International Journal of Conflict Management

(The median citation count of International Journal of Conflict Management is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Interpersonal conflict and counterproductive work behavior: the moderating roles of emotional intelligence and gender44
How and when intragroup relationship conflict leads to knowledge hiding: the roles of envy and trait competitiveness37
Caring for those in your charge: the role of servant leadership and compassion in managing bullying in the workplace34
The effects of conflict type and conflict expression intensity on conflict management25
Understanding the consequences of workplace incivility: the roles of emotional exhaustion, acceptability and political skill25
Abusive supervision and work-family conflict: an empirical investigation of Indian professionals22
Is abusive supervision always harmful toward creativity? Managing workplace stressors by promoting distributive and procedural justice22
A temporal study on subordinate’s response to destructive leadership: voice withdrawal as a conflict coping mechanism18
Abusive supervision and knowledge hiding in service organizations: exploring the boundary conditions16
Workplace incivility and its socio-demographic determinants in India15
The link between interpersonal conflict and knowledge hiding: mediated by relatedness need frustration, moderated by narcissistic rivalry15
Negotiation complexity: a review and an integrative model15
Conflict in virtual teams: a bibliometric analysis, systematic review, and research agenda14
Investigating the mechanism linking task conflict with employees’ innovative work behavior13
Consequences of abusive supervision on Indian service sector professionals: a PLS-SEM-based approach12
Despotic vs narcissistic leadership: differences in their relationship to emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions12
The buffering role of emotional intelligence in conflict transformation11
Helpful or hurtful? A study on the behavior choice of bystanders in the context of abusive supervision11
Does a family-supportive supervisor reduce the effect of work-family conflict on emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions? A moderated mediation model11
Relationship of abusive supervision and employees’ helping behaviors: moderated-mediation perspective10
Articulated dissent and immediacy: a cross-national analysis of the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns10
Family incivility and workplace bullying: mediating and moderating model of psychological safety, optimism and organization-based self-esteem10
Work–family conflict, family well-being and organizational citizenship behavior: a moderated mediation model10
Interpersonal conflict as a barrier to task performance: the mediating role of workplace deviance and the moderating role of emotional intelligence9
Exploring conflicts between stakeholders in tourism industry. Citizen attitude toward peer-to-peer accommodation platforms8
Workplace incivility and bystanders’ helping intentions8
Can leader-member exchange social comparison elicit uncivil employee behavior? The buffering role of aggression-preventive supervisor behavior7
Workplace bullying and diffident silence: a moderated mediation model of shame and core self-evaluation7
Impact of work-study conflict on workplace outcomes: supervisor support for juggling many balls7
Chinese international students and American domestic students’ intercultural communication in response to group criticism: collective face and discomfort feelings7
Perceived organizational politics and workplace gossip: the moderating role of compassion7
How does network position influence project performance in Chinese megaprojects? An inter-organizational conflict-based perspective7
Task conflict and team performance: roles of expertise disparity and functional background diversity6
All stressors are not bad: an affect-based model of role overload – the supervisor-level antecedent of abusive supervision6
How Rude! Linking supervisor incivility to subordinates’ discretionary work effort6
Minority dissent, social acceptance and conflict transformation in multiparty systems6
The determinants of abusive supervision6
Implicit-explicit power motives congruence and forgiveness in the workplace conflict: the mediating role of empathy6
Individual differences, job demands and job resources as boundary conditions for relations between experienced incivility and forms of instigated incivility6
COVID-19 and health-care worker's combating approach: an exhausting job demand to satisfy5
Mapping societal trust and trust in negotiations5
Dish the dirt! Dual effects of workplace gossip patterns in linking coworker friendship with incivility in the restaurant context5
Treating top management team conflicts through employee voice for reducing intentions to quit: moderating role of union instrumentality5
Is conflict useful after all? A scenario experiment on the antecedents and consequences of task and relationship conflict in military settings5
Seeing differently from others: the impact of relationship conflict asymmetry and realization on team performance5
Surviving trust from conflict in the construction industry: an interaction between conflict handling behaviors, behavioral outcomes, conflict and trust4
Study on the influence mechanism of leaders’ abusive supervision on employees’ bootlegging innovation behavior4
A role that takes its toll? The moderating role of leadership in role stress and exposure to workplace bullying4
Family incivility and service delivery of frontline hotel employees: roles of negative rumination, psychological capital and perceived organisational support4
Do you hear my accent? How nonnative English speakers experience conflictual conversations in the workplace4
The interpersonal effects of emotion on rejection of severely unfair ultimatum proposal4
Toward an event-oriented conceptualization of conflict: reflections on three decades of conflict research4
Team autonomy, information exchange and team innovation performance: the moderating role of team conflict4
Direct and interaction effects of formal and informal institutions on interorganizational conflicts: evidence from Chinese firms4
A mindfulness perspective on the link between abusive supervision climate and team conflict4
Does injustice perception threaten organizational performance in the healthcare setting? A sequential mediation examination4
Bottom-line pursuits invade your family: the spillover effect of supervisor bottom-line mentality on employee work-to-family conflict4
Servant and authoritarian leadership, and leaders’ third-party conflict behavior in convents4
Family supportive supervisor behavior and promotive voice: When and why are there gender differences in work–family?4
From a restless pillow to a ruffled mind: testing a moderated mediation model of off-the-job antecedents of abusive supervision3
Jokes and quarrels: a cross-cultural investigation of humor and conflict transformation in groups3
Resilient negotiators: the effects of trait negotiation resilience on behavior, perception and outcomes3
Escalation of relationship conflict into work disengagement: uncovering mediation mechanisms3
A bibliometric review of research on interorganizational conflicts in the construction industry: 1989-20213
Conflict during the day keeps you unbalanced at night: a daily investigation of work task conflict, coworker support and work-family balance3
Ripeness obscured: inductive lessons from Türkiye’s (transactional) mediation in the Russia–Ukraine war3
It’s not justice if it’s not for all: cross-level interaction of interactional justice differentiation and supervisory justice on psychological safety and conflict3
Service with a sense of belonging: navigating work–family conflict and emotional irritation in the service efforts of health professionals3
Mapping terrorism in the academic landscape of business field of study: a bibliometric study of the past 30 years3
Having no negotiation power does not matter as long as you can think creatively: the moderating role of age3
Unravelling the mysteries of cyber incivility: a systematic review and research agenda2
Justice in arbitration: the consumer perspective2
Conflict resolution practice in public procurement: evidence from Russia2
I am done now! Linking workplace incivility to job search behaviour and employee silence2
When anger and happiness generate concessions: investigating counterpart’s culture and negotiation intentions2
A qualitative study on the experiences and strategies used by French professional negotiators to detect deception2
From intra-team conflict to interpersonal strain: the role of leader’s interpersonal modulation of emotional responses and sex2
Why is a modest gentleman cruel and ruthless? A study on the dark side effect of humble leadership – from the perspective of low-status compensation theory2
Conflict with customers: the limits of social support and job autonomy in preventing burnout among customer service workers2
Who is cooperative in negotiations? The impact of political skill on cooperation, reputation and outcomes2
Investigating three-way interaction effect of transaction memory systems, task conflict and reward interdependence on team sensemaking2
Leading without position power: preliminary validation of the multiparty collaborative leadership scale (MCLS)2
Sailing through silence: exploring how negative gossip leaves breeding grounds for quiet quitting in the workplace2
The increase of counterproductive work behaviour from organizational and individual level due to workplace conflict: a sequential moderated mediation model2
Does religiosity matter in the workplace? A moderated-mediated examination of abusive supervision, revenge and deviance2
Online abuse: a systematic literature review and future research agenda2
The calculus of peace and conflict: a contractualist perspective2