China Economic Review

(The median citation count of China Economic Review is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Compensating for academic loss: Online learning and student performance during the COVID-19 pandemic139
The impact of COVID-19 on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): Evidence from two-wave phone surveys in China116
China's poverty reduction miracle and relative poverty: Focusing on the roles of growth and inequality86
Accounting and determinants analysis of China's provincial total factor productivity considering carbon emissions81
Digital finance and household carbon emissions in China74
Impact of urban-rural health insurance integration on health care: Evidence from rural China73
Border pollution reduction in China: The role of livestock environmental regulations65
Mobile payment and Chinese rural household consumption64
The spatiotemporal evolution of COVID-19 in China and its impact on urban economic resilience64
Broadband infrastructure and digital financial inclusion in rural China64
Transportation infrastructure and entrepreneurship: Evidence from high-speed railway in China57
Driving factors of CO2 emission inequality in China: The role of government expenditure55
China's outward foreign direct investment in the Belt and Road Initiative: What are the motives for Chinese firms to invest?51
Land finance in China: Analysis and review49
Assessing the role of economic globalization on energy efficiency: Evidence from a global perspective49
The impact of commercial bank branch expansion on energy efficiency: Micro evidence from China49
The hit of the novel coronavirus outbreak to China's economy48
Air pollution and brain drain: Evidence from college graduates in China47
The paradox of developing agricultural mechanization services in China: Supporting or kicking out smallholder farmers?45
Alleviating multi-dimensional poverty through land transfer: Evidence from poverty-stricken villages in China44
Promoting pro-poor growth through infrastructure investment: Evidence from the Targeted Poverty Alleviation program in China39
Broadband internet and enterprise innovation39
Environmental (de)centralization and local environmental governance: Evidence from a natural experiment in China39
Could government lead the way? Evaluation of China's patent subsidy policy on patent quality38
The impact of special economic zones on producer services productivity: Evidence from China37
Using green technology for a better tomorrow: How enterprises and government utilize the carbon trading system and incentive policies37
Clan culture and risk-taking of Chinese enterprises35
Higher education reform in China: A comprehensive review of policymaking, implementation, and outcomes since 197835
Motivation of Chinese commercial banks to issue green bonds: Financing costs or regulatory arbitrage?34
The informal economy at times of COVID-19 pandemic32
Heterogeneous industrial agglomeration, technological innovation and haze pollution32
Structural change in the Chinese economy and changing trade relations with the world31
Economic policy uncertainty and industrial pollution: The role of environmental supervision by local governments30
COVID-19 pandemic, health risks, and economic consequences: Evidence from China30
Measurement of relative welfare poverty and its impact on happiness in China: Evidence from CGSS29
Resource-Exhausted City Transition to continue industrial development29
Digital finance and investment of micro and small enterprises: Evidence from China29
Place-based techno-industrial policy and innovation: Government responses to the information revolution in China29
Understanding the investment of renewable energy firms in the face of economic policy uncertainty – Micro-evidence from listed companies in China29
Clan culture and family ownership concentration: Evidence from China28
Measures of human capital and the mechanics of economic growth28
Impacts of a mega sporting event on local carbon emissions: A case of the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympics28
Does institutional freedom matter for global forest carbon sinks in the face of economic development disparity?28
The effect of technological factors and structural change on China's energy intensity: Evidence from dynamic panel models27
Does tax deduction relax financing constraints? Evidence from China's value-added tax reform27
For goodwill or resources? The rationale behind firms' corporate philanthropy in an environment with high economic policy uncertainty25
When left-behind children become adults and parents: The long-term human capital consequences of parental absence in China24
Rural entrepreneurship and job creation: the hybrid identity of village-cadre-entrepreneurs24
The impact of COVID-19 on employment and income of vocational graduates in China: Evidence from surveys in January and July 202024
Riding out the COVID-19 storm: How government policies affect SMEs in China24
Tax enforcement and corporate employment: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China23
Investment incentives and the relative demand for skilled labor: Evidence from accelerated depreciation policies in China23
Fiscal stress and the formation of zombie firms: Evidence from China23
Belt and road: The China dream?23
The complicit role of local government authorities in corporate bribery: Evidence from a tax collection reform in China22
Measuring the provincial supply of higher education institutions in China22
The value-added tax reform and labor market outcomes: Firm-level evidence from China22
BT-to-VAT reform and firm productivity: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in China21
How does school district adjustment affect housing prices: An empirical investigation from Hangzhou, China21
Does political incentive shape governments' disclosure of air pollution information?20
Does crop insurance reduce pesticide usage? Evidence from China20
The minimum wage and the financialization of firms: Evidence from China19
Intensive judicial oversight and corporate green innovations: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China19
How does housing wealth affect household consumption? Evidence from macro-data with special implications for China19
Housing tenure choice and socio-economic integration of migrants in rising cities of China19
Carbon inequality in China: Evidence from city-level data18
Are China's trade interests overestimated? Evidence from firms’ importing behavior and pollution emissions18
Industrialization, indoor and ambient air quality, and elderly mental health18
Income inequality and happiness: Which inequalities matter in China?18
Exchange rate exposure and its determinants in China18
Does polycentric spatial structure narrow the urban-rural income gap? – Evidence from six urban clusters in China18
Communist Party branch and labour rights: Evidence from Chinese entrepreneurs18
Judicial institutions, local protection and market segmentation: Evidence from the establishment of interprovincial circuit tribunals in China18
Establishing science parks everywhere? Misallocation in R&D and its determinants of science parks in China17
How does the development of digital finance affect small business tax compliance? Empirical evidence from China17
Development zones and green innovation: Evidence from Chinese listed companies17
The effects of local government leadership turnover on entrepreneurial behavior17
Why is inequality higher among the old? Evidence from China17
Managerial R&D hands-on experience, state ownership, and corporate innovation17
Environmental regulation, firm heterogeneity, and intra-industry reallocation17
Extreme heat and exports: Evidence from Chinese exporters16
The effect of education on health and health behaviors: Evidence from the college enrollment expansion in China16
Gender norms and marriage satisfaction: Evidence from China16
Digital product imports and export product quality: Firm-level evidence from China16
Global value chains, firms, and wage inequality: Evidence from China16
Land costs, government intervention, and migration of firms: The case of China16
Hukou status, housing tenure choice and wealth accumulation in urban China16
Does the business environment promote entrepreneurship?——Evidence from the China Household Finance Survey15
Distance effects and home bias in patient choice on the Internet: Evidence from an online healthcare platform in China15
Overeducation, major mismatch, and return to higher education tiers: Evidence from novel data source of a major online recruitment platform in China15
Does learning longer improve student achievement? Evidence from online education of graduating students in a high school during COVID-19 period15
Old, not yet rich? The impact of population aging on export upgrading in developing countries15
Job creation or job relocation? Identifying the impact of China's special economic zones on local employment and industrial agglomeration15
How do poverty alleviation coordinators help the impoverished in rural China? -- Evidence from the Chinese poor population tracking dataset14
Hidden inequality in household electricity consumption: Measurement and determinants based on large-scale smart meter data14
Returns to education in China: Evidence from the great higher education expansion14
Does top management quality promote innovation? Firm-level evidence from China14
Financial permeation and rural poverty reduction Nexus: Further insights from counties in China14
The expansion of higher education and household saving in China14
Chinese dialects, culture & economic performance14
Memory of famine: The persistent impact of famine experience on food waste behavior14
Inequality of opportunity in household income, China 2002–201814
Does school shutdown increase inequality in academic performance? Evidence from COVID-19 pandemic in China14
Understanding the role of homeownership in wealth inequality: Evidence from urban China (1995–2018)14
Do political connections affect corporate poverty alleviation decisions? Evidence from China14
Trade in factor income and the US-China trade balance13
Does targeted poverty alleviation policy lead to happy life? Evidence from rural China13
Unpacking the negative welfare effect of social media: Evidence from a large scale nationally representative time-use survey in China13
The legal environment, specialized investments, incomplete contracts, and labor productivity13
The value of higher education to entrepreneurial performance: Evidence from higher education expansion in China13
Quality of life in Chinese cities13
Local land supply and fiscal incentives for R&D: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China13
Job destruction and creation: Labor reallocation entailed by the clean air action in China13
Investigating the linkages between industrial policies and M&A dynamics: Evidence from China12
Working hours and job satisfaction in China: A threshold analysis12
The effect of urban cultural diversity on the entrepreneurship of rural-to-urban migrant workers12
The macroeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: A SIR-DSGE model approach12
Sustainable development in China? A nonparametric decomposition of economic growth12
Will the consumption tax on sugar-sweetened beverages help promote healthy beverage consumption? Evidence from urban China12
COVID-19, firm exposure, and firm value: A tale of two lockdowns12
Housing wealth changes and entrepreneurship: Evidence from urban China12
Population aging and its effects on the gap of urban public health insurance in China12
Peer effects in rural housing demand: Evidence from China11
Impact of fast internet access on employment: Evidence from a broadband expansion in China11
Gone with the wind? Emissions of neighboring coal-fired power plants and local public health in China11
Income inequality and educational expenditures on children: Evidence from the China Family Panel Studies11
The adoption and use of mobile payment: Determinants and relationship with bank access☆11
An eye for an eye? The trade and price effects of China's retaliatory tariffs on U.S. exports11
Servicification of investment and structural transformation: The case of China11
Digital financial inclusion and subjective well-being – Evidence from China health and retirement longitudinal study10
The health impacts of two policies regulating SO2 air pollution: Evidence from China10
Does parental migration impede the development of the cooperative preferences in their left-behind children? Evidence from a large-scale field experiment in China10
Has the digital economy improved the consumption of poor and subsistence households?10
Internet use and fertility behavior among reproductive-age women in China10
Does villager social capital hinder poverty targeting? Evidence from poverty-stricken county of Western China10
Examining the impact of home purchase restrictions on China's housing market10
Generalized trust, personalized trust, and dynamics of capital structure: Evidence from China10
Onshore spot and offshore forward markets for RMB: Evidence from the “8.11” exchange rate regime reform10
Impact of public research and development and extension on agricultural productivity in China from 1990 to 201310
Environmental regulation and outward foreign direct investment: Evidence from China10
Carbon dioxide emission typology and policy implications: Evidence from machine learning9
Higher education expansion and crime: New evidence from China9
The rising child penalty in China9
Measuring digitalization effects in China: A global value chain perspective9
How much did China's emergence as “the world's factory” contribute to its national income?9
Internet access and older adults' health: Evidence from China9
Like father, like son? Parental input, access to higher education, and social mobility in China9
Higher education expansion and supply of teachers in China9
The impact of technology identification policy on firm innovation: Evidence from China9
Driving restrictions, traffic speeds and carbon emissions: Evidence from high-frequency data9
Removing the “Hats of Poverty”: Effects of ending the national poverty county program on fiscal expenditures9
Invisible enemy: The health impact of ozone9
“The better you feel, the harder you fall”: Health perception biases and mental health among Chinese adults during the COVID-19 pandemic9
Supply-induced demand for medical services under price regulation: Evidence from hospital expansion in China9
The health capacity to work at older ages in urban China8
Higher education expansion and the rise of China in economics research8
Import competition and the gender gap in labor force participation: Evidence from China8
China's growing but slowing inequality of household wealth, 2013–2018: A challenge to ‘common prosperity’?8
The effect of job displacement on labor market outcomes: Evidence from the Chinese state-owned enterprise reform8
Efficiency vs. equity as China's national carbon market meets provincial electricity markets8
Whom to educate? Financial literacy and investor awareness8
Is care by grandparents or parents better for children's non-cognitive skills? Evidence on locus of control from China8
What makes you entrepreneurial? Using machine learning to investigate the determinants of entrepreneurship in China8
China's domestic production networks8
The non-linear effect of daily weather on economic performance: Evidence from China8
China's monetary policy surprises and corporate real investment8
Two sides of the same coin: The economic and environmental effects of China's international trade from a global value chain perspective8
Estimating local fiscal multipliers using political connections8
“Selective two-child” policy and household resource allocation8
Human capital in the financial sector and corporate debt maturity8
Early-life experience of land reform and entrepreneurship7
Deflating China's nominal GDP: 2004–20187
Children's marriage and parental subjective well-being: Evidence from China7
Misallocation and price distortions: A revenue decomposition of medical service providers in China7
Inequality of opportunity in China: Evidence from pseudo panel data7
The innovation of family firms in China: New evidence from the China employer-employee survey7
A closer look at Chinese housing market: Measuring intra-city submarket connectedness in Shanghai and Guangzhou7
Dynamics of Local Cadre Appointment in China7
Monetary policy transmission and policy coordination in China7
Oil supply news shock and Chinese economy7
The driving forces of China's business cycles: Evidence from an estimated DSGE model with housing and banking7
Are export tax rebates patronage for Chinese firms? An analysis of productivity7
How is Fintech reshaping the traditional financial markets? New evidence from InsurTech and insurance sectors in China7
Short-term loans and Firms' high-quality innovation: Evidence from the access to patent-backed loans in China7
The effectiveness and costs of nonpharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19 containment: A border discontinuous difference-in-difference approach7
Heterogeneous firm responses to increases in high-skilled workers: Evidence from China's college enrollment expansion7
Households' participation in energy transition and sustained use of clean energy: Evidence from China's clean heating program7
The impact of digital finance on women's bargaining power: Evidence from China7
Adapt by adopting cleaner vehicles? — Evidence from a low-emission zone policy in Nanchang, China7
Exporting firms’ factor and product-quality adjustments in response to employment protection legislation: Evidence from China7
Do social interactions foster household entrepreneurship? Evidence from online and offline data from China Family Panel Studies7
New “useless education theory”: Highly educated parents' expectations for their children's education—Evidence from the one-child policy7
Love, life, and “leftover ladies” in urban China: Staying modernly single in patriarchal traditions7
Extreme temperatures and out-of-pocket medical expenditure: Evidence from China7
Trade liberalization and child labor7
Greening of Chinese industrial sector: Stakeholders' responsiveness to non-governmental environmental monitoring6
CEO experience and corporate financing decisions: Evidence from a natural experiment in China6
Can central bank communication effectively guide the monetary policy expectation of the public?6
Role of professionalism in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Does a public health or medical background help?6
College education and internal migration in China6
Export expansion and intergenerational education mobility: Evidence from China6
Big data pricing in marketplace lending and price discrimination against repeat borrowers: Evidence from China6
Multi-province comparisons of digital financial inclusion performance in China: A group ranking method with preference analysis6
How China's accession to the WTO affects global welfare?6
The effects of state-led relocation on labor market participation: Evidence from China6
The path towards sustainable finance: Venture capital and air pollution in China6
The Belt, the Road, and the carbon emissions in China6
University education, homeownership and housing wealth6
Carbon pricing, carbon equity, and the RCEP framework6
Can systemic risk measures predict economic shocks? Evidence from China6
Bilateral tax agreement and FDI inflows: Evidence from Hong Kong investment in the Mainland China6
Railway and trade in modern China: Evidence from the 1930s6
Tax Incentives, On-the-job Training, and Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from China6
Who benefits from household energy transition? A cost-benefit analysis based on household survey data in China6
Labor price distortion and export product markups: Evidence from China labor market6
Ownership concentration and financial policy of China's listed firms6
The consequences of health shocks on households: Evidence from China5
Perceived relative income, fairness, and the role of government: Evidence from a randomized survey experiment in China5
Too old to plan? Age identity and financial planning among the older population of China5
Expansionary monetary policy and credit allocation: Evidence from China5
Intergenerational education transmission in China: The gender dimension5
Economic impacts of China's zero-COVID policies5
Long-term effects of early-life exposure to tropical cyclones5
Is the 2003 SARS epidemic over? Long-term effects of epidemic exposure on mortality among older adults5
Does export liberalization cause the agglomeration of pollution? Evidence from China5
The impacts of China's drug price zero-markup policy on medical expenditures and health outcomes5
One country, many industries: Heterogeneity of Chinese OFDI motivations at meso level5
Effects of cohort size on college premium: Evidence from China's higher education expansion5
Tax competition among local governments: Evidence from the spillovers of location-based tax incentives in China5
Local guarantees and SOE bond pricing in China5
The effect of gasoline prices on suburban housing values in China5
CEO narcissism and corporate performance in China5
Unintended consequences of tax incentives on firms' human capital composition: Evidence from China5
Reasons for college major-job mismatch and labor market outcomes: Evidence from China5
The effect of family size on parents' labor supply and occupational prestige: Evidence from Taiwan and Mainland China5
Resource curse on innovation: A perspective on local mining industry monopolies in resource-based cities in China5
How the COVID-19 pandemic affects job sentiments of rural teachers5
How does broadband internet affect firm-level labor misallocation: The role of information frictions5
Legal environment, contract intensity, and export quality5
Women's education and fertility in China5
The effects of China's higher education expansion on urban and rural intergenerational mobility5
Parental locus of control and early childhood development: Evidence on parent and grandparent caregivers in rural China5
Born to be different: The role of local political leaders in poverty reduction in China5
Corporate key labs: Breakthrough or white elephant?5
Effects of temperature on mental health: Evidence and mechanisms from China5
Are more children better than one? Evidence from a lab experiment of decision making4
Air pollution and procyclical mortality: Evidence from China4
Urban population distribution in China: Evidence from internet population4
Estimating the effect of the one-child policy on Chinese household savings - Evidence from an Oaxaca decomposition4
Earnings mobility during labor market reforms in urban China4