International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

(The TQCC of International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Wearables for Well-Being: A Longitudinal in Situ Study of Smartwatches to Understand and Enhance Line-Level Housekeeping Work154
Ever Heard of Ethical AI? Investigating the Salience of Ethical AI Issues among the German Population121
The Mediating Role of e-Lifestyles to Use the Fitness Center App113
Touch Table Interfaces in Therapeutic Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review98
Can Previews Mitigate the Effect of Interruptions? Findings from a Lab Experiment under Various Workloads89
Development and Validation of the Perceived Deepfake Trustworthiness Questionnaire (PDTQ) in Three Languages89
A Situation Awareness Perspective on Human-AI Interaction: Tensions and Opportunities85
E-Grocery Retailing Mobile Application: Discerning Determinants of Repatronage Intentions in an Emerging Economy85
A Qualitative Research of Young People’s Motivation to Start, Continue, Reduce and Quit Playing Online Multiplayer Games on Computer77
Assessing Creativity and User Experience in Immersive Virtual Reality with Cultural Heritage Learning74
Social Media as Acculturation Agent: Vietnamese Consumers’ Assimilation into South Korean Culture70
Investigating User Acceptance of Mobile Cultural Applications in China: An Expanded Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)66
Virtual Agents in Immersive Virtual Reality Environments: Impact of Humanoid Avatars and Output Modalities on Shopping Experience63
My Health Advisor is a Robot: Understanding Intentions to Adopt a Robotic Health Advisor60
A User Study on the Comparison of View Interfaces for VR-AR Communication in XR Remote Collaboration59
Bringing Together Ergonomic Concepts and Cognitive Mechanisms for Human—AI Agents Cooperation54
Working Memory Capacity for Mid-Air Gestures in Human–Computer Interaction53
Examining the structural relationships among e-learning interactivity, uncertainty avoidance, and perceived risks of COVID-19: Applying extended technology acceptance model51
Game.UP: Gamified Urban Planning Participation Enhancing Exploration, Motivation, and Interactions49
Team at Your Service: Investigating Functional Specificity for Trust Calibration in Automated Driving with Conversational Agents49
Game-Changer NPCs: Leveling-Up Technology Acceptance and Flow in a Digital Learning Quest47
Exploring the Influence of Human System Interfaces: Introducing Support Tools and an Experimental Study47
Socially Engineering a Polarizing Discourse on Facebook through Malware-Induced Misperception46
Evaluating Trust in Recommender Systems: A User Study on the Impacts of Explanations, Agency Attribution, and Product Types45
Explainable Artificial Intelligence Improves Human Decision-Making: Results from a Mushroom Picking Experiment at a Public Art Festival44
Adaptive Human–Computer Interface Design for Supervision Task Based on User Attention and System State43
Development and Validation of Cloud Applications Usability Development Scale43
An Augmented Reality Based Mobile Photography Application to Improve Learning Gain, Decrease Cognitive Load, and Achieve Better Emotional State42
Content Prioritization Based on Usage Pattern Analysis42
Why Do People Abandon Activity Trackers? The Role of User Diversity in Discontinued Use41
To Gift or Not: Understanding Gifting Behavior on Live Streaming Platforms from the Perspective of Social Influence and Herding40
A Tale of Three Advantages: Cross-Cultural Recognition of Basic Emotions Through Virtual Stickers39
Chatbots for Sexual Health Improvement: A Systematic Review39
Hand Tracking with Vibrotactile Feedback Enhanced Presence, Engagement, Usability, and Performance in a Virtual Reality Rhythm Game38
Examining Minimum Information Requirements for Electronic Aeronautical Charts38
A Comparison of Immersive and Non-Immersive VR for the Education of Filmmaking37
Design of Online Reading Education Simulation System Based on Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction Technology36
Measuring the Perceived Clutter of Websites35
Engaging Elementary School Children in Mindful Learning Through Story-Based Creativity Games Facilitates Their Growth Mindset33
Effect of Human Interaction Modalities on the Usability and Performance of a Robotic Cyber-Physical System for Construction Progress Monitoring33
Differences in Muscle Activity and Mouse Behavior Data of Graphic Design Workers in Moving and Dragging Tasks with Different Targets32
Empowering Driver-Passenger Collaboration: Designing In-Car Systems with a Focus on Social Connectedness, Fairness, and Team Performance32
Integrated Recognition Assistant Framework Based on Deep Learning for Autonomous Driving: Human-Like Restoring Damaged Road Sign Information31
Nomophobia Questionnaire Short-Form: Psychometric Properties and Longitudinal Association with Anxiety, Stress, and Depression in Adolescents31
Investigating the Roles of Document Presentation and Reading Interactions on Different Aspects of Multiple Document Comprehension31
Familiarity Breeds Trust? The Relationship between Dating App Use and Trust in Dating Algorithms via Algorithm Awareness and Critical Algorithm Perceptions31
Systematic Investigation of Optimal Electrode Positions and Re-Referencing Strategies on Ear Biosignals30
Discovering the Power of External Human-Machine Interface: An EEG Study on the Driving Anger Regulation30
VIREO: Web-based Graphical Authoring of Vibrotactile Feedback for Interactions with Mobile and Wearable Devices30
Transparent Human–Agent Communications30
GearWheels: A Software Tool to Support User Experiments on Gesture Input with Wearable Devices30
PushPIN: A Pressure-Based Behavioral Biometric Authentication System for Smartwatches29
The Mediation Role of Convenience in Mobile Wallet Adoption29
Usevalia: Managing Inspection-Based Usability Audits28
Iterative Function Allocation of Single Pilot Operations Based on Biclustering Method28
An Empirical Study on the Willingness of Young Elderly to Use Elderly Companion Robot28
The Influence of Robot Social Behaviors on Second Language Learning in Preschoolers28
The Effects of Text Type and Text Length on the Experience of Mandarin Voice Perception on Smart Mobile Devices28
Intelligent Moving Display Robots: Human-Centric Design Guidelines for Human–Robot Interaction Designers28
Does Surgical Robot Know What It’s Doing? Understanding Patient Fear and Anxiety28
Comfort of Wrist-Worn Devices: Development of an Assessment Tool and Measurement of Comfort-Discomfort Pressure for Older and Younger Users27
Effects of Posture and Locomotion Methods on Postural Stability, Cybersickness, and Presence in a Virtual Environment26
Effects of Virtual Map Navigation Mode on Route Retracing26
Mapping Visit Behaviors in a Virtual Art Gallery to Visitor Engagement Profiles Using Latent Class Analysis26
Narcissism and Problematic Social Media Use: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Fear of Missing out and Trait Mindfulness in Youth26
Simulation-Based Digital Twins Enabling Smart Services for Machine Operations: An Industry 5.0 Approach26
A Case Study on a Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model in a Game-Based Student Response System25
Exploring Engagement, Self-Efficacy, and Anxiety in Large Language Model EFL Learning: A Latent Profile Analysis of Chinese University Students25
The Influence of Interactivity, Aesthetic, Creativity and Vividness on Consumer Purchase of Virtual Clothing: The Mediating Effect of Satisfaction and Flow25
Understanding Learner Continuance Intention: A Comparison of Live Video Learning, Pre-Recorded Video Learning and Hybrid Video Learning in COVID-19 Pandemic25
Beyond Purchase Intentions: Mining Behavioral Intentions of Social-Network Users25
The Effect of Dynamic Effects and Color Transparency of AR-HUD Navigation Graphics on Driving Behavior Regarding Inattentional Blindness24
A One-Point Calibration Design for Hybrid Eye Typing Interface24
Designing Immersive Stories for Health: Choosing Character Perspective Based on the Viewer’s Modality24
Exploring Pedagogical Dynamics via Teachers’ Interactions with Digital Textbook Platforms24
aiWOM: Artificial Intelligence Word-of-Mouth. Conceptualizing Consumer-to-AI Communication24
Not the Same Everywhere: Comparing the Scope and Definition of User Experience between the Brazilian and International Communities24
Enhancing Online Learning: A Multimodal Approach for Cognitive Load Assessment24
How Mobile Touch Devices Foster Cognitive Offloading in the Elderly: The Effects of Input and Feedback23
Absence of Inertial Load on Hand Decreases Task Performance in Virtual Reality Interaction23
A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Analyzing E-Learning Users’ Satisfaction22
Research on Information Fusion Method for Human Computer Interaction Interface of Command and Control System in MR Environment22
Evaluating Use of the Doppler Effect to Enhance Auditory Alerts22
Attention Grabbing through Forward Reference: An ERP Study on Clickbait and Top News Stories22
A Social Anxiety Mobile Intervention for College Students Attending Therapy: A Usability and Acceptability Study21
The Effect of Tablet App with Different Learning Content on Preschoolers’ Implicit Memory Development: Numbers and Literacy21
Running Away with the Pokémon Go Gang: Three Consumption Needs21
Ask a Further Question or Give a List? How Should Conversational Agents Reply to Users’ Uncertain Queries21
An Arabic Translation of the Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) with Psychometric Evaluation Using Kuwait University Portal21
AR Dancee: An Augmented Reality-Based Mobile Persuasive Intervention for Promoting Physical Activity Through Dancing20
Assessing the Visual Esthetics of User Interfaces: A Ten-Year Systematic Mapping20
A Qualitative Exploration of a User-Centered Model for Smartwatch Comfort Using Grounded Theory20
Let’s Talk Games: An Expert Exploration of Speech Interaction with NPCs20
WeChat Adoption among Older Adults and Urban-Rural Differences in China20
Research on the Effect of the Empathy Ability of AI Service Robots on Consumer Well-Being: The Chain Mediating Model20
Coping Responses to the Stress of Using News Platforms’ Recommendation Algorithms19
A Task Allocation Strategy for Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality19
The Effects of Walk-in-Place and Overground Walking on the Acquisition of Spatial Information by People With Visual Impairment in Virtual Reality Wayfinding19
The Effect of Electroencephalogram Feedback in Virtual Reality Interactive System on Creativity Performance, Attention Value, and Cognitive Load19
Classifying Older Drivers’ Gaze Behaviour during Automated versus Non-Automated Driving: A Preliminary Step towards Detecting Mode Confusion19
Using a Virtual Workplace Environment to Reduce Implicit Gender Bias19
The Prospective Effect of Protective Gaming Beliefs and Behaviors on Problematic Gaming, Mental Health, and Well-Being of Video Game Players19
StepsBooster-S: A Culturally Tailored Step-Based Persuasive Application for Promoting Physical Activity19
The Impact of Visual and Kinesthetic Motor Imagery on Mental Fatigue and Classification Performance in Untrained Participants19
Multimodal Learning Engagement Assessment System: An Innovative Approach to Optimizing Learning Engagement19
Human Motivation in Competition against Artificial Intelligence: Using One-to-One Games19
“I Am in Your Computer While We Talk to Each Other” a Content Analysis on the Use of Language-Based Strategies by Humans and a Social Chatbot in Initial Human-Chatbot Interactions18
Development and Patient User Experience Evaluation of an mHealth Informational App for Osteoporosis18
The Effects of Visual Complexity and Decluttering Methods on Visual Search and Target Detection in Cockpit Displays18
Entangled Intelligent Driving: Relations with Automated Cars18
Rounding for Warmth, Angling for Fluency: How Shapes, Cognitive Load, and Privacy Risk Influence App Adoption18
The COVID-19 Crisis as an Evolutionary Catalyst of Online Psychological Interventions. A Systematic Review and Qualitative Synthesis18
Adoption Intention of an IoT Based Healthcare Technologies in Rehabilitation Process18
Effects of Waveform, Time Delay, and Vibration Axis on the Perception of Vibrotactile Compliance Illusions on Smartphone Touchscreens17
Adaptive Information Decay: A Potentially Effective Approach to Enhancing the Impact of Augmented Reality on Training for Manual Assembly Tasks17
Multimodal Massage Localization Algorithm for Human Acupoints17
Vicarious Interaction in Online Health Consultation Service: The Effects of Generative AI’s Anthropomorphism and Social Support on Intended Responses Through Social Presence and Source Credibility17
Context Awareness in Recognition of Affective States: A Systematic Mapping of the Literature17
(Re)Defining Smart Home Through an HCI Perspective: A Systematic Review of over Two Decades of Smart Home Conceptualization and Research16
Presence: A Review16
Health on the move—can we keep up? Activity tracker performance test to measure data and strategic skills16
The Effects of Goal-Setting Intervention with Mobile Apps on Behavioral Regulation and Life Quality16
Toward Immersive and Interactive Surgical Training Using Extended Reality Simulator for IoMT16
Fuzzy-Based Virtual Reality System for Cultural Heritage: Enhancing User Interaction and Experience Through Contextual Assistive Messaging16
Explore the Fashion Industry’s Behavioral Intention to Use Artificial Intelligence Generated Content Tools Based on the UTAUT Model16
Network Analysis of Ecological Momentary Assessment Exploring the Role of Online and Offline Social Comparisons in the Mood and Wellbeing of Undergraduate Students16
Interaction and Design Barriers for Older Adults in Food Delivery Apps: A Usability Study16
Factors Influencing Fitness App Users’ Behavior in China16
Effects of Badge Mechanisms in Digital Game-Based Learning on English Pronunciation Learning Performance and In-Game Behavior16
What Do We Study When Studying Politics and Democracy? A Semantic Analysis of How Politics and Democracy Are Used in SIGCHI Conference Papers16
The Effect of Herd Behavior on Consumer Intention in Live Streaming E-Commerce: The Moderating Role of Interaction16
Transparency through Explanations and Justifications in Human-Robot Task-Based Communications16
The Promise and Pitfalls of Learning in Immersive Virtual Reality15
For God’s Sake: Integrating the Theory of Reasoned Action and Technology Acceptance Model to Predict Smartphone Use during Church Services15
Impact of AI on Customer Experience in Video Streaming Services: A Focus on Personalization and Trust15
How the Preattentive Process is Exploited in Practical Information Visualization Design: A Review15
The Impression of Round and Square: Chinese Calligraphy Aesthetics in Modern Type Design15
A TCCM-Based Review of Consumer Behaviour Towards Digital Voice Assistants and Future Research Agenda15
Effects of Human and Robot Feedback on Shaping Human Movement Behaviors during Reaching Tasks14
Taking Algorithmic (Vs. Human) Advice Reveals Different Goals to Others14
Users’ Perspectives on Ethical Issues Related to Playing Location-Based Augmented Reality Games: A Case Study of Pokémon GO14
Classifying and Validating Metahuman Service Quality Dimensions: A Mixed-Method Study14
Determining Ergonomic Risks Arising from the Use of Information Technologies in the Covid-19 Environment14
Online Content Moderation: Does Justice Need a Human Face?14
How the Human-Like Characteristics of AI Assistants Affect Employee Creativity: A Social Network Ties Perspective14
Internet-of-Gamification: A Review of Literature on IoT-enabled Gamification for User Engagement14
CubeMuseum AR: A Tangible Augmented Reality Interface for Cultural Heritage Learning and Museum Gifting14
Self-Driving Vehicles and Pedestrian Interaction: Does an External Human-Machine Interface Mitigate the Threat of a Tinted Windshield or a Distracted Driver?14
Inclusion in Virtual Reality Technology: A Scoping Review14
Exploring Users’ Behavioral Intention to Adopt Mobile Augmented Reality in Education through an Extended Technology Acceptance Model14
Smooth Talking: Generative Versus Scripted Coaching Chatbot Adoption and Efficacy Comparison13
The Unit and Size of Information Supporting Auditory Feedback for Voice User Interface13
Efficient Quadcopter Flight Control Using Hybrid SSVEP + P300 Visual Brain Computer Interface13
Symmetric and Asymmetric Modeling to Understand Drivers and Consequences of Hotel Chatbot Engagement13
Co-design of Technology Involving Autistic Children: A Systematic Literature Review13
Differed Risk Perception in Manual and Automated Driving: An Empirical Study of Varied Conditions13
The Impact of QoE Factors on the Perception of Constructs Comprising Information Quality, Usability, and Aesthetics in Mobile Web Browsing13
Insight into User Acceptance and Adoption of Autonomous Systems in Mission Critical Environments13
VAEnvGen: A Real-Time Virtual Agent Environment Generation System Based on Large Language Models13
Continued Intention of mHealth Care Applications among the Elderly: An Enabler and Inhibitor Perspective13
Democratizing EEG: Embedding Electroencephalography in a Head-Mounted Display for Ubiquitous Brain-Computer Interfacing13
HierVid: Lowering the Barriers to Entry of Interactive Video Making with a Hierarchical Authoring System13
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Contact-Analog and Bounding Box Prototypes in Augmented Reality Head-Up Display Warning for Chinese Novice Drivers Under Various Collision Types and Traffic Density13
Effect of Reaching Movement Modulation on Experience of Control in Virtual Reality13
Relationship between Brand Experience, Local Presence, Flow, and Brand Attitude While Applying Spatial Augmented Reality to a Brand Store13
Special Issue: Trends in Adaptive Interactive Training Systems - Preface13
Can we Use Smart Phone on a Moving Vehicle Without Worrying About Carsickness? Developing an Effective Motion Cue APP with Driving Simulator and Real Vehicle Experiments13
Why Do I Share? Participants’ Personality Traits and Online Participation13
Octagon Measurement: Public Attitudes toward AI Ethics13
Implementing Facial Recognition Technology in a University Setting: An Organizational Justice Perspective13
Creating Omni-Channel In-Store Shopping Experiences through Augmented-Reality-Based Product Recommending and Comparison13
Gig Work Self-Efficacy and Its Effects on Flexibility, Career Adoptability, and Adoption in the Metaverse: A Moderated Mediation Model13
The Effect of Tablet App on Preschoolers’ Symbolic Number Abilities Development: Based on Activity Theory13
Exploring the Impact of CPS-Based Robot-Assisted Teaching in STEM Education: Enhancing Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes13
Factors Affecting Employees’ Intention to Work Through the Metaverse Platform13
University Students’ Attitudes Toward ChatGPT Profiles and Their Relation to ChatGPT Intentions13
Voice Unbound: The Impact of Localization and Experience on Continuous Personal Voice Assistant Usage and Its Drivers12
Experience Shaping, Social Cues and Safety: Headphone Use and Non-Use While Hiking in the United States12
Virtual Influencers vs. Human Influencers in the Context of Influencer Marketing: The Moderating Role of Machine Heuristic on Perceived Authenticity of Influencers12
Reliability and Validity Study of an Augmented Reality Supported Mathematics Education Attitude Scale12
Is This Science Video Popular? Let Us See How the Audience Reacts!12
Hand’s Vibration Perception Thresholds—A Systematic Review12
Effects of Teachers’ Technology Leadership on Postgraduate Preservice Teachers’ Application of TPACK: Perspective of Path-Goal Theory of Leadership12
Towards User-Centric Guidelines for Chatbot Conversational Design12
Not Always Good: Mitigating Pedestrians’ Less Careful Crossing Behavior by External Human-Machine Interfaces on Automated Vehicles12
Video Game Design for Learning to Learn12
Evaluating the Usability of Virtual Interview Training for Transition-Age Youth with Visual Impairments12
Trust in Automation (TiA): Simulation Model, and Empirical Findings in Supervisory Control of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)12
Human or Humanoid Animated Pedagogical Avatars in Video Lectures: The Impact of the Knowledge Type on Learning Outcomes12
Do Users Anthropomorphize AI-Based Virtual Influencers? Unraveling Reddit User Perceptions via Text Mining12
Image Is All for Music Retrieval: Interactive Music Retrieval System Using Images with Mood and Theme Attributes12
Predicting Driver Fatigue in Monotonous Automated Driving with Explanation using GPBoost and SHAP11
Effects of Social Media Self-Efficacy on Informational Use, Loneliness, and Self-Esteem of Older Adults11
The Role of Consumers’ Privacy Awareness in the Privacy Calculus for IoT Services11
Effects of Auditory Feedback on Visually-Guided Movement in Real and Virtual Space11
Validating Social Service Robot Interaction Trust (SSRIT) Scale in Measuring Consumers’ Trust Toward Interaction With Artificially Intelligent (AI) Social Robots With a Chinese Sample of Adults11
Empathetic Robot Judge, we Trust You11
AI-CDSS Design Guidelines and Practice Verification11
Haptic Zoom: An Interaction Model for Desktop Haptic Devices with Limited Workspace11
Research on Universal Design of Smart Home Interface Navigation Based on Visual Interaction11
Influence of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Attributes on Consumers’ Attitude and Intention of Using Wearable Technology11
Find My Friend: An Innovative Cooperative Approach of Real-Time Goal Collaboration in Automated Driving11
Application, Development and Future Opportunities of Collaborative Robots (Cobots) in Manufacturing: A Literature Review11
Interactive Web Documentaries: A Case Study of Video Viewing Behaviour on iOtok11
The Social Construction of Algorithms in Everyday Life: Examining TikTok Users’ Understanding of the Platform’s Algorithm11
Effect of Transparency Levels and Real-World Backgrounds on the User Interface in Augmented Reality Environments11
Normative or Effective? The Role of News Diversity and Trust in News Recommendation Services11
Adopting Voice Assistants in Online Shopping: Examining the Role of Social Presence, Performance Risk, and Machine Heuristic11
XFlag: Explainable Fake News Detection Model on Social Media11
Proactivity of Chatbots, Task Types and User’s Characteristics When Interacting with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots11
Voices that Care Differently: Understanding the Effectiveness of a Conversational Agent with an Alternative Empathy Orientation and Emotional Expressivity in Mitigating Verbal Abuse11
Human Computer Interaction on the Modern Flight Deck11
VR Devices in Ayurvedic Care: Understanding Influential Factors for User Behavior and Continuance Intention11
mHealth Adoption Among Older Chinese Adults: A Conceptual Model With Design Suggestions11
Statement of Retraction: Analysis and Research of Psychological Crisis Behavior Model Based on Improved Apriori Algorithm10
“Be a Lighting Programmer”: Supporting Children Collaborative Learning through Tangible Programming System10
Data Transparency Design in Internet of Things: A Systematic Review10
Team Situation Awareness-Based Augmented Reality Head-Up Display Design for Security Requirements10
The General Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence Scale (GAAIS): Confirmatory Validation and Associations with Personality, Corporate Distrust, and General Trust10
Extending the UTAUT Model of Tencent Meeting for Online Courses by Including Community of Inquiry and Collaborative Learning Constructs10
Effect of Gratitude Expression of AI Chatbot on Willingness to Donate10
Bidirectional Communications in Human-Agent Teaming: The Effects of Communication Style and Feedback10
Towards the Socio-Algorithmic Construction of Fairness: The Case of Automatic Price-Surging in Ride-Hailing10
User Interactions With a Municipality Chatbot—Lessons Learnt From Dialogue Analysis10
Design Thinking Framework for Integration of Transparency Measures in Time-Critical Decision Support10
Customer Experience in Social Commerce: Thematic and Intellectual Structure Mapping Using Bibliometric Analysis10
Decoding the Factors of Artificial Intelligence Mobile Banking Continuance Usage: The Nexus Between AI Characters and Usage Experience10
Research on Interactive Efficiency and Experience of Intelligent Education Platform10
How Do Short-Form Video Creators Select Media Platforms? Research Based on the Extended UTAUT Model10
The Investigation of Mobile Virtual Reality Application Instructional Content in Geography Education: Academic Achievement, Presence, and Student Interaction10
Changing the Rules of Play in Long Beach, California: Smart Cities, Infrastructure, and the Well-Played Game10
Why Majorities Are Silent but Minorities Are Loud: An Empirical Approach to Opinion Interactions in Online Communities10
“Intelligent Tutoring System in Education for Disabled Learners Using Human–Computer Interaction and Augmented Reality”10
Restoring Dunhuang Murals: Crafting Cultural Heritage Preservation Knowledge into Immersive Virtual Reality Experience Design10
Social Anxiety and Online Media Choice: Visual Anonymity as a Key10
“It’s Definitely New and Different…It’s Really Engaging”: Understanding the Power of Storytelling Towards Secure Password Creation9
Examining the Factors That Influence User Information Security Behavior toward COVID-19 Scams9
Understanding the Impacts of Storytelling and Player Perspective on Learning Outcomes: The Mediating Roles of Engagements9
Understanding the Continuance Intention of College Students toward New E-Learning Spaces Based on an Integrated Model of the TAM and TTF9
Tracking the Unseen and Unaware: Deciphering Controllers’ Detection Failures to Warnings Through Eye-Tracking Metrics9
Evaluating Critical Success Factors for Acceptance of Digital Assistants for Online Shopping Using Grey–DEMATEL9
Gamifying Public Engagement on Sustainability Issues: From Motivational Affordances to the Effectiveness of Symmetrical Public Relations9
The Impact of Perceived Experience on Customer Privacy Concerns During AI-Human Interaction: The Chain Mediating Effect of Hedonic Value and Trust9
Enhancing Developers Experience (DevEx) for Successful Design System Implementation9
Perception and Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles: Influencing Factors and the Relevance of Subjective Knowledge9
Physical Education Using VR Mobile Apps: Development of Individual Thinking Skills and Self-Esteem9