Current Psychology

(The TQCC of Current Psychology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
DDAA and Maternal Reflective Functions132
How does the general public define self-forgiveness? Examination in a college student sample124
Investigating stability in ethical ideologies as moral personalities: understanding ethical shifts through centrality approach91
The temporal association between envy and depression symptoms over 6 months: A Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Study83
A text mining approach to characterizing interpersonal stress among individuals with a nonsuicidal self-injury history78
A thousand miles of dike collapsed in an ant nest: family incivility predicts adolescents’ hopelessness and suicidal ideation77
Everyday moral transgressions (EMTs): Investigating the morality of everyday behaviors75
Effect of motivational interview-based self management programme on self-efficacy in individual with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized controlled trial70
The effect of internet use behaviors on loneliness: the mediating role of real-life interpersonal communication69
Examining the effects of utility value writing and summary writing on learning and motivation among Chinese university students64
Health anxiety and oppressive support: their impact on decisions for non-urgent use of the emergency department of obstetrics and gynecology61
Measuring belongingness: Validation and invariance of the general belongingness scale in Spanish adults60
Spanish version of need for cognition scale: Evidence of reliability, validity and factorial invariance of the very efficient short-form55
On the road: Personality and values of sojourners53
When and why are employees willing to engage in voice behavior: a power cognition perspective51
Measurement invariance between online and paper-and-pencil formats of the Launay-Slade Hallucinations scale-extended (LSHS-E) in the Chilean population51
Perception of cyberdating abuse from the victims’ perspective: effect of the type of suffered behavior and gender49
Digital leadership and deviant innovation: the roles of innovation self-efficacy and employee ambitions48
Effects of childhood abuse experiences on peer victimization in adolescence: the mediating role of self-control, aggression, and depression46
How does dispositional mindfulness enhance co-parenting quality? A dyadic investigation of the mediating roles of self- and other- forgiveness46
Prevalence and risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder in ICU-hospitalized and non- ICU-hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a one-year follow-up study in Iran45
Self-care practices and relationships with vitality and health complaints in self-employed workers43
Identifying subgroups of career decision-making difficulties in Chinese college students: a latent profile analysis43
Depression and anxiety in the Malaysian urban population and their association with demographic characteristics, quality of life, and the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic42
Stuck in companionless days, end up in sleepless nights: relationships between ostracism, rumination, insomnia, and subjective well-being42
The role of parenting, self-compassion and friendships in depressive symptoms among young people in the UK and China42
How adults maltreated as children relate to work supervisors: relational patterns and processes41
The psychological dimension of menopause: a phenomenological study41
The diverging patterns of life satisfaction between families: A latent profile analysis in dual-earner parents with adolescents41
Why women avoid sexting: Mediating role of depression and guilt40
Initiating, maintaining and terminating a romantic relationship during emerging adulthood in Turkey40
Work stressors and their controllability: Content analysis of employee perceptions of hindrances to the flow of work in the health care sector39
Wisdom of words? Age differences in language and social media use in job applications39
Comparison of pregnancy stress, impact and fear of COVID-19 between working and non-working pregnant women in Korea39
Mindfulness-based intervention to reduce multiple health risk behaviors in Chinese undergraduates:a randomized controlled trial38
Are accuracy discernment and sharing of COVID-19 misinformation associated with older age and lower neurocognitive functioning?35
Counterfactual thoughts and regret intensity as correlates of depressive symptoms among polytechnic students in Nigeria35
Person-environment fit and task performance: exploring the role(s) of grit as a personal resource35
Parents’ beliefs about children’s emotions questionnaire: psychometric properties of the Portuguese version among a sample of parents of school-aged children34
Validation of a Chinese translation of the Parents’ Beliefs About Children’s Emotions questionnaire and measurement invariance across Chinese and US mothers34
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) effects on attention enhancement: A preliminary event related potential (ERP) study34
The role of emotions in collective responses to in-group norm violations: the case of university’s sensitivity to the natural environment norm34
Service Employees’ Mindfulness and Job Crafting amid COVID-19: The Roles of Resilience, Organizational Health Climate, and Health-Oriented Leadership33
Future orientation and perceived employability of chinese undergraduates: a moderated mediation model33
Research on the influence mechanism of emotional intelligence and psychological empowerment on customers’ repurchase intention under the situation of online shopping service recovery32
Exploring the effects of online learning on EFL learners’ motivation, anxiety, and attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a focus on Iran32
Smartphone use, intergenerational support and older adults’ wellbeing32
Transdiagnostic factors in symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress: a systematic review32
Understanding the practice of self-management friendship relationships in young children with autism: a qualitative study in chinese public kindergartens31
Unearthing mask waste separation behavior in COVID-19 pandemic period: An empirical evidence from Ghana using an integrated theory of planned behavior and norm activation model31
The independent contribution of desire thinking to problematic social media use31
FunQ: Measuring the fun experience of a learning activity with adolescents30
Promoting a hand sanitizer by persuasive messages: moving bottle and background color as approach and avoidance cues30
Examining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on life through interviews conducted by nursing students: a qualitative study30
Basic psychological needs and suicidal ideation: testing an integrative model in referred and non-referred adolescents29
Evaluation of role of maternal antenatal cardiac autonomic and biochemical stress markers in prediction of psychological stress levels during postpartum period29
Psychosocial profile related to disordered eating attitudes in Spanish adolescents29
Development and validation of ICT unethical behavior scale among undergraduate students29
Mobile phone addiction and emptiness among Chinese college students: the chain mediating role of attention control and self-concept clarity29
Introduction to special issue on adolescents and technology28
Gratitude resentment and appreciation scale (GRAT-16): analyzing psychometrics properties in the Indian context28
How and when supervisors’ challenge appraisals impact employee bottom-line mentality? The roles of supervisor duty orientation and employee positive affectivity28
The structure of deception: Validation of the lying profile questionnaire28
The association between offenders’ and spouses’ anger, dysfunctional communication, and family cohesion and adaptability in prisoner reentry: An actor-partner interdependence mediation model28
Cultivating ambiguity tolerance through mindfulness: An induction randomized controlled trial28
What drives Chinese college students' career interests? The impact of gender, major and job characteristics27
Refusal self-efficacy and alcohol-related behaviours in community samples: a systematic review and meta-analysis27
Ideal and anti-ideal as framing in political evaluations. Psychological analysis of political candidates in the theory of similarity27
Just world beliefs and altruistic behaviors of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating role of empathy27
The relationship between individuals’ sources of information, perceptions, and anxiety regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey27
The correlation of childhood maltreatment and aggression among incarcerated adolescents: testing the mediating effects of self-esteem and self-control27
Depression and social anxiety symptoms explain substance use problems beyond amount/frequency of substance use27
An analysis of the comorbidity between children’s depression and aggression symptoms: self-esteem and oppositional misbehavior as mediators27
The association between paternal depression and adolescent internalising problems: A test of parenting style as a mediating pathway26
How does relative deprivation influence Chinese migrant adolescents’ life satisfaction? Testing two integrated models of perceived control and two types of belief in a just world26
A structural equation modeling associating obesity and body dissatisfaction with health-related biopsychosocial parameters in adolescents26
Too perfectionist to flow: The roles of perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns for flow in dance26
All that meets the eye: The contribution of reward processing and pupil mimicry on pupillary reactions to facial trustworthiness26
Psychopathic traits and emotion processing in a clinical sample of children with disruptive behavior disorder26
When company decisions harm or help the environment: the influence of social context and affective state on moral and causal responsibility attributions26
The relationship between anthropocentric beliefs and the moral status of a chimpanzee, humanoid robot, and cyborg person: the mediating role of the assignment of mind and soul25
The effects of family functioning on alexithymia among adolescents: The roles of friendship quality and school connectedness25
The use of serious games in psychological interventions for anxiety disorders and related psychopathologies: a systematic review25
Appealing to fear to promote self-care behaviors for stress: a web-based experimental study in middle-aged workers25
University students’ resilience in virtual education, personal best goals, anxiety, and academic achievement: towards the prospects of effective virtual education25
Retraction Note: Individual characteristics of physical and mental development and their connection with regular physical exercises when playing basketball25
The effects of leaders’ economic and stakeholder values on subordinates’ discretionary behaviors as antecedents of perceived ethical leadership: a multilevel investigation25
The mediating role of early maladaptive schemas in the relationship between early childhood trauma and alexithymia24
A new application of TMR: A study on implicit self-esteem24
Healthy or tasty: the impact of fresh starts on food preferences24
The curvilinear effect of negative affect on voice behavior from the perspective of activation theory24
Adolescents’ emotional reactions for not intervening in cyberbullying as moderators in the longitudinal association between witnessing cyberbullying and health issues23
Self-report response style bias and borderline personality features23
From the drama of unoccupied time and isolation due to Covid-19’s pandemic to the need for person-centered care at residential care facilities in Portugal23
The use of artificial intelligence in teaching medical students to increase motivation and reduce anxiety during academic practice23
PTSD symptoms, emotion regulation difficulties, and family functioning among trauma-exposed college students23
Cognitive mechanisms of observing others touching products increases purchasing intention: An eye-tracking study23
Relationships between Dark Triad and negative emotions during COVID-19 lockdown: The chain mediating roles of negative coping and state boredom23
School adaptation among immigrant youth from a Dutch integration program: The influence of acculturative stress and bicultural identity integration on academic motivation23
Motivation and anxiety during the second COVID-19 lockdown in gym exercisers: The mediating role of affects and satisfaction with life23
Development of proactive control in school-age children and its relationship with working memory23
Do people see the way things are as they should be? Measuring the individual differences in system justification23
Reappraising negative emotions reduces distress during the COVID-19 outbreak23
Low self-concept clarity reduces subjective well-being: the mediating effect of materialism22
The impact of family pressure on entrepreneurial intention: an empirical study based on Chinese entrepreneurs22
Middle childhood attachment is related to adolescent early maladaptive schemas22
The fear of COVID-19 and flourishing: the mediating role of search for meaning and presence of meaning22
Gender-based sexual assault and mental health in transgender and non-binary individuals: the role of proximal stressors22
The relationship between opium and marijuana addiction and ischemic stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis22
The influence of parents’ depression on children’s online gaming addiction: testing the mediating effects of intrusive parenting and social motivation on children’s online gaming behavior21
Student burnout and work engagement: a canonical correlation analysis21
Can acute resistance exercise facilitate episodic memory encoding?21
Emotion regulation and subjective wellbeing among Turkish population: the mediating role of COVID-19 fear21
Gender and the pandemic: Associations between caregiving, working from home, personal and career outcomes for women and men21
Socio-emotional strengths against psychopathology and suicidal ideation in fear of COVID-1921
Schizotypy as a predictor for problematic technology use in emerging adults21
The perceived role of food and eating among Turkish women with obesity: A qualitative analysis21
Longitudinal associations among hope, basic psychological needs satisfaction at school, and depressive symptom in elementary schoolchildren21
How compulsory citizenship behavior depletes individual resources—a moderated mediation model21
Experiences of adult siblings of those with developmental coordination disorder (DCD): a qualitative study21
Validation of the WHO-5 as a screening tool for depression among young adults in Malaysia21
The role of domain general factors (spatial, executive function, working memory, attention and fine motor skills) in numerical processing in early childhood20
Frequent mental distress among those 65 and over in the 50 American states: intelligence and neuroticism as developmental factors20
Development and validation of the aristotelian virtue of conscientiousness scale using Rasch methodology20
Online gaming and internet gaming disorder in Iran: patterns, motivations, and correlates20
Physical activity buffers the effects of work-family conflict on work engagement through mastery recovery experience20
Psychiatric symptoms as predictors of latent classes of bullying victimization and perpetration among early adolescents20
Adult attachment and psychopathic traits: Investigating the role of gender, maternal and paternal factors20
How work–family conflict affects employees’ well-being in Chinese hotels: the moderating effects of Spouses’ work–family conflict and gender20
The effect of birth memory, recall level, and related factors on breastfeeding attitude of mothers in the postpartum period: a prospective study20
Cultural specificity of time perspective: Development and construct validation of the Thai Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (TH-ZTPI)20
Pains and gains of feedback source: the dual effects of subordinates’ feedback-seeking events on leaders’ work engagement20
Fluctuating phenomenon in competitive performance: a mediating effect analysis based on mental state of Chinese women’s singles tennis player20
The boss can’t tell: Investigating how and when supervisor ingratiation spills over to observers19
How is college adjustment relates to smartphone addiction: a comprehensive and pluralist approach19
Last in, first out? Length of service as a moderator of the relationship between exposure to bullying behaviors and work-related outcomes19
An exploratory psychometric network analysis of loneliness scales in a sample of older adults19
Association of the time spent on social media news with depression and suicidal ideation among a sample of Lebanese adults during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Lebanese economic crisis19
Psychological factors and the use of psychoactive substances in relation to sexual orientation: A study on Israeli young adults19
Age-related Chinese word recognition across different AoA and parts of speech19
Walking together: Exploring perspectives, attitudes, and barriers on nutrition and exercise among individuals with serious mental illness19
The impact of communication software usage on work engagement in remote work: the mediating role of distraction and FOMO19
The role of adult attachment and minority stress in isolating behaviors perpetration among lesbian and gay people in Italy19
Anxiety and depression predispose individuals to an autoimmune bullous diseases- bullous pemphigoid: A large-scale population-based cohort study19
Moral in the future, better now: Moral licensing versus behavioral priming in children and the moderating role of psychological distance19
Nuanced associations among fatalism, socioeconomic status, and mental health among undergraduate students19
A mixed-methods study on the assessment of the mental health concerns among university students in the Philippines19
Pragmatics in the elementary school years: the contribute of mental state language used in narrative and persuasive texts19
Effect of high-risk pregnancy on prenatal stress level: a prospective case-control study19
Workaholism and workplace incivility: a moderated dual-process model19
School-based well-being programs for children living in regional and rural Australia: stakeholder views19
How and when authoritarian leadership affects compulsory citizenship behavior? A moderated mediation model of façade creation and leader-member exchange19
Task-crafting: how power distance shapes the influence of goal-setting participation19
Handedness, intelligence, visual-perceptual and motor functions in young adults19
The contagion of ethical voice among peers: an attribution perspective18
Aiming to be perfect parents increases the risk of parental burnout, but emotional competence mitigates it18
Mind-mindedness in out-of-home Care for Children: Implications for caregivers and child18
The relationship between fear of birth and feelings of security18
The relationship between the items of the social media disorder scale and perceived social media addiction18
Exploring the drivers of COVID-19 protective behaviors among Singaporean tourists to Indonesia using travel bubbles18
Psychometric properties of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale for Students (UWES-S) in the Taiwanese context18
Quantification of university entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship jointly promoting innovation ability cultivation from an interdisciplinary perspective18
Poverty of the stimulus and its role in learning the Chinese language according to syntactic content18
Disruptive behaviors in the classroom, a question of gender or of inadequate forms of coping?18
Cognitive flexibility and psychological hardiness: examining the mediating role of positive humor styles and happiness in teachers18
Exploring adult attachment and anxiety: the role of intolerance of uncertainty and social support18
Content specificity of threat-related attentional bias in health anxiety: evidence from computational modelling18
Modeling of variables related to parents’ awareness in Cyberbullying Prevention18
An emotional regulation advantage in people with high psychological Suzhi—evidence from ERP research17
Mediation effect of family environment on academic procrastination and life satisfaction: Assessing emerging adults17
Development and validation of the conservation of resources scale for COVID-19 in the Chinese adult general population17
Casting light on the dark side: unveiling the dual-edged effect of unethical pro-organizational behavior in ethical climate17
I will listen to you if you match with me: the effect of regulatory fit on advice taking17
The room-product-effect and its application to investigate the desirability of designed products: a review17
Does dignity matter? A study of donors’ behavior17
Cognitive emotion regulation moderates the relationship between anxiety, depression and cancer-related fatigue in cancer patients17
The relational correlates of sexual desire and distress in Turkish women: a structural equation model17
Effects of exercise intensity and duration at a predetermined exercise volume on executive function among Apolipoprotein E (APOE)-ɛ4 carriers17
COVID-19 anxiety, psychological well-being and preventive behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean: relationships and explanatory model17
Developing and testing an integrative model of work-family conflict in a Chinese context17
Left-behind youth are not always bad! Relations between teacher autonomy support, narcissism, and prosocial behavior17
Put your feet up: The impact of personality traits, job pressure, and social support on the need for recovery after work17
Development and initial validation of athletes’ perceptions of coach-related critical attitudes scale17
The effects of educational aspirations on stability and change in psychological well-being of Chinese adolescents17
Dancing program and young children’s social development17
Protecting the environment through art: the significance of environmental art design in raising awareness about environmental pollution among universities in China17
Adolescents’ and parents’ anxiety during COVID-19: is there a role of cyberchondriasis and emotion regulation through the internet?17
Why does COVID-19 make me depressed? The longitudinal relationships between fear of COVID-19 and depressive symptoms: a moderated mediation model17
Interpersonal uncertainty and mobile phone addiction among Chinese college students: the mediating effect of social and emotional loneliness and the moderating effect of optimism17
Validation of the Super-Brief Pathological Narcissism Inventory (SB-PNI) among Swedish adolescents17
School refusal behaviours profiles among nigerian adolescents: differences in risk and protective psychosocial factors17
Knowledge-oriented leadership and project employee performance: the roles of organisational learning capabilities and absorptive capacity17
A wise person plants a tree a day before the end of the world: coping with the emotional experience of climate change in Poland16
Research on CEO narcissism and mergers and acquisitions of listed companies16
The relationship between a positive parenting style and chinese adolescents’ academic grit: A parallel mediating model16
Individual and class-level factors for students’ management of homework environment: The self-regulation perspective16
Adolescent gaming and parent–child emotional closeness: bivariate relationships in a longitudinal perspective16
Self-downing mediates the association between fixed intelligence mindset and different indicators of students’ mental health16
Social support as a mediator in the relationship between perceived stress and nomophobia: An Investigation among Malaysian university students during the COVID-19 pandemic16
Intolerance to uncertainty and self-efficacy as mediators between personality traits and adjustment disorder in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic16
Leader humor, workplace gossip, and employee authentic self-expression: implications for employee proactive behaviors16
Parental active internet mediation and Children’s academic adaptation: the mediating role of video gaming and moderating role of deviant peer affiliation16
Self-injurious behaviors in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability16
Adaptivity, adaptability, adapting response, and adaptation result: testing with structural equation modelling on pre-service teachers16
Reasoning and learning with board game-based learning: A case study16
The role of cognitive appraisals in parental burnout: a preliminary analysis during the COVID-19 quarantine16
Self-rated mental health in the transition to adulthood predicts depressive symptoms in midlife16
Perceived overqualification and work engagement: the moderating role of organizational size16
Risk and protective factors associated with depression among adolescents16
Family adaptability and cohesion and the subjective well-being of parents of children with disabilities: the mediating role of coping style and resilience16
What exists in academia on work stress in accounting professionals: a bibliometric analysis16
A meta-analysis of loneliness among left-behind children in China16
Mediating roles of positive reappraisal and stigma resistance in the relationship between mindfulness and quality of life among stable schizophrenia patients16
Therapeutic factors mediating positive Mirror effects in group counseling education16
Sex differences in the effects of threats on self-face recognition in social and natural scenes16
Cyberchondria, Anxiety Sensitivity, Hypochondria, and Internet Addiction: Implications for Mental Health Professionals16
Consciously choosing and shaping what to comprehend: a mixed-methods approach to first-person aspects of mental agency in ambiguous speech perception16
The chronology of collective cheating: a qualitative study of collective dishonesty in academic contexts16
Perceived overqualification and employee proactivity: The cross-level moderation effects of LMX and initiative climate in small firms16
Personality heterogeneity in adolescents with anorexia nervosa: a factor-mixture analysis16
Imageability ratings for 10,426 Chinese two-character words and their contribution to lexical processing16
The patterns of problematic social media use (SMU) and their relationship with online flow, life satisfaction, depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in Lithuania and in Germany16
Examining the relation among cost, academic emotion, and achievement in mathematics16
Autobiographical memories in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review15
“What does social class mean to you?” Exploring subjective understandings of social class in the United States15
The relationship between anger and learning from failure: The moderating effect of resilience and project commitment15
Psychometric properties of interpersonal emotion regulation questionnaire in nonclinical and clinical population in Iran15
The prosocial behaviors toward different targets scale – brief version: validation in a sample of Italian emerging adults15
Time-course change in attentional resource allocation during a spot-the-difference task: investigation using an eye fixation-related brain potential15
Psychometric assessment of the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire Junior: A two-study validation in Spanish-speaking adolescents15
The role of the father involvement in child development: the relationships with maternal, paternal, and child characteristics15
Patterns and predictors of adolescent life change during the COVID-19 pandemic: a person-centered approach15
Deconstructing depression: specific symptoms predict future suicide attempts among clinical adolescents15
My dream, my strength: proactive behavior as a mediator between future work selves and career adaptability during the early career15
Impact of sexual orientation microaggression: experiences of cisgender LGB Filipinos across different generations15
Psychometric assessment of the Persian version of the psychologist and counselor self-efficacy scale among Iranian psychologists and counselors15
Development and construct validation of a short form of the interpersonal reactivity index in Iranian community15
Adolescents’ behavior problems based on combination of motivational system and perceived maternal parenting: A person-centered approach by gender15
Development and validation of a 12-item version of the Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory (B-L RI:mini) using item response theory15
Effects of a white privilege framing and a test of moderators15
Employee sensemaking in organizational change via knowledge management: leadership role as a moderator15
Parent-adolescent relationship and friendship quality: Psychological capital as mediator and neighborhood safety and satisfaction as moderator15
Wean your child off video games: Using external rewards to undermine intrinsic motivation to play interesting video games15
Framing effectiveness of nature conservation ads: the influence of environmental value orientation and mental imagery15
Associations between age, social reward processing and social anxiety symptoms15
Time attitudes affecting psychological health during COVID-19 pandemic: a two-wave, six-month prospective study in Taiwan15
Associations between personality and humor structure appreciation15
Autonomy and hope: relationships and difference between left-behind and non-left-behind secondary vocational students15
Resilience, stress and anxiety in pregnancy before and throughout the pandemic: a structural equation modelling approach14
“Kill the familiar effect”: the impact of anger on deceptive behavior14