Current Psychology

(The H4-Index of Current Psychology is 34. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
DDAA and Maternal Reflective Functions132
How does the general public define self-forgiveness? Examination in a college student sample124
Investigating stability in ethical ideologies as moral personalities: understanding ethical shifts through centrality approach91
The temporal association between envy and depression symptoms over 6 months: A Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Study83
A text mining approach to characterizing interpersonal stress among individuals with a nonsuicidal self-injury history78
A thousand miles of dike collapsed in an ant nest: family incivility predicts adolescents’ hopelessness and suicidal ideation77
Everyday moral transgressions (EMTs): Investigating the morality of everyday behaviors75
Effect of motivational interview-based self management programme on self-efficacy in individual with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized controlled trial69
The effect of internet use behaviors on loneliness: the mediating role of real-life interpersonal communication61
Examining the effects of utility value writing and summary writing on learning and motivation among Chinese university students60
Health anxiety and oppressive support: their impact on decisions for non-urgent use of the emergency department of obstetrics and gynecology55
Spanish version of need for cognition scale: Evidence of reliability, validity and factorial invariance of the very efficient short-form51
On the road: Personality and values of sojourners51
Measurement invariance between online and paper-and-pencil formats of the Launay-Slade Hallucinations scale-extended (LSHS-E) in the Chilean population49
When and why are employees willing to engage in voice behavior: a power cognition perspective48
Perception of cyberdating abuse from the victims’ perspective: effect of the type of suffered behavior and gender46
Digital leadership and deviant innovation: the roles of innovation self-efficacy and employee ambitions46
Effects of childhood abuse experiences on peer victimization in adolescence: the mediating role of self-control, aggression, and depression45
How does dispositional mindfulness enhance co-parenting quality? A dyadic investigation of the mediating roles of self- and other- forgiveness43
Prevalence and risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder in ICU-hospitalized and non- ICU-hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a one-year follow-up study in Iran43
Identifying subgroups of career decision-making difficulties in Chinese college students: a latent profile analysis42
Self-care practices and relationships with vitality and health complaints in self-employed workers42
Stuck in companionless days, end up in sleepless nights: relationships between ostracism, rumination, insomnia, and subjective well-being42
The role of parenting, self-compassion and friendships in depressive symptoms among young people in the UK and China41
How adults maltreated as children relate to work supervisors: relational patterns and processes41
Depression and anxiety in the Malaysian urban population and their association with demographic characteristics, quality of life, and the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic41
Initiating, maintaining and terminating a romantic relationship during emerging adulthood in Turkey40
The psychological dimension of menopause: a phenomenological study40
Peer victimization and externalizing problems among Chinese adolescents: the chain mediating role of hostile attribution bias and revenge motivation39
Factors influencing the quality of life of postpartum women: a systematic review39
Why women avoid sexting: Mediating role of depression and guilt39
Mediation role of coping styles on negative life events and subthreshold depression in medical students38
The Norwegian version of the Personal Feelings Questionnaire-2: clinical utility and psychometric properties35
The role of alcohol consumption motives in the relationships between psychological distress, emotional dysregulation, and problematic alcohol consumption. A mediation model35
From the 4Ns to the 3Ns. Reliability and validation studies of the Spanish-adapted Carnism Scale34
Choking under pressure: positive cues can mitigate choking in behavior inhibition and switching34
Relationship between the perpetrator-victim difference in educational level and type of violence exerted34