual Variability in Brain Functional Connectivity and Capability across the Adult Lifespan14
Structural and functional connectivity of the inferior temporal numeral area14
Both mOTS-words and pOTS-words prefer emoji stimuli over text stimuli during a lexical judgment task13
Multimodal neuroimaging network associated with executive function in adolescent major depressive disorder patients via cognition-guided magnetic resonance imaging fusion13
Functional Realignment of Frontoparietal Subnetworks during Divergent Creative Thinking13
Common and distinct neural representations of imagined and perceived speech13
Brain functional activity-based classification of autism spectrum disorder using an attention-based graph neural network combined with gene expression13
Mapping short association fibre connectivity up to V3 in the human brain in vivo13
White Matter Structural and Network Topological Changes Underlying the Behavioral Phenotype of MECP2 Mutant Monkeys13
Conduction Velocity Along the Local Axons of Parvalbumin Interneurons Correlates With the Degree of Axonal Myelination13
A secondary motor area contributing to interlimb coordination during visually guided locomotion in the cat13
Hidden Markov Modeling Reveals Prolonged “Baseline” State and Shortened Antagonistic State across the Adult Lifespan13
Divergent thinking benefits from functional antagonism of the left IFG and right TPJ: a transcranial direct current stimulation study13
Comprehensive review of indicators and techniques for optical mapping of intracellular calcium ions13
Longitudinal Effects of Physical Activity Change on Hippocampal Volumes over up to 12 Years in Middle and Older Age Community-Dwelling Individuals13
The self and a close-other: differences between processing of faces and newly acquired information13
Structural connectivity changes in unilateral hearing loss13
Functional interactions underlying visuospatial orthographic processes in Chinese reading13
Effects of an online mindfulness-based intervention on brain haemodynamics: a pilot randomized controlled trial using functional near-infrared spectroscopy13
Steady-state responses to concurrent melodies: source distribution, top-down, and bottom-up attention13
Obesity causally influencing brain cortical structure: a Mendelian randomization study13
Wavelet transform-based frequency self-adaptive model for functional brain network13
Modulation effect of low-intensity transcranial ultrasound stimulation on REM and NREM sleep13
Anxiety disrupts performance monitoring: integrating behavioral, event-related potential, EEG microstate, and sLORETA evidence13
Disrupted Timing of MET Signaling Derails the Developmental Maturation of Cortical Circuits and Leads to Altered Behavior in Mice13
Performance scaling for structural MRI surface parcellations: a machine learning analysis in the ABCD Study13
Visual recognition in rhesus monkeys requires area TE but not TEO13
Dynamics of cortical and corticomuscular connectivity during planning and execution of visually guided steps in humans13
On the extraction of purely motor EEG neural correlates during an upper limb visuomotor task13
Genes associated with cortical thickness alterations in behavioral addiction13
Auditory cortical connectivity in humans13
Familial and syndromic forms of arachnoid cyst implicate genetic factors in disease pathogenesis13
Investigating the impact of early literacy training on white matter structure in prereaders at risk for dyslexia13
To be and not to be: wide-field Ca2+ imaging reveals neocortical functional segmentation combines stability and flexibility13
Unexpected sound omissions are signaled in human posterior superior temporal gyrus: an intracranial study12
Local organization of spatial and shape information in the primate prefrontal cortex12
Shared Genetic Etiology between Cortical Brain Morphology and Tobacco, Alcohol, and Cannabis Use12
The links between physical activity and prosocial behavior: an fNIRS hyperscanning study12
Cross-modal functional connectivity supports speech understanding in cochlear implant users12
The phase coherence of cortical oscillations predicts dynamic changes in perceived visibility12
Catching wandering minds with tapping fingers: neural and behavioral insights into task-unrelated cognition12
Regional activity and effective connectivity within the frontoparietal network during precision walking with visual cueing: an fNIRS study12
Face recognition ability can be predicted by microstructural properties of white matter: a study of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)12
Towards assessing subcortical “deep brain” biomarkers of PTSD with functional near-infrared spectroscopy12
The role of loss aversion in social conformity: psychological and neural representations12
Age-related intrinsic functional connectivity underlying emotion utilization12
Social Relationship Strength Modulates the Similarity of Brain-to-Brain Representations of Group Members12