Permafrost and Periglacial Processes

(The TQCC of Permafrost and Periglacial Processes is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Spatial distribution mapping of permafrost in Mongolia using TTOP36
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Spatiotemporal characteristics and variability in the thermal state of permafrost on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau20
The trajectory of contemporary cryoplanation literature: A bibliometric assessment17
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Topographical effect of high embankments on resistivity investigation of the underlying permafrost table13
Recent Advances (2018–2023) and Research Opportunities in the Study of Groundwater in Cold Regions12
Advances in InSAR Analysis of Permafrost Terrain11
Isotopic composition of heterogeneous ice wedges in peatlands of the Pur‐Taz interfluve (northern West Siberia)11
Shrubs Strongly Influence Snow Properties in Two Subarctic Watersheds11
Optically‐Stimulated‐Luminescence Ages and Paleo‐Environmental Implications of Relict Frost Wedges in North–Central Bohemia, Czech Republic11
Cooling Performance of a Novel Ventilated Slope on Railbed in Permafrost Regions11
Assessing Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Rock Glacier‐Based Permafrost Distribution in Northern Kargil Region10
TTOP‐model‐based maps of permafrost distribution in Northeast China for 1961–202010
Best practices for using electrical resistivity tomography to investigate permafrost10
Estimation of Permafrost Ground Ice to 10 m Depth on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau10
Spatial and temporal dynamics of aufeis in the Tso Moriri basin, eastern Ladakh, India9
Investigation, Monitoring, and Simulation of Permafrost on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau: A Review9
A systematic evaluation of electrical resistivity tomography for permafrost interface detection using forward modeling9
Developments in Permafrost Science and Engineering in Response to Climate Warming in Circumpolar and High Mountain Regions, 2019–20249
Multi‐stage evolution of frost‐induced microtextures on the surface of quartz grains—An experimental study9
Synchronous Isotopic Curves in Ice Wedges of the Batagay Yedoma: Precision Matching and Similarity Scoring8
Characterization of a Deglaciated Sediment Chronosequence in the High Arctic Using Near‐Surface Geoelectrical Monitoring Methods8
Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle–Based Assessments of Peatland Permafrost Vulnerability Along the Labrador Sea Coastline, Northern Canada8
Sensitivity of Permafrost Degradation to Geological and Climatic Conditions8
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Stephen Taber and the development of North American cryostratigraphy and periglacial geomorphology7
Disparate permafrost terrain changes after a large flood observed from space7
Combined optically stimulated luminescence and radiocarbon dating of aeolian dunes in Arctic Sweden6
Advances in retrogressive thaw slump research in permafrost regions6
First evidence of rock wall permafrost in the Pyrenees (Vignemale peak, 3,298 m a.s.l., 42°46′16″N/0°08′33″W)6
High‐resolution stable isotopic signals of ground ice indicate freeze–thaw history in permafrost on the northeastern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau6
Surface energy balance of sub‐Arctic roads with varying snow regimes and properties in permafrost regions6
Ice wedge polygon stability on steep slopes in West Greenland related to temperature and moisture dynamics of the active layer6
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Rock temperature prior to failure: Analysis of 209 rockfall events in the Mont Blanc massif (Western European Alps)6
Seasonally distinct runoff–recharge partitioning in an alpine tundra catchment6
Characteristic periglacial topography: Multi‐scale hypsometric analysis of cryoplanated uplands in eastern Beringia6
Fluvio‐thermal erosion and thermal denudation in the yedoma region of northern Alaska: Revisiting the Itkillik River exposure6