International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

(The median citation count of International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
How Should My Chatbot Interact? A Survey on Social Characteristics in Human–Chatbot Interaction Design252
Systematic Review: Trust-Building Factors and Implications for Conversational Agent Design137
Six Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Grand Challenges109
Trust in AI and Its Role in the Acceptance of AI Technologies109
What Drives Gift-giving Intention in Live Streaming? The Perspectives of Emotional Attachment and Flow Experience108
Identifying Causes of and Solutions for Cybersickness in Immersive Technology: Reformulation of a Research and Development Agenda100
University Students’ Perception of Video-Based Learning in Times of COVID-19: A TAM/TTF Perspective95
Transitioning to Human Interaction with AI Systems: New Challenges and Opportunities for HCI Professionals to Enable Human-Centered AI83
Measuring Visual Fatigue and Cognitive Load via Eye Tracking while Learning with Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays: A Review79
Determinants of Intention to Use ChatGPT for Educational Purposes: Findings from PLS-SEM and fsQCA76
Modelling and Evaluating Trust in Mobile Commerce: A Hybrid Three Stage Fuzzy Delphi, Structural Equation Modeling, and Neural Network Approach70
Attention: Theory, Principles, Models and Applications66
The General Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence Scale (GAAIS): Confirmatory Validation and Associations with Personality, Corporate Distrust, and General Trust66
How Positive and Negative Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) Affects Customers’ Intention to Use Social Commerce? A Dual-Stage Multi Group-SEM and ANN Analysis66
My Smart Speaker is Cool! Perceived Coolness, Perceived Values, and Users’ Attitude toward Smart Speakers64
How to Increase Automated Vehicles’ Acceptance through In-Vehicle Interaction Design: A Review64
Mapping Human–Computer Interaction Research Themes and Trends from Its Existence to Today: A Topic Modeling-Based Review of past 60 Years63
Older Adults’ Online Shopping Continuance Intentions: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior62
Influence of Pedagogical Beliefs and Perceived Trust on Teachers’ Acceptance of Educational Artificial Intelligence Tools54
Exploring the Privacy Concerns in Using Intelligent Virtual Assistants under Perspectives of Information Sensitivity and Anthropomorphism54
Metaverse Meets Branding: Examining Consumer Responses to Immersive Brand Experiences54
The Roles of Personality Traits, AI Anxiety, and Demographic Factors in Attitudes toward Artificial Intelligence54
Psychometric Evaluation of the F-SUS: Creation and Validation of the French Version of the System Usability Scale51
Exploring Users’ Behavioral Intention to Adopt Mobile Augmented Reality in Education through an Extended Technology Acceptance Model50
Artificial Intelligence Is Trusted Less than a Doctor in Medical Treatment Decisions: Influence of Perceived Care and Value Similarity49
The Role of Privacy Cynicism in Consumer Habits with Voice Assistants: A Technology Acceptance Model Perspective47
“Oh, My God, Buy It!” Investigating Impulse Buying Behavior in Live Streaming Commerce46
Insights into Older Adults’ Technology Acceptance through Meta-Analysis45
Presence: A Review44
Evaluating the Use of Smartwatches for Learning Purposes through the Integration of the Technology Acceptance Model and Task-Technology Fit43
Examining the Impact of Psychological, Social, and Quality Factors on the Continuous Intention to Use Virtual Meeting Platforms During and beyond COVID-19 Pandemic: A Hybrid SEM-ANN Approach43
Customer Brand Engagement through Chatbots on Bank Websites– Examining the Antecedents and Consequences41
Systematic Literature Review of Virtual Reality Intervention Design Patterns for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders41
Application, Development and Future Opportunities of Collaborative Robots (Cobots) in Manufacturing: A Literature Review41
Falling in Love with Virtual Reality Art: A New Perspective on 3D Immersive Virtual Reality for Future Sustaining Art Consumption41
Human–Computer Interaction and Digital Literacy Promote Educational Learning in Pre-school Children: Mediating Role of Psychological Resilience for Kids’ Mental Well-Being and School Readiness41
Social Presence and Imagery Processing as Predictors of Chatbot Continuance Intention in Human-AI-Interaction39
Acceptance of Virtual Reality Exergames Among Chinese Older Adults39
It Is Me, Chatbot: Working to Address the COVID-19 Outbreak-Related Mental Health Issues in China. User Experience, Satisfaction, and Influencing Factors39
Take over Gradually in Conditional Automated Driving: The Effect of Two-stage Warning Systems on Situation Awareness, Driving Stress, Takeover Performance, and Acceptance39
Uncanny Valley Effects on Chatbot Trust, Purchase Intention, and Adoption Intention in the Context of E-Commerce: The Moderating Role of Avatar Familiarity37
User Experience & Usability of Driving: A Bibliometric Analysis of 2000-201937
Comfort or Not? Automated Driving Style and User Characteristics Causing Human Discomfort in Automated Driving37
Determinants of Intention to Use e-Wallet: Personal Innovativeness and Propensity to Trust as Moderators36
Factors Influencing Fitness App Users’ Behavior in China35
The Situation Awareness Framework for Explainable AI (SAFE-AI) and Human Factors Considerations for XAI Systems35
A Systematic Literature Review of User Trust in AI-Enabled Systems: An HCI Perspective35
Metaverse Chronicles: A Bibliometric Analysis of Its Evolving Landscape34
Effects of Non-Driving-Related Task Attributes on Takeover Quality in Automated Vehicles34
Exploring Influence Factors of WeChat Users’ Health Information Sharing Behavior: Based on an Integrated Model of TPB, UGT and SCT34
Examining the Use of Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Agents33
Integrating Transparency, Trust, and Acceptance: The Intelligent Systems Technology Acceptance Model (ISTAM)33
Perceived Enjoyment and Attractiveness Influence Taiwanese Elementary School Students’ Intention to Use Interactive Video Learning32
Examining the structural relationships among e-learning interactivity, uncertainty avoidance, and perceived risks of COVID-19: Applying extended technology acceptance model31
Game Difficulty Adaptation and Experience Personalization: A Literature Review31
Influence of Perceived Interactivity on Continuous Use Intentions on the Danmaku Video Sharing Platform: Belongingness Perspective31
Evaluating Usability of Mobile-Based Augmented Reality Learning Environments for Early Childhood30
Self-Driving Vehicles and Pedestrian Interaction: Does an External Human-Machine Interface Mitigate the Threat of a Tinted Windshield or a Distracted Driver?30
“I Am Here to Assist Your Tourism”: Predicting Continuance Intention to Use AI-based Chatbots for Tourism. Does Gender Really Matter?30
Moving Fast and Slow: Analysis of Representations and Post-Processing in Speech-Driven Automatic Gesture Generation30
The Role of Privacy in the Acceptance of Smart Technologies: Applying the Privacy Calculus to Technology Acceptance30
A Survey of 15 Years of Data-Driven Persona Development29
The Impact of Trust-Building Mechanisms on Purchase Intention towards Metaverse Shopping: The Moderating Role of Age29
Digital Human Modeling: A Review and Reappraisal of Origins, Present, and Expected Future Methods for Representing Humans Computationally28
Investigating the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for Culture Learning28
The Promise and Pitfalls of Learning in Immersive Virtual Reality28
Immersive Spring Morning in the Han Palace: Learning Traditional Chinese Art Via Virtual Reality and Multi-Touch Tabletop28
Octagon Measurement: Public Attitudes toward AI Ethics28
Effects of Social Media Self-Efficacy on Informational Use, Loneliness, and Self-Esteem of Older Adults27
Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Evaluating the Objective and Subjective Impacts of xAI on Human-Agent Interaction27
Effect of Touch Button Interface on In-Vehicle Information Systems Usability26
Assessing the Visual Esthetics of User Interfaces: A Ten-Year Systematic Mapping26
Does Artificial Intelligence Satisfy You? A Meta-Analysis of User Gratification and User Satisfaction with AI-Powered Chatbots26
Understanding Learner Continuance Intention: A Comparison of Live Video Learning, Pre-Recorded Video Learning and Hybrid Video Learning in COVID-19 Pandemic26
Machine Learning Techniques in Adaptive and Personalized Systems for Health and Wellness26
Assessing Academics’ Perceptions of Blackboard Usability Using SUS and CSUQ: A Case Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic25
How Does Perceived Overload in Mobile Social Media Influence Users’ Passive Usage Intentions? Considering the Mediating Roles of Privacy Concerns and Social Media Fatigue25
Online Financial Trading among Young Adults: Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model, and Theory of Flow25
Video Game Design for Learning to Learn24
Efficient Quadcopter Flight Control Using Hybrid SSVEP + P300 Visual Brain Computer Interface24
Online Privacy Literacy and Online Privacy Behavior – The Role of Crystallized Intelligence and Personality24
Inattentional Blindness in Augmented Reality Head-Up Display-Assisted Driving23
So What About the Post-COVID-19 Era?: Do Users Still Adopt FinTech Products?23
A Systematic Literature Review on Digital Storytelling Authoring Tool in Education: January 2010 to January 202023
The Influences of Virtual Reality Shopping Characteristics on Consumers’ Impulse Buying Behavior23
Why Users Comply with Wearables: The Role of Contextual Self-Efficacy in Behavioral Change23
I Like My Relational Machine Teacher: An AI Instructor’s Communication Styles and Social Presence in Online Education22
Factors Influencing Learner Attitudes Towards ChatGPT-Assisted Language Learning in Higher Education22
Smart Cities, Playable Cities, and Cybersecurity: A Systematic Review22
Counterfactual Thinking: What Theories Do in Design22
Engaging Students With a Chatbot-Based Academic Advising System22
Drivers and Barriers Affecting Metaverse Adoption: A Systematic Review, Theoretical Framework, and Avenues for Future Research22
When Preschoolers Use Tablets: The Effect of Educational Serious Games on Children’s Attention Development22
When Do We Accept Mistakes from Chatbots? The Impact of Human-Like Communication on User Experience in Chatbots That Make Mistakes21
Comparison of Eye-Based and Controller-Based Selection in Virtual Reality21
Child-Robot Interaction in a Musical Dance Game: An Exploratory Comparison Study between Typically Developing Children and Children with Autism21
Psychological Predictors of Intention to Use Fitness Apps: The Role of Subjective Knowledge and Innovativeness20
The Investigation of Mobile Virtual Reality Application Instructional Content in Geography Education: Academic Achievement, Presence, and Student Interaction20
Autonomous Vehicles Acceptance: A Perceived Risk Extension of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Diffusion of Innovation, Evidence from Tehran, Iran20
Internet-of-Gamification: A Review of Literature on IoT-enabled Gamification for User Engagement20
Generative Artificial Intelligence Acceptance Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study19
Virtual Reality in Museums: Does It Promote Visitor Enjoyment and Learning?19
What Drives User Stickiness and Satisfaction in OTT Video Streaming Platforms? A Mixed-Method Exploration19
A Situation Awareness Perspective on Human-AI Interaction: Tensions and Opportunities19
A Reflection on Virtual Reality Design for Psychological, Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions: Design Needs, Opportunities and Challenges19
Investigating Health and Fitness App Users’ Stickiness, WOM, and Continuance Intention Using S-O-R Model: The Moderating Role of Health Consciousness19
Usability Evaluation of TV Interfaces: Subjective Evaluation Vs. Objective Evaluation19
Towards User-Centric Guidelines for Chatbot Conversational Design19
Effects of Gamification on Behavioral and Cognitive Engagement of Students in the Online Learning Environment19
Digital Twins in Human-Computer Interaction: A Systematic Review19
Effects of Live Streaming Proneness, Engagement and Intelligent Recommendation on Users' Purchase Intention in Short Video Community: Take TikTok (DouYin) Online Courses as an Example19
Adopting Voice Assistants in Online Shopping: Examining the Role of Social Presence, Performance Risk, and Machine Heuristic19
The Migration of Viewers in Gaming Streaming: The Perspective of a Push-Pull-Mooring Model18
Advantages of Print Reading over Screen Reading: A Comparison of Visual Patterns, Reading Performance, and Reading Attitudes across Paper, Computers, and Tablets18
The Use of Responsible Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Context of Loan Approval Processes18
Applying Bioaffordances through an Inquiry-Based Model: A Literature Review of Interactive Biodesign18
Mobile Technologies and Healthy Ageing: A Bibliometric Analysis on Publication Trends and Knowledge Structure of mHealth Research for Older Adults18
Selfish or Utilitarian Automated Vehicles? Deontological Evaluation and Public Acceptance18
The Impact of Interactivity on User Satisfaction in Digital Social Reading: Social Presence as a Mediator18
The More, the Merrier? - How Adding and Removing Game Design Elements Impact Motivation and Performance in a Gamification Environment18
Users’ Cognitive and Affective Response to the Risk to Privacy from a Smart Speaker18
The Effect of Adjusting Screen Height and Keyboard Placement on Neck and Back Discomfort, Posture, and Muscle Activities during Laptop Work17
Telepresence Robots for People with Special Needs: A Systematic Review17
Augmented Reality of 3D Content Application in Common Operational Picture Training System for Army17
Self-identification with a Virtual Experience and Its Moderating Effect on Self-efficacy and Presence17
The Impact of Social Media-Based Collaborative Learning Environments on Students’ Use Outcomes in Higher Education17
An Investigation of Pre-School Children’s Interactions with Augmented Reality Applications17
Evaluation of Playbook Delegation Approach in Human-Autonomy Teaming for Single Pilot Operations17
Do You Dare to Compare?: The Key Characteristics of Social Media Users Who Frequently Make Online Upward Social Comparisons17
Individual Differences and Expectations of Automated Vehicles16
Smooth Pursuit Study on an Eye-Control System for Continuous Variable Adjustment Tasks16
Towards Responsible AI: A Design Space Exploration of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence User Interfaces to Investigate Fairness16
User Experience Evaluation: A Validation Study of a Tool-based Approach for Automatic Stress Detection Using Physiological Signals16
Investigating Users’ Acceptance of the Metaverse with an Extended Technology Acceptance Model16
How Post 90’s Gesture Interact with Automobile Skylight16
Factors Affecting Adoption Intention of Productivity Software Applications Among Teachers: A Structural Equation Modeling Investigation16
Barriers to AV Bus Acceptance: A National Survey and Research Agenda16
Bridging the Trust Gap in Influencer Marketing: Ways to Sustain Consumers’ Trust and Assuage Their Distrust in the Social Media Influencer Landscape16
Friend or a Foe: Understanding Generation Z Employees' Intentions to Work with Service Robots in the Hotel Industry16
A Predictive Model of the Knowledge-Sharing Intentions of Social Q&A Community Members: A Regression Tree Approach16
In Search for Design Elements: A New Perspective for Employing Ethnography in Human-Computer Interaction Design Research16
ChatGPT: More Than a “Weapon of Mass Deception” Ethical Challenges and Responses from the Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) Perspective16
The Dark Side of Compulsory e-education: Are Students Really Happy and Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic?15
How People Perceive and Expect Safety in Autonomous Vehicles: An Empirical Study for Risk Sensitivity and Risk-related Feelings15
User Requirements for Inclusive Technology for Older Adults15
Privacy vs. Security: Trade-Offs in the Acceptance of Smart Technologies for Aging-in-Place15
Inclusive Augmented and Virtual Reality: A Research Agenda15
Eliciting User Needs and Design Requirements for User Experience in Fully Automated Vehicles15
Wellbeing Supportive Design – Research-Based Guidelines for Supporting Psychological Wellbeing in User Experience15
Designing Drawing Apps for Children: Artistic and Technological Factors15
Drivers of Mobile Payment Services Adoption: A Behavioral Reasoning Theory Perspective14
“Intelligent Tutoring System in Education for Disabled Learners Using Human–Computer Interaction and Augmented Reality”14
The Influence of Network Externality and Fear of Missing out on the Continuous Use of Social Networks: A Cross-Country Comparison14
Gamification is Working, but Which One Exactly? Results from an Experiment with Four Game Design Elements14
Mobile Application User Experience Checklist: A Tool to Assess Attention to Core UX Principles14
Instrumental Usability and Effective User Experience: Interwoven Drivers and Outcomes of Human-Computer Interaction14
CubeMuseum AR: A Tangible Augmented Reality Interface for Cultural Heritage Learning and Museum Gifting14
Video Cameras for Lifelogging at Home: Preferred Visualization Modes, Acceptance, and Privacy Perceptions among German and Turkish Participants14
Video Game Interfaces and Diegesis: The Impact on Experts and Novices’ Performance and Experience in Virtual Reality14
Enhancing Museum Visiting Experience: Investigating the Relationships Between Augmented Reality Quality, Immersion, and TAM Using PLS-SEM14
Selling on Instagram: Factors that Determine the Adoption of Instagram Commerce14
The Dark Side of Augmented Reality: Exploring Manipulative Designs in AR14
Knowledge, Perceived Benefits, Adoption, and Use of Smart Home Products14
Exploring the User Acceptance of Urban Air Mobility: Extending the Technology Acceptance Model with Trust and Service Quality Factors13
A Systematic Review of Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) Research in Medical and Other Engineering Fields13
Use of Eye-tracking in Artworks to Understand Information Needs of Visitors13
How to Optimise Interaction with Chatbots? Key Parameters Emerging from Actual Application13
What’s Stopping You from Migrating to Mobile Payment?13
Data Sensemaking in Self-Tracking: Towards a New Generation of Self-Tracking Tools13
Symmetric and Asymmetric Modeling to Understand Drivers and Consequences of Hotel Chatbot Engagement13
The Roles of Visual Complexity and Order in First Impressions of Webpages: An ERP Study of Webpage Rapid Evaluation13
Interpersonalizing Intimate Museum Experiences13
What Are the Users’ Needs? Design of a User-Centered Explainable Artificial Intelligence Diagnostic System13
Mobile Sensing for Emotion Recognition in Smartphones: A Literature Review on Non-Intrusive Methodologies13
A Survey of Technologies Facilitating Home and Community-Based Stroke Rehabilitation13
Hand Tracking with Vibrotactile Feedback Enhanced Presence, Engagement, Usability, and Performance in a Virtual Reality Rhythm Game13
Understanding Online Consumer Behavior at E-commerce Portals Using Eye-Gaze Tracking13
Deep Learning-Based Model Using DensNet201 for Mobile User Interface Evaluation13
Human-Centered Generative Design Framework: An Early Design Framework to Support Concept Creation and Evaluation13
Using Facial Expressiveness of a Virtual Agent to Induce Empathy in Users13
The Determinants of Consumer Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles: A Case Study in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia13
XFlag: Explainable Fake News Detection Model on Social Media13
Voices that Care Differently: Understanding the Effectiveness of a Conversational Agent with an Alternative Empathy Orientation and Emotional Expressivity in Mitigating Verbal Abuse13
Counseling Chatbot Design: The Effect of Anthropomorphic Chatbot Characteristics on User Self-Disclosure and Companionship12
Warning Apps for Road Safety: A Technological and Economical Perspective for Autonomous Driving – The Warning Task in the Transition from Human Driver to Automated Driving12
Feedback Mechanism in Immersive Virtual Reality Influences Physical Hands-on Task Performance and Cognitive Load12
Effects of Non-Speech Auditory Cues on Control Transition Behaviors in Semi-Automated Vehicles: Empirical Study, Modeling, and Validation12
Influences of Color Salience and Location of Website Links on User Performance and Affective Experience with a Mobile Web Directory12
Flexible Strain Sensor-Based Data Glove for Gesture Interaction in the Metaverse: A Review12
Exploring Players’ in-Game Purchase Intention in Freemium Open-World Games: The Role of Cognitive Absorption and Motivational Affordances12
Improving Trustworthiness of AI Solutions: A Qualitative Approach to Support Ethically-Grounded AI Design12
Understanding the Continuance Intention of College Students toward New E-Learning Spaces Based on an Integrated Model of the TAM and TTF12
Learning Vocabulary Using 2D Pictures is More Effective than Using Immersive 3D Stereoscopic Pictures12
When Service Quality is Enhanced by Human–Artificial Intelligence Interaction: An Examination of Anthropomorphism, Responsiveness from the Perspectives of Employees and Customers12
Prototyping Usable Privacy and Security Systems: Insights from Experts12
What Determines Intentions to Use Mobile Fitness Apps? The Independent and Joint Influence of Social Norms12
Human Computer Interaction on the Modern Flight Deck12
Factors Affecting Innovation Resistance of Smartphone AI Voice Assistants12
Evaluating Effects of Enhanced Autonomy Transparency on Trust, Dependence, and Human-Autonomy Team Performance over Time11
Feelings of Being for Mobile User Experience Design11
Toward Hazard or Action? Effects of Directional Vibrotactile Takeover Requests on Takeover Performance in Automated Driving11
Intermittent Continued Adoption of Digital Payment Services During the COVID-19 Induced Pandemic11
Sharing the Roads: Robot Drivers (Vs. Human Drivers) Might Provoke Greater Driving Anger When They Perform Identical Annoying Driving Behaviors11
The Risks Associated with the Use of Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Systematic Review11
Investigate Symmetry, Complexity, and Screen Shapes in Interface Design Aesthetics to Promote Users’ Quality Perceptions and Continuous Usage Intention of the Smartwatch11
Behavior Change Apps for Gestational Diabetes Management: Exploring Desirable Features11
Data, Machine Learning, and Human Domain Experts: None Is Better than Their Collaboration11
Predicting Driver Fatigue in Monotonous Automated Driving with Explanation using GPBoost and SHAP11
Flying by Feeling: Communicating Flight Envelope Protection through Haptic Feedback11
Communicating the Limitations of AI: The Effect of Message Framing and Ownership on Trust in Artificial Intelligence11
Investigating the Intention to Adopt Telecommuting during COVID-19 Outbreak: An Integration of TAM and TPB with Risk Perception11
Augmenting Emerging Hospitality Services: A Playful Immersive Experience to Foster Interactions among Locals and Visitors11
Complex Website Tasks Increase the Expression Anger Measured with FaceReader Online11
Influence of Rapport and Social Presence with an AI Psychotherapy Chatbot on Users’ Self-Disclosure11
Explainable AI: The Effect of Contradictory Decisions and Explanations on Users’ Acceptance of AI Systems11
From Design Requirements to Effective Privacy Notifications: Empowering Users of Online Services to Make Informed Decisions11
Promoting Music Exploration through Personalized Nudging in a Genre Exploration Recommender11
An Augmented Reality Based Mobile Photography Application to Improve Learning Gain, Decrease Cognitive Load, and Achieve Better Emotional State11
The Effects of Consumers’ In-Store Technology Experience on Perceived Interactivity, Retail Brand Commitment, and Revisit Intention in a Korean Beauty Store11
The Finnish Version of the Affinity for Technology Interaction (ATI) Scale: Psychometric Properties and an Examination of Gender Differences11
The Effect of past Algorithmic Performance and Decision Significance on Algorithmic Advice Acceptance11
AI in the Workplace: Examining the Effects of ChatGPT on Information Support and Knowledge Acquisition11
Measuring Designers’ Cognitive Load for Timely Knowledge Push via Eye Tracking11
Challenges and Affordances of Cognitive Load Management in Technology-Assisted Language Learning: A Systematic Review11
Developing A Digital Psychoeducational Tool to Reduce Loneliness in Older Adults: A Design Case Study11
An Evaluation Framework for User Experience Using Eye Tracking, Mouse Tracking, Keyboard Input, and Artificial Intelligence: A Case Study11
Artificially Intelligent, Interactive, and Assistive Machines: A Definitional Framework for Intelligent Assistants11
Arabic Translation, Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Validation of the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ)10
Examination of Esports Fans’ Live Streaming Experiences Using an Extended Expectation-Confirmation Model: A Case Study of the King Pro League10
A Comparison of Synchronous and Asynchronous Remote Usability Testing Methods10
Professional and High-Level Gamers: Differences in Performance, Muscle Activity, and Hand Kinematics for Different Mice10
UI Design of eHMI of Autonomous Vehicles10
Fairness Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence: A Review and Path Forward10
Detection of Affective States of the Students in a Blended Learning Environment Comprising of Smartphones10
Mental Workload and Human-Robot Interaction in Collaborative Tasks: A Scoping Review10
What Explains the Adoption of Mobile Wallets? A Study from Merchants’ Perspectives10
ViBreathe: Heart Rate Variability Enhanced Respiration Training for Workaday Stress Management via an Eyes-Free Tangible Interface10
Using Eye Tracking Technology to Analyse Cognitive Load in Multichannel Activities in University Students10
Impact of Heads-Up Displays on Small Unmanned Aircraft System Operator Situation Awareness and Performance: A Simulated Study10
Are Virtual Influencers Friends or Foes? Uncovering the Perceived Creepiness and Authenticity of Virtual Influencers in Social Media Marketing in the United States10
Does Self-Disclosing to a Robot Induce Liking for the Robot? Testing the Disclosure and Liking Hypotheses in Human–Robot Interaction10
Visual Enhancements for the Driver’s Information Search on Automotive Head-up Display10
Adoption of Wearable Devices by Older People: Changes in Use Behaviors and User Experiences10
Validity of the Greek NMP-Q and Sociodemographic Determinants of Nomophobia Among University Students10
Eye Tracking, Usability, and User Experience: A Systematic Review10
The Effects of Feedback and Goal on the Quality of Crowdsourcing Tasks10
Effects of Anthropomorphic Design Cues of Chatbots on Users’ Perception and Visual Behaviors10
The Effects of Visual Complexity and Decluttering Methods on Visual Search and Target Detection in Cockpit Displays9
Transparency through Explanations and Justifications in Human-Robot Task-Based Communications9
Influence of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Attributes on Consumers’ Attitude and Intention of Using Wearable Technology9