Latin American Antiquity

(The TQCC of Latin American Antiquity is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The Low-Density Urban Systems of the Classic Period Maya and Izapa: Insights from Settlement Scaling Theory31
The Impact of Coastal–Highland Interactions and Population Movements on the Development and Collapse of Complex Societies in Nasca, Peru (AD 500–1450)12
Diet and Lifestyle in the First Villages of the Middle Preceramic: Insights from Stable Isotope and Osteological Analyses of Human Remains from Paloma, Chilca I, La Yerba III, and Morro I11
Perros indígenas en el Noreste argentino10
Exchange Systems in Late Postclassic Mesoamerica: Comparing Open and Restricted Markets at Tlaxcallan, Mexico, and Santa Rita Corozal, Belize10
Why Did Projectile-Point Size Increase in the Andean Altiplano Archaic? An Experimental Atlatl Analysis10
Roadwork: Long-Distance Causeways at Uci, Yucatan, Mexico8
Excavations at the Southern Neighborhood Center of the Tlajinga District, Teotihuacan, Mexico8
Climate and Social Changes: Reviewing the Equation with Data from the Huacas de Moche Archaeological Complex, Peru7
Early Monumentality in the Belize River Valley: Excavations of a Preclassic E-Group at Cahal Pech, Belize7
New Perspectives on Migration into the Tlajinga District of Teotihuacan: A Dual-Isotope Approach7
Patterned Villagescapes and Road Networks in Ancient Southwestern Amazonia7
Regional Integration and Ceramic Consumption in the Border Region of Bolivia and Argentina (ca. AD 1000–1450)7
Revisitando las exploraciones arqueológicas en el sitio de Tingambato, Michoacán: Nuevos datos, nuevas tecnologías6
Ranking de recursos y dieta óptima en desiertos nordpatagónicos6
The River and the Sky: Astronomy and Topography in Caral Society, America's First Urban Centers6
Eat and Die: The Last Meal of Sacrificed Chimú Camelids at Huanchaquito-Las Llamas, Peru, as Revealed by Starch Grain Analysis5
Late Intermediate Period Funerary Traditions, Population Aggregation, and the Ayllu in the Sihuas Valley, Peru5
Sealing with Stone: Assessing an Assemblage of Lithic Debitage from a Funerary Context at the Lowland Maya City of Caracol, Belize5
New AMS Radiocarbon Ages from the Preceramic Levels of Coxcatlan Cave, Puebla, Mexico: A Pleistocene Occupation of the Tehuacan Valley?5
Evidence for Landscape Transformation of Ridgetop Forests in Amazonian Ecuador5
Indigenous Routes and Resource Materialities in the Early Spanish Colonial World: Comparative Archaeological Approaches5
Settlement Scaling in the Northern Maya Lowlands: Human-Scale Implications5
Inca Human Sacrifices on Misti Volcano (Peru)4
El temprano arte de la tradición de tejer esteras en fibra vegetal en la sociedad Chinchorro (10.000-3500 aP): Extremo norte de Chile4
Spatial and Temporal Limits of the Casas Grandes Tradition: A View from the Fronteras Valley4
Reconstructing Middle Horizon Camelid Diets and Foddering Practices: Microbotanical and Isotope Analyses of Dental Remains from Quilcapampa, Peru4
Evidencia arqueométrica del uso del manganeso en artefactos asociados a la cultura Chinchorro4
Economic Directness in the Western Andes: A New Model of Socioeconomic Organization for the Paracas Culture in the First Millennium BC4
Ancient Human Mitogenome of the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego): An Argentine Collaborative Project4
Monte Albán's Hidden Past: Buried Buildings and Sociopolitical Transformation4
The Tiwanaku Tradition within the Tambo Valley, Southern Coast of Peru: Interpretation of Burial Contexts from La Pampilla 14
Dogs for the Gods, Fish for the Feast: The Ceremonial Role of Animals at Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala4
Pachamanka: Inka Earthen Ovens from Tambo Viejo, Peru4
The Escaramayu Complex: A Prehispanic Metallurgical Establishment in the South Andean Altiplano (Escara, Potosi, Bolivia), Ninth to Fifteenth Centuries AD3
Análisis cronológico de las ocupaciones humanas en la cuenca inferior del río Deseado, Patagonia Argentina3
Burial 61 at El Perú-Waka's Structure M13-13
Queros as Inalienable Objects: Ritual Drinking Vessels and the End of the Inka Empire at Moqi (Locumba Valley, Southern Peru)3
Childhood in Captivity: Bioarchaeological Evidence from a Late Colonial Sugar Plantation in Central Peru3
The Life and Death of a Child: Mortuary and Bodily Manifestations of Coast–Interior Interactions during the Late Formative Period (AD 100–400), Northern Chile3
Burying the Dead at Ayawiri: Mortuary Diversity and Postmortem Manipulation at an Andean Hillfort (AD 1100–1450)3
Early Maize in the Maya Area3
Composition of Prehispanic Diets from Stable Isotope Analysis in Human Remains of the Southern Calchaquíes Valleys, Northwest Argentina (3600–1300 BP)3
Ocupaciones dispersas, paisajes persistentes: La arqueología de Anfama, Tucumán (400 aC-1500 dC)3
Cambios y continuidades en la subsistencia e interacción entre sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras marinas y agro-alfareras durante el Holoceno tardío en el Archipiélago Septentrional), Patagonia, Chile3
Aztec and Tlaxcalan Economic Interaction: Blockade or Interregional Exchange?3
Shell Games: A Middle Preclassic Shell Deposit at the Minor Center of Tutu Uitz Na in the Upper Belize River Valley3
Tecnología lítica de las primeras sociedades del extremo sur de Sudamérica3
Reimagining Creolization: The Deep History of Cultural Interactions in the Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, through the Lens of Material Culture3
Un cuarto de siglo de arqueología histórica en las fronteras y espacios rurales de Argentina3
Chimú–Inka Segmented Agricultural Fields in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru: Implications for State-Level Resource Management3
Diferencias de género de autores y revisores antes y después del inicio de la pandemia3
Patrones de poblamiento del noroeste y centro-oeste de la Patagonia a partir del registro funerario y no funerario de cazadores-recolectores: Un modelo regional para los últimos 12.500 años3
Experiencing Community: Continuity and Transformation of Residential Life under the Inka Empire in Huarochirí (Lima, Peru)3
El caracol terrestreMegalobulimusen contextos funerarios de San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) y su rol en el intercambio ritual circumpuneño (400-1400 dC)3
Archaic Period Lithic Technology, Sedentism, and Subsistence in Northern Belize: What Can Debitage at Caye Coco and Fred Smith Tell Us?3
Household Quarry-Reservoirs at the Ancient Maya Site of Yaxnohcah, Mexico3
Reconsidering the Age and Typological Character of “Pox Pottery” from Guerrero, Mexico2
Tiwanaku Sealings and Signet Rings: Authority Transmission in the Ancient Andes2
Beads and Stamps in the Middle Orinoco: Archaeological Evidence for Interaction and Exchange in the Atures Rapids from AD 1000 to 14802
New Research on the Intihuasi Cave, San Luis, Argentina: Implications for the Peopling of the Southern Cone of South America2
An Inka Unku from Caleta Vitor Bay, Northern Chile2
Comparing Preclassic Sequences at Cahal Pech, Belize: Reply to Horn2
New Data from Pedra Pintada Cave, Brazilian Amazon: Technological Analyses of the Lithic Industries in the Pleistocene–Holocene2
Encierros ganaderos en la frontera colonial de la Banda Oriental: El caso de los corrales de palmas del sureste del Uruguay2
The Organization of Obsidian Exchange at Middle Postclassic Sauce and Its Hinterland in Veracruz, Mexico2
Plants in Transit Communities: Circulating Tubers and Maize in the Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia2
Prehispanic Highland Textile Technologies: A View from the First Millennium AD at Hualcayán, Ancash, Peru2
Prehistoric Human Occupation of Southern Andean Forests: Evidence from Alero Largo, Aysén, Chilean Patagonia2
Monte Alban's Hidden Past: Buried Buildings and Sociopolitical Transformation – Addendum2
Estrategias humanas y paleoclima en los Andes (34°S): Variaciones en la intensidad de ocupación de Laguna del Diamante (ca. 2000-500 años aP)2
Viviendas, espacios y relaciones sociales en un contexto fabril: El caso del Ingenio Lastenia (Tucumán, Argentina) durante el último cuarto del siglo diecinueve2
Emergence and Development of Pottery in the Andean Early Formative Period: New Insights from an Improved Wairajirca Pottery Chronology at the Jancao Site in the Huánuco Region, Peru2
Tres Palos Revisited: Understanding the Middle Horizon in the Rio Grande de Nasca Drainage2
Pucara Hilltop Settlements in the Lupaca and Pacajes Territories, Southern Andean Altiplano, during the Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000–1450)2
Las Vegas: The Early Holocene Archaeology of Human Occupation in Coastal Ecuador / Las Vegas: La Arqueología de la Ocupación Humana en la Costa del Ecuador durante el Holoceno Temprano. PETER W. STAHL2
Objetos de cobre arsenical y sociedades agropastoriles en la Puna Meridional argentina: Nuevas perspectivas sobre la metalurgia del segundo milenio aP en los Andes centro sur2
De palacios a mausoleos: Nuevas evidencias e interpretaciones sobre los accesos de los conjuntos amurallados de Chan Chan, Perú2
Economic Integration and Obsidian Consumption in the Late Postclassic Period K'iche’ Region2
A Mesoamerican Urban Road Network: An Analysis of Pedestrian Pathways of Angamuco, Michoacán2
Variaciones en el comportamiento mortuorio durante la caída del imperio inca en el Pucará de Tilcara (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy): Aportes desde la entomología forense y la bioantropología2
Bioarchaeology of Arsenic, an Invisible Natural Pollutant, and Its Effect on the Mitimaes of Camarones Cove, Arica, during Inca Times2
The Green Deer: Chaya as a Potential Source of Protein for the Ancient Maya2
Residue Analysis of Cooking Vessels from Early Postclassic Xaltocan, Central Mexico2
Yendegaia Rockshelter, the First Rock Art Site on Tierra del Fuego Island and Social Interaction in Southern Patagonia (South America)2
Shellfish Collection Practices of the First Inhabitants of Southwestern Puerto Rico: The Effects of Site Type and Paleoenvironment on Habitat Choice2
Beyond Visualization: Remote Sensing Applications in Prehispanic Settlements to Understand Ancient Anthropogenic Land Use and Occupation in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia2