Human Resource Development Quarterly

(The H4-Index of Human Resource Development Quarterly is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
PLS‐SEM: Prediction‐oriented solutions for HRD researchers79
Delineating the tacit knowledge‐seeking phase of knowledge sharing: The influence of relational social capital components40
Mapping human resource development: Visualizing the past, bridging the gaps, and moving toward the future34
The role of basic psychological needs satisfaction in the relationship between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior33
The paradoxical effect of responsible leadership on employee cyberloafing: A moderated mediation model31
Measures of curiosity: A literature review30
Engaging leadership: Enhancing work engagement through intrinsic values and need satisfaction25
Social informal learning and the role of learning climate: Toward a better understanding of the social side of learning among consultants22
Perceived corporate social responsibility and affective commitment: The mediating role of psychological capital and the impact of employee participation20
Investigating the multidimensionality of informal learning: Validation of a short measure for white‐collar workers17
Empowering leadership and followers' good and bad behaviors: A dual mediation model16
Technological transformation and human resource development of early career talent: Insights from accounting, banking, and finance16
Toward a process model of newcomer socialization: Integrating pre‐ and post‐entry factors for newcomer adjustment15
The interplay between the level of voluntary participation and supervisor support on trainee motivation and transfer14