Cerebral Cortex

(The H4-Index of Cerebral Cortex is 32. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Individual-Specific Areal-Level Parcellations Improve Functional Connectivity Prediction of Behavior134
The human orbitofrontal cortex, vmPFC, and anterior cingulate cortex effective connectome: emotion, memory, and action60
Connectome-Based Predictive Modeling of Individual Anxiety56
Modulating Gamma Oscillations Promotes Brain Connectivity to Improve Cognitive Impairment55
Brain Activity Fluctuations Propagate as Waves Traversing the Cortical Hierarchy52
A Connectomic Hypothesis for the Hominization of the Brain52
Emotion and Brain Oscillations: High Arousal is Associated with Decreases in Alpha- and Lower Beta-Band Power49
Brain Dynamics Underlying Cognitive Flexibility Across the Lifespan49
Tau and Amyloid Relationships with Resting-state Functional Connectivity in Atypical Alzheimer’s Disease49
Incremental Language Comprehension Difficulty Predicts Activity in the Language Network but Not the Multiple Demand Network48
Extensive Cortical Connectivity of the Human Hippocampal Memory System: Beyond the “What” and “Where” Dual Stream Model47
Distinct Representational Structure and Localization for Visual Encoding and Recall during Visual Imagery47
Reading Covered Faces47
Boost in Test–Retest Reliability in Resting State fMRI with Predictive Modeling47
Brain and Behavioral Evidence for Reweighting of Vestibular Inputs with Long-Duration Spaceflight45
White Matter Functional Connectivity in Resting-State fMRI: Robustness, Reliability, and Relationships to Gray Matter43
Transdiagnostic, Connectome-Based Prediction of Memory Constructs Across Psychiatric Disorders43
Metabolic and Hemodynamic Resting-State Connectivity of the Human Brain: A High-Temporal Resolution Simultaneous BOLD-fMRI and FDG-fPET Multimodality Study42
Structural Attributes and Principles of the Neocortical Connectome in the Marmoset Monkey42
Interpersonal Neural Synchronization during Interpersonal Touch Underlies Affiliative Pair Bonding between Romantic Couples40
Contribution of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neuronal Activity to BOLD fMRI40
Task-Dependent Functional and Effective Connectivity during Conceptual Processing38
Digital Reconstruction of the Neuro-Glia-Vascular Architecture38
The effective connectivity of the human hippocampal memory system38
Age differences in the functional architecture of the human brain38
Decoding Music-Evoked Emotions in the Auditory and Motor Cortex37
Wide-Field Calcium Imaging of Dynamic Cortical Networks during Locomotion37
Commonalities and Asymmetries in the Neurobiological Infrastructure for Language Production and Comprehension36
Three-Dimensional Synaptic Organization of Layer III of the Human Temporal Neocortex33
Education and Income Show Heterogeneous Relationships to Lifespan Brain and Cognitive Differences Across European and US Cohorts33
Strong and reliable synaptic communication between pyramidal neurons in adult human cerebral cortex33
High-intensity Intermittent Training Enhances Spatial Memory and Hippocampal Neurogenesis Associated with BDNF Signaling in Rats32
Effect of Aging on the Viscoelastic Properties of Hippocampal Subfields Assessed with High-Resolution MR Elastography32
Sex Differences in Anatomical Rich-Club and Structural–Functional Coupling in the Human Brain Network32
Whole-Brain Dynamics in Aging: Disruptions in Functional Connectivity and the Role of the Rich Club32