Latin American Antiquity

(The median citation count of Latin American Antiquity is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
The Low-Density Urban Systems of the Classic Period Maya and Izapa: Insights from Settlement Scaling Theory26
Ucanal Stela 29 and the Cosmopolitanism of Terminal Classic Maya Stone Monuments12
Arqueología distribucional y biogeografía humana en un paisaje andino-patagónico10
The Impact of Coastal–Highland Interactions and Population Movements on the Development and Collapse of Complex Societies in Nasca, Peru (AD 500–1450)10
Exchange Systems in Late Postclassic Mesoamerica: Comparing Open and Restricted Markets at Tlaxcallan, Mexico, and Santa Rita Corozal, Belize10
Diet and Lifestyle in the First Villages of the Middle Preceramic: Insights from Stable Isotope and Osteological Analyses of Human Remains from Paloma, Chilca I, La Yerba III, and Morro I9
Why Did Projectile-Point Size Increase in the Andean Altiplano Archaic? An Experimental Atlatl Analysis8
Excavations at the Southern Neighborhood Center of the Tlajinga District, Teotihuacan, Mexico8
Roadwork: Long-Distance Causeways at Uci, Yucatan, Mexico7
A Good Place to Live: Plants and People at the Santa Elina Rock Shelter (Central Brazil) from Late Pleistocene to the Holocene7
Perros indígenas en el Noreste argentino7
Early Monumentality in the Belize River Valley: Excavations of a Preclassic E-Group at Cahal Pech, Belize7
Refining Kaminaljuyu Chronology: New Radiocarbon Dates, Bayesian Analysis, and Ceramics Studies6
New Perspectives on Migration into the Tlajinga District of Teotihuacan: A Dual-Isotope Approach6
Patterned Villagescapes and Road Networks in Ancient Southwestern Amazonia6
Climate and Social Changes: Reviewing the Equation with Data from the Huacas de Moche Archaeological Complex, Peru6
Sealing with Stone: Assessing an Assemblage of Lithic Debitage from a Funerary Context at the Lowland Maya City of Caracol, Belize5
Revisitando las exploraciones arqueológicas en el sitio de Tingambato, Michoacán: Nuevos datos, nuevas tecnologías5
Late Intermediate Period Plant Use at a Colla Hillfort, Puno, Peru (AD 1300–1450)5
Cervídeos como fonte de matéria-prima para produção de artefatos: Estudos de caso em três sítios arqueológicos associados a grupos caçadores-coletores do sudeste e sul do Brasil5
Micromamíferos recuperados en sitios arqueológicos de precordillera en los Andes del Centro-Occidente Argentino (Holoceno tardío): Aspectos tafonómicos y paleoambientales5
Regional Integration and Ceramic Consumption in the Border Region of Bolivia and Argentina (ca. AD 1000–1450)5
The River and the Sky: Astronomy and Topography in Caral Society, America's First Urban Centers5
New AMS Radiocarbon Ages from the Preceramic Levels of Coxcatlan Cave, Puebla, Mexico: A Pleistocene Occupation of the Tehuacan Valley?5
The Tiwanaku Tradition within the Tambo Valley, Southern Coast of Peru: Interpretation of Burial Contexts from La Pampilla 14
Monte Albán's Hidden Past: Buried Buildings and Sociopolitical Transformation4
Settlement Scaling in the Northern Maya Lowlands: Human-Scale Implications4
El temprano arte de la tradición de tejer esteras en fibra vegetal en la sociedad Chinchorro (10.000-3500 aP): Extremo norte de Chile4
Inca Human Sacrifices on Misti Volcano (Peru)4
Late Intermediate Period Funerary Traditions, Population Aggregation, and the Ayllu in the Sihuas Valley, Peru4
Paleopathological Research in Southern Patagonia: An Approach to Understanding Stress and Disease in Hunter-Gatherer Populations4
Eat and Die: The Last Meal of Sacrificed Chimú Camelids at Huanchaquito-Las Llamas, Peru, as Revealed by Starch Grain Analysis4
Chimú–Inka Segmented Agricultural Fields in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru: Implications for State-Level Resource Management3
Diferencias de género de autores y revisores antes y después del inicio de la pandemia3
Moche Mortuary Pottery and Culture Change3
Pachamanka: Inka Earthen Ovens from Tambo Viejo, Peru3
The Life and Death of a Child: Mortuary and Bodily Manifestations of Coast–Interior Interactions during the Late Formative Period (AD 100–400), Northern Chile3
Archaic Period Lithic Technology, Sedentism, and Subsistence in Northern Belize: What Can Debitage at Caye Coco and Fred Smith Tell Us?3
Evidence for Landscape Transformation of Ridgetop Forests in Amazonian Ecuador3
Variabilidad morfológica de anzuelos en concha deChoromytilus chorus(8500-4500 cal aP), costa sur del Desierto de Atacama, Taltal, Chile3
Approaching Archaeological Museum Collections through the Concept of Assemblage: The Case Study of the Jesuit Mission San Ignacio Miní (1610–1631)3
Ranking de recursos y dieta óptima en desiertos nordpatagónicos3
Indigenous Routes and Resource Materialities in the Early Spanish Colonial World: Comparative Archaeological Approaches3
Shell Games: A Middle Preclassic Shell Deposit at the Minor Center of Tutu Uitz Na in the Upper Belize River Valley3
Paleodemographic Simulations at Xcambó, Yucatan: Early and Late Classic Population Dynamics in the Northern Maya Territories3
Reimagining Creolization: The Deep History of Cultural Interactions in the Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, through the Lens of Material Culture3
Economic Directness in the Western Andes: A New Model of Socioeconomic Organization for the Paracas Culture in the First Millennium BC3
Under Heavy Fire: Brazil and the Politics of Anti-Memory3
Dogs for the Gods, Fish for the Feast: The Ceremonial Role of Animals at Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala3
Spatial and Temporal Limits of the Casas Grandes Tradition: A View from the Fronteras Valley3
Experiencing Community: Continuity and Transformation of Residential Life under the Inka Empire in Huarochirí (Lima, Peru)3
Evidencia arqueométrica del uso del manganeso en artefactos asociados a la cultura Chinchorro3
Tecnología lítica de las primeras sociedades del extremo sur de Sudamérica3
Household Quarry-Reservoirs at the Ancient Maya Site of Yaxnohcah, Mexico3
Early Maize in the Maya Area2
Tiwanaku Sealings and Signet Rings: Authority Transmission in the Ancient Andes2
The Past, Present, and Future of Archaeology of the Museu Nacional: A Brief Introduction / Passado, presente e futuro da arqueologia no Museu Nacional: Uma breve introdução2
Monte Alban's Hidden Past: Buried Buildings and Sociopolitical Transformation – Addendum2
Prehistoric Human Occupation of Southern Andean Forests: Evidence from Alero Largo, Aysén, Chilean Patagonia2
Emergence and Development of Pottery in the Andean Early Formative Period: New Insights from an Improved Wairajirca Pottery Chronology at the Jancao Site in the Huánuco Region, Peru2
Ocupaciones dispersas, paisajes persistentes: La arqueología de Anfama, Tucumán (400 aC-1500 dC)2
Burial 61 at El Perú-Waka's Structure M13-12
New Data from Pedra Pintada Cave, Brazilian Amazon: Technological Analyses of the Lithic Industries in the Pleistocene–Holocene2
Encierros ganaderos en la frontera colonial de la Banda Oriental: El caso de los corrales de palmas del sureste del Uruguay2
Las Vegas: The Early Holocene Archaeology of Human Occupation in Coastal Ecuador / Las Vegas: La Arqueología de la Ocupación Humana en la Costa del Ecuador durante el Holoceno Temprano. PETER W. STAHL2
An Isotopic and Morphometric Examination of Island Dogs (Canis familiaris): Comparing Dietary and Mobility Patterns in the Precolumbian Caribbean2
Da alfândega ao Valongo: A entrada dos cativos africanos no Rio de Janeiro no século dezenove sob uma nova perspectiva historiográfica2
Plants in Transit Communities: Circulating Tubers and Maize in the Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia2
Un cuarto de siglo de arqueología histórica en las fronteras y espacios rurales de Argentina2
Movilidad y explotación de recursos terrestres por cazadores-recolectores costeros de Bahía Moat, costa sureste de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina2
San José 520: An Unusual Teotihuacan Settlement System2
A Mesoamerican Urban Road Network: An Analysis of Pedestrian Pathways of Angamuco, Michoacán2
Viviendas, espacios y relaciones sociales en un contexto fabril: El caso del Ingenio Lastenia (Tucumán, Argentina) durante el último cuarto del siglo diecinueve2
Bioarchaeology of Arsenic, an Invisible Natural Pollutant, and Its Effect on the Mitimaes of Camarones Cove, Arica, during Inca Times2
Comparing Preclassic Sequences at Cahal Pech, Belize: Reply to Horn2
Aztec and Tlaxcalan Economic Interaction: Blockade or Interregional Exchange?2
Queros as Inalienable Objects: Ritual Drinking Vessels and the End of the Inka Empire at Moqi (Locumba Valley, Southern Peru)2
The Organization of Obsidian Exchange at Middle Postclassic Sauce and Its Hinterland in Veracruz, Mexico2
Aprovechamiento de animales en la puna transicional de Chaschuil (Catamarca, Argentina): Análisis zooarqueológico de dos ocupaciones del sitio San Francisco Inca (ca. siglos diez a quince dC)2
Beyond Visualization: Remote Sensing Applications in Prehispanic Settlements to Understand Ancient Anthropogenic Land Use and Occupation in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia2
De palacios a mausoleos: Nuevas evidencias e interpretaciones sobre los accesos de los conjuntos amurallados de Chan Chan, Perú2
Composition of Prehispanic Diets from Stable Isotope Analysis in Human Remains of the Southern Calchaquíes Valleys, Northwest Argentina (3600–1300 BP)2
Fogones, combustible óseo y procesamiento faunístico en el sitio de Huencú Nazar (Sistema Lagunar Hinojo-Las Tunas, región pampeana, Argentina): Implicancias para el uso del espacio por cazadores-reco2
Editors’ Corner2
An Inka Unku from Caleta Vitor Bay, Northern Chile2
Cambios y continuidades en la subsistencia e interacción entre sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras marinas y agro-alfareras durante el Holoceno tardío en el Archipiélago Septentrional), Patagonia, Chile2
Ancient Human Mitogenome of the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego): An Argentine Collaborative Project2
Reconstructing Middle Horizon Camelid Diets and Foddering Practices: Microbotanical and Isotope Analyses of Dental Remains from Quilcapampa, Peru2
Shellfish Collection Practices of the First Inhabitants of Southwestern Puerto Rico: The Effects of Site Type and Paleoenvironment on Habitat Choice2
El caracol terrestreMegalobulimusen contextos funerarios de San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) y su rol en el intercambio ritual circumpuneño (400-1400 dC)2
El fuego en los procesos constructivos de los montículos del sur de la cuenca de la Laguna Merín (Uruguay): Un aporte de la datación por luminiscencia (OSL/TL)2
Procesos infecciosos en cazadores-recolectores de Patagonia Austral: Evidencias en restos óseos del Holoceno medio y tardío (ca. 5200-100 años aP)1
Armas líticas, técnicas y estrategias de caza de pinnípedos en la desembocadura del Río Santa Cruz, Patagonia Meridional1
Macabalaca: New Evidence of the Kotosh Religious Tradition in the Huarmey Valley, Peru1
Documentación de culturas del acoso en la arqueología: Revisión y análisis de estudios de investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa1
Tabladito: Evidencias de un asentamiento del Holoceno temprano en el noroccidente de Colombia1
A Human Body, a Necklace, a Pestle, and a Stone Axe: An Osteobiographical Perspective of a 4,000-Year-Old Burial in Calamuchita Valley (Córdoba, Argentina)1
Economic Integration and Obsidian Consumption in the Late Postclassic Period K'iche’ Region1
Estudio del nicho isotópico de cazadores-recolectores del centro-oeste de Santa Cruz, Argentina, durante el Holoceno tardío1
Site Context and the Spatial Organization of a Late Holocene Coastal Hunter-Gatherer Campsite in North-Central Chile, South America1
Lithic Analysis of Andean Sedentary Societies: A Case Study from the Chachapoyas Region, Peru, and Potential Applications1
El manejo territorial de los camélidos en la circumpuna de Atacama desde el Arcaico al Formativo (10.000-2400 aP): Una aproximación isotópica y taxonómica1
A Macaw (Ara sp.) in a Preceramic Site from the Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, Dated to the Ninth Millennium cal BP1
Teotihuacan: The World beyond the City. KENNETH G. HIRTH, DAVID M. CARBALLO, and BARBARA ARROYO, editors. 2020. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, DC. 528 pp., 93 photos, 30 c1
Objetos de cobre arsenical y sociedades agropastoriles en la Puna Meridional argentina: Nuevas perspectivas sobre la metalurgia del segundo milenio aP en los Andes centro sur1
Interacción humano-camélido en la Puna de Atacama (área surandina): Caza y demografía humana desde el arte rupestre1
New Research on the Intihuasi Cave, San Luis, Argentina: Implications for the Peopling of the Southern Cone of South America1
Numerales y cómputo del tiempo en la iconografía de Teotihuacan, México1
Buen Suceso: A New Multicomponent Valdivia Site in Santa Elena, Ecuador1
Ancient Maya Embedded Economies and Changing Ground Stone Densities in Households at Actuncan, Belize1
La Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina) y sus relaciones sur andinas en tiempos del “fenómeno Isla”: Arqueología de Muyuna1
Prehispanic Highland Textile Technologies: A View from the First Millennium AD at Hualcayán, Ancash, Peru1
Yendegaia Rockshelter, the First Rock Art Site on Tierra del Fuego Island and Social Interaction in Southern Patagonia (South America)1
Río Chico: A Multicomponent Site Precursor of Té Zulay1
Childhood in Captivity: Bioarchaeological Evidence from a Late Colonial Sugar Plantation in Central Peru1
Estrategias de manejo de plantas leñosas en ambientes de altura: Área Natural Protegida Laguna del Diamante (Mendoza, Argentina)1
Cuisine at the Crossroads1
Análisis cronológico de las ocupaciones humanas en la cuenca inferior del río Deseado, Patagonia Argentina1
Mujeres del Pasado y del Presente: Una Visión desde la Arqueología Peruana. Carito Tavera Medina and Lady Santana Quispe, editors. 2021. Instituto Peruano de Arqueología, Lima. 246 pp. + 49 illustrati1
Ancient Maya Patolli from Gallon Jug, Belize1
Burying the Dead at Ayawiri: Mortuary Diversity and Postmortem Manipulation at an Andean Hillfort (AD 1100–1450)1
El manejo territorial de los camélidos en la circumpuna de Atacama desde el Arcaico al Formativo (10.000-2400 aP): Una aproximación isotópica y taxonómica – Erratum1
Conjunto especializado para la producción de instrumentos de obsidiana y el aprovechamiento de recursos lacustres dentro de un contexto isleño en el occidente mesoamericano1
Estrategias humanas y paleoclima en los Andes (34°S): Variaciones en la intensidad de ocupación de Laguna del Diamante (ca. 2000-500 años aP)1
The Early Classic Genesis of the Royal Maya Capital of Tamarindito1
Excavaciones arqueológicas en el sitio de Bolonkin, Chiapas, México1
Detachment from Place: Beyond an Archaeology of Settlement Abandonment. MAXIME LAMOUREAUX-ST-HILAIRE and SCOTT A. MCRAE, editors. 2020. University Press of Colorado, Louisville. xiii + 268 pp. $72.00 1
Un trono dividido: El origen y los movimientos de la Banca Jeroglífica 1 de Ixtutz, Guatemala1
The Green Deer: Chaya as a Potential Source of Protein for the Ancient Maya1
Volcanic Ash Tempered Pottery Production in the Late to Terminal Classic Belize Valley, Belize1
Pucara Hilltop Settlements in the Lupaca and Pacajes Territories, Southern Andean Altiplano, during the Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000–1450)1
The Life Course of a Standard-Bearer: A Nonroyal Elite Burial at the Maya Archaeological Site of El Palmar, Mexico1
AMS Radiocarbon Date for Precolumbian Caribbean Rock Art: Borbón Cave No. 1, Dominican Republic1
Reconsidering the Age and Typological Character of “Pox Pottery” from Guerrero, Mexico1
Older Burial Disturbance: Postfunerary Manipulation of Graves and Corpses in Precontact Northeastern Brazil1
A Reevaluation of the Role of War Captives in the Aztec Empire1
Presence of Parasite Remains in Historical Contexts in the City of Córdoba, Argentina, in the Nineteenth Century1
Beads and Stamps in the Middle Orinoco: Archaeological Evidence for Interaction and Exchange in the Atures Rapids from AD 1000 to 14801
La importancia de la obsidiana de Otumba durante el período Arcaico en la Cuenca de México: Un análisis mediante pXRF1
The Built Environment and the Development of Intermediate Socio-Spatial Units at Los Guachimontones, Jalisco, Mexico1
Estructura y dinámica poblacional en la frontera de cazadores-recolectores/agricultores: El registro bioarqueológico de Jaime Prats-1 (Mendoza, Argentina)1
Chochkitam: A New Classic Maya Dynasty and the Rise of the Kaanu'l (Snake) Kingdom1
En el mar interior de Última Esperanza: Dinámicas de ocupación y movilidad canoera en la isla Diego Portales (Magallanes, Chile)1
Variaciones en el comportamiento mortuorio durante la caída del imperio inca en el Pucará de Tilcara (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy): Aportes desde la entomología forense y la bioantropología1
Recognizing Different Lifeways and Subsistence Practices through Analysis of the Material Cultures of Mound Sites in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil1
Tráfico, movilidad y dieta entre el oasis de Pica y la costa árida del desierto de Atacama durante el periodo Intermedio tardío (norte de Chile)1
Patrones de poblamiento del noroeste y centro-oeste de la Patagonia a partir del registro funerario y no funerario de cazadores-recolectores: Un modelo regional para los últimos 12.500 años1
Monumental Structures and Volcanic Activities: Excavating the Campana at San Andrés in the Zapotitán Valley, El Salvador – CORRIGENDUM1
Tres Palos Revisited: Understanding the Middle Horizon in the Rio Grande de Nasca Drainage1
La tecnología laminar en el extremo sur de Patagonia meridional: Un análisis de la variación morfológica en instrumentos de filo largo mediante morfometría geométrica1
La ofrenda de estatuillas en el rito de la capacocha y su relación con el mito del origen de los Incas0
LAQ volume 33 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
The Chaîne Opératoire as an Approach to Distinguish between the Ceramic Production of the Viru and the Moche Polities on the North Coast of Peru0
LAQ volume 34 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Speech-Breath: Mapping the Multisensory Experience in Pecos River Style Pictography0
El “otro lado” de la historia: Patrimonio arqueológico y procesos de memoria0
The Soldier Ghaut Petroglyphs on Montserrat, Lesser Antilles0
Ancient West Mexico in the Mesoamerican Ecumene. EDUARDO WILLIAMS. 2020. Archaeopress Pre-Columbian Archaeology 12. Archaeopress, Summertown, Oxford. xviii + 468 pp. $84.00 (paper), ISBN 978-1-78969-30
A Reversal of Fortune: Problematical Deposit 50, Tikal, Guatemala0
Index to Volume 330
LAQ volume 34 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Primeros entierros y primeros cultivos en el Valle Calchaquí: Los inicios del Holoceno y del primer milenio en el sitio Puente del Diablo (SSalLap20)0
Río Chico: A Multicomponent Site Precursor of Té Zulay – CORRIGENDUM0
Monumental Structures and Volcanic Activities: Excavating the Campana at San Andrés in the Zapotitán Valley, El Salvador0
Starch Analyses on Culinary Equipment from Chavin de Huantar0
Statement and Commitments from SAA Editors to Change the Underrepresentation of Black, Indigenous, and Other Scholars from Diverse Backgrounds in Our Publications0
Análisis macro y microscópico de puntas de proyectil del sitio Rincón de los Indios en las tierras bajas del este de Uruguay (ca. 8800-700 años aP)0
Paisajes mineros y modos de vida en el norte de Mendoza, Argentina (S. XIX-XX). OSVALDO H. SIRONI. 2020. BAR International Series 2892. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford. xvi + 176 pp. 91 figs. $0
“Ways of Doing” Pottery in the Cajón Valley (Argentine Northwest) during the First Centuries AD0
A Blunt Force Trauma Analysis of Interpersonal Violence in Northern Patagonia and Southern Pampa (Argentina): An Experimental Perspective0
Rethinking the Inka: Community, Landscape, and Empire in the Southern Andes. Frances M. Hayashida, Andrés Troncoso, and Diego Salazar, editors. 2022. University of Texas Press, Austin. 328 pp. $65.00 0
Southeastern Mesoamerica: Indigenous Interaction, Resilience, and Change. Whitney A. Goodwin, Erlend Johnson, and Alejandro J. Figueroa, editors. 2021. University Press of Colorado, Louisville. vi + 30
Variaciones en el aprovechamiento del guanaco en Patagonia meridional: El sitio Río Bote 10
Pastoreo y caza en las economías corporativas del Río Grande de San Juan, Andes circumpuneños (800-1450 dC)0
Movimiento e imperialismo Inca en los valles de Arica (Andes 18° S)0
The Real Business of Ancient Maya Economies: From Farmers' Fields to Rulers’ Realms. MARILYN A. MASSON, DAVID A. FREIDEL, AND ARTHUR A. DEMAREST, editors. 2020. University Press of Florida, Gainesvill0
Unveiling Pachacamac: New Hypotheses for an Old Andean Sanctuary. Giancarlo Marcone, editor. 2022. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. ix + 239 pp. $85.00 (hardcover), ISBN 978-0-8130-6933-3.0
The Evolution of Fragility: Setting the Terms. NORMAN YOFFEE, editor. 2019. MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge. x + 196 pp. Open access (, IS0
LAQ volume 34 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Forest, Field, and Fallow: Selections by William M. Denevan. ANTOINETTE M. G. A. WINKLERPRINS and KENT MATHEWSON, editors. 2021. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. 451 pp. $169.99 (hardback), ISBN 970
Inca Mitmaqkuna, Chaînes Opératoires, and Pottery Production in the Northern Andes0
New Data on the External Canal at the Tetzcotzinco Site, Mexico0
Contra las culturas del acoso en la arqueología: Enfoques socioambientales y basados en el trauma para la transformación disciplinaria0
Painting the Skin: Pigments on Bodies and Codices in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. ÉLODIE DUPEY GARCÍA and MARÍA LUISA VÁZQUEZ DE ÁGREDOS PASCUAL, editors. 2018. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. x + 0
South American Maize and Political Economy of the Middle and Late Formative Soconusco Region of Guatemala0
LAQ volume 33 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
La Consentida: Settlement, Subsistence, and Social Organization in an Early Formative Mesoamerican Community. GUY DAVID HEPP. 2019. University Press of Colorado, Louisville. xii + 334 pp. $81.00 (hard0
Magdalena de Cao: An Early Colonial Town on the North Coast of Peru. JEFFREY QUILTER, editor. 2020. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Vol. 87. Harvard University, Cambridge, Ma0
Procesos de manufactura e identificación taxonómica de pieles en Norpatagonia argentina (Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi)0
The Jaén Stone Bowl Tradition and Ceja de Selva Contributions to Early Andean Exchange Networks0
A Mathematical Description of the Agricultural Fields of the Acolhua Codices Vergara and Santa María Asunción0
Images in Action: The Southern Andean Iconographic Series. WILLIAM H. ISBELL, MAURICIO I. URIBE, ANNE TIBALLI, and EDWARD P. ZEGARRA, editors. 2018. UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Ang0
Seeking Conflict in Mesoamerica: Operational, Cognitive, and Experimental Approaches. SHAWN G. MORTON and MEAGHAN M. PEURAMAKI-BROWN, editors. 2019. University Press of Colorado, Louisville. xvii + 300
Contributions to Proto-Jê Archaeology in the Southern Brazilian Highlands: Wood, Fire, and Landscape0
Amerindian Socio-Cosmologies between the Andes, Amazonia and Mesoamerica: Toward an Anthropological Understanding of the Isthmo–Colombian Area. ERNST HALBMAYER, editor. 2020. Routledge, Abingdon, UK. 0
Editors' Corner0
LAQ volume 33 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
LAQ volume 34 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
The Cultural Landscapes of Maya Roads: The Material Evidence and a GIS Study from the Maya Lowlands of Chiapas and Tabasco, Mexico0
Ancient Maya Politics: A Political Anthropology of the Classic Period 150–900 CE. Simon Martin. 2020. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. xxi + 520 pp. $135.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-108-48388-9.0
A Historical Archaeology of Early Spanish Colonial Urbanism in Central America. William R. Fowler. 2022. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. xxvi + 360 pp., 37 illust. $110.00 (hardcover), ISBN 0
Historical Ecology and Archaeology in the Galápagos Islands: A Legacy of Human Occupation. PETER W. STAHL, FERNANDO J. ASTUDILLO, ROSS W. JAMIESON, DIEGO QUIROGA, and FLORENCIO DELGADO. 2020. Universi0
Estimation of Early Classic Maya Population: Methodological Challenges and Modeling at Naachtun, Guatemala0
LAQ volume 35 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Dos reyes neozelandeses: Notas sobre objetivación museográfica, restos humanos y formación del imperio (Brasil – mares del sur, siglo diecinueve)0
Iguales pero diferentes: Trayectorias históricas prehispánicas en el Cono Sur. LORENA SANHUEZA, ANDRÉS TRONCOSO y ROBERTO CAMPBELL, editores. 2020. Social-Ediciones, Santiago. 244 pp. CLP$10,000 (pape0
Drunken Mountains: Analysis of the Bennett and Ponce Monoliths of Tiwanaku (AD 500–1100) from a Multispecies Perspective0
The Environs of Tres Zapotes as the Find-Spot of the Tuxtla Statuette0
Mezclas pigmentarias, recetas pictóricas e historias: Una aproximación fisicoquímica a las prácticas sociales de pintado en el cerro de Oyola (Catamarca, Argentina)0
Interpretación de posibles modalidades de procesamiento en restos carbonizados del géneroChenopodiumrecuperados del sitio de Soria 2, Catamarca, Argentina0
Archaeology of Piedra Museo Locality: An Open Window to the Early Population of Patagonia. Laura Miotti, Mónica Salemme, and Darío Hermo, editors. 2022. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. viii + 535 pp. 1520
People and Culture in Ice Age Americas: New Dimensions in Paleoamerican Archaeology. RAFAEL SUÁREZ and CIPRIAN F. ARDELEAN, editors. 2019. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. xvii + 268 pp., 1060
Index to Volume 320
Deciphering Aztec Hieroglyphs: A Guide to Nahuatl Writing. GORDON WHITTAKER. 2021. Thames & Hudson, London. 224 pp. $34.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-500-51872-4.0
Astronomy, Architecture, and Landscape in the Olmec Area and Western Maya Lowlands: Implications for Understanding Regional Variability and Evolution of Orientation Patterns in Mesoamerica0
LAQ volume 34 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Los muiscas: La historia milenaria de un pueblo chibcha. CARL HENRIK LANGEBAEK RUEDA. 2019. Editorial Debate, Bogotá. 309 pp., figuras, mapas, 16 láminas, COL$51.000 (paper), $14,99 (ebook), ISBN 978-0
Examen de un perfil estratigráfico Lima en Maranga0
Long-Term Camelid Husbandry and Agricultural Intensification in the Southern Nasca Region, Peru: Insight from Faunal Isotopes0
New AMS Radiocarbon Ages from the Preceramic Levels of Coxcatlan Cave, Puebla, Mexico: A Pleistocene Occupation of the Tehuacan Valley? – Corrigendum0
De manjar a alimaña: El consumo de piojos de la cabeza en pueblos indígenas de Patagonia (siglos dieciocho a veinte)0
Empowering Communities through Archaeology and Heritage: The Role of Local Governance in Economic Development. PETER G. GOULD. 2018. Bloomsbury, New York. xvi + 182 pp., 16 figures. $94.00 (hardcover)0
There's More to the Story: Comment on Ebert and Colleagues0
Rewriting Maya Religion: Domingo de Vico, K'iche’ Maya Intellectuals, and the Theologia Indorum. GARRY G. SPARKS. 2019. University Press of Colorado, Louisville. ix + 434 pp. + 4 illust. $99.000
Index to Volume 310
Olmec Lithic Economy at San Lorenzo. Kenneth G. Hirth and Ann Cyphers. 2020. University Press of Colorado, Louisville. xxiv + 456 pp. $95.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-64642-056-8.0
Cambios tecnológicos durante las primeras estrategias agropastoriles en Barrancas, provincia de Jujuy, Argentina0
LAQ volume 32 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
LAQ volume 32 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
The Archaeology of Political Organization: Urbanism in Classic Period Veracruz, Mexico. BARBARA L. STARK. 2022. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles. xxiii + 384 pp., 246 figures, 19 tab0
A Primer on Chiefs and Chiefdoms. TIMOTHY EARLE. 2021. Elliot Werner Publications, New York. 184 pp., $32.95 (paper), ISBN 978-1-7342818-3-5.0
LAQ volume 34 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Indicadores de poblamiento inicial en paisajes semidesérticos de la Pampa Occidental (Argentina)0
LAQ volume 31 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
Cooperation and Hierarchy in Ancient Bolivia: Building Community with the Body. Sara L. Juengst. 2023. Routledge, New York. xiv + 122 pp. $43.96 (hardback), ISBN 978-1032004709.0
Formas, tecnología y estilos de la cerámica formativa del sitio Corral Grande 1 (2400-1100 años aP), Antofagasta de la Sierra, Argentina0
Bioarchaeological Evidence of Violence between the Middle and Late Formative (500–400 BC) in the Peruvian North-Central Coast0
Explorando la desigualdad social y sexual en contextos urbanos coloniales a través de la enfermedad degenerativa articular: El caso de Mendoza (Argentina)0
Local Production and Developing Core Regions: Ceramic Characterization in the Lake Pátzcuaro Basin, Western Mexico0
Migrations in Late Mesoamerica. CHRISTOPHER S. BEEKMAN, editor. 2019. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. xiv + 362 pp., 25 figures, 16 color plates, and 15 tables. $85.00 (hardcover), ISBN 978-0
Quilcapampa: A Wari Enclave in Southern Peru. JUSTIN JENNINGS, WILLY YÉPEZ ÁLVAREZ y STEFANIE L. BAUTISTA, editores. 2021. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. 440 pp. + 132 ilustraciones. $90.000
Waves of Influence: Pacific Maritime Networks Connecting Mexico, Central America, and Northwestern South America. Christopher S. Beekman and Colin McEwan, editors. 2022. Dumbarton Oaks Research Librar0
Sea Shells in the Mountains and Llamas on the Coast: The Economy of the Paracas Culture (800 to 200 BC) in Southern Peru. CHRISTIAN MADER. 2019. Forschungen zur Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen 0
LAQ volume 33 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
Chimú–Inka Segmented Agricultural Fields in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru: Implications for State-Level Resource Management – ERRATUM0
Obsidian on the Island: First Geochemical Characterization for Isla Victoria, Nahuel Huapi National Park (Patagonia, Argentina)0
El Dorado Offerings in Lake Guatavita: A Muisca Ritual Archaeological Site0
Cerámica híbrida, huarpes y etnogénesis en una ciudad colonial meridional (Mendoza, Argentina)0
Articulando imágenes, salud y alimentos: Entierros de infantes en urna siglos doce a quince, Fiambalá, Catamarca, Argentina0
Astronomical Alignments from Structures Surrounding Giant Animal Effigy Mounds at El Paraiso, Peru0