International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction is 39. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
How Should My Chatbot Interact? A Survey on Social Characteristics in Human–Chatbot Interaction Design252
Systematic Review: Trust-Building Factors and Implications for Conversational Agent Design137
Six Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Grand Challenges109
Trust in AI and Its Role in the Acceptance of AI Technologies109
What Drives Gift-giving Intention in Live Streaming? The Perspectives of Emotional Attachment and Flow Experience108
Identifying Causes of and Solutions for Cybersickness in Immersive Technology: Reformulation of a Research and Development Agenda100
University Students’ Perception of Video-Based Learning in Times of COVID-19: A TAM/TTF Perspective95
Transitioning to Human Interaction with AI Systems: New Challenges and Opportunities for HCI Professionals to Enable Human-Centered AI83
Measuring Visual Fatigue and Cognitive Load via Eye Tracking while Learning with Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays: A Review79
Determinants of Intention to Use ChatGPT for Educational Purposes: Findings from PLS-SEM and fsQCA76
Modelling and Evaluating Trust in Mobile Commerce: A Hybrid Three Stage Fuzzy Delphi, Structural Equation Modeling, and Neural Network Approach70
Attention: Theory, Principles, Models and Applications66
The General Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence Scale (GAAIS): Confirmatory Validation and Associations with Personality, Corporate Distrust, and General Trust66
How Positive and Negative Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) Affects Customers’ Intention to Use Social Commerce? A Dual-Stage Multi Group-SEM and ANN Analysis66
My Smart Speaker is Cool! Perceived Coolness, Perceived Values, and Users’ Attitude toward Smart Speakers64
How to Increase Automated Vehicles’ Acceptance through In-Vehicle Interaction Design: A Review64
Mapping Human–Computer Interaction Research Themes and Trends from Its Existence to Today: A Topic Modeling-Based Review of past 60 Years63
Older Adults’ Online Shopping Continuance Intentions: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior62
Influence of Pedagogical Beliefs and Perceived Trust on Teachers’ Acceptance of Educational Artificial Intelligence Tools54
Exploring the Privacy Concerns in Using Intelligent Virtual Assistants under Perspectives of Information Sensitivity and Anthropomorphism54
Metaverse Meets Branding: Examining Consumer Responses to Immersive Brand Experiences54
The Roles of Personality Traits, AI Anxiety, and Demographic Factors in Attitudes toward Artificial Intelligence54
Psychometric Evaluation of the F-SUS: Creation and Validation of the French Version of the System Usability Scale51
Exploring Users’ Behavioral Intention to Adopt Mobile Augmented Reality in Education through an Extended Technology Acceptance Model50
Artificial Intelligence Is Trusted Less than a Doctor in Medical Treatment Decisions: Influence of Perceived Care and Value Similarity49
The Role of Privacy Cynicism in Consumer Habits with Voice Assistants: A Technology Acceptance Model Perspective47
“Oh, My God, Buy It!” Investigating Impulse Buying Behavior in Live Streaming Commerce46
Insights into Older Adults’ Technology Acceptance through Meta-Analysis45
Presence: A Review44
Evaluating the Use of Smartwatches for Learning Purposes through the Integration of the Technology Acceptance Model and Task-Technology Fit43
Examining the Impact of Psychological, Social, and Quality Factors on the Continuous Intention to Use Virtual Meeting Platforms During and beyond COVID-19 Pandemic: A Hybrid SEM-ANN Approach43
Customer Brand Engagement through Chatbots on Bank Websites– Examining the Antecedents and Consequences41
Systematic Literature Review of Virtual Reality Intervention Design Patterns for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders41
Application, Development and Future Opportunities of Collaborative Robots (Cobots) in Manufacturing: A Literature Review41
Falling in Love with Virtual Reality Art: A New Perspective on 3D Immersive Virtual Reality for Future Sustaining Art Consumption41
Human–Computer Interaction and Digital Literacy Promote Educational Learning in Pre-school Children: Mediating Role of Psychological Resilience for Kids’ Mental Well-Being and School Readiness41
Social Presence and Imagery Processing as Predictors of Chatbot Continuance Intention in Human-AI-Interaction39
Acceptance of Virtual Reality Exergames Among Chinese Older Adults39
It Is Me, Chatbot: Working to Address the COVID-19 Outbreak-Related Mental Health Issues in China. User Experience, Satisfaction, and Influencing Factors39
Take over Gradually in Conditional Automated Driving: The Effect of Two-stage Warning Systems on Situation Awareness, Driving Stress, Takeover Performance, and Acceptance39