
(The median citation count of Methods is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Methods and approaches to estimate B vitamin status in dairy cows: Knowledge, gaps and advances193
Stereological estimation of cardiomyocyte number and proliferation183
Integrating engineered point spread functions into the phasor-based single-molecule localization microscopy framework152
An integrated pipeline for high-throughput screening and profiling of spheroids using simple live image analysis of frame to frame variations146
APLpred: A machine learning-based tool for accurate prediction and characterization of asparagine peptide lyases using sequence-derived optimal features140
Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome: Rejuvenating old drugs to fight accelerated ageing110
Radiomics for precision medicine: Current challenges, future prospects, and the proposal of a new framework87
TopoStats – A program for automated tracing of biomolecules from AFM images77
Resources for computational prediction of intrinsic disorder in proteins77
A transformer-based multi-features fusion model for prediction of conversion in mild cognitive impairment76
RDscan: Extracting RNA-disease relationship from the literature based on pre-training model71
PET image reconstruction using physical and mathematical modelling for time of flight PET-MR scanners in the STIR library70
Bacterial flagellar motor as a multimodal biosensor64
Pyrogallol-based dipodal optical probe as new smart analytical tool for sustainable detection of cobalt in biosystem61
SPIDE: A single cell potency inference method based on the local cell-specific network entropy55
DMGL-MDA: A dual-modal graph learning method for microbe-drug association prediction54
Editorial Board52
Local augmented graph neural network for multi-omics cancer prognosis prediction and analysis52
Editorial Board51
Disease biomarker identification based on sample network optimization48
Development of europium(III) complex functionalized silica nanoprobe for luminescence detection of tetracycline47
Targeted mutagenesis in human iPSCs using CRISPR genome-editing tools45
Approaches for the sensitive detection of rare base and prime editing events44
Methods special issue: DNA and RNA helicases43
Profiling cell-type specific gene expression in post-mortem human brain samples through laser capture microdissection42
Machine learning based identification of hub genes in renal clear cell carcinoma using multi-omics data42
Toward drug-miRNA resistance association prediction by positional encoding graph neural network and multi-channel neural network41
Split light up aptamers as a probing tool for nucleic acids39
Special issue Methods: Nano-/bio-interface and biomedical applications38
Predicting Drug-drug Interaction with Graph Mutual Interaction Attention Mechanism38
In vivo detection of GPCR-dependent signaling using fiber photometry and FRET-based biosensors38
Point-of-care image-based quantitative urinalysis with commercial reagent strips: Design and clinical evaluation37
FedMCC: Federated multi-center clustering algorithm to improve privacy healthcare36
Editorial Board36
Advances in direct detection of lysine methylation and acetylation by nuclear magnetic resonance using 13C-enriched cofactors33
An effective multi-task learning framework for drug repurposing based on graph representation learning33
A method for assaying DNA flexibility32
Editorial Board32
A mutual promotion encoder-decoder method for ultrasonic hydronephrosis diagnosis31
Design in biology and rational design in vaccinology: A conceptual analysis31
Engineered U1 snRNAs to modulate alternatively spliced exons30
GNPI: Graph normalization to integrate phylogenetic information for metagenomic host phenotype prediction30
Editorial Board30
Deep Learning in Bioinformatics and Biomedicine29
Software defined radio frequency sensing framework for intelligent monitoring of sleep apnea syndrome28
RabbitQCPlus 2.0: More efficient and versatile quality control for sequencing data28
Editorial Board27
Determining translocation orientations of nucleic acid helicases27
Using inverse finite element analysis to identify spinal tissue behaviour in situ27
Methods for preparation of nanoconstructs27
Editorial Board27
Methods for circular RNAs27
Editorial Board26
Test positivity – Evaluation of a new metric to assess epidemic dispersal mediated by non-symptomatic cases26
Rapid and efficient cataract gene evaluation in F0 zebrafish using CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes25
MultiscaleDTA: A multiscale-based method with a self-attention mechanism for drug-target binding affinity prediction25
scSSA: A clustering method for single cell RNA-seq data based on semi-supervised autoencoder24
Pan-methylarginine antibody generation using PEG linked GAR motifs as antigens24
Brain controllability and morphometry similarity of internet gaming addiction23
PDSM-LGCN: Prediction of drug sensitivity associated microRNAs via light graph convolution neural network23
Method for the structural analysis of Twinkle mitochondrial DNA helicase by cryo-EM22
MFF-DTA: Multi-scale feature fusion for drug-target affinity prediction22
Machine learning for the analysis of multi-omics data22
Fluorescent turn-on sensing of albumin proteins (BSA and ovalbumin) using vitamin B6 cofactor derived Schiff base22
WHISTLE server: A high-accuracy genomic coordinate-based machine learning platform for RNA modification prediction22
Editorial Board21
Interpretable thoracic pathologic prediction via learning group-disentangled representation21
Learning from imbalanced COVID-19 chest X-ray (CXR) medical imaging data20
Sleep Staging Framework with Physiologically Harmonized Sub-Networks20
SiBERT: A Siamese-based BERT network for Chinese medical entities alignment20
Predicting CircRNA disease associations using novel node classification and link prediction models on Graph Convolutional Networks20
Methods special issue: Recent advancement on fluorescent chemosensing and bioimaging19
Editorial Board19
NMR-based isotope editing, chemoselection and isotopomer distribution analysis in stable isotope resolved metabolomics19
Current methodologies in studying chromatin and gene expression19
KbhbXG: A Machine learning architecture based on XGBoost for prediction of lysine β-Hydroxybutyrylation (Kbhb) modification sites19
Anle138b interaction in α-synuclein aggregates by dynamic nuclear polarization NMR19
Editorial: Artificial intelligence in drug discovery and development19
A new lysosome-targeted fluorescent probe for hydrogen peroxide based on a benzothiazole derivative19
Using Drosophila to uncover molecular and physiological functions of circRNAs19
Hydrogel-based hybrid membrane enhances in vitro ophthalmic drug evaluation in the OphthalMimic device18
Repeatability and ranking of long-term enteric methane emissions measurement on dairy cows across diets and time using GreenFeed system in farm-conditions18
Advanced deep learning approaches enable high-throughput biological and biomedicine data analysis18
Systems dynamics and the uncertainties of diagnostics, testing and contact tracing for COVID-1918
m6Adecom: Analysis of m6A profile matrix based on graph regularized non-negative matrix factorization18
Heterogeneous graph attention networks for drug virus association prediction18
A novel deep learning identifier for promoters and their strength using heterogeneous features18
Carbon dots fluorescence can be used to distinguish isobaric peptide and to monitor protein oligomerization dynamics18
Additive manufacturing of bioactive glass biomaterials18
PhosBERT: A self-supervised learning model for identifying phosphorylation sites in SARS-CoV-2-infected human cells18
Minimal invasive fluorescence methods to quantify advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in skin and plasma of humans17
Detection of changes in the circadian rhythm of cattle in relation to disease, stress, and reproductive events17
Design of a 1 × 4 micro-magnetic stimulation device and its targeted, coordinated regulation on LTP of Schaffer-CA1 in the hippocampus of rats17
A hierarchical three-step superpixels and deep learning framework for skin lesion classification17
m6A-Maize: Weakly supervised prediction of m6A-carrying transcripts and m6A-affecting mutations in maize (Zea mays)17
Trends in deamidation across archaeological bones, ceramics and dental calculus17
DeepSADPr: A hybrid-learning architecture for serine ADP-ribosylation site prediction17
Multi-targeting approach for nsp3, nsp9, nsp12 and nsp15 proteins of SARS-CoV-2 by Diosmin as illustrated by molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation methodologies16
Quantitative profiling N1-methyladenosine (m1A) RNA methylation from Oxford nanopore direct RNA sequencing data16
Drug repurposing for identification of potential spike inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 using molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations16
Fluorescent human RPA to track assembly dynamics on DNA16
Triplex digital PCR assays for the quantification of intact proviral HIV-1 DNA16
Design and characterization of hollow microneedles for localized intrascleral drug delivery of ocular formulations16
Near-infrared fluorescent probe based on rhodamine derivative for detection of NADH in live cells15
MDL-CPI: Multi-view deep learning model for compound-protein interaction prediction15
Microbiome metabolite quantification methods enabling insights into human health and disease15
Identification of potential pan-coronavirus therapies using a computational drug repurposing platform15
Subject matching for cross-subject EEG-based recognition of driver states related to situation awareness15
A fluorescence turn “on-off” imaging probe for sequential detection of Al3+ and L-Cysteine in HeLa cells15
m6Am RNA modification detection by m6Am-seq15
Functional imaging using radiomic features in assessment of lymphoma15
Movement recognition via channel-activation-wise sEMG attention15
Editorial for methods special issue: Big data in digital health: methods, analysis and prospects15
Methods to investigate nucleosome structure and dynamics with single-molecule FRET14
Digital Intervention for behaviouR changE and Chronic disease prevenTION (DIRECTION): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a web-based platform integrating nutrition, physical activity,14
Multi-omics data integration and drug screening of AML cancer using Generative Adversarial Network14
LoopSage: An energy-based Monte Carlo approach for the loop extrusion modeling of chromatin14
DNA shape features improve prediction of CRISPR/Cas9 activity14
Methods to study circRNA-protein interactions14
SMAUG: Analyzing single-molecule tracks with nonparametric Bayesian statistics14
Does protein pretrained language model facilitate the prediction of protein–ligand interaction?14
Intervening on psychopathology networks: Evaluating intervention targets through simulations13
Targeted bisulfite sequencing for biomarker discovery13
DNMG: Deep molecular generative model by fusion of 3D information for de novo drug design13
On finding natural antibiotics based on TCM formulae13
Introduction of mutations in plants with prime editing13
Advances in base editing with an emphasis on an AAV-based strategy13
Automatic ICD-10-CM coding via Lambda-Scaled attention based deep learning model13
HPE-GCN: Predicting efficacy of tonic formulae via graph convolutional networks integrating traditionally defined herbal properties13
m6Acancer-Net: Identification of m6A-mediated cancer driver genes from gene-site heterogeneous network13
Explore drug-like space with deep generative models13
An aggregation-induced emission-based ratiometric fluorescent chemosensor for Hg(II) and its application in Caenorhabditis elegans imaging12
Mouse4mC-BGRU: Deep learning for predicting DNA N4-methylcytosine sites in mouse genome12
Primary sequence-assisted prediction of m6A RNA methylation sites from Oxford nanopore direct RNA sequencing data12
Predicting drug-induced liver injury using graph attention mechanism and molecular fingerprints12
Reliable and robust droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and RT-ddPCR protocols for mouse studies12
Deep6mAPred: A CNN and Bi-LSTM-based deep learning method for predicting DNA N6-methyladenosine sites across plant species12
A fitness training optimization system based on heart rate prediction under different activities12
Prediction and interpretation of cancer survival using graph convolution neural networks12
Accurate contactless sleep apnea detection framework with signal processing and machine learning methods12
The platform development, adherence and efficacy to a digital Brief therapy for insomnia (dBTI) during the COVID-19 pandemic12
Therapeutic approaches for SARS-CoV-2 infection12
Advances in the exact nuclear Overhauser effect 2018–202211
Prediction of YY1 loop anchor based on multi-omics features11
SITP: A single cell bioinformatics analysis flow captures proteasome markers in the development of breast cancer11
Facile green synthesis of ZnO-RGO nanocomposites with enhanced anticancer efficacy11
SpaInGNN: Enhanced clustering and integration of spatial transcriptomics based on refined graph neural networks11
Quantitation of F-actin in cytoskeletal reorganization: Context, methodology and implications11
Development of novel digital PCR assays for the rapid quantification of Gram-negative bacteria biomarkers using RUCS algorithm11
Identifying and characterizing virus-encoded circular RNAs11
Variability of computed tomography radiomics features of fibrosing interstitial lung disease: A test-retest study11
WITHDRAWN: Deep networks and network representation in bioinformatics11
MVCLST: A spatial transcriptome data analysis pipeline for cell type classification based on multi-view comparative learning11
An interpretable deep learning model for classifying adaptor protein complexes from sequence information11
HCI-modelling for improving the clinical usability of digital health technologies10
iRNA-m5U: A sequence based predictor for identifying 5-methyluridine modification sites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae10
Deepm6A-MT: A deep learning-based method for identifying RNA N6-methyladenosine sites in multiple tissues10
Data-driven case fatality rate estimation for the primary lineage of SARS-CoV-2 in Poland10
A self-supervised feature-standardization-block for cross-domain lung disease classification10
Emulation of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology models to accelerate virtual population inference in immuno-oncology10
Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis based on directed graph neural network10
Comprehensive evaluation of molecule property prediction with ChatGPT10
Alleviation of neurological disease by RNA editing10
Synthetic PPR proteins as tools for sequence-specific targeting of RNA10
CHEER: HierarCHical taxonomic classification for viral mEtagEnomic data via deep leaRning10
TPQCI: A topology potential-based method to quantify functional influence of copy number variations10
MLm5C: A high-precision human RNA 5-methylcytosine sites predictor based on a combination of hybrid machine learning models10
AAPred-CNN: Accurate predictor based on deep convolution neural network for identification of anti-angiogenic peptides10
MRUNet-3D: A multi-stride residual 3D UNet for lung nodule segmentation9
Integrating multi-omics data by learning modality invariant representations for improved prediction of overall survival of cancer9
Naphthalimide-based new architecture for fluorescence turn-on sensing of Cu2+ and colorimetric detection of F-/CN–9
MGDDI: A multi-scale graph neural networks for drug–drug interaction prediction9
Using synthetic genome readers/regulators to interrogate chromatin processes: A brief review9
Model-based autoencoders for imputing discrete single-cell RNA-seq data9
PrGeFNE: Predicting disease-related genes by fast network embedding9
Editorial Board9
The fine art of preparing membrane transport proteins for biomolecular simulations: Concepts and practical considerations9
Verification of CRISPR editing and finding transgenic inserts by Xdrop indirect sequence capture followed by short- and long-read sequencing9
DTKGIN: Predicting drug-target interactions based on knowledge graph and intent graph9
In vitro production and multiplex quantification of 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate-containing 5′-tRNA half molecules9
Deep Learning-Based construction of a Drug-Like compound database and its application in virtual screening of HsDHODH inhibitors9
Atomistic and coarse-grained simulations of membrane proteins: A practical guide9
DNN-PNN: A parallel deep neural network model to improve anticancer drug sensitivity9
Efficient experimental method for purifying allergens from aqueous extracts9
MRDFF: A deep forest based framework for CT whole heart segmentation9
Non-canonical amino acids and protein dynamics9
Comparing performance of iterative and non-iterative algorithms on various feature schemes for arrhythmia analysis9
Novel, standardized sample collection from the brain-nose interface9
N-GlycoPred: A hybrid deep learning model for accurate identification of N-glycosylation sites9
RETRACTED: A methodological framework for rigorous systematic reviews: Tailoring comprehensive analyses to clinicians and healthcare professionals9
Isothermal titration calorimetry and surface plasmon resonance methods to probe protein–protein interactions9
Efficient allele conversion in mouse zygotes and primary cells based on electroporation of Cre protein9
Microfabricated disk technology: Rapid scale up in midbrain organoid generation9
Atomic force microscope kymograph analysis: A case study of two membrane proteins8
Editorial Board8
Hexagonal image segmentation on spatially resolved transcriptomics8
Guest Editor introduction8
Multi-sample dual-decoder graph autoencoder8
Ribo-DT: An automated pipeline for inferring codon dwell times from ribosome profiling data8
GC6mA-Pred: A deep learning approach to identify DNA N6-methyladenine sites in the rice genome8
Isolation and culture of adult murine cardiac atrial and ventricular fibroblasts and myofibroblasts8
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes using pre-sintered oil fly ash via a reproducible process with large-scale potential8
Measuring occupancies of the nucleosome and nucleosome-interacting factors in vivo in Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome-wide8
Basic techniques associated with studying transcription elongation both in vitro and in vivo within mammalian cells8
Editorial Board8
High-throughput genotyping of high-homology mutant mouse strains by next-generation sequencing8
PIF – A Java library for finding atomic interactions and extracting geometric features supporting the analysis of protein structures8
Sizing, stabilising, and cloning repeat-expansions for gene targeting constructs8
Editorial Board8
Reconstruction of circular RNAs using Illumina and Nanopore RNA-seq datasets8
Editorial Board8
Relaxation and single site multiple mutations to identify and control allosteric networks8
Site-specific protein conjugates incorporating Para-Azido-L-Phenylalanine for cellular and in vivo imaging8
Advances in optical and electrochemical sensing of bisphenol a (BPA) utilizing microfluidic Technology: A mini perspective8
NetAUC: A network-based multi-biomarker identification method by AUC optimization8
A heat diffusion multilayer network approach for the identification of functional biomarkers in rumen methane emissions8
Detecting circRNA in purified spliceosomal P complex8
rPAC: Route based pathway analysis for cohorts of gene expression data sets8
Trans ligation of RNAs to generate hybrid circular RNAs using highly efficient autocatalytic transcripts8
Study of circular RNA translation using reporter systems in living cells8
Furan-based (photo)oxidation reactions and their application in nucleic acid and protein targeting8
Targeting cancer epigenetics with CRISPR-dCAS9: Principles and prospects7
Use of CRISPR/Cas ribonucleoproteins for high throughput gene editing of induced pluripotent stem cells7
Low-dose CT imaging via cascaded ResUnet with spectrum loss7
Machine learning methods for bio-medical image and signal processing: Recent advances7
COVID-19 related interdisciplinary methods: Preventing errors and detecting research opportunities7
Detection and Segmentation of Breast Masses Based on Multi-Layer Feature Fusion7
An in silico hybrid continuum-/agent-based procedure to modelling cancer development: Interrogating the interplay amongst glioma invasion, vascularity and necrosis7
The performance of human cytomegalovirus digital PCR reference measurement procedure in seven external quality assessment schemes over four years7
An epileptic seizure prediction model based on a time-wise attention simulation module and a pretrained ResNet7
Machine learning-enabled optimization of extrusion-based 3D printing7
Imaging the fibroblast growth factor receptor network on the plasma membrane with DNA-assisted single-molecule super-resolution microscopy7
Advanced glycation end products in musculoskeletal system and disorders7
Cervical lesion image enhancement based on conditional entropy generative adversarial network framework7
M−CDC: Magnetic pull-down-assisted colorimetric method based on the CRISPR/Cas12a system7
Bioinformatics resources for understanding RNA modifications7
Utilization of passive visual perception task in detecting patients with major depressive disorder for active health7
Droplet digital PCR or quantitative PCR for in-depth genomic and functional validation of genetically altered rodents7
Nucleic acid sample preparation techniques for bead-based suspension arrays7
Structure-function analysis of DEAD-box helicase DDX437
Nanopore long-read sequencing of circRNAs7
Structural and functional connectivity abnormalities of the default mode network in patients with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment within two independent datasets7
Multiple analyte profiling (MAP) index as a powerful diagnostic and therapeutic monitoring tool7
Determination of rate constants for conformational changes of RNA helicases by single-molecule FRET TIRF microscopy7
Recent developments for the analysis of latent constructs using measurement scales in health research7
Editorial Board7
Engineering natural based nanocomposite inks via interface interaction for extrusion 3D printing7
Pyrene-based fluorescent chemosensor for rapid detection of water and its applications7
The evolution of N6-methyladenosine regulators in plants7