Behavioral Ecology

(The median citation count of Behavioral Ecology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The definition of sexual selection51
Spatial personalities: a meta-analysis of consistent individual differences in spatial behavior37
Context-dependent trait covariances: how plasticity shapes behavioral syndromes33
Habituation or sensitization? Long-term responses of yellow-bellied marmots to human disturbance27
Task syndromes: linking personality and task allocation in social animal groups26
The evolution of primate coloration revisited25
Olfactory cues of large carnivores modify red deer behavior and browsing intensity22
Color under pressure: how multiple factors shape defensive coloration21
Fire-driven behavioral response to smoke in a Mediterranean lizard19
Anthropogenic noise disrupts mate choice behaviors in femaleGryllus bimaculatus19
Predation risk increases intraspecific heterogeneity in white-tailed deer diel activity patterns18
Exposure to elevated temperature during development affects bumblebee foraging behavior18
An evolutionary model of sensitive periods when the reliability of cues varies across ontogeny17
Multiple factors affect the evolution of repertoire size across birds16
Acoustic and visual stimuli combined promote stronger responses to aerial predation in fish16
A meta-analysis of the group-size effect on vigilance in mammals16
Female ornaments: is red skin color attractive to males and related to condition in rhesus macaques?16
Offspring desertion with care? Chick mortality and plastic female desertion in Snowy Plovers16
Social network position predicts male mating success in a small passerine16
Sex-specific contributions to nest building in birds15
Fast food in the city? Nomadic flying-foxes commute less and hang around for longer in urban areas15
Sexual selection maintains a female-specific character in a species with dynamic sex roles15
Fine-scale habitat selection limits trade-offs between foraging and temperature in a grassland bird14
How can the MHC mediate social odor via the microbiota community? A deep dive into mechanisms14
Artificial light at night alters activity, body mass, and corticosterone level in a tropical anuran14
Red foxes avoid apex predation without increasing fear14
Context-dependent group size: effects of population density, habitat, and season14
Wolves choose ambushing locations to counter and capitalize on the sensory abilities of their prey14
A quantitative genetics approach to validate lab- versus field-based behavior in novel environments13
Female blue tits sing frequently: a sex comparison of occurrence, context, and structure of song13
Moving away from repeatability: a comment on Stuber et al.13
Once an optimist, always an optimist? Studying cognitive judgment bias in mice13
No sex differences in learning in wild bumblebees13
Natural noise affects conspecific signal detection and territorial defense behaviors in songbirds13
Optimal distributions of central-place foragers: honey bee foraging in a mass flowering crop13
Hierarchy of fear: experimentally testing ungulate reactions to lion, African wild dog and cheetah13
Sexual selection on jumping spider color pattern: investigation with a new quantitative approach13
Habitat features and colony characteristics influencing ant personality and its fitness consequences12
Pathways linking female personality with reproductive success are trait- and year-specific12
Zebra finch song is a very short-range signal in the wild: evidence from an integrated approach12
Unlike a virgin: a meta-analytical review of female mating status in studies of female mate choice12
Sex differences in the predictability of risk-taking behavior12
Early life experience influences dispersal in coyotes (Canis latrans)12
Call combinations in chimpanzees: a social tool?12
Cohort consequences of drought and family disruption for male and female African elephants12
Monks relax sibling competition over parental resources in Tibetan populations11
What is cultural evolution anyway?11
Direct and indirect effects of high temperatures on fledging in a cooperatively breeding bird11
Breeding site fidelity is lower in polygamous shorebirds and male-biased in monogamous species11
Ecological adaptation and birdsong: how body and bill sizes affect passerine sound frequencies11
Behavioral variation in natural contests: integrating plasticity and personality11
Visual recognition and coevolutionary history drive responses of amphibians to an invasive predator11
Predation risk shapes the use of conflicting personal risk and social safety information in guppies11
Group social structure has limited impact on reproductive success in a wild mammal11
Daily protein prioritization and long-term nutrient balancing in a dietary generalist, the blue monkey10
The effect of individual state on the strength of mate choice in females and males10
Spontaneous quantity discrimination in a family-living lizard10
Antipredator responses toward cat fur in wild brown rats tested in a semi-natural environment10
The interaction between ambush predators, search patterns of herbivores, and aggregations of plants10
Familiarity, dominance, sex and season shape common waxbill social networks10
Density-dependent individual variation in male attractiveness in a wild field cricket10
Kinship does not predict the structure of a shark social network10
Display site selection in a ground dwelling bird: the importance of viewshed9
Discoid decorations function to shield juvenile Argiope spiders from avian predator attacks9
Mesopredators retain their fear of humans across a development gradient9
Social integration predicts survival in female white-faced capuchin monkeys9
Nocturnal foraging lifts time constraints in winter for migratory geese but hardly speeds up fueling9
Male–male contest limits the expression of assortative mate preferences in a polymorphic poison frog9
Predicting foraging dive outcomes in chinstrap penguins using biologging and animal-borne cameras9
Higher ultraviolet skin reflectance signals submissiveness in the anemonefish, Amphiprion akindynos9
Social and physical environment independently affect oviposition decisions inDrosophila9
Natural and anthropogenic noise increase vigilance and decrease foraging behaviors in song sparrows9
The nature of privilege: intergenerational wealth in animal societies9
Aerial attack strategies of hawks hunting bats, and the adaptive benefits of swarming9
Migration dynamics of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in western Hudson Bay9
Anthropogenic noise alters parental behavior and nestling developmental patterns, but not fledging condition9
Wild zebra finches are attracted towards acoustic cues from conspecific social groups8
Size-dependent aggression towards kin in a cannibalistic species8
The conspecific avoidance strategies of adult female-calf humpback whales8
Heterogenous effects of father and mother age on offspring development8
Genetic inference of the mating system of free-ranging domestic dogs8
Site fidelity increases reproductive success by increasing foraging efficiency in a marine predator8
The functional role of sibling aggression and “best of a bad job” strategies in cichlid juveniles8
Males benefit personally from family life: evidence from a wild burying beetle population8
Experimentally advancing morning emergence time does not increase extra-pair siring success in blue tit males8
Photoperiod and rainfall are associated with seasonal shifts in social structure in a songbird8
Experimental shelter-switching shows shelter type alters predation on caterpillars (Hesperiidae)8
Reproductive state influences the degree of risk tolerance for a seasonally breeding mesopredator8
Population differences in the effect of context on personality in an invasive lizard8
Multiple constraints on urban bird communication: both abiotic and biotic noise shape songs in cities8
Smart mating: the cognitive ability of females influences their preference for male cognitive ability8
Mechanisms of reduced interspecific interference between territorial species8
Separate and combined effects of boat noise and a live crab predator on mussel valve gape behavior8
Bumblebee flower constancy and pollen diversity over time8
Habitat disturbance alters color contrast and the detectability of cryptic and aposematic frogs8
Emergence and repeatability of leadership and coordinated motion in fish shoals8
Social environment shapes female settlement decisions in a solitary carnivore8
Choice of nest attributes as a frontline defense against brood parasitism8
Silence is sexy: soundscape complexity alters mate choice in túngara frogs8
Condition- and context-dependent alternative reproductive tactic in Drosophila prolongata7
Song type and song type matching are important for joint territorial defense in a duetting songbird7
Social partners and temperature jointly affect morning foraging activity of small birds in winter7
Conditional natal dispersal provides a mechanism for populations tracking resource pulses after fire7
Ecology of fear and its effect on seed dispersal by a neotropical rodent7
Shoaling in the Trinidadian guppy: costs, benefits, and plasticity in response to an ambush predator7
Damage from intraspecific combat is costly7
Marmot mass gain rates relate to their group’s social structure7
Evidence for morph-specific substrate choice in a green-brown polymorphic grasshopper7
Increased male mating success in the presence of prey and rivals in a sexually cannibalistic mantis7
Drivers of alloparental provisioning of fledglings in a colonially breeding bird7
Determinants of offspring sex in kangaroos: a test of multiple hypotheses7
Does brain size affect mate choice? An experimental examination in pygmy halfbeaks7
Tracking the path of predator recognition in a predator-naive population of the pond snail7
One for all and all for one: phenotype assortment and reproductive success in masculinized females7
Context-dependent coloration of prey and predator decision making in contrasting light environments7
Can native predators be used as a stepping stone to reduce prey naivety to novel predators?7
Female mate preferences do not predict male sexual signals across populations7
Resource predictability drives interannual variation in migratory behavior in a long-lived bird7
Complex effects of helper relatedness on female extrapair reproduction in a cooperative breeder7
Finding shortcuts through collective tunnel excavations in a subterranean termite7
Female fruit flies copy the acceptance, but not the rejection, of a mate6
Testing the niche differentiation hypothesis in wild capuchin monkeys with polymorphic color vision6
Coordination of care by breeders and helpers in the cooperatively breeding long-tailed tit6
Past agricultural land use affects multiple facets of ungulate antipredator behavior6
Habitat choice versus habitat transformation in a nest-building fish: which matters most?6
Social information use about novel aposematic prey depends on the intensity of the observed cue6
Social and spatial conflict drive resident aggression toward outsiders in a group-living fish6
Patch quality and habitat fragmentation shape the foraging patterns of a specialist folivore6
Social status does not predict in-camp integration among egalitarian hunter-gatherer men6
Anthropogenic noise and light alter temporal but not spatial breeding behavior in a wild frog6
Physiological costs and age constraints of a sexual ornament: an experimental study in a wild bird6
Varied female and male courtship behavior facilitated the evolution of a novel sexual signal6
Visual obstruction, but not moderate traffic noise, increases reliance on heterospecific alarm calls6
Males perceive honest information from female released sex pheromone in a moth6
Differential parasitism of native and invasive widow spider egg sacs6
The role of boundary length and adjacent patch contrast in guppy mate choice6
Harvester ant nest architecture is more strongly affected by intrinsic than extrinsic factors6
Behavioral flexibility facilitates the use of spatial and temporal refugia during variable winter weather6
The influence of maternal glucocorticoids on offspring phenotype in high- and low-risk environments6
Habitat fragmentation induces rapid divergence of migratory and isolated sticklebacks6
Environmental variability as a predictor of behavioral flexibility in urban environments6
The effect of social environment on bird song: listener-specific expression of a sexual signal6
Short-term social dynamics following anthropogenic and natural disturbances in a free-living mammal6
Exploring the effects of extreme polyandry on estimates of sexual selection and reproductive success6
Opposite-sex associations are linked with annual fitness, but sociality is stable over lifetime6
The mere presence of cuckoos in breeding area alters egg-ejection decisions in Daurian redstarts6
Crocodile social environments dictated by male philopatry6
Kin do not always help: testing multiple hypotheses on nest feeding in a cooperatively breeding bird6
Cold winters have morph-specific effects on natal dispersal distance in a wild raptor6
Mutual mate preferences and assortative mating in relation to a carotenoid-based color trait in blue tits6
Male reproductive adjustments to an introduced nest predator6
Cadmium does not affect post-hatching maternal care or early offspring development in earwigs6
Studying predator foraging mode and hunting success at the individual level with an online videogame5
Selective disappearance does not underlie age-related changes in trait repeatability in red squirrels5
Phenology and environmental determinants of explosive breeding in gliding treefrogs: diel timing of rainfall matters5
Foraging aggressiveness determines trophic niche in a generalist biological control species5
Effects of chronic and acute predation risk on sexual ornamentation and mating preferences5
Testing hormonal responses to real and simulated social challenges in a competitive female bird5
Social insect colonies are more likely to accept unrelated queens when they come with workers5
Helpers don’t help when it’s hot in a cooperatively breeding bird, the Southern Pied Babbler5
Predation shapes behavioral lateralization: insights from an adaptive radiation of livebearing fish5
Allo-preening is linked to vocal signature development in a wild parrot5
Coercion promotes alloparental care in cooperative breeders5
Resource preferences and the emergence of individual niche specialization within populations5
Dissecting how behavior and environment shape spatial personalities: a comment on Stuber et al.5
Dominance loss and tenure maintenance in Kalahari meerkats5
Mating assortment and the strength of sexual selection in a polyandrous population of Cook Strait giant weta5
Anthropogenic light and noise affect the life histories of femaleGryllus veletisfield crickets5
How do resource distribution and taxonomy affect the use of dual foraging in seabirds? A review5
Female countertactics to male feticide and infanticide in a multilevel primate society5
Tradeoffs associated with autotomy and regeneration and their potential role in the evolution of regenerative abilities5
With or without you: gut microbiota does not predict aggregation behavior in European earwig females5
Limits to host colonization and speciation in a radiation of parasitic finches5
Larval and adult experience and ecotype affect oviposition behavior in a niche-expanding butterfly5
Discovery-defense strategy as a mechanism of social foraging of ants in tropical rainforest canopies5
Geographic variation in dispersal of western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) populations across North America5
Sexual selection does not drive hindwing tail elaboration in a moon moth,Actias luna5
The definition of sexual selection: a response to comments on Shuker and Kvarnemo5
Triparental ageing in a laboratory population of an insect with maternal care5
Male fairy-wrens produce and maintain vibrant breeding colors irrespective of individual quality5
One but not two grandmothers increased child survival in poorer families in west Bohemian population, 1708–18345
The role of plasticity, trade-offs, and feedbacks in shaping behavioral correlations5
Resource-dependent investment in male sexual traits in a viviparous fish5
Metabolic rate shapes differences in foraging efficiency among honeybee foragers5
Something in the wind: the influence of wind speed and direction on African lion movement behavior5
Efficiency of antlion trap design and larval behavior in capture success4
Nest material preferences in wild hazel dormiceMuscardinus avellanarius: testing predictions from optimal foraging theory4
Gregariousness, foraging effort, and affiliative interactions in lactating bonobos and chimpanzees4
Adult sex ratio and male body condition affect alternative reproductive tactics in a spider4
Dyadic leader–follower dynamics change across situations in captive house sparrows4
Host-dependent dispersal demonstrates both-sex host specificity in cuckoos4
Male–male behavioral interactions drive social-dominance-mediated differences in ejaculate traits4
Virtual prey with Lévy motion are preferentially attacked by predatory fish4
Sex and background risk influence responses to acute predation risk in Trinidadian guppies4
Inter- and intraspecific female behavioral plasticity drive temporal niche segregation in two Tribolium species4
Sexual selection for flight performance in hummingbirds4
Egg mimicry, not the sight of a common cuckoo, is the cue for parasitic egg rejection4
How biases in sperm storage relate to sperm use during oviposition in female yellow dung flies4
Memory extinction and spontaneous recovery shaping parasitoid foraging behavior4
Simulated infection alters the behavior of pair bonded songbirds and their healthy neighbors4
Symbiotic microbiota vary with breeding group membership in a highly social joint-nesting bird4
Why does the complexity of functionally equivalent signals vary across closely related species?4
Size-selective harvesting impacts learning and decision-making in zebrafish, Danio rerio4
Captivating color: evidence for optimal stimulus design in a polymorphic prey lure4
Maximum performance expression is affected by octopamine and antennae removal in Acheta domesticus4
The oxidative cost of helping and its minimization in a cooperative breeder4
Fitness consequences of seasonally different life histories? A match–mismatch experiment4
Testing the local mate competition rule in a quasi-gregarious parasitoid with facultative superparasitism4
Perturbations highlight importance of social history in parakeet rank dynamics4
Neonate personality affects early-life resource acquisition in a large social mammal4
Condition-dependent sexual reproduction is driven by benefits, not costs of sex4
No signs of behavioral evolution of threespine stickleback following northern pike invasion4
Female and male plumage color is linked to parental quality, pairing, and extrapair mating in a tropical passerine4
Sex-specific effects of psychoactive pollution on behavioral individuality and plasticity in fish4
Influence of rainfall on foraging behavior of a tropical seabird4
Environment and mate attractiveness in a wild insect4
Mating competition and adult sex ratio in wild Trinidadian guppies4
Can you hear/see me? Multisensory integration of signals does not always facilitate mate choice4
The effect of baculum shape and mating behavior on mating-induced prolactin release in female house mice4
Carry on caring: infected females maintain their parental care despite high mortality4
Male courtship reduces the risk of female aggression in web-building spiders but varies in structure4
Reproductive aging and pace-of-life syndromes: more active females age faster4
Heterogeneity in resource competition covaries with individual variation in long-term social relationships4
Evidence of female preference for odor of distant over local males in a bat with female dispersal4
The habitat connectivity hypothesis of escape in urban woodland birds4
Family dynamics reveal that female house mice preferentially breed in their maternal community3
Intricate covariation between exploration and avoidance learning in a generalist predator3
Peacock spiders prefer image statistics of average natural scenes over those of male ornamentation3
A rapidly evolving cricket produces percussive vibrations: how, who, when, and why3
MHC mediates social odor via microbiota—it cannot work: a comment on Schubert et al.3
Treefrogs adjust their acoustic signals in response to harmonics structure of intruder calls3
Contextual variations in calls of two nonoscine birds: the blue petrel Halobaena caerulea and the Antarctic prion Pachyptila desolata3
Variable ambient temperature promotes song learning and production in zebra finches3
Recognition of conspecific immunological status in a neotropical paper wasp3
Eyes on the future: buffering increased costs of incubation by abandoning offspring3
Brood as booty: the effect of colony size and resource value in social insect contests3
Chronic predation risk affects prey escape abilities through behavioral and physiological changes3
Group intrusions by a brood parasitic fish are not cooperative3
Made-up mouths with preen oil reveal genetic and phenotypic conditions of starling nestlings3
Low incidence of cannibalism among brood parasitic cuckoo catfish embryos3
Negotiations over parental care: a test of alternative hypotheses in the clown anemonefish3
Personality-mediated speed-accuracy tradeoffs in mating in a 17-year periodical cicada3
Aggression rates increase around seasonally exploited resources in a primarily grass-eating primate3
Risky business: males choose more receptive adults over safer subadults in a cannibalistic spider3
Elucidating mutual mate choice: effects of trial design on preferences of male zebra finches3
Why signal if you are not attractive? Courtship synchrony in a fiddler crab3
Competition for acoustic space in a temperate-forest bird community3
Carotenoid-dependent plumage coloration is associated with reduced male care in passerine birds3
The devil is in the details: a comment on Shuker and Kvarnemo3
Repeatability is the first step in a broader hypothesis test: a comment on Stuber et al.3