Critical Perspectives on Accounting

(The median citation count of Critical Perspectives on Accounting is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
ESG practices and the cost of debt: Evidence from EU countries275
Connecting the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing and calls for ‘harmonisation’ of sustainability reporting158
A critical reflection on the future of financial, intellectual capital, sustainability and integrated reporting109
Regulatory influences on CSR practices within banks in an emerging economy: Do banks merely comply?50
On the centrality of peripheral research and the dangers of tight boundary gatekeeping34
A sticky chocolate problem: Impression management and counter accounts in the shaping of corporate image34
Decolonial studies in accounting? Emerging contributions from Latin America31
A profession in peril? University corporatization, performance measurement and the sustainability of accounting academia31
Being critical about intellectual capital accounting in 2020: An overview30
Sustainability performance reporting: A technocratic shadowing and silencing30
Behind the World Bank’s ringing declarations of “social accountability”: Ghana’s public financial management reform29
Reflections on the criteria for the sound measurement of intellectual capital: A knowledge-based perspective29
On crisis and emergency: Is it time to rethink long-term environmental accounting?28
How auditors legitimize commercialism: A micro-discursive analysis27
When sorry is not an option: CSR reporting and ‘face work’ in a stigmatised industry – A case study of Barrick (Acacia) gold mine in Tanzania26
An ecological critique of accounting: The circular economy and COVID-1926
Accountability and accounting in the NGO field comprising the UK and Africa – A Bordieusian analysis24
Bourdieu, strategy and the field of power24
Accounting and development in Africa23
Towards a conceptual framework of beneficiary accountability by NGOs: An Indonesian case study22
Government accounting reforms in Sub-Saharan African countries and the selective ignorance of the epistemic community: A competing logics perspective22
Social movement activists’ conceptions of political action and counter-accounting through a critical dialogic accounting and accountability lens22
How the colonial legacy frames state audit institutions in Benin that fail to curb corruption21
Gendering merit: How the discourse of merit in diversity disclosures supports the gendered status quo on Canadian corporate boards21
Hillsborough: The fight for accountability21
Fighting or supporting corruption? The role of public sector audit organizations in Brazil21
Sustainability at stake during COVID-19: Exploring the role of accounting in addressing environmental crises20
The counter-performativity of calculative practices: Mobilising rankings of intellectual capital20
Financialisation and the Conceptual Framework: An update20
Not at our table: Stakeholder exclusion and ant/agonistic engagements20
Gender Responsive Budgeting: A tool for gender equality20
Making the invisibles visible: Including animals in sustainability (and) accounting20
Sustainability reporting practices and their social impact to NGO funding in Italy20
The perils of artificial intelligence in academic publishing19
Grounded accountability and Indigenous self-determination17
The boundary of the ‘economic’: Financial accounting, corporate ‘imaginaries’ and human sentience17
Accounting and pastoral power in Australian disability welfare reform17
A Luhmannian perspective on strategy: Strategy as paradox and meta-communication16
Corporate human rights performance and moral power: A study of retail MNCs’ supply chains in Bangladesh16
From gatekeepers to gateway constructors: Credit rating agencies and the financialisation of housing associations16
Instrumentalism and the publish-or-perish regime15
Accounting for the value expectations of customers: Re-imagining the Integrated Reporting initiative15
Accounting research boundaries, multiple centers and academic empathy15
Auditing in the public interest: Reforming the profession by building on the strengths of the existing accounting firms15
A structuration theory perspective on the interplay between strategy and accounting: Unpacking social continuity and transformation14
A critical accounting project for Latin America? Objects of knowledge or ways of knowing14
Contextualising and critically theorising corporate social responsibility reporting: Dynamics of the late Mubarak Era in Egypt14
Beyond intentionality in accounting regulation: Habitual strategizing by the IASB13
E-commerce and labour tax avoidance13
From unemployment to self-employment: Can enterprise policy intensify the risks of poverty?13
Debt, accounting, and the transformation of individuals into financially responsible neoliberal subjects13
Accounting, Ideological and Political Work and Chinese multinational operations: A neo-Gramscian perspective13
Critical perspectives on accounting and journal rankings: Engaging in counter discourses and practices12
Charting the development of the Egyptian accounting profession (1946–2016): An analysis of the State-Profession dynamics12
Bonding forged in “auditing hell”: The emotional qualities of Big Four auditors12
Environmental escalations to social inequities: Some reflections on the tumultuous state of Gaia12
Accounting as a dehumanizing force in colonial rhetoric: Quantifying native peoples in annual reports12
Avoiding the accountability ‘sham-ritual’: An agonistic approach to beneficiaries’ participation in evaluation within nonprofit organisations12
A stakeholder salience perspective on performance and management control systems in non-profit organisations11
Accountabilities, invisibilities and silences in a Danish slave trading company on the Gold Coast in the early 18th century11
Forming mixed-type inter-organisational relationships in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of institutional logics, social identities and institutionally embedded agency11
Taking critical dialogic accountability into the field: Engaging contestation around microfinance and women’s empowerment11
Putting the patient first? The story of a decoupled hospital management quality initiative11
A foundation for ‘ethical capital’: The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and Integrated Reporting11
Data breaches in the age of surveillance capitalism: Do disclosures have a new role to play?11
On valuing (m)other nature in times of climate crises – A reflection on the non and nom of accounting for (m)other nature10
Analysing corporate governance and accountability practices from an African neo-patrimonialism perspective: Insights from Kenya10
Yield and the city: Swedish public housing and the political significance of changed accounting practices10
Centre-staging beneficiaries in charity accountability: Insights from an Islamic post-secular perspective10
Beautiful SWAN, or ugly duckling? The attempt to reduce gender inequality by the Society of Women Accountants of Nigeria10
The Queering Accounting Manifesto10
Social movements, identity and disruption in organizational fields: Accounting for farm animal welfare10
The role of accounting and accountants in the oil subsidy corruption scandal in Nigeria10
Accounting as a technology of neoliberalism: The accountability role of IPSAS in Nigeria10
The appearance of community logics in management accounting and control: Evidence from an Egyptian sugar beet village9
Comparing perceptions of the impact of journal rankings between fields9
Female leaders as ‘Superwomen’: Post-global financial crisis media framing of women and leadership in investment banking in UK print media 2014–20169
Accounting for Jewish ‘Bare Life’ in the Fossoli Concentration Camp, 1943–449
“Free”-to-play game: Governing the everyday life of digital popular culture9
Shedding light on alternative interdisciplinary accounting research through journal editors’ perspectives and an analysis of recent publications9
The blind spots of interdisciplinarity in addressing grand challenges9
In the spotlight: Rethinking NGO accountability in the #MeToo era8
Critique is unsustainable: A polemic8
Accounting for accounting’s role in the neoliberalization processes of social housing in England: A Bourdieusian perspective8
Accounting research and the significance test crisis8
The UK pensions landscape – A critique of the role of accountants and accounting technologies in the treatment of social and societal risks8
The emancipatory potential of counter accounting: A Žižekian critique8
Accounting in Bhopal: Making catastrophe7
Resistance strategies through the CEO communications in the media7
Making sense of the temporal dimension of intellectual capital: A critical case study7
Are public sector accounting researchers going through an identity shift due to the increasing importance of journal rankings?7
Social investment innovation and the ‘social turn’ of neoliberal finance7
Accounting polycentricity in Africa: Framing an ‘accounting and development’ research agenda7
Framing accounting for goodwill: Intractable controversies between users and standard setters7
Part of the herd or black sheep? An exploration of trainee accountants’ suffering and modes of adaptation7
Critical accounting scholarship and social movements: The case of rail privatisation in Britain7
Accounts of NGO performance as calculative spaces: Wild Animals, wildlife restoration and strategic agency6
Inclusive capitalism as accounting ideology: The case of integrated reporting6
The temporal dynamics of enterprise risk management6
Speculative accountability for animal kinship6
Accounting in (direct) action: Prefiguring emancipation in accounting research6
The level of cross-disciplinarity in cross-disciplinary accounting research: analysis and suggestions for improvement6
Social impact disclosure and symbolic power: Evidence from UK fair trade organizations6
The current state of corporate human rights disclosure of the global top 500 business enterprises: Measurement and determinants6
Perceptions of retirement savings: Through the lens of Black amaXhosa women in South Africa5
Managerialisation, accountability and everyday resistance in the NGO sector: Whose interests matter?5
The future of critical interdisciplinary accounting research: Performative ontology and critical interventionist research5
Accounting for ignorance: An investigation into corruption, immigration and the state5
Accounting, accountability and animals5
Critical reflections of accounting and social impact (Part II)5
Critical auditing studies: Adopting a critical lens toward contemporary audit discourse, practice and regulation5
Resistance is fertile: A Bourdieusian analysis of accounting and land reform in Fiji5
Public value and pricing in English hospitals: Value creation or value extraction?5
Accountability for sustainability – An institutional entrepreneur as the representative of future stakeholders5
Theorizing (and) the future of interdisciplinary accounting research5
Histories as counter-accounting4
Disciplining human rights organisations through an accounting regulation: A case of the ‘foreign agents’ law in Russia4
Quo vadis? The future of interdisciplinary accounting research4
Control dynamics in rogue trading: Sovereignty and exception-to-the-rule attitudes in the contemporary financial sphere4
Trust in international cooperation: Emotional and cognitive trust complement each other over time4
Subject, method and praxis – Conducting critical studies in accounting research4
“Unknown unknowns” and the tax knowledge gap: Power and the materiality of discretionary tax disclosures4
Special issue on Southern Accounts4
Special issue on Accounting for housing, housing crisis and pandemic4
Taking the world seriously: Autonomy, reflexivity and engagement research in social and environmental accounting4
Narratives of internal audit: The Sisyphean work of becoming “independent”4
Emotional propensities and the contemporary Islamic banking industry4
Accounting colonization, emancipation and instrumental compliance in Nigeria4
Margaret Archer and a morphogenetic take on strategy4
Special issue on Digitalization, work, and professions4
Translation, hegemony and accounting: A critical research framework with an illustration from the IFRS context4
Redressing the Big 4’s male, pale and stale image, through LGBTIQ+ ethical praxis4
Institutional agents missing in action?: Management accounting at non-governmental organisations3
Intellectual engagements of accounting academics: The ‘forecasted losses' intervention3
Critical reflections of accounting and social impact (Part I)3
In place, with power: (Re)conceptualising accountability in national non-government organisations3
Interpreting an escape from an eviction trap as a social account: A Gramscian reading of a credit union’s policies in support of social housing tenants3
Not on the ruins, but with the ruins of the past – Inertia and change in the financial reporting field in a transitioning country3
The audit of public debt: Auditing as a device for political resistance in a neoliberal era3
Sexist academic socialization and feminist resistance: (de)constructing women’s (dis)placement in Brazilian accounting academia3
Incremental improvement: Evaluating the emancipatory impact of public country-by-country reporting3
Surveillance capitalism in the middle east retail sector3
How the Big Four maintain and defend logic equilibrium at concurrent performances3
Beyond the pages of the ‘how-to’ textbook: A study of the lived experiences of the accounting ethnographer3
Use and non-use of accounting information: The case of controversial projects in public and non-profit settings3
Do non-audit service failures impair auditor reputation? An analysis of KPMG advisory service scandals in Germany3
Exploring the craft of visual accounts through arts: Fear, voids and illusion in corporate reporting practices3
Bringing Shell and Friends of the Earth on stage: A one-act spectacle of oil spills in the Niger Delta3
Between a corporatist past and a globalised future: Argentina's accounting profession and the social balance sheet2
Accounting to the end of life. Scarcity, performance and death2
Maintaining the universal banking model – A study of institutional work in the endogenization of a failed transnational post-crisis financial market reform2
Work-life balance as gaslighting: Exploring repressive care in female accountants’ careers2
Corporate reporting on conflict: A struggle over land2
Is critique sustainable? A commentary on Bigoni and Mohammed2
Examine the available evidence: Was the Duhnke PCAOB captured?2
Ethical disputes, coordinating acts and NGO accountability: Evidence from an NGO river-care programme in Malaysia2
Q methodology to conduct a critical study in accounting: A Q study on accountants’ perspectives of social and environmental reporting2
Obtaining entity-specific information and dealing with uncertainty: Financial accountants' response to their changing work of financial reporting and the role of boundary objects2
Code as constitution: The negotiation of a uniform accounting code for U.S. railway corporations and the moral justification of stakeholder claims on wealth2
The role of regressive sugar tax in the soft drink industry levy (SDIL): A Marxist analysis2
Meeting the research(er) and the researched halfway2
Evidence on the homogeneity of personality traits within the auditing profession2
Moral economy, performative materialism, and political rhetorics of sustainability accounting2
Accounting and statecraft in China: Accrual accounting for effective government rather than efficient market2
The media representation of LuxLeaks: A window onto the normative dynamics of tax avoidance from a socio-legal perspective2
The history and future of the tax state: Possibilities for a new fiscal politics beyond neoliberalism2
Symbols in wood as a means of reciprocity: Accounting and social cohesion in pluralistic economies2
Critical perspectives on NGO governance and accountability2
From cosmological to commercial form: A Buddhist theory of ‘form’, ‘space’ and ‘stream of re-becoming’ in mid-19th century Thai accounting2
Imagining cooperative tax regulation: Common origins, divergent paths2
‘Angry accountants’: Making sense of professional identity crisis on online communities2
The productive accountant as (un-)wanted self: Realizing the ambivalent role of productivity measures in accountants’ identity work2
The myth of workforce reduction efficiency: The performativity of accounting language2
The conflict of interest in tax scholarship2
Critical accounting research in Mesoamerica: Accountable to whom?2
Accounting and accountability for farm animals: Conceptual limits and the possibilities of caring2
Oppressed by consumerism: The emancipatory role of household accounting2
The effect of organised hypocrisy: Compensation committees and fair compensation in the Ghanaian mining industry2
The problematics of financialization – On the important (but neglected) horizontal axis of organizational action2
A critical review of AI in accounting education: Threat and opportunity2
Wealth taxes and the post-COVID future of the state2
The architecture of accounting and the neoliberal betrayal of life2
Patriarchy persists: Experiences of barriers to women's career progression in Italian accounting academia2
The COVID-19 crisis and massive public debts: What should we expect?2