Critical Perspectives on Accounting

(The H4-Index of Critical Perspectives on Accounting is 22. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
ESG practices and the cost of debt: Evidence from EU countries308
Connecting the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing and calls for ‘harmonisation’ of sustainability reporting164
Regulatory influences on CSR practices within banks in an emerging economy: Do banks merely comply?51
A sticky chocolate problem: Impression management and counter accounts in the shaping of corporate image36
On the centrality of peripheral research and the dangers of tight boundary gatekeeping35
A profession in peril? University corporatization, performance measurement and the sustainability of accounting academia33
Decolonial studies in accounting? Emerging contributions from Latin America33
Sustainability performance reporting: A technocratic shadowing and silencing32
Behind the World Bank’s ringing declarations of “social accountability”: Ghana’s public financial management reform31
On crisis and emergency: Is it time to rethink long-term environmental accounting?30
How auditors legitimize commercialism: A micro-discursive analysis29
Social movement activists’ conceptions of political action and counter-accounting through a critical dialogic accounting and accountability lens26
Bourdieu, strategy and the field of power26
When sorry is not an option: CSR reporting and ‘face work’ in a stigmatised industry – A case study of Barrick (Acacia) gold mine in Tanzania26
An ecological critique of accounting: The circular economy and COVID-1926
Accounting and development in Africa25
Accountability and accounting in the NGO field comprising the UK and Africa – A Bordieusian analysis24
Fighting or supporting corruption? The role of public sector audit organizations in Brazil24
The perils of artificial intelligence in academic publishing24
Towards a conceptual framework of beneficiary accountability by NGOs: An Indonesian case study24
Government accounting reforms in Sub-Saharan African countries and the selective ignorance of the epistemic community: A competing logics perspective22
Gendering merit: How the discourse of merit in diversity disclosures supports the gendered status quo on Canadian corporate boards22
Hillsborough: The fight for accountability22
The counter-performativity of calculative practices: Mobilising rankings of intellectual capital22
Gender Responsive Budgeting: A tool for gender equality22
Sustainability at stake during COVID-19: Exploring the role of accounting in addressing environmental crises22
Not at our table: Stakeholder exclusion and ant/agonistic engagements22