Global Finance Journal

(The median citation count of Global Finance Journal is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Dynamic spillover effects among green bond, renewable energy stocks and carbon markets during COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for hedging and investments strategies251
Static and dynamic connectedness between NFTs, Defi and other assets: Portfolio implication145
COVID-19 and time-frequency connectedness between green and conventional financial markets137
Is there a green fund premium? Evidence from twenty seven emerging markets100
Are safe haven assets really safe during the 2008 global financial crisis and COVID-19 pandemic?96
Oil shocks and stock market volatility of the BRICS: A GARCH-MIDAS approach68
Asymmetric tail dependence between green bonds and other asset classes66
The role of ESG scoring and greenwashing risk in explaining the yields of green bonds: A conceptual framework and an econometric analysis66
Sharia supervisory boards, governance structures and operational risk disclosures: Evidence from Islamic banks in MENA countries59
Revisiting conventional and green finance spillover in post-COVID world: Evidence from robust econometric models56
Islamic microfinance: A bibliometric review50
Safe havens in Islamic financial markets: COVID-19 versus GFC49
Thirty years of the Global Finance Journal: A bibliometric analysis49
High-speed railway opening and urban green productivity in the post-COVID-19: Evidence from green finance43
A time–frequency comovement and causality relationship between Bitcoin hashrate and energy commodity markets42
In search of COVID-19 and stock market behavior41
The impact of news on the volatility of ESG firms39
Risk-adjusted profitability and stability of Islamic and conventional banks: Does revenue diversification matter?39
Green property finance and CO2 emissions in the building industry38
Do female CEOs matter for ESG scores?38
Does geopolitical uncertainty affect corporate financing? Evidence from MIDAS regression37
The return volatility of cryptocurrencies during the COVID-19 pandemic: Assessing the news effect36
Corporate governance and dynamics capital structure: evidence from Vietnam35
Board tenure and firm performance32
Analyst coverage, corporate social responsibility, and firm value: Evidence from China31
The Eurozone banking sector in the time of COVID-19: Measuring volatility connectedness31
Tokenization of sukuk: Ethereum case study28
ESG activities and firm cash flow27
National culture and corporate risk-taking around the world26
Financial inclusion and bank profitability: Evidence from a developed market25
Asymmetric volatility connectedness between Islamic stock and commodity markets25
FinTech and capital allocation efficiency: Another equity-efficiency dilemma?24
Efficiency in Islamic vs. conventional banking: The role of capital and liquidity23
On spillover effects between cryptocurrency-linked stocks and the cryptocurrency market: Evidence from Australia23
Spreading the fear: The central role of CBOE VIX in global stock market uncertainty23
Power purchase agreements with incremental tariffs in local currency: An innovative green finance tool23
Does technological inclusion promote financial inclusion among SMEs? Evidence from South-East Asian (SEA) countries22
Do climate risk beliefs shape corporate social responsibility?22
What do we know about the price spillover between green bonds and Islamic stocks and stock market indices?22
Exploring Bubbles in the Digital Economy: The Case of China21
Google search and stock returns: A study on BIST 100 stocks21
When do ESG controversies reduce firm value in India?20
Local culture and tax avoidance: Evidence from gambling preference behavior20
Asset securitizations and bank stability: Evidence from different banking systems19
Can extra-financial ratings serve as an indicator of ESG risk?19
Can the green credit policy reduce carbon emission intensity of “high-polluting and high-energy-consuming” enterprises? Insight from a quasi-natural experiment in China18
Long-term financial performance of corporate social responsibility18
Dynamic connectedness, spillover, and optimal hedging strategy among FinTech, Sukuk, and Islamic equity markets18
The effects of International Financial Reporting Standards, auditing and legal enforcement on tax evasion: Evidence from 37 African countries16
Firm-level risk of climate change: Evidence from climate disasters16
FinTech development and commercial bank efficiency in China16
Optimal portfolio diversification with a multi-chain regime-switching spillover GARCH model15
Extreme connectedness of agri-commodities with stock markets and its determinants15
Corporate governance and liquidity creation nexus in Islamic banks—Is managerial ability a channel?15
Do company visits by institutional investors mitigate managerial myopia in R&D investment? Evidence from China15
Pandemic-induced fear and stock market returns: Evidence from China14
The impact of mobile banking services on saving behavior in West Africa14
Shariah governance in Islamic banks: Practices, practitioners and praxis14
It is not only what you say, but how you say it: ESG, corporate news, and the impact on CDS spreads14
Informational linkage and price discovery between China's futures and spot markets: Evidence from the US–China trade dispute14
Board gender diversity and firm risk in UK private firms14
Financial turbulence, systemic risk and the predictability of stock market volatility13
The behavior and determinants of illiquidity in the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) market12
Does ESG matter to investors? ESG scores and the stock price response to new information12
The evolution of the application of capital budgeting techniques in enterprises12
The dynamics of market efficiency of major cryptocurrencies12
Foreign bank entry and bank competition: Cross-country heterogeneity12
Time-varying asymmetric spillovers among cryptocurrency, green and fossil-fuel investments12
Does better capitalization enhance bank efficiency and limit risk taking? Evidence from ASEAN commercial banks12
CSR in the bond market: Pricing stakeholders and the moderating role of the institutional context12
Does financial development improve economic growth? The role of asymmetrical relationships12
Cross-commodity hedging for illiquid futures: Evidence from China's base metal futures market12
Does bank capital reduce liquidity creation?12
Fiduciary or loyalty? Evidence from top management counsel and stock liquidity12
Do Sukuk provide diversification benefits to conventional bond investors? Evidence from Turkey11
Competition in dual markets: Implications for banking system stability11
The rising risks of fossil fuel lobbying11
Opportunistic earnings management or performance-related effects? Evidence from dividend-paying firms11
Macroprudential policy in the EU: A political economy perspective11
Risk governance and financial stability: A comparative study of conventional and Islamic banks in the GCC11
Effects of female directors on gender diversity at lower organization levels and CSR performance: Evidence in Japan11
Comparative analysis of environmental, social, and governance disclosures11
The effect of issuance documentation disclosure and readability on liquidity: Evidence from green bonds11
Editorial: Special issue on green finance and the post-COVID-19 world10
Environmental, social, and governance premium in Chinese stock markets10
Firm valuations and board compensation: Evidence from alternative banking models10
“How using derivative instruments and purposes affects performance of Islamic banks? Evidence from CAMELS approach”10
Does technology-seeking OFDI improve the productivity of Chinese firms under the COVID-19 pandemic?10
National culture and small firms' use of trade credit: Evidence from Europe10
The pitfalls of (non-definitive) Environmental, Social, and Governance scoring methodology10
Technical efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks with undesirable output: Evidence from a stochastic meta-frontier directional distance function9
Digital transformation in finance and its role in promoting financial transparency9
Conventional and downside CAPM: The case of London stock exchange9
What drives the systemic banking crises in advanced economies?9
What drives cross-border spillovers among sovereign CDS, foreign exchange and stock markets?9
Equity market response to natural disasters: Does firm's corporate social responsibility make difference?9
Role of digital finance, investment, and trade in technological progress9
Social capital, human capital, and board appointments9
Are hedge fund managers skilled?8
Predictability of stock market returns: New evidence from developed and developing countries8
Does compliance with corporate governance increase profitability? Evidence from an emerging economy: Pakistan8
State contingent banking and asset price bubbles: The case of Islamic banking industry8
Climate risk, ESG performance, and ESG sentiment in US commercial banks8
Do institutional ownership and innovation influence idiosyncratic risk?8
Hyperbolic distance function, technical efficiency and stability to shocks: A comparison between Islamic banks and conventional banks in MENA region7
Do large-cap exchange-traded funds perform better than their small-cap counterparts in extreme market conditions?7
Piecing together the extent of retail fractional trading7
How COVID-19 changed Italian consumers' behavior7
Quantile connectedness and the determinants between FinTech and traditional financial institutions: Evidence from China7
Impact of oil demand and supply shocks on the exchange rates of selected Southeast Asian countries7
Employee effort and earnings management7
Green bonds: Do investors benefit from third-party certification?7
Deferring real options with solar renewable energy certificates7
Trade openness and income inequality: The moderating role of institutional quality6
Bank risk-taking and corporate investment: Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis of 2007–20096
Capital structure of Islamic banks: How different are they from conventional banks?6
Estimating risk efficiency in Middle East banks before and after the crisis: A metafrontier framework6
The coming wave of small business succession and the role of stakeholder synergy theory6
Time-frequency comovements between sovereign CDS and exchange rates: The role of sentiments6
Is the disposition effect in bonds as strong as in stocks? Evidence from an emerging market6
Brazilian stock-market efficiency before and after COVID-19: The roles of fractality and predictability6
Do Muslim CEOs and Muslim stakeholders prefer Islamic debt financing?6
Uncertainty and US stock market dynamics6
Global systemically important banks regulation: Blessing or curse?6
Tail risk transmission in technology-driven markets6
Impact of the 2008–2009 financial crisis on the external and internal linkages of European frontier stock markets6
Who trades bitcoin futures and why?6
COVID-19 and A-share banks' stock price volatility: From the perspective of the epidemic evolution in China and the US5
Comparing the impact of Chinese and U.S. economic policy uncertainty on the volatility of major global stock markets5
Outward foreign investment performance, digital transformation, and ESG performance: Evidence from China5
Transition to Islamic equities: Systematic risk and Shari'ah compliance5
CEO and CFO equity compensation and dividend payout over the firm lifecycle5
FinTech entrepreneurial ecosystem in India: Role of incubators and accelerators5
Drivers of differences in performance of ESG-focused funds relative to their underlying benchmarks5
Value-at-risk and the cross section of emerging market hedge fund returns5
Examining the adaptive market hypothesis with calendar effects: International evidence and the impact of COVID-195
Macroeconomic news and treasury futures return volatility: Do treasury auctions matter?5
Nexus analysis of financial management, digital finance and new technologies5
The past is never dead: Famine-CEOs and corporate social performance5
Pricing of European currency options considering the dynamic information costs5
Long-term international diversification of equities5
Economic policy uncertainty and stock market activity: Evidence from China5
National culture and saving: How collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, and future orientation play roles4
Climate transition risk in sovereign bond markets4
The evolution of corporate social responsibility in China: Do political connection and ownership matter?4
Measuring changes in credit risk: The case of CDS event studies4
Which market dominates the price discovery in currency futures? The case of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Intercontinental Exchange4
Currency hedging for single-currency equity portfolios: Does cross-asset risk matter?4
Economic policy uncertainty and the inhibitory effect of firms' green technology innovation4
Economic fundamentals and the long-run correlation between exchange rates and commodities4
Islamic finance in Russia: A market review and the legal environment4
US macroeconomic news effects around the US and European financial crises: Evidence from Brazilian and Mexican equity indices4
An algorithmic trading system based on a stacked generalization model and hidden Markov model in the foreign exchange market4
An examination of green bonds as a hedge and safe haven for international equity markets4
Banking competition and the use of shadow credit: Evidence from lending marketplaces4
A MIDAS multinomial logit model with applications for bond ratings4
Muslim CEOs and bank risk-taking: Evidence from Indonesia4
Corporate governance and CSR disclosure: Evidence from French listed companies4
Euclidean (dis)similarity in financial network analysis4
CEOs versus the board: Implications of strained relations for stock liquidity4
Special issue on Islamic banking: Stability and governance4
Design of employee pension benefits model and China's pension gender gap3
Risk implications of dependence in the commodities: A copula-based analysis3
Trade credit, creditor protection and banking crisis3
Large blockholders and stock price crash risk: An international study3
Foreign bank lending in the U.S. during three U.S. recessions3
Corporate social responsibility as a common risk factor3
Learning, foreign operations and operating performance3
Managerial market timing: What is the pot size for long-term shareholders assuming firm management acts in their best interest and does have an informational advantage?3
CEO happiness and forecasting3
Digital finance, financing constraints, and green technological innovation: A spatial analysis3
Asset liquidity, business risk, and beta3
Informed trading in the options market surrounding data breaches3
Can technical trading beat the foreign exchange market in times of crisis?3
Gender bias in access to trade credit: Firm-level evidence from emerging markets3
Free trade and the efficiency of financial markets3
Tail risk in the European sovereign bond market during the financial crises: Detecting the influence of the European Central Bank3
Overlapping board connections with banker directors and corporate loan terms: Evidence from syndicated loans3
Relationship lending: A source of support or a means of exploitation?3
Liquidity and short-run predictability: Evidence from international stock markets3
Real asset liquidity, cash holdings, and the cost of corporate debt3
Does corporate sexual orientation equality affect labor investment efficiency?3
Property rights and access to equity capital in China3
CEO pay ratios and financial reporting quality3
Powerful CEOs and investment efficiency3
Sovereign credit ratings: Discovering unorthodox factors and variables3
Uncertainty avoidance, loss aversion and stock market participation3
Consequences of fraud and overcoming negative market reaction3
How do banks price liquidity? The role of market power.3
The role of ESG performance in firms' resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Nordic firms3
Informational role of analyst and investor days3
Digital finance and the energy transition: Evidence from Chinese prefecture-level cities2
Do pricing efficiencies in Indian equity ETF market impact its performance?2
Lottery stocks and stop-loss rules2
Multinationals and stock return comovement2
Exchange introduction and market competition: The entrance of MEMX and MIAX2
Does the location of directors' additional positions matter? A new dimension of board structure2
Western cultural influence on corporate innovation: Evidence from Chinese listed companies2
Trend following or reversal: Does culture affect predictions and trading behavior?2
Trading behaviour and market sentiment: Firm-level evidence from an emerging Islamic market2
Firm size and the effectiveness of busy boards in an emerging economy2
Effects of dialect connectedness between chairperson and CEO on corporate innovation in China2
Prospect theory and a manager's decision to trade a blind principal bid basket2
Empirical effects of sanctions and support measures on stock prices and exchange rates in the Russia–Ukraine war2
Factor beta, overnight and intraday expected returns in China2
Bridging the gap: Uncovering static and dynamic relationships between digital assets and BRICS equity markets2
The impact of term limits on municipal borrowing costs2
U.S., Anglo-Saxon European, and non-Anglo-Saxon European cash holdings around the financial crisis2
Robinhood investors and corporate misconduct2
Litigation risk, underpricing, and money-losing IPOs2
The information content of ETF options2
On the stability of stock-bond comovements across market conditions in the Eurozone periphery2
Hedge fund activism and trade credit2
Noninterest income mix and bank performance: Generalized propensity score fractional dose–response function evidence2
The implications of passive investments for active fund management: International evidence2
Be nice to the air: Severe haze pollution and mutual fund risk2
The liquidity of active ETFs2
What lies behind the asset growth effect?2
Does news related to digital economy and central bank digital currency affect digital economy ETFs? Evidence from TVP-VAR connectedness and wavelet local multiple correlation analyses2
The effect of digital economy and environmental regulation on green total factor productivity: Evidence from China2
IPOs in New Zealand: Nonfinancial disclosures, valuation, and short-term performance2
Unlocking the impact of digital technology progress and entry dynamics on firm's total factor productivity in Chinese industries2
Societal trust and corporate underinvestment2
Macroprudential regulation and bank risk: The role of shareholders' and creditors' rights2
Up and down together? On the linkage of momentum and reversal2
CSR regulation and the working capital management policy2
The impact of public health emergencies on small and medium-sized enterprises: Evidence from China2
The COVID-19 pandemic: How important is face-to-face interaction for information dissemination?2
Words matter: Market responses to changes in U.S. and Chinese trade-related internet search frequency under different U.S. administrations2
Selective hedging strategies for crude oil futures based on market state expectations2
Data breaches (hacking) and trade credit2
Internationalization and firm performance2
Research on the FinTech risk early warning based on the MS-VAR model: An empirical analysis in China2